Title: Completion Version 1
Pairings: MegsXSS, SWXTC RamjetXSunstorm, IcyXHotehead LugnutX…Random? ('Kay, that's strange.), implied BlackarachniaXSlipsteam (Now THAT'S strange.) and the TINIEST hint of BeeXOC friendship (Really, there's only a little, I swear!) Oh, and some BlurrXWasp and ProwlXJazz near the end. (Wow, look at all the pairings!)
Rating: T+ (The raunchiest being with Megs and Starscream. Damn, I'm still no good at writing slash with interfacing…)
Warning: Slash, yaoi, hinted yuri, much fondling and the like. No real interfacing due to personal reasons.
Summery: When we left off, Wishbot had completed the first half of Bee's wish. Now, it's setting its optic on the Decepticons. Will it be able to pull of the wish or will the Cons crush it to dust first? More importantly, what will Bumblebee do with the other two wishes?
A/N BRAGH. I don't know how to rate this. I mean, It's kinda in between. Nothing serious, but still...:/ Little help here?
Credit time!
Wishbot belongs to my friend.
Device used to separate Blitzwing into three bots belongs to Yodana on Dev. (Thanks for letting me borrow it. ^3^)
All recognizable bots belong to Hasbro.
I own nothing and am not making a profit off of this.
As night fell, Wishbot's scraps rose from the floor, aided by some strange magnetic force. Gathering up its energy bow, it looked up as it heard footsteps approaching. After a while, Bumblebee rounded the corner, startled by the bot's reappearance. The Wishbot gave him the same look as before until the yellow mech shyly spoke up. "W-what exactly are you?" He asked, looking at the stranger curiously. "You look like you were tossed in a shredder and reassembled by an artist-bot."
Wishbot didn't know if that was a compliment or an insult so it kept silent. Besides, it did NOT enjoy speaking aloud. Still, its Wishmaker had the right to know what he was dealing with. "I am a Wishbot." It said in a voice heavily laden with an unnatural deepness. One would have expected it to have a feminine voice. "I am one of the few remaining that still function, as I am led to believe."
"A Wishbot? I thought they were nothing more than creatures from sparkling tales." Bee said with a hint of disbelief.
"Our existence has been kept secret from all Cybertronians, not just your generation." It explained emotionlessly. "We were created by Primus to fulfill the wishes of his children...at the cost of our lives."
"Wait, so when all my wishes are used up, you die?" Bee asked, horrified.
Wishbot nodded. "It is our purpose. We accepted our fate as unavoidable. Because of that, we are allowed to roam freely across the universe. When our masters, or Wishmakers, use up our energy, we simply go back to the Well of All Sparks to begin the process again."
"So, you guys are as old as Primus? How long have you been online?"
The Wishbot's blue optic flickered slightly, as though scanning through its memories. After a moment, it replied, "I have been online for roughly 67.5 million earth years. Fate has forced me to move from post to post in order to escape destruction without a Wishmaker."
"That's a bad thing?"
"Yes. If a Wishbot is destroyed in a way other than its life source dying out, it will not be returned to the Well and it will be lost forever. Many of us were unwittingly destroyed in the Great War." Shouldering its bow, it added, "It grows late. I must leave to fulfill your wish."
"Wait, wish?" Bee asked. He stood in front of it, arms spread. "I didn't make a wish!"
"Yes, you did," The bot said, brushing past its Wishmaker. "You wished that your friends would stop loving you when you entered this cave."
"W-what?!" Bee yelled, running after it.
"Yes, that was the desire I sensed you had when you first entered the cave. Please, do not follow me. A Wishbot is required to protect its Wishmaster with its life if necessary, and I fear you'll be in danger. I will be dealing with your enemies this night."
"You-You'd actually take on Decepticons if I told you to?" Bee was in awe. What else could this creature do?
"Yes. I have decided to reroute their love of you to…other sources."
"What other sources?"
"Namely, each other."
Bee looked at the bot, as though it was joking. When it showed no signs of amusement, he burst out laughing. "Wow, just…wow." He chuckled. "That's great!"
"Glad you think so." The Wishbot said quietly. "I did the same thing to your teammates last night."
That shut the yellow mech up.
The glow of the moon above lighted the path as the two approached the newly established Decepticon base. The alarms immediately went off, making Bee scurry for cover. The Wishbot, however, never stopped walking forward. Waving its hand once, the alarms were silenced and Bee poked his head out in confusion.
"How did you-?"
"Primus grants us certain powers to fulfill our masters' wishes. A security system doesn't take much to shut off." The Wishbot replied.
"Still, I'm betting the Decepticons are all up by now."
