Author's Note: Hey this is my new story. I actually have been working on it for some time now. I had always wanted to write a Hermione and Snape story and I finally get to. I had actually been working on this story anytime I got stuck and didn't know what to write for Silver Chains. I hadn't planned on publishing it but I came to like it. I hope you guys like it too. This story takes place after the final battle with Lord Voldemort. Well enjoy!!!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of J.K. Rowling's amazing characters or stories. I am just a lame fan.


Who are you?

A young girl stirred. Had she been asleep this entire time? How was that possible? Slowly the girl began to open her eyes but realized they wouldn't open. Why not? Hesitantly the girl raised her hand to her face. She wasn't sure why she was scared. But she could feel her entire body shaking. The girl let out a gasp as her hand reached her eyelids. There was a layer of crusty material over her eyes. Immediately she wiped and peeled at it until her eyelids were free to move.

Slowly she opened her eyes. Darkness greeted her. The girl laid there motionless as she waited for her eyes to adjust to the dark. As her vision became clearer she realized she was surrounded by trees. Immediately she shot up into sitting position. Where was she? Why was she here? Just then the first question came back to her.

Who are you?

The girl smiled slightly. That was an obvious question. She was… The girl let out a startled gasp. Who was she? She couldn't remember. The girl began to sob as panic took over. Why couldn't she remember? The girl looked around her there was nothing but everlasting woods. Why was she here alone? The girl curled up so her knees were to her chest with her arms hugging tightly around them. She was alone. It was dark.

The girl rested her head into her knees as a fit of sobs overtook her. Why couldn't she remember? The only thing she could remember was red, just the color red. Why couldn't she remember anything else? The girl slowly raised her head so she could see her body. She was wearing clothes. But they were torn and filthy, blood staining them. The girl let out a shriek as she tried to wipe away the red smudges. She didn't know what it was but it scared her. She needed to get it off of her. Hastily the girl tore at her shirt and skirt until she was sitting in only her undergarments that were thankfully free of the red material.

The sudden cool night air caused her to shiver but she didn't care. She would rather freeze then be near that red stuff again. Looking up the girl found the source of the red smudges. A few feet away was a body. The body was covered completely in the red smudges.

The girl began to shake again now from fear. She had to get out of here. She needed to get away. She needed to get away from the red smudges. Slowly the girl released her hands from her knees and tried pushing herself up to her feet. Upon standing she immediately fell with a loud crack. Looking over the girl could see her arm was bleeding. Oh no! The red smudges were back. She had to get them off. The girl immediately tried to pull her arm off of her body only to scream in pain. It didn't matter she had to get the red smudges away from her. The girl fought, tears running down her face from the pain, to separate her arm from her body but all it did was hang there lamely.

The girl began to panic. She needed to get it off. Why wouldn't it come off? She needed to find something that could take it off. The girl began to push herself to her feet again, this time using a nearby tree for support. She didn't want to fall again and get more red smudges. As she stood she immediately began to walk still using the trees for support. She continued to walk until she finally came into a clearing. There it was.

In the center of the clearing sat a sharp thin rock. The girl let out a cry of relief. She could get away from the smudges. Slowly she walked to the rock until she was standing above it. Slowly she lowered herself so she was sitting o the forest floor. Carefully the girl reached out and grabbed the sharp rock. This was exactly what she needed. She would be free from the red smudges. Just as she was about to put the sharp rock to her broken bleeding arm a sound broke through the night. The girl was alert now. She had to do it. Quickly before they come, she had to get away from the smudge. The sounds of footsteps were coming closer. She had to do it.

The girl gasped as a dark figure stopped in front of her. Now! Without a second thought the girl raised the rock, ignoring the sounds of protest that came from the dark figure, and stabbed it through her broken arm. The girl let out a cry of pain as red liquid began to spray out of her arm. That wasn't supposed to happen. Why was there more red smudges? Maybe she wasn't trying hard enough. Immediately she raised her hand again only to be stopped. Looking up she could see that the dark figure had grabbed her hand stopping her completely.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" The voice hissed causing her to shake in fear. She wasn't sure why she should be afraid but she was. She began to shake horribly as she stared into the dark eyes of the stranger. She had to get away from him. The girl wrenched her hand from his grip and immediately tried to run but two firm hands stopped her. The girl let out a scream as the one hand closed around her broken arm.

