You know the song Halo by Beyonce? I got this little idea from the song. At first I wanted Allen to sing but I decided well, we've never read a story that has Kanda singing do we? Just the thought of him singing makes me laugh. I tried to make it work though, and it was a little challenging. And dude, I didn't really know what I was typing the whole time, ideas come and go. But after listening to Halo a million times I decided what the hell? I'll give it a shot. As you probably know from reading "The Circle" I love to curse and make my characters curse a lot. It's fun. Just being honest there. So here you go, my fellow hommies.

I do not own D. Gray Man.

Every year the Black Order would have an entertainment show called the "Black Order Night". Each year some people would enter for free, doing any talent or skills of which they have, like singing, dancing, acting etc. This year a certain stoic person decided that he wanted to perform a song for everyone. Wait, since when did Kanda cared about performing to everyone? Not everyone actually, the samurai just wants to perform to and for Allen only but just to make it better, he's going to have a crowd watching him.

Tomorrow night would be the moment where Kanda gets to share his song in front of the world. For the past week and a half he has been practicing a lot. Every night when no one would be awake he would sing in his room, and sometimes he would sneak out of his room at night or whenever no one is around during the day he would go play the piano in the auditorium. He would practice until it was just right. Just like whenever he's training, he would train until he got all his attacks and moves perfect. He was a man that didn't want mistakes. Tomorrow night, he was going to show Allen his love and devotion through song. Hoping, wishing that the boy would soon understand who he's talking about.


"So how many people entered in the show so far Lenalee?" Komui asked as he sipped his hot coffee. The Chinese girl checked the list that she was holding, taking a pen marking things down. "Well we got 13 people."

"Wow, more than last year." He sipped the coffee again. "Are you in it this year?" he asked with a smile.

"Yeah, but this time I was forced to. Lavi wants me to be part of his act." She sighed. All of a sudden the scientist started spazzing out. "WHAT!? HE WILL NOT TOUCH MY LENALEE!!" He knocked his all papers even more and the coffee ended up spilling everywhere.

"Nii-san!! Lavi won't do anything like that to me, I promise!" She begged her brother to calm down. As hell broken loose, again.

"Fine, but if he does anything! I swea-"

"I know! Okay?" Then she looked at the ground and the desk, staring at the even messier room, "Nii-san, you should really be careful with your coffee, spilling it everywhere good lord." Finally calm of the storm, she thought.

"Oh I can't help it, I barely move out of this spot." He grinned sheepishly.

She sweat drop "O-of course." Laughing nervously.

For some reasons everyone takes this whole Black Order Night show too seriously. Honestly it's not like they're going to win anything. It's just for a fun event and there has never been a "you're a winner or loser thing". Another simple show with some simple entertainment, either horrible or great talents. So after the show, there's a party. Which is full of drinking, partying, dancing, games, nothing too wild really, unless if Cross brings strippers than that's a whole different story. Anyone who plans on entering this "contest" needs to have guts, because once somebody gets on that stage, people will start to criticize them because every god damn year people tend to do something good but they suck. It might as well end up as a boring yet hilarious show just like any other year or it could a fantastic one for once. As long as they don't screw it up, then they will be just fine, seems rational enough?

"Hey guys!" Allen called out, walking into the office feeling all jittery.

"Oh, Allen I was just about to go and ask you if you're in the Black Order Show?" Komui picking up the papers.

Lenalee checked the list and nodded, "Ah he is, he's playing the piano."

"I see, what songs you are playing? You're singing in any one of them?" Komui smiling continuing to do his paper work. (Wow he's working?)

"Nope, I'm playing some of my favorite classical songs, like "Moonlight Sonata", "Minute Waltz" and "Piano Concerto 21 in C-major Andante". He said while counting his fingers.

"How wonderful! I can't wait to hear you. Remember last year when Reever and Link were singing a duet? They were so horrible. Everyone in the crowd was laughing so hard." He stated bluntly.

"Of course, they were singing a sappy love song, god they were so off key." Lenalee mused. Allen remembered that day; he cried so much, it was just too hilarious. Just thinking about it every time cracks him up.

*Flashback to last year show*

Lenalee stood on the stage holding a microphone in her hand looking to the crowd waiting for the next talent to start. She was holding a white index card in her hand which has the names and what they're doing. "Alright, how was that everyone? Give them another round of applause." Her voice boomed into the room. The crowd clapped their hands but their faces were solemn.

"Alrighty, so the 7th talent portion is Reever and Link from the Black Order Headquarters, who is doing a duet and they are singing "Loving You." She jogs off to behind the curtains smiling wondering this time if they'll be good. The crowd applauded and waited for the two gentlemen to arrive. Soon as they both came out, looking really nervous not to mention. Someone in the crowd screamed out "Yeah!, Go Link and Reever! Ow!!"

They laughed nervously, "Thank you." Reever spoke into the mic. He looked over to Link who was fidgeting.

They had separate microphones to sing with, so they won't have to fight over one. Komui sat in the front row giving them a thumb up. When the music started to play, it was peaceful and calm. But when they started to sing, it sounded like someone was dying in prison.

(Link) Lovin' you is easy cause you're beautiful

Makin' love with you is all i wanna do

Lovin' you is more than just a dream come true

And everything that i do is out of lovin' you

La la la la la la la... do do do do do.. AHHHHHHH!!!!!

