Mind Over Matter

Rukia sat comfortably at her usual corner table, deep in conversation with the Shiba family heir across from her.

Earlier that evening she'd been in the middle of tying up some loose ends over the phone concerning details surrounding the art festival. Her work was quickly pushed aside when a familiar face walked into her neighborhood Starbucks. She'd set down her agenda and phone, diving into catch-up convo with a woman whom she hadn't seen for some time.

"So, little Rukia," Kukaku began in her slightly bass voice. "How ya been?" She asked conversationally.

"Well. I've been fine, thank you." Rukia said. "There's plenty of work I have to do with the gallery keeping me busy and all, but it's good work."

The dark haired woman nodded. "Sorry if I interrupted you," she looked straight into Rukia's eyes. "It's just been awhile since any of us has seen you."

Rukia immediately felt a pang of guilt. The last time she went to see Kaien's family was about a year ago. And the last time she was there, she kind of lost her composure from being in his childhood home, and had decided it was better for her to refrain from visiting if she was too keep her sanity.

"I know, I'm sorry," Rukia began, "I should have called or done lunch…something-"

"Rukia." Kukaku cut in. The woman's gaze was intense as she looked into her violet eyes. "I don't blame you." She finally said with a loud sigh. "You do what you have to do to get through the next day. I don't hold it against you."

She leaned back in her chair. "Although, it's always good to see you again. Maybe it's my own selfishness, but I feel like whenever I see you, I get a renewed glimpse of my brother again. Something else to keep in my memories." Kukaku flashed a broad smile. "But don't be a stranger," she added with a tinge of annoyance. "You're always welcome in our home. 'Sides, Ganju's whiny ass is always telling me how we should convince you stay with us. Che, I knock him out and say that you wouldn't take too kindly to kidnapping."

Rukia grinned at that and agreed, recalling Ganju's many antics over the years. The two went back to various small talk for more than an hour, chatting with ease and familiarity. In the middle of one of their conversations, Rukia happened to glance out of a window they were seated nearby. Her eyes widened at who she saw sitting outside at the tables.

Ichigo and his family, who must have arrived a few minutes ago, were seated in the chairs, arguing and laughing with each other. There was a deck of cards set on one of the largest table, and it looked as though his dark haired sister, Karin, was winning, seeing as she snatched some cash out of Ichigo's wallet, much to his chagrin.

Ichigo looked simultaneously annoyed and amused. He tripped his father occasionally for something or another, while also managing to half-heartedly duck around hugs from his clearly doting sisters.

Rukia's attention had been diverted for a few seconds, but she continued to nod, and give an "uh huh" to what Kukaku said, slyly staring out the window. Sooner or later, Ichigo was going to look up.

And when he did, Rukia simply blinked. His face was still for a moment, before a knowing smirk appeared. She always found that trait of his annoying, but so very like Ichigo. His family's attention was focused on the game they were playing, so Ichigo stared right back at her uninterrupted.

He beckoned her with a hand to come outside with him. Rukia turned back to her table and blushed. He didn't just expect her to get up, when she was speaking to someone did he? Probably.

Rukia wasn't that rude though, and it would also be a bit awkward for her to do so with Kukaku in particular. Rukia looked back up only to find Kukaku staring at her strangely. She didn't even realize when she'd stopped speaking, her mind was clearly somewhere else. On someone else.

"Somethin' wrong?" she asked.

"No, um…no, everything's okay." Rukia replied, though her mouth nearly fell off her face when Ichigo started heading over to her table. She reached out to grab her coffee, so her hands wouldn't go to her head.

"Rukia." Kukaku said again.

She tried and failed to smile as Ichigo came over to their table, hands in his pockets looking aloof and handsome, and just…blast him with his timing. Kukaku glanced up to her left when she felt his presence. She frowned, pointedly looking him up and down.

"Can we help you?"

Senna skipped happily down the street early that evening, anxious to get to her destination. She was excited since she'd gotten tons of work done this week and the line was progressing really well. She also had another hot date with Hisagi.

Well, more like a cooking session, but it was still a date in her book and she was definitely looking forward to it. Hisagi told her that if she wanted, he could teach her a few dishes while he cooked, so she wouldn't be so "culinary challenged" as he'd put it. So today, she was taking him up on the offer. After a week of seeing each other only once she was anxious to get over to his house already and burn down his kitchen…and possibly grope him. Senna was even anxious to see that stuck up little pup that adored her now.

Grinning as she stopped at a crosswalk, Senna suddenly realized she was back on the same street as her old job. Her eyes went over to the tall skyscraper on the opposite corner where two thirds of it was owned by Halibel. She scrunched her nose up, hating those horrible times. "Oh well, the past is the past." Senna said to herself, getting rid of the infuriating woman's face, and plastering one of Hisagi in her mind.

When the light turned green, Senna power-walked across the street, almost at the stop where she'd pick up a cab to go home. It was just past this restaurant that she'd never been inside before, but knew was rumored to be insanely expensive. Like, only rich people can afford to buy a drink there, kind of expensive.

It took up a large portion of the block and Senna's stomach grumbled upon smelling the wonderful aromas escaping the place as food was set out in the outdoor tables. Must…get…to…Hisagi's…starving. She thought.

Senna quickened her step, eyeing the cab that had just turned the corner and pulled up to the curb, waiting for a passenger. She rubbed her hands together, eager for the next twenty minutes to pass before she could relax, and pig out as much as possible.