"You foolish girl, what did you do?" The cold voice hissed again as she continued to struggle. She had to escape. Why wouldn't he let go? The girl screamed as she was twisted around so she was facing the man. Immediately her eyes connected with his black one's and she began to shake. She couldn't move now. The hands were still holding her in place but fear had taken over and she couldn't bring herself to fight. "Well a simple spell should fix that."

The girl flinched as the figure pulled out a long slender piece of wood. She wasn't sure why she was frightened but she was. She knew it was dangerous which only served to keep her still longer. The girl closed her eyes as the wood was pointed to her. This was it. The girl let out a gasp as a warm sensation floated through her arm. Immediately the girl opened her eyes to see that the stranger was no longer looking at her but at her arm. She followed his gaze. Her arm was now free of the red smudges and now white paper wrapped around her arm. The girl stared in amazement completely mesmerized by her now smudge free arm. She was so focused that she didn't even notice he had released her and was now speaking.

"I couldn't fix the bones you had broken but that should hold you until we get back to Hogwarts." The figure said as he stood and began looking around at his surroundings unaware that the girl wasn't even listening. "Is there anyone else out here besides you?"

The girl took no notice still looking at her arm. He had fixed it. He had gotten rid of the red smudges. She was okay. He had helped her. Just then two strong hands grabbed her roughly around the shoulder and shook her.

"Pay attention!" The voice hissed as he brought his face close to hers so it was only an inch away. The girl's eyes widened in fear but she didn't try to pull away. Just then the man's face went into puzzlement as he looked down. "Where are your clothes?"

The girl followed his gaze and remembered that they had red smudges and she couldn't wear them. She went to tell him as much but realized she couldn't. Why couldn't she speak? She had forgotten to speak too. The girl's body began to shake as tears rolled down her face. The man looked taken back by the sudden tears.

"What are you crying about you silly girl?" The man snapped. The girl just shook her head she couldn't tell him. She wasn't able to tell him why. The man let out frustrated sigh. "You are most likely just shaken by what you have been through but you have to pull yourself together. You can not allow your guard down now. So pay attention!"

The girl jumped as he snarled the last sentence. The man smirked. At least he was getting through to her. With a grunt the man reached down and lifted the girl to her feet. He was actually surprised on how heavy she felt. Maybe he was just exhausted. As soon as he let go however she immediately began to fall to the ground. The man cursed as he reached down and caught her just before she hit the ground.

"Apparently you have lost too much blood and can't stand let alone walk." The man growled. He couldn't protect them if he had to help her walk. They would be vulnerable. The girl just stared up at him tears still rolling down her face. The man sighed as he slowly set her back on the ground.

The girl stared up at him in fear. Was he going to leave her? No he had to stay here. Without a second thought she reached up and grabbed his sleeve. The man stared down at her.

"I am not leaving I am just going to transfigure you a blanket." Without hesitation the man pulled out his thin piece of wood. The girl immediately let go fear clouding her mind as she looked at the piece of wood. The man sneered as he pulled off his outermost robes and transfigured them into a black soft blanket. The girl flinched as he scooped her into his arms, wrapping the blanket around her as he stood. "Now stay quiet."

The girl nodded in acknowledgement but he ignored it. He had to get them out of here. Without a second thought he began his trek through the woods, the girl tucked securely in his arms, his wand out and ready.


Severus had actually been surprised that the chit had been so quiet. It was actually disturbing. He didn't have time to worry about that. He had to get the two of them out of here in one piece. Severus frowned. She would be fine.

They had been walking for about fifteen minutes when the silence began to worry him. Looking down he could see that the girl was sleeping. Severus was totally taken back. No one had ever had the gall to actually sleep in his presence. He was just about to shake her awake when a sound of rustling leaves caught his attention. Slowly he shifted the girl to his left hand so his wand hand was able to react if necessary. Now where had that noise come from?