He screamed into the microphone and everyone watching tried so hard to keep a straight face. Tons of people were coughing. Link thought why people were coughing so much, were they sick?

(Reever) No one else can make me feel

The colors that you bring

Stay with me while we grow old

He looked at Link, like he was madly in love with him or something. Link looks at him with disgust, mouthing to him "Don't touch me weirdo."

(Reever) And we will live each day in springtime

Cause lovin' you has made my life so beautiful

And every day my life is filled with lovin' you.

It was so bad, his voice sounded like a witch choking on her broom and cat. Some people started to crack up; Lenalee behind the curtains couldn't help but laugh a little, trying not to let the other guys to hear.

(Link) Lovin' you i see your soul come shinin' through

And every time that we oooooh

I'm more in love with you

La la la la la la la... do do do do do.. AHHHHHH!!!

He screamed again. This time Komui's glasses cracked.

Once the music finished, a roar of laughter took over instead of clapping. The room was shaking and the ground was rumbling so loudly from the footsteps stomping on it. Allen was laughing so hard while holding onto Lavi. Next to him, Lavi's face was so red; he kept on laughing and hitting the arm rest with his fist. Kanda just looked so annoyed by the whole thing but cough several times to hide his laugh.

Link looked at Reever and said, "I thought you said I had a beautiful voice?" Reever sweat drop. "I lied."

*Flashback End*

Good times Allen thought.

He tapped Lenalee's shoulder. "Lenalee are you in th-?" The girl slammed her hand on Allen's mouth shut. Grabbing him by the wrist and running out of the room. They went away as far as possible then she let him go. Because whenever the mention of any guys name or just guy plus Lenalee in one sentence equals fatality. Allen was just running along looking at her with a puzzled look.

"What was that for?"

"Well, Nii-san asked me if I was in it, then I said yeah Lavi wanted me to be a part of his act and then you know the rest…" "So it's best not to remind him."

"Sane old, same old…" Allen sweat drop "He'll never change, will he?"

Lenalee laughed, "Sadly. Oh! It's time for lunch, we should get going."

"You don't have to tell me twice." Allen started running to the cafeteria. Lenalee shook her head amused.


In the cafeteria Allen walk to a table where Kanda and Lavi are sitting, bringing tons of food with him. He started eating like a machine or at least a monster, Lavi can never seem get passed his eating habits he still finds it amazing. If there was an eating contest who would eat all the food or eat the most Allen would win, no doubt.

"Don't choke old man." Kanda slurped his soba.

Allen shot him a glare, "Shut up Bakanda, and stop slurping so damn loud, everyone can hear you."

"Oy…when will you guys stop fighting?" Lavi sighing.

"Whenever Kanda gets that pole out of his ass." The white hair boy smirked.

The samurai didn't say anything, he just finished his soba and left. Lavi watched him leave and got confused because every time they quarrel, it would go on nonstop, why the sudden change? He left, but he didn't sense the man being angry or annoyed whatsoever. That creep him out.

"Wow, Yuu-chan never leaves until he threatens to kill you. Now I thought of it, he didn't even threaten you at all! What the hell?"

"Now that you mention it, all day he's been very quiet, too quiet don't you think?" Allen said still stuffing his face.

Lenalee saw Kanda walking out of the cafeteria looking….she dare say it, sad? She didn't want to ask him what's wrong; she thought it would be best to let him be. Knowing that it's not smart to ask him in front of people, she didn't want to cause a scene. She proceeded walking over to Lavi and Allen who's sitting and talking, mostly Lavi though. Lavi saw the girl and gave a little wave.

"Hey hey hey there's my partner!" The bookman grinned.

Allen eyed over to him, "For the show tomorrow, right?"

"Correct moyashi!" Lavi ruffled his hair.

"Lavi, why did you have to pick me anyway? I mean I'm not sure if I can I do this." Lenalee looking unsure, she saw the redhead had that look of No-Fear-The-Great-Lavi-Is-Here.

"Don't worry about it, we've been practicing for weeks now, we can't quit, that would be just a waste, don't you agree Allen?" He peered over to the boy.

"What are you guys doing anyway?" He asked eating his dangos. Lenalee hesitated, but Lavi told him.

"We're dancing!" He set his foot on the chair and put his hand into a fist, raised it in the air as joy sparked in his emerald eye.

"Wow Lavi, I never knew you could dance?" The British boy actually looking impressed.

"Well I'm a man of many talents." He chuckled, as he a gave a wink. Allen and Lenalee both sweat drop. Both thinking the same thought, "He never changes either."

Speaking of which, there's also someone who never changes, Kanda that's who. Allen thought annoyingly. "Boy that bastard can never change, he's always so fucking mean to me, what the hell I ever do to him? When he gets mad, his face would get all…all…all….hot. WAIT! No! Focus Allen, focus! Sure he's a mean, insensitive, no emotions, hot…sexy…probably has a huge pen-- No!! Whoa!! I went too far there. Damn it! He's not even my type but why I am so attracted to him!? I guess opposites does attract... Ah fuck me. Ugh, what can I do? It's not I can freaking tell him "Hey Kanda I really like you, lets go out, or better yet let's just have sex because every night I've been having these wet dreams about you!" Oy… if only I had the courage. Why him? Out of all the people! God hates me…"

Allen didn't know how or when it started. All of a sudden his heart decided to say "Hey I love Kanda and I would do anything for him." The boy thought this over so many times. He was really terrified of what his friends are going to say, especially Kanda. He knew the man hated his guts. But sometimes, on rare occasions he would be nice yet in a harsh way. Possibly tough love. And it was refreshing to see him like that to the British boy. Allen always finds the older man fascinating, he always have surprises up his sleeve. Kanda is like a new species and Allen is always trying to study him, trying to find what other things he has in store, but the man always tells him to go away or just be really anti social. It the bug the hell out of Allen.

