Play Date

Hello! \(^-^)/ This is going to be my very first chapter story. Please enjoy the first chapter!

Ren thought there was a problem with his hearing. Surely the President did not just say…

"Ren, did you hear what I said? You are going to take Mogami-kun on a date. For the whole day. And maybe even the night. I don't know, maybe just part of the day and part of the night? Mogami-kun does have school the next day…" The President rambled.

Crap, there wasn't a problem with his hearing.

"Wait," Ren interrupted, "wait! Why am I taking Mogami-san on a date? She's a highschooler, not to mention the fact that she is only a child! Plus, she's the Love Me Section's number one member. And even if I wanted to take her on a date, shouldn't I ask her out because I want to not because I'm forced to? What if she says no?"

The President smirked at Ren. "Seriously Ren, did you think you were actually going to go on a date with her? No, that wouldn't even be possible in an alternate universe. It is Mogami-kun you know. She has an upcoming guest appearance in a drama. This is just a practice. Mogami-kun was concerned that she would not be able to properly portray the role as she has never been on a date before. I told her I would find a suitable practice partner who would understand her concern and be willing to help her out."

"But, why me? Surely there is someone else?" Ren asked.

"Well, of course there was! But even if it is only a pretend date I thought you would want to 'spend time' with her. And as Mogami-kun's sempai, I thought you would enjoy helping her. If I was mistaken…" The President glanced slyly at Ren.

This man! He was just as bad as Yashiro. Scratch that; the President was worse. Of course he would love to spend time with Mogami-san. Not that he would ever let that scheming jerk know.

"Ah, that must be why Yashiro cleared tomorrow's schedule! And since it is already this late…I guess there is no way to call and reschedule the appointments. Well, I can't waste all of the effort you and Yashiro have put forward to help Mogami-san. Is there anything specific in the script that I need to go over with her to help her prepare?" Ren said hesitantly, hoping the President would believe it and not tease him.

'Che, what a boring man. At least he accepted.' The President grinned. "I'm glad you asked! Here is the script for Mogami-kun's scene. Now, keep in mind that Mogami-kun will not see the last part of the scene. Her reactions to the other character are live. So it is imperative that you prepare her for the ending properly. You must incorporate that scene's ending into your date tomorrow at all cost. Did I make myself clear?" The President waited for Ren's reaction to the end of the script.

'I have to do THAT! There is no way! I can't… it would be so…she would hate me for sure! Why me?' Ren thought.

The President chuckled at the look on Ren's face. He really was an open book at times. "Ren…Ren…REN! Did you hear me? You must finish your date according to the scene's ending. Now, I have already planned out your date. Here is the schedule and here are the tickets. Any questions? No? Good. Be sure to call Mogami-kun and let her know of the schedule. Have a good night's rest and, enjoy tomorrow!" The President shoved Ren out of his office.

Ren regained his ability to think as he heard the door slam behind him. He really did not want to do this to Mogami-san. She would definitely hate him. Even when she realizes why he did what he did, she would still hate him. He would never, ever have a chance at her again. But, then again, if he just leaves it alone, she might freeze up during the shoot. Doing THAT would be for her own good. Or, at least, for the good of the scene. And if the President ordered him to do it, he must think Mogami-san will still talk to him afterwards. Despite the President's weird nature, he really is a good judge of character. Ren decided before he continued to worry about the next day, he should call Mogami-san to inform her of the schedule.

Well, that's all for now! I really appreciate the reviews I've gotten on my other stories. Continue to help me write better by clicking the review button at the bottom of your screen!

Bye Bye! \(^-^)/