She was just about to walk past one of the restaurant's tables when a man set down the newspaper he was reading. He picked up his glass of wine and held it up as he called out to her.

"My, my, it has been far too long, my dear."

Senna's blood ran cold as her gaze turned to the right. She stopped in her tracks, body frozen when she recognized the face staring back at her. Her heart started to pound, her fists clenched tightly at her side.

It couldn't be. It couldn't.

"You know," the man continued, voice as sharp as a carving knife. "It always makes me happy to see you smile, Senna. I've come to miss it very much of the past few years."

Senna struggled immensely in that moment to keep herself together. She was only about feet away from him with a stupid little gate to separate them. She could run, but it would be pointless, he probably had people tailing her anyway.

Staring at his features, she remembered everything she hated about him. His face was handsome and perfectly cruel. He was a tall man, medium build, with shoulder length, bone white hair. His lips were turned in a slight smile, and her eyes went over to the scar on the left part of his face. It came across his eye, and even though it had faded much over time, she could still see it.

She'd given him that scar out of pure rage.

Senna's jaw clenched as she said his name coldly.


He smiled at her, a cold and calculating smile. "I'm touched that you remember me," he said with a tinge of mockery, holding out a spare glass of wine. "Why don't you have a drink with me?"

"I don't drink." She said in a clipped tone.

He chuckled a little and held out the glass. "One little sip won't hurt you." He replied, his white hair brushing against the silk of his tailored suit.

Senna debated the pros and cons of engaging him further. But the fact was, she could just turn around and leave with him here in Karakura. It was guaranteed that if she ignored him, he definitely would not leave her be. At least she could drive home her point of never returning to him again.

Ganryu motioned for a waiter who opened the gate to the restaurant's seating and ushered her forward. Senna moved cautiously to the table, slipping into the seat across from him. She felt dizzy from his proximity, but not because she was a blushing girl in love. She felt sick to her stomach, unable to look at his face for more than a few seconds.

Naturally, he reveled in the fact that she reacted this way to him. With a veiled smile, Ganryu picked up his glass again and swirled it, eyes never leaving hers.

"Now then, love. Tell me how have you been."

Rukia's anxiousness heightened when the atmosphere became charged after Kukaku's blunt question. Her former sister-in-law always knew how to cut to the chase. Ichigo scowled at her tone, but held his tongue for once, thankfully.

Rukia gave him a relieved smile. "Hey, Ichigo."

"Yo. Sorry to... interrupt," he replied, glancing at Kukaku.

"Not a problem." Rukia said, hoping he didn't let his mouth get away from him. Kukaku was known to beat down grown men without batting an eyelash, and Rukia really didn't want to have to explain all the blood splatter on the walls to the employees there.

"You know this hoodlum?" Kukaku suddenly asked with a raised eyebrow, jerking her thumb at Ichigo.

"Hoodlum? Who the hell-" Ichigo began, aggression inching into his voice.

"-Ah, yes, I do," Rukia interrupted. "He's…"

He's what, Rukia?

Your boyfriend? Waiter? Almost Lover?

It's not like she could just say any of those things to Kukaku yet. "He's a friend of mine." Neither Kukaku nor Ichigo moved in that second. She could almost feel the tension pouring off the Strawberry in waves.

"Oh." Kukaku finally replied, still eyeing Ichigo suspiciously. "You kids certainly get more funny looking these days," She quipped, examining Ichigo's hair. "Could still pass for a hoodlum."

Ichigo glared at her comment before turning to stalk back to the front door, frustration evident in his wringing hands. "We'll talk later," he called over his shoulder, the comment obviously directed at Rukia.

'We'll talk later' meant she would be explaining herself for sure.

Rukia sighed when the door shut loudly behind him. She shifted her gaze to Kukaku, who was suddenly be deeply in thought. Kukaku "hmmed" a few times before leaning back and crossing her arms under her ample breasts.

"What is it?" Rukia asked.

"Ah, nothing." The weapons-maker replied, waving a hand absently. "Now, how about some special effects for this little shindig you have coming up?"

Senna pushed the glass of vintage Bordeaux away from her, fighting the urge to down the glass. The waiter had brought her alcohol even though she'd refused. It would have been nice to take a drink and numb herself, but Senna couldn't do that. If she could just get through this, then she'd be home free and making out with Hisagi in no time. She just had to get rid of the man in front of her.

The very same man who had claimed to love her since she was a gullible teenager, when all he'd done was abuse and manipulate her beyond reason. She was sure he wasn't even human.

"Why are you here?" Senna demanded, crossing her arms.

Ganryu smiled and folded his hands together. "Alright then, let's talk about me." Senna rolled her eyes and growled. "I see you still have quite the temper, Senna. You haven't changed much, other than become more beautiful of course."

"Answer the question."

He shook his head lightly. "Tsk, tsk. So much malice, my dear." He flashed a dark smile. "It's not very becoming of you."

Senna clenched her fist, unable to control the bitterness in her voice. "Right, because I'm still supposed to be your sweet little obedient, girl." She sucked in a breath then and steadied her voice. "Well, I'm not. I left that behind, so if you think that you can come here and convince me otherwise, you're wrong."

Ganryu stared at her for a minute and Senna felt the full force of his penetrating gaze. He set the glass back down on the table, then slid it over so it stood halfway between them, beside her glass. "Hm, I do believe you are wrong. As you usually are, pet."

The sinking feeling in Senna's gut started to expand. God, she could throw up.