"Allen?" Lavi waved his hand in front of his friend. "Hellooo? Earth to British!" Lavi shook his friend until he snapped out of it. "Oh sorry, just thinking." Allen hid his face when he felt his cheeks heating up.

"Well, as I was saying, you wanna go practice for tomorrow's big night?" Lavi pointed his thumb to the door.

Allen looked at him and answered simply, "Yeah!"

"Allen is something bothering you?" The Chinese girl asked, worrying about her friend.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." He laughed nervously with his hand on the back of his head.

Lavi knew something was wrong, but he just shrugged it off.

As they were walking out and going to practice, Lavi was talking about what kind of dance moves and styles that him and Lenalee are doing. Lavi was explaining that they're both doing jazz, modern dance and tap. He told all these funny stories that he used to do tap dancing a lot, where he would kick both shoes off into the teacher's face and into his private. Lavi even told about all the accidents that Lenalee had to deal with during training session with him. She still have those small bruises from modern dancing, and still a little mad at him because her body is all sore. Lenalee didn't really want to go to practice because her legs feel like they're about to fall off. Her arms hurt so bad that she wants to chop it off. Allen had it easier; playing on the piano has no pain. Unless you keep on playing for hours then the fingers start to cramp up. But overall Allen is good to go…or not.


The three walked up to a giant door that looks more of a tall building, it was metal, and some parts of the door were rusty but still sturdy. Steadily they went into a big auditorium room, which was slightly bigger than the cafeteria; the room was pretty dark but they could still barely see. The inside was a round spacey room, with navy blue cushion empty seats on the right side, just like the ones that you see at the theaters. Facing in the front is a stage which is shaped rectangular; it was pretty huge enough, with small wooden stairs on each side of it. Waterfalls of red curtains fell down to the smooth light brown wooden floor. Bright lights came shining down, burning through the wood. And there in the corner was a lonely pure black grand piano on the left side of the stage. Overall the room seemed pretty old with the basics accessories but it looked brand new.

Allen eyed all over the room "Wow, has this room gotten bigger? I notice they redone it a little."

"Yup, it's the best." Lavi said.

Lenalee froze in place because something caught her attention. Lavi and Allen notice that she stopped all of a sudden. "Lenalee what's wrong?" Allen asked. She quickly shushed him.

Lenalee just stepped back and use her hand to make a "get over here" motion. They looked at her raising an eyebrow. They followed her along anyway, "Hurry up, someone's there." She whispered. Then they all ran behind the huge metal door where they came in. They were looking around to look for that someone but the guys didn't see anyone because the room was dark and the only light there was is the stage lights.

"I don't see anyone." Lavi squinting his eye.

"My god, that's Kanda." Lenalee pointed out. The hidden shadow finally revealed itself.

"What!?" Lavi and Allen yelled in shock. "Keep it down!" She hissed quietly.

They all saw the Japanese man walking towards the piano. They all gawked at him.

"Is he about to do what I think he's about to do?" The redhead still staring.

"Yeah." The other two said still gaping. "Oh my god..." Allen whispered blankly.

"I know..." Lavi green eye widen.

Kanda gently sat on the chair, lifted up the piano cover which made a small thud but loud enough for the others to hear. He cracked his knuckles and stretched his fingers to begin.

(Playing the song Halo piano version) Once he started playing, it was just plain beautiful already. It was so good that it could captivate anyone in a second. His fingers worked over the keys greatly, as the black and white keys answered to him with such melodies. It feels as if the piano is begging him to play it, to control it, wanting him to be the master. Playing it with such passion, he didn't need to read the notes to remember, it was all in the tip of his fingers and in his heart. He felt as if he was doing magic, everything just comes out and doesn't know what the outcome will be. Poof!

The beautiful sound of the piano has always capture him, he's been playing it for many years now, just that he never told anyone about his little talent. But tomorrow he wanted to show off his skills all because of someone that he is hopelessly in love with. In a flash he started to feel overwhelmed about something. With this feeling rising in his chest, it hurts. So much that he could stop playing. He felt his heart aching once again and he knew this feeling to well.

Kanda closed his eyes as if he was in a trance of the music while playing. His fingers hitting every single key, all fast and slow, the music just flowed out so smoothly, not missing any note whatsoever. He forced himself to play a little longer, but the pain in his chest is stopping him.

He reopened his eyes, slightly tilted his head down giving a sad smile. His half-leaded eyes hinted of sadness and happiness something his friends have never seen in him before. They all kept on watching the man playing with amazement. Sure they've seen people play before, but this is Kanda we're talking about here. Also there's something about Kanda when he plays, they could feel all his emotions pouring into the song. It was not about pure joy; it was more like sadness, agony and hope. Like he was waiting for something so long. They've never seen the man eyes looking so happy, sad and hopeful at the same time. It was certainly a beautiful thing.

