Okayy. Soo, I couldn't get this idea out my head. It's just a preview here really to see what sort of reaction this gets.
I'm not used to writing this genre, and this story is the complete opposite of my other one on this site, give it a chance and see though?
I've said this before and I'll say it now, I don't own Twilight.


I breathed a sigh of relief, much like I did every time he left me here alone now.

To any normal person who had been left alone in the deepest darkness, it would initiate tension, wariness, maybe even fear. Not relief. But I was different.

I was being held captive. By a vampire. Every time he left, I was able to think freely. I didn't need to keep watch for what he might do next. I could reminisce about happy memories or think about the people I missed. The people who were looking for me.

My parents would be devastated, that was obvious enough. A mixed reaction from my new school friends, mostly due to the fact they don't have a clue what's happened, though I'm sure there are already rumours of some unexplicable nature being spread. The Cullens, the only seven people - if you can really call them that - who know the severity of the situation, probably felt guilty for getting me involved with vampires in the first place. Especially Edward.

Oh, Edward. I wished desperately that - were I to be found - he would be the one to find and rescue me. Though I missed everyone I left behind, I - almost ashamedly - craved for Edward's presence the most, his protective arms assuring me that everything would be okay and that I'd get through this. My memory of him was becoming more unclear everyday. I'm almost certain the sound of his voice was much different than I remember it - more musical I was certain - and when I pictured his face, half of his features were certainly undefined. I missed the topaz colour of his eyes and the bronze shade of his hair. If I was able to see colour at all now, those would be the colours I went in search for first.

A tear managed to escape from my eyes before I was able to stop it.

With a shaky hand, I wiped it away.

I was unsure of how long it would be before James came back, and I was not going to risk showing him weakness.

My fingers lingered on my cheeks. The sting that erupted from even my feather light touch reminded me of what happened the last time James had witnessed me cry. I hadn't seen this mark, yet I was sure that I had a bruise covering that part of my face.

I leaned my back against the wall and wrapped my arms around my knees as though they had the ability to protect me from whatever my captor threw at me.

I sighed and closed my eyes. It was only a matter of time now until he returned.