Author's Note: Heey guys, I hope you will all like it, I got inspired by the other writers, so thanks! I don't own Prince of Tennis.

Old Treasures - Chapter 1, Onee-san?

Airport Tokyo

"Hé? So this is Tokyo nowadays? I'm back."

Seishun Gakuen Tennis Courts

There was a whole crowd around one court. Ryoma and Eiji were playing a game.
"Ne? Ne? Ochibi! I'm not losing, ya know, nya!"

"Hn, try harder than!"

"Mou!! Ochibi!"

Everyone was laughing and cheering for the 2 regulars. All regulars were making comments to each other and the coach was watching with the captain. Then someone walked up the courts, but nobody seem to notice…

"Hare Hare? What's this noise?" A stranger with long black-purple hair till her waist with dark almost black eyes but still shiny eyes was walking to the tennis courts. The girl had a beautiful body, with the curves at the good sides, she was obviously 16 or something. She had a cute face shaped like a heart, big, friendly and dazzling eyes, perfect lips and a cute little nose. She was wearing a pair of jeans with a sleeveless black-and-white top and a purple with black striped tie. She was also wearing a black hat. She went to the court where all the noise was coming from. She looked at the players and smiled brightly..

" Ryo-san.." She giggled and smiled satisfied and here eyes became friendly. Her pretty fingers squeezed the strings of the tennis court walls. Nobody noticed the stranger girl.

15 minutes later the game was ended, 6 games – 4 games for Ryoma. A Ryoma victory! The fan girls all screamed and some were drooling away. The match was over and everyone were getting to home. Only the regulars were still on the court. Tezuka was holding a speech and everyone said " Hai, buchou!" When everyone was going to pack their bags Fuji said: "Ano Tezuka?"

Tezuka turned to Fuji and said: " Nani Fuji? "

"Who is that?" Fuji asked while pointing to the beautiful girl who was talking to the coach. Tezuka looked at the direction and didn't know either.

Mean a while… " Konnichiwaa-desuyo Sumire-sama " The tennis coach turned around and broke in a surprised and happy smile. " Tomoyo-chan..Tomoyo-chan! How have you been doing?" The girl apparently named Tomoyo said: "Good, I finally accomplished what I want and been doing that, but I was just missing something –desu"

"Hm.. Ryoma right?" Ryuzaki-sensei asked.

"Hai-desu, I guess I want to make up something, I have been gone for 7 years.. He grew up, ne? I am glad he made it through –des" was the answer.

Back to the regulars… Ryoma turned to the direction too and his eyes spread out big. Surprised he could only said softly.. : " Onee-san….."