Sacrifices for Good Reasons

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Gakuen Alice. My writing skills aren't as good as Higuchi Tachibana.

This is my new story! I have added a new part to this chapter, and I'll be updating chapter 2 either tomorrow or Monday.

Leave a review. You can tell me what you think about it, and if you have any ideas, please send them to me, so that I can try to include them in the plot line I've already written.

Chapter 1

Mikan's POV:

"I'M LATE!!!!!"

I screamed. I was pretty sure that everyone in the whole freaking school could hear it.

Yup! I was late again. Why is it that I can never wake up at the time when my alarm clock rings?

I only had 15 minutes to get to class, and I was still on my loose white top and shorts.

I quickly ran to the restroom, turning the shower on and getting a quick 5 minute shower. By the time I had brushed my teeth, and had my uniform on, I only had 4 minutes left to get to the classroom.

I skipped breakfast, and ran out of the room, not forgetting to lock my door.

I kept running, half of my mind thinking about what had happened what had happened before I had come to the academy. No one knows what happened. It's better if they don't. They won't be in danger.

After I had finally entered the academy, everyone had hated me. I hadn't even done anything to them! Everyday they kept bullying me, always hurting me, always saying bad things about me, and getting me into trouble with the teachers. Therefore giving me the rank of a no-star.

It seems so surreal now. Everything had changed. No longer was I the stupid no-star. I had a star rank of a two-star, and almost everyone in the class was my friends.

Of course, there were some things that didn't change…

I was turning the corner of the hallway for my classroom, when I bumped once again with Natsume. I instinctively yelled as I fell to the floor. This has happen everyday for a year.

"Watch where you're going polka dots." I heard Natsume say as I stood up. My cheeks colored at the sound of today's nickname.

"NATSUME, YOU PERVERT!!" I screeched.

"You were the one that showed me, polka dots." he smirked and walked away. I ran past him, and opened the door of class 2B.

"Ohayo minna-san" I greeted everyone, receiving a few replies.

I ran towards Hotaru, trying to get a hug from her, like I did every morning. And once again I was shot down by the infamous Baka Gun.

"Hotaru! You meanie!"

"I don't want you're idiotic germs on me." she said monotonously. I just stuck my tongue out towards her and began walking to my seat.

Since I started attending this academy, it's always the same. A routine was established. I would wake up late, I would hurry up and get dressed, I would bump with Natsume, he would call me by the print of my underwear, I would yell pervert, and then I would enter the classroom, get shot by Hotaru's Baka Gun after I tried to hug her, and finally greeting people as I walked towards my seat. Wow! That was a long sentence.

To be serious, I was tired of doing the same routine everyday, but I had to keep the façade on.

If I didn't, everything I've been trying to save would be lost…

I was close to my seat, when the door opened once again and girls began screaming their heads off. That could only mean one thing. The schools heart-throbs were here. I looked at the door, giving Ruka-pyon a smile and Natsume a glare.

"Ohayo Ruka-pyon! Ohayo Natsume!" I greeted.

"Ohayo Sakura." replied a blushing Ruka. I wonder why he keeps blushing…?

"Hn." you all know who that is.

I decided to ignore Natsume, and immediately sat on my desk. I don't know why, but I have a feeling something is going to happen today…

"Good morning my little darlings!" I have no clue when Narumi-sensei entered the room. As soon as everyone heard his voice, everyone went back to their sits. I guess they are really afraid of his alice. I didn't have to worry, since his alice didn't work on me because of my nullification. I was safe from Narumi-sensei's wrath.

I was about to turn away from my teacher, when brown hair caught my attention. Right next to Narumi, there was a little girl with short blondish-brown hair and lonely navy blue eyes.

I could feel my eyes widened as I recognized the said girl.


Normal POV:

Soon the class noticed the little visitor next to their homeroom teacher. She was around Youichi's age, and her face had no trace of emotion, but if you look closer, you could see the loneliness and sadness in her eyes.

"As you can see, we have a little visitor in our classroom. I found her while walking here. Little one, mind introducing yourself?" Narumi-sensei asked the little girl. Everyone's attention was diverted towards the front. No one noticed, though, the shaking brunette in the back.


Nothing was heard from the little girl, leaving the classroom sweat dropping.

She acted like another Youichi… meaning there was another Natsume in town.

The little girl began looking around the classroom. Her dull navy-blue eyes sweeping through everyone's faces.

"Are you trying to find someone?" Narumi asked the little girl. She just nodded her head slightly. Everyone waited for her to stop looking at everyone, until they noticed her eyes stopped in a specific person.

The whole class was now staring at the wide eyed, shaking brunette with curiosity. How could Mikan know this little girl? Were they related?

Mikan and the little girl kept staring at each other for ages, until the brunette abruptly left her seat, running towards the little girl. The little girl also ran towards Mikan, throwing herself at her as soon as she was in a reasonable distance to jump.

"Nina…" was all that left Mikan's lips as soon as they collided. Everyone was staring, wide eyed, at the crying girl entrapped in Mikan's hug with surprise.

Who could this girl be?

And why was Mikan so shocked at the sight of her?