"One, while you were at times sweet, you were rarely ever obedient. Two, I'm well aware or your attentions when you so foolishly left, and even now. And three…I'm here on business, it was simply by chance that I came to find your whereabouts." He added calmly.

"Really, well, I guess there's no other reason for us to speak." She said tightly.

Ganryu tapped his fingers on the tabletop, a sign she'd come to realize when he was about to negotiate with her to do something she didn't want to.

"Senna," he began. "From the time I took you in, made you mine, did I not treat you well?"

It was a rhetorical question. She knew that he had materialistically. He'd given her more than enough of everything. She might even be dead if she'd never met him.

From the moment he saw her that day when she was fourteen and homeless, he'd taken her in and groomed her-but only to be what he wanted, which was a lover among other things. She was well read, well dressed, brought up in luxury. By the time she was sixteen, she was completely in love with him.

He taught her to appreciate the arts, as well as the arts of the bedroom. She hadn't thought anything was wrong or sick about any of it until she'd met Rukia.

Snapping out of her reverie, she looked him in the eye. "Doesn't matter anymore."

"And why is that?"

"Because I'm better without you. I'm the me I'm supposed to be. I'm not your pet," she hissed.

"You have always been mine, even now, though you pretend to be someone else, the mark remains. You still belong to me."

Infuriated, Senna pushed back from the table, feeling her eyes burn. "Enough with your bull! Always lies!" she yelled, uncaring of the scene that was unfolding. Senna gathered her things quickly, feeling sicker by the minute. "I'm leaving. Stay the hell away from me."

Ganryu merely smiled. "If you wish. But it is as I told you when you left, I won't force you to come back to me. If you wish to be alone, then I will let you." He took a card from his jacket. "This my personal line, few people have this." He slipped the card in her purse before reaching up to grip her chin.

He held Senna firmly and she knew that he was savoring the feel of her skin trembling beneath his hand. "Know this, my dear," He leaned down so his hair brushed against the top of her wine glass. "There is not a man in the world who will know you better than I. And none who can break you as sweetly as I can. For that, you belong to me forever."

And with that, he released her, smiling as she turned to bolt away from him as fast as she could.

As her vision became more blurred she tripped over herself, cars honking at her for running carelessly into the street.

Ganryu was wrong.

Hisagi was different. He was patient and kind, and always caring.

Yes, Hisagi wasn't the one pretending to be wholesome. He wasn't the one trying to be better than what he was.

It was her.

"He's…a friend of mine."

Ichigo fumed at Rukia's nonchalant reply. Really? Hadn't they gotten past that already? They certainly didn't act like just friends. And who was that woman, anyway? She obviously had a very low opinion of him, if all she saw him as was a hoodlum-and Ichigo was not a hoodlum. Ok, maybe when he was a teenager, but not now.

It seemed like Rukia also found it difficult to speak to her about him, that much was obvious, so he didn't push it, although he really wanted to kiss her senseless back in the café, and see if she'd be able to say the same thing again.

Ichigo groaned as he sat back in the cool evening half an hour later, on a bench across the street from the café.

Upon seeing his grumpy mood after exiting the café, his family decided to let him sulk in peace while they took a walk around the plaza. They only had to look around to see Rukia in there to know why he was so upset, and thankfully, they didn't bring her up. Though that hadn't stopped his father and Yuzu from sending him random texts about not giving up on her, and to invite her over to spend the night at their house so they could "make up."

Ichigo sighed, ignoring the buzzing of his phone, eyes gazing up to the darkening sky. He hoped Rukia had gotten his text message and would come over, but he never knew with her. He just never knew. Ichigo hands were set behind his head, and he felt his eyes close for what he thought was a short while, before feeling the softest brush of skin on his face.

At first he didn't open is eyes, liking the sensation on his skin, and the light scent accompanied with it that teased his nostrils. After nearly a minute, he creaked an eye open, to see Rukia's huge violet eyes inches away from his face, a small finger of hers was poking at him, but she froze when both his eyes opened.

Rukia blushed and took her hand back in, clearing her throat. Ichigo watched her for a second before asking with a scowl. "What are you doing, midget?"

She frowned and took a seat next to him on the bench, shrugging. She set her purse down, adjusting the sleeves of her cashmere black sweater. "Just preventing you from getting robbed," she replied crisply, looking at the sidewalk. "You shouldn't just go to sleep like that, Ichigo."

He continued to stare at her, before she dug into her large purse, and took out his scarf. Ichigo rolled his eyes as she threw it onto his face. "Here. Now you can't say that I'm keeping it hostage because I sleep with it every night." She sniffed.

"Don't you?" Ichigo quipped, easing into the usual banter. He picked up the scarf and tossed it back at her head, a large part of it hanging down the front of her face. He laughed shortly, turning on the bench to face her. Rukia shook the scarf off her head and glared at him, but then she smiled and swung a leg off the edge of the bench.

Ichigo reached a hand over and lifted her face to his. "So, you going to tell me what that was about in there?" He asked, mouth set in a line.

Rukia was silent before taking his hand and just holding it, looking away. "It's complicated, Ichigo." She sighed.

"Complicated, huh?" He responded, taking the scarf and wrapping it around her neck this time. Ichigo then stood up, tugging her hand with him to pull her up. Rukia grabbed her bag, and looked at him curiously. Ichigo tugged her forward, and they began to walk along the plaza in the after math of the sunset.