"The job will be easier for me if they're all in the same place. Now," it said, stopping. "I implore you, please go back. The last thing I want is you getting hurt."
"But I want to help! I can't let you do this all alone."
"Very well. I did warn you though." It replied, turning back towards the base.
"Starscream, what is going on out there?" Megatron yowled, looking less than pleased by the rude awakening.
"I don't know! That buffoon Blitzwing was supposed to be on Monitor Duty!" Starscream yowled back.
Dashing to the Monitor room, they found a recharging Blitzwing curled up in his chair. "Blitzwing, wake up!" Starscream screeched, startling the mech out of his repose.
"GAH! Starscream, sir, please don't do zat." Icy said, looking cross. "Vat is going on?"
"Look on the monitors, you idiot!" Megatron snarled. "That was YOUR JOB!"
All three 'Cons looked on the main monitor to see a sight that they couldn't believe: There was that little Autobot Bumblebee, wandering around their base, completely alone.
All three grinned. Now was the perfect chance for them to claim the little bot as their mate. Snapping out of their daze, they glared at each other and bolted out the door, pushing and shoving the entire way.
Wishbot jumped back from a security camera it had messed with. Bumblebee was giggling madly. "They'll never know what hit them." He said, smiling. "When they get here and don't find me, they'll be sitting ducks!"
"Yes, quite." The pink hued bot replied. "Quick, behind these crates. I can feel them coming."
As the three 'Cons rounded the corner, they all tripped and fell in a tangled heap. "VERE IS HE?" Hothead demanded.
"I don't know. Perhaps he heard us crashing through the hallway and ran off." Megatron snarled, glaring at Starscream accusingly.
"How DARE you accuse me of scaring him off?!" Starscream snarled back. "YOU were the one yelling most of the time!"
"Stop fighting!" Blitzwing yelled, switching to his Icy personality. "I think I am picking up his energy signature…" Scanning the area, he smiled. "Ah, there he is." Walking casually towards the crates, he glanced behind them…before stumbling backwards, screaming and clutching his helm.
A pink energy arrow was lodged deep in his forehead.
Starscream and Megatron looked up, surprised, as a pink blur jumped from behind the crates, another arrow loaded in its bow. Firing, it caught the startled Seeker in the chest armor. Crying out, the mech stumbled backwards as well, but managed to stay upright. Aiming his null rays at the intruder, he fired, just barely missing the creature.
"Starscream, you fool, hold your fire!" Megatron yelled. "Don't you realize what that is?"
"Why, should I?" The flyer spat.
"That, my idiotic friend, is a Wishbot!" He smiled as the bot landed nearby, another arrow loaded in its bow.
"Bah, those don't exist!"
"Well, how do explain that?" Megatron pointed to a groaning Blitzwing. The Triple Changer sat up, blushing. The arrow had completely dissolved into his processor. Icy blinked a few times before gasping weakly. "Ungh…H-Hothead please…Stop zat. Primus, Hothead! S-stop…I-I'll get ze device, just…STOP IT!" Getting up shakily, the mech ran off, leaving behind two very confused Decepticons.
"Ok…" Starscream began slowly. Looking down, he saw the arrow in his chest had already dissolved. "Oh slag." Clutching his processor, he whimpered for a few moments before looking up with pink optics. Glancing at Megatron, he smiled coyly at his leader. Striding up to him, he purred as he nuzzled the perplexed mech's helmet. This was a perfect distraction for the Wishbot to fire its second arrow into the Decepticon leader's chest armor. Giving a roar of pain, the mech tried to tug the arrow out, but it was stuck, and good.
"My lord, what's wrong?" Starscream asked. Glaring down at the pink bot, he snarled, "YOU!" He aimed at the intruder, but it had already dashed off behind another set of crates. Starscream couldn't be bothered to chase the creature. His leader was injured! Gently guiding the larger mech to a wall, he helped him into a sitting position.
The Decepticon leader was confused. Who was he? What was going on? Trying to get a grip on the facts, he heard a soft voice say, "Shhhh. It's alright, my liege. You'll be fine." Looking up, he saw Starscream, his Second in Command, looking lovingly down at him.
"Nrgh…Starscream…" He growled, his optics turning from red to pink.
Meanwhile, Bumblebee looked out from his hiding spot, giggling. Looking to his left, he saw Wishbot sneaking towards him.
"Wow, when you said they'd fall for each other, you weren't kidding." Bumblebee whispered, as the two 'Cons kissed passionately.
"I do my best."
"Now, who else did you have in mind?"