As the song was so close ending, Kanda clutched his hands tightly, putted his elbows on the keyboard, making a mix sound of notes. His hands supporting his head as he shut his eyes, small tears started falling on his face, then splashing onto the white and black keys.

Not knowing what's going inside of his head, Allen, Lavi and Lenalee looked at him with sympathy. Lenalee used her hands to cover her mouth, "Oh my god…That was just so beautiful." She was on the verge of crying herself. Lavi had never seen this side of Yuu, it was just heart wrenching. They were standing there speechless, not knowing what do or say really. They would go help and comfort the samurai but it wouldn't be such a bright idea, especially when he's in this state. They all agreed to leave him alone. No matter how much it killed them.

This situation made Allen realized that Kanda can show emotions, which he is truly human and he can open up his heart. Why does he have to be such a hard-ass all the time in front of people? But now just seeing Kanda like this makes him look so lonely, like he needs someone, someone who he can really trust, like he needs some sort of companion. Allen thought sadly to himself, "Maybe I can….no. I can't, not to me. Not me. Damn I'm jumping to conclusions, but I'm not sure if I can tell him the truth." The boy was still having a hard decision that if he should try to tell Kanda how he feels towards his comrade for a long time now. He couldn't really face the fact that he really likes, no loves Kanda. Just seeing the older man crying right in front of his eyes really killed him so much, he could feel his own tears coming out but he held them back. Allen had the urged to go up behind up and give him an embrace, but truthfully the samurai would try to push him off, just blocking him away with his wall.

Sure Kanda acts like a bastard towards him but still deep down, he knows that Kanda does care about him, but thinking about it now, Allen thinks he's the one being immature instead of Kanda. He kept on looking at the man, his tears all dried at his body language, clearly shows that he was tired, irritable and lost. Allen was dying to help the poor guy but it would backfire. Even the smallest things shows and he never saw it coming.

All Kanda could think about during playing this song is Allen, even this morning he couldn't look away, he was all he thought about, then playing the song made him feel so….

He was starting to doubt himself that he couldn't do this song tomorrow because he might just cry in front of everyone, then they'll laugh at him….Allen will laugh at him. No he won't do that, he's a sweet, loving, person. He knows that Allen doesn't have the heart to laugh at someone when they're crying. He wiped his dried salty tears, getting up without noticing the three figures hiding behind the door who just spied on his great playing. The figures hurriedly shut the door quietly, walking away letting out a "whew". Hopefully they weren't seen, or they would get sliced by Mugen, big time.

"Wow, that was just, incredible, haha." Lavi leaning against a wall ruffled his hair a little.

"It was." Lenalee agreed. "No wonder…" She trailed off.

Lavi glanced at her, "No wonder what?"

"No wonder he looked a little out of place today, didn't he looked a little sad to you today?" Lenalee questioned.

"When he was playing that song looked like someone destroyed his Mugen." Lavi joked.

Lenalee rolled her eyes. "I'm serious, when he walking out the cafeteria he looked really down. Something is bothering him obviously."

Just as Lavi was about to make a remark, they heard footsteps coming towards them and knew it was Kanda. They all tried to act natural as possible as if they didn't see him playing the piano and crying before. Allen turned his head away, Lavi stood there humming as looking at his nails, and Lenalee leaned against the wall with her hands holding together behind her back.

Kanda eyed them all, he sense something was strange, as they're hiding something. But he didn't bother to know. "Tch." He noticed that Allen was hiding his face, making it obvious that they're hiding something from him. The Japanese was about to stop and ask but he kept on walking pretending not to take interest in them. Everyone all got uncomfortable by the loud silence, it seemed as if time has slowed down and Kanda looked like he was walking at a very slow pace. Allen really couldn't look at the man's face; he would be read to easily. So he tried to keep down low as possible. Lenalee bit her lip while tapping her foot. Lavi just smiled at the gloomy samurai. Finally when Kanda was far away from them, out of their sight. They all sighed in relief.

"Holy fuck that was a close one." Lavi murmured.

Allen gave a sad smile, "I was thinking of what you said earlier Lenalee. He could have been feeling very depressed while he played the song. Maybe something caught his attention today or something happen on this day, like in the past and maybe it affect him during the song or something? I'm not sure."

"It could be, but we're just guessing around here. I think that he might be in..he might....never mind." Lenalee didn't want to jump to conclusions and make everyone all worked up.

"He, what?" Lavi asked looking across the hall, making sure Kanda is not there.

Lenalee voice grew with hesitant. "Well it was just a thought but he umm could be in love?" Allen and Lavi looked up at her, both of them wasn't sure how to respond to it. Is he?

"Yuu in love? That's highly impossible Lena. But I don't think our friend's heart is that big enough to do such thing." Lavi said flatly.

"Well you may never know right?" Lenalee said shrugging. "Besides Kanda is only human."

It grew quiet again, but this time it wasn't uncomfortable, no tension just silence.

"Didn't you say that we would go and practice Lavi?" Allen asked with a sweet smile. Trying to avoid all this depressing issue.

Lavi grew happy, "You're damn right."

Lenalee sighed sadly, "Someone please chop my legs off, and they're numb enough as it is."

"No way, you and I are gonna practice till you explode!" Lavi yelled with excitement.

Allen started laughing then they turned to him, "What's so funny?" The bookman asked.