They were quiet for several minutes, and he decided it would be best to leave the subject for now, until she chose to explain it to him when she was ready. Ichigo intertwined their fingers together, as they walked on, and he thought about how to phrase his next question. He didn't want it to sound stupid and juvenile, but he did wanted to know more about her, so he may as well ask.



"What's your favorite color?"


Ichigo scowled, looking down at her when she didn't answer. A grin was threatening to slip past her lips. "What's so funny, midget?" He said, pulling her over to the small bridge that traversed a pond.

"You're asking what my favorite color is? I was expecting you to ask who I included in my will, with that kind of expression." She said with a haughty laugh.

He scowled again, feeling his cheeks warm. "Just answer the question." Ichigo stole another glance back at Rukia, who pursed her lips.

"Well, I'd say… purple. Yeah, definitely purple."

Ichigo smirked, knowing why she probably chose that color. "Very original, midget."

Rukia stuck her tongue out at him. "Shut up, you asked."

"Ok then, what's your favorite place?"

"Um…I guess home?"

"Aside from your house." he said rolling his eyes.

"Why didn't you say so?" She snapped. Rukia paused shortly, and the spoke again. "Well, I'd say…the fountain at the pier." Ichigo looked over at her in surprise. "My sister and I went there a lot when we first came to Karakura after she married Byakuya, my brother in law. We didn't know anything about the city. So everyday we went out to explore. She chuckled at her memories. Though we usually ended up lost, with Byakuya having to come get us. And… there are other memories I have now too…" she left the unspoken "with you" hang in the air. "So yep, I'd say there."

Ichigo nodded, secretly storing these things in his mind. "What do you hate to eat?" He asked next.

"Hate? Eating? Nothing." She said with a grin. "Food is heaven." Rukia said laughing, violet eyes shining.

Rukia nudged him with an elbow. "And you?"

Ichigo snorted. "I'm the one asking the questions here."

"What?!" Rukia yelled, they were walking slowly across the bridge now. Ichigo chuckled at her pouting, and tapping a foot on the concrete. "Hey, I answered your questions, you should answer mine!"


"Why not?"


"Because, why?"

"Because." He stopped, and turned to her. "I'm more interested in you." They'd halted in the middle of the bridge, everything was peaceful and quiet, only the two of them. "But since I know you're dying to ask-yes, I so sleep naked, it's just more comfortable." He said with smirk.

Rukia flushed, spinning around to turn stare at the pond. "I didn't need to know that, idiot." She mumbled. Ichigo laughed at her, and they went at their usual banter for a few minutes.

Rukia then hopped onto the edge of the bridge and sat there, Ichigo put his hands around her waist to make sure she didn't fall. The tan dress pants that she wore brushed against his chest, as they just looked at each other.

"Are you going to ask me something else?" She said, picking at the scarf.

Ichigo tightened his hold on her waist. "I have a long list."

She shrugged. "Go ahead."

Ichigo paused. "What are you… most afraid of?" He asked her quietly.

Rukia looked into his eyes, and set both her small hands on his shoulders, before dropping her head. She stayed quiet for a good five minutes, whispering.

"I don't know. I…I'm afraid of being alone I guess." Her hands clenched in his jacket, and he leaned in closer to her.

He lifted her head, and wiped a stray tear from her cheek. He kissed her face, and looked up into her eyes. Ichigo could tell that she'd loved someone before, and for whatever reason, that someone wasn't here with her anymore, and she was trying to move on with her life, difficult as that was.

His brown eyes were soft and understanding as he pulled her down off the bridge and into his arms. Rukia hands circled his back tightly, and he held her close, running his fingers gently through her hair.

"You're not going to be alone, Rukia." He pulled back and lifted her face. "I mean, I'm right here." He said before leaning down, to brush his lips against hers. Rukia pulled his face to her, holding his cheeks, and taking the kiss in deeper.

She moaned softly, allowing him to slip his tongue past her lips, and bring them closer. Ichigo couldn't have enough of their warmth in their kissing, and was reluctant to let her go at all, but they did need to breath, so he broke the kiss, Rukia's lips a sinful pink, that him want to kiss them all day.

Rukia looked up at him, before kissing him again, and then pulling back. She smiled lightly, and embraced him once more, Ichigo content to stay that way for as long as they could.

And as always, some people just have to interrupt.

"Hey! You two love-people over there!" A familiar voice called out from the end of the bridge.

He knew that voice.

Ichigo turned around, Rukia's head lifted from his chest, and he scowled at seeing Karin smirking at them, camera in hand.

Camera…wait. That better not be his camera! When the hell did she even get that?!

"Good, now stay like that." She said holding up a hand.

"Karin…" He began.

"Smile. That means scowl for you, Ichigo." She said before snapping the shot. A flash burst out, and Rukia blinked her eyes a few times.

"Damn it, Karin, quit it!" Ichigo yelled.

"Hey, it's not my fault." She said easily, holding up her hands. "They wouldn't stop bugging me until I did it." She said, jerking a thumb over to large tree some five feet behind her, where his father and Yuzu were poking their heads out around the trunk of the tree, watching everything.

Ichigo's temper flared, and Rukia started giggling from next to him, which made him even more embarrassed.

"Give me the-my-camera, Karin."

"Oh, this is your camera?" She said sarcastically. "Didn't know that." She then turned around to sprint over to the tree, and tossed the camera in the air (Ichigo cringed…you know how much that cost?) to Dad, who caught it with dramatic effect and such, and three of them took off across the plaza, Yuzu waving to them both.