Thundercracker sat upon an outcropping on the outside of the Decepticon base, grumbling to himself. He simply didn't understand why the second most perfect bot in the universe, Autobot Bumblebee, didn't wish to be mates with the most PERFECT mech in the universe. That was him, of course. Grumbling, he looked up as he heard the familiar sound of jet engines. Probably just Sunstorm or Ramjet coming to bother me, he thought quietly. After a few moments, he saw he was right. In fact, both Seekers were flying about, looping around each other and…laughing? Thundercracker watched the aerial display, frowning as the two transformed mid-flight. "What are they-?" He began to ask himself, but he stopped. The two had pulled each other into a kiss. Gagging, the mech flew out there to break the two idiots up, only to get shot in the back of the neck with something sharp…
Meanwhile, another Seeker sat nearby, alone and sad. Skywarp's wings drooped. He really, really, REALLY liked Bumblebee and he'd been trying to pluck up the courage to ask him out but…what if he said no? What if he called his teammates on him and they had him thrown in the Stockades?! What then? Suppressing a whimper, they purple and black flyer curled up as best as he could. The sound of failing engines got his attention. Looking up, he gasped as he saw Thundercracker falling at a breakneck rate. Warping out to him, he grabbed the mech as he was about to crash into the forest.
"T-Thundercracker!" Skywarp cried out worriedly as he held him up mid-flight. "W-Wake up! Please, wake up!" He didn't notice the pink arrow draining into the back of the mech's neck. He gave a breath of relief as the mech stirred and his thrusters reactivated. "Thank Primus! I thought you'd been terminated, TC!"
The navy blue mech looked up at his savior's smiling faceplates, his pink optics flashing. "S-Skywarp." He said, and his optics filled with lust.
Skywarp blinked. "T-TC? What are looking at me like that for?"
"Skywarp…" The other flyer said again, as though relishing the sound it made. His companion backed away as best he could mid-flight, but Thundercracker merely advanced towards him. With one quick movement, the mech had pulled Skywarp into an embrace, kissing the top of his helm. Whimpering, Skywarp squirmed out of his grip and backed off, fear showing plainly in his optics.
Suddenly, a burst of paralyzing pain went through Skywarp's system. Crying out, he felt his thrusters stall…then stop altogether. "T-Thundercracker…" He gasped weakly, before he fell like a rag doll, paralyzed and helpless, as Thundercracker watched in horror. It was then Skywarp realized how far away the ground was…Would TC help him? Probably not. The other Seeker always berated him and told him he was a useless coward. Heck, he probably wouldn't even bother to scrape what was left of him off the ground… He shut off his optics quickly, not wanting to see what would happen when he collided with the ground…He could feel himself crashing through the forest canopy…Bracing himself, he prepared for impact…
That's when he felt something grip his still outstretched servo.
What? What had just happened? Activating his optics, he looked up to see a panting Thundercracker holding on, thrusters working overtime to keep his teammate from crashing. Lifting him up, he grinned and said, "I see that we're even now, aren't we?"
Not far above them, Wishbot and Bumblebee watched the two mechs land in a clearing close to the Decepticon base. Bumblebee snickered. "Those two make a good couple, don't they?" He asked.
Wishbot shook its head. "I wouldn't know. Wishbots were denied the ability to feel. Primus felt it would interfere with our jobs."
"That's terrible! I can't imagine not being able to feel."
Wishbot shrugged. "It's not so bad, I gue-Look out!" Looking up, it tackled Bee to the face of the mountain as several plasma blasts came from above. BlackArachnia scuttled down the sheer surface, and shot a net of webbing at the two. Shoving Bee aside, the Wishbot separated itself to avoid the net. While a couple of pieces were caught, a majority of them managed to slip through and rematerialize. Grabbing an arrow, it aimed at the techno-organic, when another voice said, "Don't even try it, freak." The Wishbot turned to see a Seeker femme holding a null ray to a struggling Bee's helm. "Drop the bow, or your little buddy here gets a new hole in his processor." The Wishbot had no choice but to comply. Lowering its bow, it gazed quietly at the smirking Seeker.
"Huh. Looks like Megatron was right. Wishbots DO exist." BlackArachnia simpered, retrieving a shard of the creature's armor from the webbing. Holding it up to her four eyes, she gasped as it wriggled out of its captor's fingers and zipped back to the Wishbot, lodging itself in the square of its back.
"Well, we'd better get these two to Lord Megatron." Slipstream said, but BlackArachnia held up a hand.
"I don't know, Slipstream, I kinda wanna have fun with this one." She said, motioning to the Wishbot.
"What kind of fun did you have in mind?"
"Like, 'making our own wishes' kind of fun."