"You said, y-you're going to practice with Lenalee till she explodes!!" He laughed even harder.

Lavi sighed and rolled his eyes, Lenalee cheeks turned pink, "Allen! You pervert!"

"Lenalee, Allen is a boy and 15, of course he's perverted." He grinned as if he's proud of the younger boy.

"Also Allen, you're going to practice until your fingers fall off, you got it?"

Allen stopped laughing and stared at him sharply, "What? Why? I'm only playing…yeah I guess so." He gave in. "Damn I should have picked shorter songs." He muttered.

"Come on people let's hustle! Let's go and do some practice." Lavi said dragging the two to the auditorium.

"Some? More like a lot." Lenalee commented. "Move it people! Get your lazy asses in there!" Lavi pointed to the door, acting like a teacher or better yet a sergeant.

"Lenalee stop complaining about how sore your arms and legs are ok? I'll get you an ice pack later. And Allen you gotta practice until you're better than Yuu. You both got it?" He clapped his hands.

Once the door closed Lenalee and Allen knew this was going to be hell. They practice for five hours straight. Lenalee swore that her legs were about to fall off because she did so many jumps, splits and kicks. She even lost count on how many times that Lavi dropped her on the ground whenever he tries to pick her up. And Allen was forced to play on the piano for five mother fucking hours. His fingers cramped up so badly that he was about to cry. Lenalee wanted to cry but she bears it. The bookman was torturing them to no ends. He was the ring master and the other two was the lions that were being whipped if they even stop for a split second. The poor two exorcists would get yelled at if they messed up, even just a bit.

They were somewhat lucky that Lavi gave them a ten minute break. He was a horrible monster; no he's the devil, which explains the red hair. You could hear his evil laugh echoing through out the Black Order, who knew that he could be so damn evil; man he did not go easy on them. At the end Lavi did feel a little guilty for what he did to them, sure Lenalee had bruises and she can't feel her arms and legs and the British boy couldn't even move his hands, and his ass hurt from the seat.

Lavi had to go way too far by hitting Allen's fingers with a wooden stick, always slapping his back to make him sit up straight. As for Lenalee, Lavi made her do her routines over and over until the girl had to pass out. All of her muscles were about to rip apart. Even Allen tried to stop Lavi from killing the girl. But it was no use.

When they were finally done with practice (hallelujah!) Allen was mad as hell and he wanted to beat the shit out of Lavi so much. But Lenalee held him back, telling him not to smother Lavi yet, though she promised Allen that when she gets done healing then they would both rip Lavi apart together. But that's just between them. Oh yes, they would get their revenge, and the bookman will never know. Man Lavi was being a mean ass bastard today, they never seen him like that like before, that was just crazy. And for the first time, they never seen the man so driven and motivated, because half of the time he would complained, lose focus and maybe even take a nap because he's so damn lazy. Overall thank the heavens that they're done, because if this practice thing kept on going, they would be dead before tomorrow's show. They were totally wiped out.

Lavi went to somewhere else just whistling away after dropping off the other two to the nurse.

"Lavi I hate you!!" Allen screamed, he felt his vein throbbing in his head.

"God, when did he become such a bastard? "No Allen, do this, no do that! No Lenalee, that's not how you jump, kick higher!" Mimicking the man while waving his hands making tiny gestures.

Lenalee groaned in pain, "I don't think I can dance tomorrow Allen, he should do a solo instead." Sitting on the bed while the nurse brought her an ice pack.

Allen shook his head, "I am so going to kick his bookman's ass." He said washing his hands with hot water, rinsing all the pain away in the sink.

The Chinese girl gave a tired smile; she was sweating to death from the dancing. She never dance so much in her life. This has to be the most tiring month for her ever. "I just want tomorrow's show to be over already." She sighed.

"But you two were amazing, putting aside all the yelling and torture from Lavi." The white hair boy got done drying his hands then sitting down on a bed across from Lenalee.

"Thanks, but at least you had it better than me. You just use your fingers and sit. And you don't have to sweat."

"Hmm now that I think about, yeah that's true." Allen agreed.

"It's not fair. I wish I could play an instrument or something, instead of dancing." Lenalee switching the icepack to her other leg. "God that feels nice." Feeling the coldness spreading on her thigh.

"You think Kanda is in the show?" Allen asked out of the blue.

"Could be, he wouldn't play the piano for nothing. I've never seen him play until today. But if I'm wrong, he could have been playing just to let his emotions out."

"True, still he was amazing."

"Yeah he was." Lenalee was thinking about asking Kanda to sign up because she saw him playing the piano but she decided not to say anything until he might come up to her.

"He's very umm how should I say this? Surprising." The girl chuckled at her own comment.

Allen looked at her, his eyes widen. She feels the same way? "I know, it's pretty cool. I don't know why he's so anti social towards us, mostly me. It sucks."

"I wish I knew. If I did I would tell you." Lenalee patted his head.

Allen sighed. Why do these things have to happen to him?

"Well you should go to your room so you can get tons and tons of rest for tomorrow." Allen got up from the bed and leaving the room.

"Alright, but Allen please don't tell my brother about this, okay?" Lenalee pointing at her legs.

"I won't tell." Allen walked away with a tired smile.


