((The first couple chapters are very short, so bear with me.))

AOL Instant Messenger Log 6/02
FrozenSilence21 signed on at 09:04:17 PM.
FrozenSilence21: Hey Ace, what's goin on?
TrumpCardAce: Not too much, hacking some vids online. Rigged it to my parents' projector. Pretty freakin' sweet.
FrozenSilence21: 'Nother party?
TrumpCardAce: Yup. Sorry for long silences, love these vids.
FrozenSilence21: No prob. Gov vids of your future lover again?
TrumpCardAce: Lol, of course!
FrozenSilence21: You never did tell me which guy it is. Can you at least give me a hint?
TrumpCardAce: Like?
FrozenSilence21: Um… Good guy or bad guy?
TrumpCardAce: Good…
TrumpCardAce: LOOKING!
FrozenSilence21: Uhg, you piss me off, you know that?
TrumpCardAce: Why, yes, I did. And I take great pleasure in that fact.
FrozenSilence21: You suck, slutbag. .** Enjoying watching your loverboy?
TrumpCardAce: Lol, maybe.
FrozenSilence21: Are they the same vids as you showed me before?
FrozenSilence21: … That good, eh?
FrozenSilence21: Ace, seriously, you never take THIS long to respond. What's goin' on? Parents catch you?
FrozenSilence21: Whatever, I gtg. Bye.
FrozenSilence21 signed off at 10:59:32 PM.
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