"You cannot do that. I already have a Wishmaster." The two femmes turned to look at the Wishbot, only to see it was separating into smaller shards. The shards zipped around the two, crashing into their armor and breaking into smaller shards. The entire time, the two femmes felt they were being attacked by stinging cyber-insects. Yowling angrily, they didn't notice Bee break free from Slipstream's grip and rush to the other side of the ledge. Two particularly large shards had zeroed in on the base of the femmes' helms and struck there, knocking them out. Once the two had crumpled to the ground, Wishbot rematerialized in front of Bumblebee. "Are you alright?" It asked.
"I'm fine." He replied, peering at the unconscious femmes nearby with a wicked grin on his faceplates. "Hey, I have an idea…"
After a few moments, and some help from the Wishbot, BlackArachnia lay on top of Slipstream, sleeping with her helm on her friend's chassis. Giggling, the Autobot motioned for Wishbot to get them back inside before they woke up.
As they crept through the hallways of the Decepticon base, Bumblebee was unnerved by the lack of alarms and overall opposition. "Wishbot, where are all the Decepticons?" He asked.
Wishbot paused, as though trying to pick up the individual energy signatures of the Cons. Grabbing Bee's hand, it led him quietly to a door that was slightly ajar. Soft moans came from within and Bumblebee peeked inside.
He had to slap a hand over his mouth to stop himself from crying out in surprise.
This was Megatron's quarters.
Megatron looked longingly at the blushing Seeker beneath him. He'd straddled the mech's hips, running his hand across the cool glass of the Seeker's cockpit. Pulling the mech into a fierce kiss, he lapped at his lips, asking for entrance. Once the SIC opened up, the Decepticon leader deepened the kiss letting his glossa explore the warm space of the Seeker's mouth. Starscream moaned and mewled into the kiss, arousing his leader further.
Pulling away, Megatron purred as the smaller mech nibbled on the wiring in his neck. "S-Starscream!" He moaned, and the Seeker smiled.
"My lord…I am…truly sorry for my insubordination." He panted, grey face warm from the friction and contact.
"Yes, I know you are, my pet…" Megatron growled, making the Seeker flinch. "Still, there is still a debt you owe me. That's why you need to be…Punished." Flipping the blushing and struggling Seeker onto his chest, he placed him onto his lap and let his hand run down his back. The Seeker gave a weak moan as Megatron raised a hand…
At this point, Bee flinched away as a resounding SMACK came from within. "Ouch. That actually looked painful." He murmured, as Starscream gave an aroused wail. "Wishbot, let's get out of here before I puke."
"You seem uncomfortable with the idea of foreplay. I find that odd." It said as they crept away carefully.
"Oh, really? Why?" Bee asked quietly.
"Well, I scanned your memories and I recall seeing you interface with all four of the teammates who liked you. You seemed to enjoy it when THEY did that with you."
"What? I am just saying…"
As Bumblebee and Wishbot wandered around the still deserted base, a shrill cry attracted their attention. Approaching a door, they peeked in and the young Autobot almost cried out.
There were not one, but two Blitzwings sitting on the berth.
Hothead gently traced the Decepticon symbol on Icy's chassis and bit teasingly on the wiring on the mech's neck. Icy's whimpers and moans seemed to spur his other personality on, as he bit down harder on Icy's neck.
"Ngh…H-Hothead…Primus, you are…impatient. Did you…augh…have to start mentally attacking me back there?" Icy gasped weakly.
"Shut up, you know you enjoyed it." Hothead growled, nuzzling the mech's helm. "Vere did Random run off to, anyvay?"
"Like it matters…" Icy purred back. "He'll go entertain himself for at least an hour…"
"That gives us plenty of time to…play vith each other, don't you think?"
"Mhmhmmmmm…" Icy's reared his head, as Hothead's glossa lapped at the sensitive wires. Meanwhile, his hands were slowly running down Icy's hips and to a more…intimate area.
Wishbot tore Bee away from the show, making him grumble in protest. "Oh, there will be more where that came from. Just wait." It said, reloading its bow. "Those two reminded me I needed to deal with the third personality."
Random was bored.
A bored Random all by himself could never lead to ANYTHING good or sane. A bored Random also could get you in potential trouble.
Lugnut soon learned that when he bumped into him in the hall.
"No! Go away, you little slag!"
"Aw, please? I'm bored! So very bored!"
"You know I can't…"
"PLEEEEEEASE? I vanna see your impression of Starscream! Pretty please with High Grade on top?"
