The Thriller

Disclaimer: Kung Fu Panda is © 2008-11 DreamWorks Animation SKG


Before I say anything else, I sincerely apologize to my readers and reviewers for taking forever to update (or at least to write this note to you all concerning the continuation of this story). I have every intention of finishing this; a series of things began piling up on me by the end of last summer – between work and my education, and more importantly, my personal life, all of my writing had to go on the back burner. As a result, I'd lost my muse for writing for the KFP 'verse.

However, after seeing KFP2, I'm more than ready to finish this thing up. So please, bear with me over the next weeks as I retool this story and get my butt back into gear. I saw a lot of wonderful things in the second movie, and I'm certain that I'm ready to write again.

Thanks for all the comments and support!

Cheers. :)

Next Chapter: Ninth Track – Black Or White