"We're going out to eat, please join us." She called before turning around, and following the other Kurosakis

Ichigo was fuming and he wiped a hand across his face. "Gonna…kill…them all…even Yuzu…" he grumbled.

Rukia chuckled from beside him, and jabbed him in the ribs, as she began to walk towards the direction his family left. "Don't complain so much." she said. "Your family's sweet."

Ichigo looked at her like she was crazy. "No. They. Are. Not." He growled, holding his side.

Rukia winked, and took off as well. "Don't be such party-pooper, Ichigo." She yelled back to him, and started running at full speed to catch up, as he just stood there dumbly.

"Oi, Rukia! Not to you too." Ichigo groaned, and started to run off as well. "Damn it midget, this isn't a freaking race, slow down."

"No way, I'm hungry." She replied, Ichigo still chasing after her as she chased after his family. How's that for a romantic evening?

Great. Just great.

Kensei burst out of the screen door of the house he and his wife, Mashiro, shared, tightly holding a wooden bat in his hand. He growled fiercely, completely pissed off at all the racket coming from a house across the street.

"Kenseiii." Mashiro's voice called form the living room. He tuned her out frowned, glaring at all the people who were obviously having a damn parade in the brightly lit up house across the way.

"It's nine fucking o' clock, I'm not gonna put up with this crap for the rest of the night." said to himself. Damn cops don't do shit. He thought, while stalking across to the house, and mowing up the steps, past the drunks outside, and right into the house.

He was ready to find the loser who put this together, and bust his head open. As he looked around at all the people smoking, drunk, and crazy, his eyes settled on two figures in the dining room, riling up the party goers. The guy was telling people where to get more alcohol, and for someone to turn the music up. He looked like a sewer rat in Kensei's opinion, and he was about to walk up to the dude, and show him good his right swing was, but his gaze caught the woman next to him.

People cheered her on as she downed a shot of some hard liquor, and handed one to the guy who owned the place, receiving a sloppy kiss in return.

Somehow he knew this woman, but also didn't know her.

Hisagi's words a couple of days ago took over his train of thought.

She has these amazing eyes, they're almost golden. And her hair's dark, looks violet, kind of.

Kensei examined the woman, piecing together her features and Hisagi's description of her. He still wasn't sure…until the people around started cheering her for her to chug more alcohol.

"Senna, Senna." they hooted.

He held the bat so tightly in his hands, that the wood started to crack in splinters. "You've got to be shitting me." He said aloud.

Things were about to get ugly.

Renji looked down at Tatsuki sheepishly, as they stood on top of the hill in a park that fair evening, with a soccer ball in his hand, that he turned around in his hands nervously.

Damn I'm stupid. This is a stupid idea. You suck at this Renji, you know that? You suck.

Tatsuki looked up at him, a grin on her face, as she lifted a hand and tilted his forehead back with a finger, laughing at his expression.

"Stop thinking so much, jeez." She took the soccer ball, and bounced it from knee to knee, much like an experienced player would.

Renji rubbed his head, and smiled weakly. "I should of taken us somewhere better for the first date, you know. I mean a restaurant, you know, or somewhere else."

Tatsuki halted, and walked in front of him, close enough that he could smile the soft scent of the shampoo in her hair. She tilted her head, and looked at him seriously.

That was something he immediately liked about her, it was her ability to see him truly face to face, and speak to him frankly about what she saw and felt, but in a kind way.

The moon highlighted her dark irises, and Renji felt his breathing stick in his throat, but tried to be manly about his unforeseen feelings.

"Renji." She said softly, touching his cheek. Wow, her hand was soft. "You don't have to impress me for any reason." She continued. "You already do that with fighting off the legions of people wanting your autograph everyday." she grinned. "So relax, I'm not complaining am I?"

He shook his head, and rubbed it again. Maybe he was making this too complicated. And complicated definitely was not good for his sensitive brain.

"Besides," she turned around, slipping her hand from his face, and bounced the soccer ball on her head, then moving it down to her feet. "I love playing soccer at night." She turned back to him and hit the ball over with her knee. Renji caught it, and tossed it in the air.

"Really now?" He said grinning, as he hiked the ball really high-with his head of course. The ball ended up far in the air, and when it began to fall, the wind steered it over, so the ball would land way down the hill. Tatsuki laughed, and began to run down hill, going it.

"Better hurry up Renji, don't want a girl to show you up, now do you?" She called closer to the ball.

Renji snapped out of his daze of watching her, and smirked, yanking off his sweater, and dashing down the hill to chase her. "We'll see about that." He said, leaping a bit, and tackling her in the grass right before she got to the ball.

Tatsuki yelped, and tumbled with Renji some feet away in the grass, rolling a few times, before stopping.

Renji laughed, but then promptly blushed, at seeing how Tatsuki was underneath him, eyes wide. He lifted his body, and stuttered.

"S-sorry. I…uh… I didn't think." He said lamely. Cursing himself.

Stupid, Renji. I told you already, you suck.

Tatsuki was silent for minute, and he thought she was going to scream or something, but instead she set her hands around his neck, and started laughing.

Her head tilted back, and she continued to laugh, even as he blushed at the sound of her laugh and the warmth she exuded so naturally. He settled back down, but not too close to her body.

Tatsuki chuckled, and peeked up at his face. "You call that a tackle?" She said finally, smirking up at him.

Renji's jaw fell a little, and then he set his large hands on either side of her head, smirking himself, as he leaned down to her.

"I was just going easy on you," he replied, touching his nose to hers. The white bandana on his head covered the beads of sweat gathering on his skin.