At night Kanda couldn't sleep, he was anticipating for tomorrow night. He was feeling excited but a little nervous at the same time. He tossed and turned for minutes until he stopped and stared into the darkness. And all it can do is stare right back at him. The only thing that is close to light is the moon shining through the window and the lotus hourglass next to his bed. He slowly closed his eyes and let his mind wander around, hoping for him to sleep. And the first thing that popped into his mind is Allen. What a surprise…

Allen, sweet Allen. Why in the fuck it has to be you? Out of all the people. Why did I fell for you? I want to hate you, but I can't and I don't. It pisses me off, so damn you. I wish I never met you, never like you, never love you. You make me sick and I guess that's why I love you. God, this boy is giving me a hard time. There has not been one day that I never thought about you. But before you came into my life…before…

He remembered when he first met the little moyashi. His first impression was cute. He never tried to talk to him, just ignoring him in every way. The samurai didn't use to like him really nor did he care. But the little midget wouldn't leave him alone no matter how many times he threatened him. Probably from all the missions that he went with him, whenever Allen talks to him, eating with him, hell even hanging out with him with the others when he doesn't want to, he can't help but to push him away. All of a sudden he started to warm up to him little by little. He never thought this would actually hit him. It started off as taking a liking towards him, soon to liking him more, then to a crush and it finally reached a level of falling in love.

He didn't know why he's in love with moyashi; they have nothing in common besides being exorcists and both being cursed. So far and so good, it has been 14 months and 6 days that he started liking that boy. Great…he sounded like a girl keeping up with the days. Boy, wait till Lavi hears about this, he's going to throw a freaking parade about Kanda falling in love with someone, no no, not just anybody that somebody is Allen, oh yeah. The bookman is going to have a roll on this topic.

Kanda didn't remember how long he had these walls, these things that blocks people away from him. Until Allen comes along in his so fucking perfect life. Just coming out of nowhere breaking down his barriers. Kanda felt like as he got hit by a ray of sun whenever he see's the boy. He never been more awaken in his life, as how can a boy like Allen make him feel this way?

Tch. It just has to be you, huh? Besides he's not even his type, well he never really had a certain type but he doesn't like people that nice and so damn caring, it's vile to him but Allen is the only person that works for him. A man like him never loved anyone before. Sure in the past he did some flinging but never fell in love with any of those people. He only used them to fulfill his satisfaction. Raging hormones can still be very frustrating. In the past on some days he would meet some people that would just want to have sex with him without knowing his name or their name. He's been with both man and woman, he doesn't want anybody at all, and he only and always wants Allen.

His thoughts driveled away. Letting his mind go blank, eyelids felt heavier. As fell into a deep slumber.


In the early morning, the sun warmed his pale skin, burning through his eyelids urging to wake Kanda up. Dark blue eyes began to flutter, his body shifting a little on the cold sheets. He suddenly felt very comfortable, got a feeling of the bed hugging him like a baby. "Hmm" The raven haired man stretched his arms out, letting out a big crack. For once in the history of time, Yuu Kanda was not in a foul mood this morning. He was feeling surprisingly good. But that doesn't mean he's going to be all smiley and happy go lucky. So starting the day with a cold shower, doing some training and maybe shower again (to rinse off the sweat), then do a little piano/singing practice if necessary but he's going to make sure that he's not gonna get caught. He cut his training time shorter than usual so he can have time to practice since everyone isn't awake yet. Still early though. When done with his shower, he quickly got dressed and headed towards the auditorium. Before he went in he looked around if anyone is coming. "All clear" he slowly yet steady opened the door and he thanked the lord that the door hinge didn't squeak.

During his practice he found himself distracted by noises outside. It was none other than the infamous Lavi. He was already yelling and screaming already in the morning. Kanda's eye twitched. Like what the hell? He swear to god that Lavi is one of his pet peeves. Remember the saying of Yuu Kanda was not in a foul mood this morning? Well now he is. "Baka Usagi." His eye twitched again. Next time he needs to tell Komui to make all the walls and doors in this building soundproof. So much for practice.


"Ok, so we're going to buy outfits today. So let's go now or the place will get crowed, also today everything is 40% off." Lavi was all excited.

Allen could have sworn he saw a star in his eye. Lenalee was so happy that they get to go shopping, and today will be the last day that she'll ever dance again. Yes! So the three musketeers headed off to a journey of shopping.

"We should get some hair ties and bows for Yuu-chan!" Lavi joked.

"I don't think he would like that so much…" Lenalee clearly was disturbed. Just the thought of having the samurai wearing a big pink bow in his hair is just plain weird.

They walked down to a street of many shops and stores. They walk pass by this one clothing shop. Through the glass window they saw all sorts of clothing from dresses, tuxedos to costumes and wigs. It was perfect. They headed in looking around the place. Everything in the room is bright and full of colors.

The owner came up to them, he flashed a grin. "WELCOME! To my Jolly Jimmy Shop! I've never you seen you kids before, would like some help?"

He flashed a grin; his French accent was pretty strong. The man had curly strawberry blonde

hair, tied in a big ponytail. He wore dark thick sunglasses; he was tall, at least around 6'0 or so. He was slightly scrawny though which make him look a little awkward looking because of his height. The man looked like he was middle age and strangely was wearing all white clothes, from head to toe making him stand out in the flashy room.

"Yes, Jimmy, both my friends need some dancing clothes and well I'm not sure what I need." Allen said looking at his name tag.