Looking up and down the hall, the green and purple bot sighed. "Alright…" Clearing his throat, he said, "I am Starscream! I am not worthy of cleaning up after the GLORIOUS Megatron's sparklings! I'm an incompetent BUCKETHEAD with a visage even my MOTHERBOARD couldn't love!" He then began to prance about in a manner so humorous that Random felt to the floor, laughing. That's when an arrow promptly found its mark in his aft, which was sticking up in the air.
The flyer yelped, clutching his now sore aft. Blinking several times, his optics faded to a lovely pink color. Looking at Lugnut, he smiled seductively and asked, "Lugnut? Vill you play vith me?"
"Huh? No! Why would I wish to spend any more time with YOU?"
"Awwww…Please? I'll be good, promise! Unless zat's not your thing…" Random pouted and put a finger to his bottom lip, which was a trick he'd learned from television. "I can be rough too."
Lugnut felt his faceplate heat up. By the Allspark, why was his pouting so…slaggin' SEXY? He was so occupied by the normally crazy mech's face that he didn't notice the stream of pink metal parts pass his peds. He yelped and whipped around when a pain shot through his aft. "Who did that?" He demanded.
"Did vat? Awww, Luggy, do you have a boo-boo?" Random asked, frowning. Sliding up to him and clinging to his servo, he whispered, "Vould you like me to kiss it better?"
Lugnut shook slightly as his optic turned the same shade of pink. "N-No. Not here." He said. Looking at Random's disappointed face, he said, "My quarters."
Random's features brightened and he gave a squeal of delight. "Race you?" He asked, and the two dashed off, laughing.
Bee poked his head out from behind the corner. "Great job, Wishbot! All of the Cons look so happy…" He turned to see the Wishbot kneeling on one knee, shaking and with a hand on its chest. "Wishbot? You ok?" He ran up and knelt beside it. "What's wrong?"
"Urgh…One wish has been completed." It replied, as some sort of dust trickled out between the gaps in its armor. "That means one of the fragments keeping me alive has disintegrated. You…Augh…Have two more wishes left."
In the main room of the Decepticon base, the face of another certain mech came onscreen, marred by static. "Lord Megatron? Please, come in! My post here on Cybertron has been compromised. I will have to transfer over to Earth, along with Team Charr as an escort. Still, I fear we are being followed. Please, try to contact me as soon as you get this message! Shockwave out."
Two bots…well, more like two and a half bots, had seen the message, although they weren't supposed to be there.
"Who the slag do you think that was, Mix?"
"No idea, Scrapper. What do you think, Boss?"
"I think I'm gonna kick both yer cans into next week if we're caught stealing this oil! Get movin'!"
Said signal had also been intercepted by two other bots.
One had been thinking about going back to Earth anyway to catch up with a certain ninja.
The other wanted to meet the Decepticon leader face to face in order to try and sell him a few new products.
The sun soon began to rise.
Back at the Autobot base, Sari, Optimus and Bulkhead were getting prepared for a trip to the Amusement park only to find a certain sopping wet orange trash bot and three metal dinosaurs staring up at their big screen TV, transfixed by the colors and music spewing from the 'magical box', as the T-Rex so bluntly put it. Jazz and Prowl were sitting on the couch, snuggling, while Blurr and Wasp could be seen kissing behind the couch.
"Prime, we've got a problem." Ratchet said. "I just got a message from Ultra Magnus. Looks like some kid called Rodimus Prime and his team are on his way to earth in hot pursuit of Shockwave and a bunch of other 'Cons. Also, they're sending a couple of new Bots with them. Something about Twins…"
As Wishbot and Bee made their way back the cave, Bee said, "Wishbot?"
"Do…you remember what Primus or any other Wishbots were like?"
"…No. Not clearly. Wishbots rarely cross paths because of the sheer vastness of the universe. As for Primus, no. All I remember was being with someone who felt like a Creator. It was an odd sensation."
They were silent until they were inside the cave. Yawning, Bee watched as the sun began to rise. "Well, I think I'll get some recharge in. See you later, Wishbot." Finding a comfortable slab of rock, the young mech quickly fell into recharge.
Wishbot passed its sleeping Master's form, murmuring, "I certainly hope so, Bumblebee."
A/N Also, I'm sure there are many other potential suitors for Bee. I just forgot to add them in here! Oops. Still, once Bee realizes this, things get really, and I mean REALLY crazy. *looks at word count* HOLEE CRAP. This is more than four thousand words and seven pages long! Well, how the BLOODY HELL did that happen? Feh. Anyway, I'll work on Version Two soon. Be patient. It'll probably be shorter though.
Anyway, I have quite a few stories to update here. A massive case of Writer's block plus my muse running off without telling me means I'll HOPEFULLY have updates soon.