Tatsuki grinned again, "Oh yeah?" she said before using her knees to push up on his stomach, and did a mini karate chop on one of his arms, making his stance falter. She then sat up, and pushed him over on his back, in the same position he'd been in a minute ago, pinning his arms to the grass.

"I guess we just have to see who wins, oh mighty soccer hero." She said with smirk. Renji was flushed, but amused at the same time. He chuckled, and sat up a little, their lips dangerously close. They were still like that for a minute until Tatsuki sighed.

"Christ, Renji, are you going to kiss me already?" She asked, poking his chest.

Renji grinned, and then brought their lips together before she could say anything else. A hand came up and held her face still, as he kissed her softly, but still with a firmness. He enjoyed the lightly sweet taste of her lips, and how she kissed him back, one hand on his chest, fisting his t-shirt.

After a short time of that, he pulled back some to let her breathe, and found that she was really blushing, and shrugged. "Not bad, Abarai."

He laughed, and sat up further. "Glad I have your approval." He said with a idiot's grin on his face.

Tatsuki rolled her eyes, and suddenly stood up, dusting her pants off, and clearing her throat. She glanced at him, then back over to where the soccer ball had been abandoned.

"Well…yeah….I'm still gonna kick your ass in soccer." she said, turning back to him with a smile before dashing off to the ball.

"Oi! Renji" said, jumping up from the glass. "Stop cheating, we go at the same time."

"Hey, this is real soccer, not that girly stuff you play." She called back to him.

Renji grinned again, and chased after her to settle their game of rivalry in the lovely night.

Guess you don't suck that bad after all, Abarai.

Hisagi was two levels beyond being pissed.

He could barely think straight as he sped down the street and pulled his car to a screeching halt in front of Kensei's house. He immediately glanced to his left, at the lit up house where Senna was apparently at.

He turned off the ignition, and tried to calm himself.

Two hours.

He'd driven around looking for Senna for two hours, nearly out of his mind when she didn't show up at his house like she said she would. He didn't have the contacts for her friends, and Ichigo's phone was off, so he head no way to get in touch with Rukia.

And then he'd gotten a call from Kensei telling him what was going on…he just couldn't believe it.

Hisagi stepped out of his car and promptly stalked across the street, ignoring the calls from behind him.

His hand were clenched as he made his way onto the sidewalk of this house that was hosting a wild party, and walked right past the people making fools out of themselves on the steps in the front lawn. He angrily barged into the house and no one thought anything of it, they were all too wasted or high to care.

People were dancing, drinking, smoking, and practically having sex, everywhere. It made him more furious to think that Senna would ever come here. Why would she come to a place like this?

Hisagi pushed through crowds of drunk people and made his way to the living room. His eye squinted at the level of the music, making him more frustrated by the minute.

First, he would get Senna the hell out of here, her interrogation would come later, but before that, he would pound the living daylights out of the punk who had been on her until he couldn't speak, see, or touch, Senna ever again in his life.

He soon got his wish, and stopped dead in his tracks upon seeing Senna, out in the center of the floor, dancing wildly, the hands of some man on her, as she turned around with a mike in her hand, singing along to the words of a song, a glass of alcohol in her free hand which she downed, then tossed on the couch.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Senna? His Senna?

Hair let down and tousled, eyes glazed over and empty, the dress she wore high above her knees, the heels she wore didn't help her keep her balance.

He took a few steps to her, ready to throw her over his back, and take her away from here, to figure this out. No one noticed as he approached closer to her, while she stumbled around, out of it.

Senna then turned around, and looked up at him. He stood still among all the motion in the room, and he saw her eyes, her lovely eyes recognize what she was doing briefly, before it flickered away, and she continued to dance, twirling around.

Her face turned away, and she continued to lip synch as if she didn't care that he was standing right there.

Hisagi's fists clenched. She'd seen him, but she chose to keep doing what she was doing without acknowledging him once.

It stunned him, and made him more furious as he stood there, watching her lose herself before his eyes.

Senna then turned back around, taking a few steps towards him, prancing around, and he stood there stiffly, watching her dance in front of him. He smell all of the alcohol on her, and his heart felt like it was ripping.

She looked up at him, and laughed, mouthing these words to him that went along with the song playing.

"You're delusional, you're delusional

Boy you're losing your mind."

Why are you wasting your time?"

Senna walked backwards over to the guy on the couch who stood up, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Hisagi took a few more steps to her, the anger boiling up inside him. But all that didn't compare to when she tilted her head up to the (dead) man with his hands all over her and kissed him.

She kissed him.

In front of his face. The (dead) man took it as an invitation and proceeded to kiss her from her chin to her neck.

Hisagi's vision blurred the moment the guys tongue left his mouth and touched her skin.

Fuck his oath, he was going to kill the bastard.

Clenching his hands together, Hisagi moved forward, pulling Senna from the other man's grip. She glared and struggled to get away from him, clearly wasted out of her mind. Hisagi managed to maneuver her out of the way and behind him so he'd have a clear shot without accidently hurting her.

The rat who was all over her, turned to him and grinned stupidly.

"Ya gots a problem fella?" He said. "the lady if staying righ' here-"

He didn't say another word after Hisagi's fist collided hard with his jaw, throwing him onto the couch. Hisagi went over and picked the guy up by the collar and punched him again as hard as he dared, the blood from the guys face coating his fist. He could feeling the savagery in him come to the surface at the thought of how the man had been touching Senna.