Jimmy nodded at him. "Oh I see…would you mind telling me what the dance outfits are for?

"Oh you see we're doing a show tonight and we need some outfits for the occasion." Allen playing with his fingers.

"What kind of dancing?" Jimmy interested.

"Uhh…Jazz, Tap and Modern." Allen remembered. "Splendid!" The Frenchman jumped a little.

"May I ask what are you doing young man?" Jimmy smiled.

"Nothing special really, just playing the piano."

"Oh I'm glad that you came here! This is the perrrfect place to get some entertainment clothes. Now now, I want all three of you to get in a line please."

Allen, Lavi and Lenalee stood apart wondering what this man is going to do. The man went behind the counter and pulled out a measuring tape. "Let's begin shall we?" He walked over gracefully to them.

He started with Allen, He leaned down closely to the boy's face and seemed like he was examining him behind those glasses.

"Good good, you look like a person that would play a piano, yes? Your hair is so white, body thin yet muscular, face that looks like a baby.(Giving a pat on the cheek) Let me measure you, now stand still." He measured Allen all over the place like a madman. Lavi giggled at the sight. Allen's face turned white, he felt like he got raped but with tapes.

"Aha! I know what you need!" He turned away and went to men clothing section. Rambling, rustling noises were heard as they can hear the man speaking French while looking for some clothes. Most of the time people would pick out a bunch of clothes to try on but Jimmy only picked out some clothes to make a whole outfit. He came back to Allen, and brought his arms out and said "Here you go." As he dropped the clothes on Allen.

"T-thank you."

"Now the dressing rooms are in that hallway, he pointed.

About 10 minute's later Allen came out wearing a blood red dress shirt with no tie but a black silk ribbon around the collar. He wore a black dress pants that seemed really tight, which showed off his tight ass. As for shoes he wore high knee pure leather boots with at least six silver buckles on them, then to finish it off is a pair of leather gloves. He looked amazingly sexy.

"So…how do I look?" Allen said in a shy tone. Not sure what to think about his outfit.

"Oh my god, you look g-great!" Lavi stared at him in shock.

"You look amazing Allen!" Lenalee squealed.

"Really? Thanks." Allen chuckled.

Jimmy was clapping his hands, "Perfecto! You look absolutely sexymundo! You will catch everyone's eyes and will be in everyone's fantasy!" He sighed dreamily.

Lavi couldn't help but laugh at his strong French accent, especially the part where he said "sexymundo."

Allen chuckled nervously, his cheeks turning pink. "W-well not everyone, I just want one person to notice me." Oh shit he did not just say that out loud.

Lavi and Lenalee turned into stone just as they heard that. Just seconds later, 1..2..3 "AHHH!! Oh my God!!" They screamed with excitement.

The white hair boy started freaking out. "W-wait I was j-j-just joking!" Allen tried to stop them.

"Oh Allen, you don't have to lie to us!" Lenalee couldn't contain her smile. "So who do you like!?" She kept on jumping up and down while clapping her hands like a little girl.

"Ooo is little Allen been hiding this from us? Is he getting any action?" Lavi nudge him, striking a perverted look.

"Whoa, I did not say that I like someone, alright? And no I'm not!" Allen backed away.

"As much I would love to break this hallmark moment, I still have to get you two outfits." Jimmy swinging his measuring tape impatiently.

"Oh right! Sorry." Lavi said. He stood by Lenalee and waited anxiously. As Jimmy approached them, they saw an evil glint behind those black sunglasses. He took his measuring tape both in his hands and looked at them and smiled.

"Umm are you going to measure both of us…at the same time?" Lavi gulped.

Jimmy gave a low evil laugh. "Smart penny, eh?" Allen couldn't watch it, that guy took measuring to the next level! Lavi and Lenalee were screaming for help as the Frenchman was laughing away "Stay still!" Jimmy taking out another tape. The two exorcists were trapped and covered with measuring tapes, they felt it around and under everywhere. Not a pleasent feeling.

He quickly threw his measuring tapes away and walked to the women and men clothing sections. Lavi and Lenalee were shaking from the horror, who knew measuring the body for clothes could be so damn scary?

"I've never f-feel so violated in my entire life." Lavi said shaking, holding his arms.

"T-tell me about i-it, at least you're a guy. You've got nothing." The Chinese girl clutching onto Lavi's shirt.

Jimmy came back with some thin clothes and shoes. He threw it at them,

"Okay here you go. Just don't go changing together." Jimmy lean in and whispered.

"I plan not too." Lenalee said walking into the dressing room.

Lavi just look at her with disbelief. "What's that suppose to mean!?"

*7 minutes later*

"Oh HELL NO! I am not wearing this piece of shit!" Lavi is wearing something that made Allen face turned blue. He had on a black dance tight wear (boy's ballet bottoms) and had on an incredibly tight white t-shirt on, and a pair of black dance shoes to go with it.

Jimmy scanned his whole outfit "I don't see what the problem is."

"Don't see it!? What do you mean? I don't know how you guys do this in France but I am not that type of guy that wears outfits that shows my balls!!" He said a he pointed at them.

"What are you laughing at Allen? It's not funny!"

Allen kept on laughing; "Yes it is AHAHAHA! And I can see your balls and your nipples!!" he fell on the floor.

"Shut up!! It's not my fault and don't look!!"