He wanted to destroy him…but one of them needed to have their sanity intact, so he settled for punching the bastard again in the face, making sure his nose was in the line of fire. He stood up, wiping his hand on the man's shirt, and left the scumbag there. He turned to Senna, who looked on the edge of tears, but she shied away from him when he approached her.

The people in the party had since stopped to watch them, although the music was still playing.

"Leave me alone." Senna said, drunkenly.

Hisagi grabbed her arm. "I'm taking you home. Now."

With that, he pulled them both out past the ogling crowds, and out of the front door. Senna fought him the entire time, but his hold was too strong for her to get out of it. He pushed his way through the people in front, ignoring their protests.

Once they were outside and past the lawn, the party rolled on. He pulled Senna onto the sidewalk and down into the street, but she stopped and refused to go anymore.

"Let me go, Shuuhei." She said venomously.

Hisagi halted and turned to her, releasing her arm, she pulled it back to herself, and backed away. Senna stumbled and nearly fell in the street, but she stood back up, sniffling, and turned back to the house, wobbling the whole way.

He stood there in the empty street, staring after her as she chose to walk away from him, and go back to that.

What did he do now? She didn't want to come back, and she'd done that deliberately to hurt him back there.

So why should he still be here trying to convince her to come back, to him?

Hisagi turned around, breathing hard. He could walk away right now and not look back. He could leave and go about his life. He looked up at Kensei and Mashiro who were standing by the door of there house. Kensei's eyes were focused on him, he'd accept whatever Hisagi chose to do, that he knew.

And what would he chose?

He took one painful step away from Senna. But found that was as much as he could do. It was like a knife turning his gut when he tried to turn away from her.

Hisagi turned back to her again, feeling his heart breaking into pieces, as Seena took a bottle from one of the party goers, and was drinking it on the sidewalk.

His fists clenched again, and his eyes lowered in sadness. She'd really hurt him…but he couldn't turn his back on her. Especially when she needed him. And he knew that she did, she was crying out for him to stay and help her, he could read it clearly in her body language, and the sadness behind her eyes when she though she'd erased it from his view.

Taking one step, and then another, he made his way back over to Senna, who was laughing emptily and taking another swig from the clear bottle, Hisagi stopped behind her, but she ignored him, holding the bottle up again.

He snatched it from her before it could touch her lips, and she glared at him.

"'Ive it bac." She said, walking unsteadily towards him. He held it up, and she stopped in front on him, reaching for it, but she was too drink to do so. Senna met his eyes, cursing him.

"I hate you." She said.

Hisagi lifted his free hand to touch her cheek. "I care about you, Senna." He lowered his forehead so it was touching hers. "Even after tonight…I still care for you."

He then turned the bottle upside down, and poured out all of the alcohol onto the street, she watched it all spill on the gravel of the street, and cursed him even more.

A single tear fell down her face. "I'm going back." She said, about to turn around. Hisagi brought the empty bottle down harshly, cracking it onto the street to get her attention. Senna jumped back, and he grabbed her arm.

"You're not going back, Senna. God help me, but you're not." She struggled, but he took her other arm.

"That's enough, Senna." He shook her a bit. "It's enough."

She then stopped fighting him, and stood still for a long minute, she began to truly cry…from her heart.

Hisagi brought her to his chest, and hugged her tightly as she sobbed into him, her legs starting to give out.

He picked her up, even as he heard sirens in the distance, likely the police heading over to this very house. Holding her securely in his arms, he crossed the street and went over to Kensei's house.

She continued to cry and he soothed her with his voice.

He looked to Kensei. "I'm going to take her to my place." he said.

His mentor scowled, and looked at him closely. "Do you know what you're doing, kid?"

He looked down at Senna gently. "Not really…but she needs me."

The other man through up his hands, in went inside the house. Mashiro smiled at him, and patted Senna's forehead. "You have to watch her while she sleeps."

"I know." He said softly.

Mashiro glided over, and pecked him on the cheek. "It'll be okay. She said in her usual cheery voice, that was a bit more quiet than usual. She stood by the gate and watched him turned to his car. "We'll check in tomorrow."

Hisagi nodded and went over to his corvette to take Senna to his home.

Ichigo wasn't sure if he should be happy that Rukia got along so well with his crazy excuse for a family, or mortified that-well, that she got along so well with his crazy excuse for a family.

It was a daunting choice.

He surveyed their behavior as the five of them sat at a table in the burger joint, devouring all the food in front of them. His father was showcasing his extensive weirdness by making faces for Yuzu and Rukia (who strangely thought he was extremely funny) by sticking french fries in his nose, and making stupid noises.

Karin was at the end of the table, slowing eating an onion ring, half smiling, half smirking at Ichigo, as she kept the camera on her lap. Ichigo made a "you're going to be beheaded" hand gesture, and she just smirked even more.

"Picture perfect, don't you think, Ichigo?" she said over the noise. He scowled, and threw a buffalo wing (chicken) bone at her, which landed on her jacket. She picked it off with two fingers in disgust.

"Ugh, your spits on that, gross." She said before dumping it on a napkin, and hurrying off to the bathroom to sanitize her hands.

Ichigo smirked, and sat back, watching his dad and Yuzu ask Rukia too many unnecessary questions:

"Please, would you be my third daughter?" (Dad.)

"Would you ever consider marrying my hopeless brother?" (Yuzu)

"You think Ichigo's attractive right? I mean that mop of hair's too unruly, but aside from that, he's not so bad, right?" (Yuzu again)

"Will you please stay in our home?! We'll redo Ichigo's old room, and you can stay whenever you want. You can stuff Ichigo in the closet… actually, forget Ichigo. The room's yours." (Dad)

And so on.

Unfortunately, Rukia actually answered them (with the exception of the marriage question). Seriously, he needed to teach her the ways to deal with these people without giving in to them so easily.

Rukia sat next to him, talking excitedly with his family, while forming the curly fries in her basket into some odd shape. He sat up, and stared at it, but she covered it up with her hands. "Stop peeking, its not ready yet."

"Whatever, midget." He scoffed, daring her to say anything about calling her that in front of his family.

"Ichigo! You're so mean." Yuzu said. "How can you treat such a nice woman like Rukia that way, and call her names?" She shook a plastic fork at him. "And she's even going out with you, you should be grateful!"

"Wha- "

"Absolutely right, my daughter." His father picked up Yuzu's hand, and shook his head. "Please forgive my clueless son, dearest third daughter." He said to Rukia, who was snickered at Ichigo who glared back." He's got no manners, sense, or ability to be tender with a woman's heart." He started crying, he and Yuzu holding both hands together. "Its out shortcoming, we should have taught him better, but-"


"Shut up, old man!" Ichigo growled, having thrown a pepper shaker at the geezer's head. It hit him with a clack, and he fell over and out of his chair. Yuzu gasped, and bent down to help him.

"Daddy…Daddy, wake up." she said from the floor.

Ichigo sighed, and ran a hand through his hair. "Please say you'll still go out with me, after this." He said to Rukia in a low voice.

Rukia grinned at him, and he leaned into her, wrapping a hand around her waist. "I guess so." She said slowly. Ichigo growled, and nudged her jaw with his nose.

"We still have to finish my list of questions." He said quietly.

"You can ask me now if you want."

'I'd rather not, with so many people eavesdropping." he said pointedly, to the two faces peeking out from the top of the table, before quickly lowering themselves back down. Karin came back shortly after, and went to sit in her seat, but was pulled down-likely by his father's hand-to their trench on the other side of the table.

Ichigo didn't even bother to look around at all the other people in the place, employees and customers, who were looking at them with laughs and whispers. He was used to that shit since, oh, um, childhood. Nothing new.

After a minute of unconsciously staring at Rukia, he raised an eyebrow when she clapped her hands and turned to him. He wiped a few crumbs from her lips, and she grinned widely, pointing to her work of art in her fries basket. Ichigo sat up, and looked into the red basket for a second, tilting his head to figure out what the hell he was looking at.

"Well, what do you think?" Rukia asked eagerly. "Is it good or what?"

Ichigo looked up at her, and suddenly started laughing. Rukia's face turned into a scowl as he continued to laugh, holding his stomach after seeing the hideous things that was her masterpiece.

"What the hell, Strawberry!" she yelled. "You'd better not be laughing at him."

Ichigo slapped a hand on his leg. "W-hat…do you…call that…" he said, pointing at the basket. "That's…a bunch of fries bent in circles"…he cracked up again.

Rukia stood up, and fumed. "Stop laughing at Chappy!" She yelled.

Ichigo threw his head back, and kept laughing. "That's C-Chappy? Yeah right it is." He said, regaining his composure.

Rukia picked the basket up, and shoved it in his face. "This is a masterpiece, it looks just like Chappy."

"No it doesn't." he said, feeling like he was about to start laughing again. Basically it was just some onion rings, and curly fries put for the body, and some regular fries for the ears, that's it.

"Fool! What do you know?!" she said punching him in the abdomen. Ichigo quickly stopped laughing, and started swearing, at the pain the midget inflicted.

"Hmph. This is Chappy, I'm going to take a picture of him too." She said matter of factly.

"Damn it, how do you hit so hard?" He said squinting, trying to sit back up.

Rukia stuck her tongue out at him. "That's what you get for bad mouthing Chappy."

Ichigo sneered. "Guess I don't have to ask who your idol is."

Rukia got in his face, their noses touching. "Yes, he is. Got a problem with that?" She said in a chilly voice.

Ichigo leaned in further as well, and tilted his head, like he was going to kiss her. Rukia's breath hitched

"Yeah I do, especially, if you like someone more than me, midget," he said, "because no matter what you say, I'm still your boyfriend. Not gonna change." He added, and sneakily reached over to her basket, snagging a curly fry, that was Chappy's arm.

Rukia's eyes went from wanting to kiss him to murder, as he ate the fry smugly. "Mm, good." Ichigo said, taking another fry.

"No!" Rukia said trying to grab it out of his hand. Ichigo chuckled, and tried to bring it to his mouth, but Rukia sat on his lap, and reached out to his arm to take it back.

"You ate Chappy's arm, you loser." He chuckled, in amusement, as Rukia struggled to take the fry back. "Don't just do whatever you want!"

Both were wrapped up in their absurd argument, content with how good it felt to be able to relax with the other and forget about everything else. Ichigo hadn't laughed like this in a while, and he knew it was thanks to her.

Certain people noticed the difference in Ichigo's demeanor as well, and they didn't believe it was just the result of having fun, or being amused. They called it something else. Ichigo's family had been long overlooked as they conspired among themselves from their side of the table, unnoticed by the bickering couple.

The main conspirators, Isshin and Yuzu, had some ideas in mind to bring their new favorite person and Ichigo closer together.

Because after all, family does whatever it takes to ensure the happiness of their own.