Then a hesitant voice came behind the redhead. The bookman's angry and embarrassed face turned into an awe expression as he saw Lenalee.

"Uhh Lavi? I don't think..." Lenalee hugged her arms.

Lenalee had on a black Camisole Leotard on, it came with a short skirt which showed off her small figure, same dancing shoes as Lavi and to top it off she wore a small white bow attached to her short hair.

"I'm so glad that you're my partner." Lavi whispered.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing." He quickly turned away.

She walked up to Allen, "So Allen is this ok?"

He didn't really know what to say, "Wow, um you look great." He honestly said.

"Thank you, I'm glad." She huffed out, hanging her hand on his shoulder.

"I'm scared of what my brother is going to say about this. He is not going to approve it, but I'll manage to survive, hopefully not Lavi though." Because of him and the stupid practice 24/7 drove her up to the wall.

"God I can't breathe with this shirt on and these fucking pants are suffocating my balls." As he adjust his pants in the crotch area.

"Lavi, watch your mouth!" Lenalee cried out.

Jimmy came over and all looked at the exorcists. "My beautiful creations, I am a genius. Yes. So now you children like your outfits?" He asked gleamingly.

"I'm good." "My balls are going to pop like balloons." "Sure." The three answered.

"Good then, just to let you know I don't take checks ok? The total would be $28 please." Lenalee and Allen looked at Lavi. He turned to them and sighed, "Fine I'll pay."

"Thank you Lavi" They both said, giving each other high fives, giggling.

"Before we leave Lavi, we should change back to our normal clothes." The cursed boy said. Of course they wouldn't wanna walk around like that, people would stare at them.

"Gee really?" The bookman said sarcastically, his eyebrow twitching.


"I can't believe that I have to wear tights, god how long is our dances anyway?" Lavi looked disappointed when rummaging through his bag.

"It's about 15 minutes long." Lenalee got tired already just thinking about it.

"Super duper, more fun for me. I wish had your pants instead Allen."

Allen looked at him like he was retarded, "At least you can move in yours, and you don't think my pants don't rise?" Lenalee got tired of all the guy pants problems conversation so she decided to ask Allen something where they left off in the shop.

"So Allen who is it you like hmm?" Lenalee asked. The boy stopped in his tracks.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said simply, marching away.

"Come on Allen it's not like we're going to tell her." Lavi told him sincerely.

Allen got even more nervous because they think it's a girl. Even though Kanda does look like a girl. "I-I never said…"

"You never said what?" Lavi lean his ear in.

"I never said it was a girl…"

Lenalee and Lavi both started blushing, they never thought that Allen would be into guys not that had a problem with it but that idea never came into their mind. They didn't know where to start exactly but Lenalee gave it a try.

"Who is he then?" Allen did not want to tell them at all, but he did plan it out that he would tell them after confessing to Kanda. So much for the plan then.

"Listen Allen, man. Look we don't care if it's a man, woman or animal. (Allen looked at him weirdly) As long as you like someone, we are happy and we are here for you." Lavi patted him on the shoulder.

"Thank you Lavi. But I really trust you guys but this person, this guy. He's um very complicated and not an animal. It's just that when you guys see him you'll be spewing out words."

Lenalee gasped. The boys looked at her. "What?" Allen asked.

"Oh my god…I could be wrong but. You like Kanda don't you?" She whispered at the saying of the name.

Allen whole face turned tomato red. "……" he turned his whole body away.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!" The exorcists screamed on top of their lungs. Lenalee started to squeal again.

"…W-when? turned to Allen, looking all serious) What the hell do you see in him?...." He was just lost at words.

"I know, I know and I am so not telling you. It's private."

"Private my ass. Still Kanda could be an animal, ya know what I'm saying man? Haha." Allen blushed of the thought of having Kanda in bed with him. Though he dreamt about it a thousand times.

"Allen Aww! That is so cute!" The girl was feeling so giddy.

"Lenalee can you shut up about this? You too Lavi." He gave them the puppy eyes and started whimpering. They both exchanged looks.

She couldn't wiped that smile off her face, Lavi still couldn't believe that Allen likes Kanda but he just couldn't help but laugh at the white hair boy's confession to them.

"Alright little man, we promise." Lavi ruffled his hair.

"Don't worry we won't tell Kanda-boo!" Lenalee winked.

"K-kanda-b-b-b-b-oo!?!?" Lavi and Allen gaped.

She gave a brief nod. "Yep! Allen if you ever go out with Kanda, you must call him Kanda-boo." Lenalee smiled innocently, who the hell knows what's under that smile anyways. Never underestimate her.

"This is a nightmare." Allen sunk to his knees, he felt as if his life has went down the drain. When he gets back to the Black Order, he simply cannot look at the samurai's face. He has to ignore him, definitely around the Chinese girl and the bookman. There's no way in hell he's going to let them talk to Kanda whenever he's around. He can just imagine it. Lenalee will be giving off obvious hints and Lavi will be on the other side making stupid innuendo jokes. On the other hand he can't lose faith in his friends, no matter how many times they embarrassed him in public or in private. Also no matter how hard he's going to try, his depressingly great idiotic friends will never quit on him until Allen and Kanda are together. But if Kanda ever finds about "kanda-boo" Lenalee is taking the responsibilities. This is going to be so fucked up.

There you go, chapter one. Hope you like it. On to next chapter?

Please review.