Just then the sound cut through the air again.

"Expelliarmus!" Severus shouted as he turned making sure he still had tight hold on the girl. The sound of the blast echoed through the woods. He had missed. Severus raised his wand higher. Just then the sound had come again except this time from behind him. Turning Severus stared. Just a few feet away stood a werewolf, his face twisted into a hungry snarl. Slowly Severus took a step back. Of course Fenrir would still be out and running around. It was still a full moon. Slowly Severus took another step back. He knew Fenrir was actually after the girl in his arms. Fenrir had always preferred children to adults. Severus shook his head. As easy as it would be to just give the werewolf the girl he couldn't. Dumbledore would never forgive him and for his own conscience? Severus frowned. That had died a long time ago.

Slowly Severus took another step back, careful not to step on any twigs that might set the werewolf off. The werewolf just stared at him. Apparently he didn't see the girl in Severus' arms. That was a relief. He might be able to make it out of here alive. Severus took another step.

Just then a sound cut through his senses. In his arms the girl began to stir. Severus cursed as she began to whimper lightly. Looking up Severus could see that the werewolf had heard it too. He had to get out of here. Without hesitation Severus lifted his wand.

"Sectasemptra!" He hissed and without even checking if it hit its target turned and ran. Severus could here a howl of pain coming from him but he knew the werewolf would recover soon. He had to escape. He couldn't apparate he already knew that. Dumbledore had made sure to put an anti-apparition ward around the entire area to make sure no Death Eaters could escape. Damn it all to hell!

Severus could hear the werewolf's claws scratching on the ground as it pursued them. It was coming closer. Severus let out a gasp. There was light coming through the trees. He was reaching the end of the forest; which meant the end of the apparition ward. The sound of claws on the forest floor became louder as the beast came closer. Would they make it? The end of the forest was still about fifty yards off. Even with Severus' long legs he wasn't sure if he could make it before the werewolf.

"Expelliarmus!" Severus called as he pointed his wand over his shoulder. Again he didn't stop to see if it hit its target. By the sound of where the spell went, it had missed. Damn it!

Just then a large figure cut through his view of escape. The werewolf had cut him off. Without slowing his pace Severus turned left just dodging the claw that came flying at him. He knew the claws weren't the dangerous part of the wolf. It was the saliva that turned wizards, but he still didn't want to add anymore scars to his collection.

After running a few feet he turned right so the light was in his view again. He had to get out of here. It was only ten yards away. Out of what seemed like nowhere a claw flew into his vision. Severus immediately tried to duck but the claw hooked onto the blanket, wrenching the girl from his grip. Severus stopped as he saw the blanket crash violently into a nearby tree. The girl would be unconscious if not dead from the impact. Severus watched as the blanket snagged on the tree and the young girl, he had come to hate over the years, tumbled out of it. Immediately Severus dashed for her but the werewolf was faster.

"Sectusemptra!" Severus roared as the wolf closed in on her. The wolf was so focused that it hadn't even noticed the curse until it cut into his face. With a howl of pain the werewolf stumbled backwards clawing at its face. Severus took the opportunity to run forward and swing the unconscious girl into his arms. He had to get out of here. Without a second glance Severus turned and ran to his only escape. He could hear the wolf regaining its self but he was almost there.

Just then the open sky washed over them as Severus ran from the woods. He had no time to enjoy the beautiful sky. Without a second thought Severus turned on spot and disappeared with a pop.

Severus let out a grunt as he crashed headfirst into the ground. Immediately Severus pushed himself up onto his elbows. Looking up he could see he had appartated just outside of Hogwart's gates. The tall shadow of the castle washing over him. They were safe.

Looking down Severus could see the unconscious girl pinned under him. Carefully he reached out a hand and turned her face to his. Her breath was coming out ragged and slow but she was breathing. She was alive. Severus could feel his body relax slightly. Slowly he raised his hand so it rested on a newly opened cut that appeared on the girl's forehead from the impact on the tree. She was not out of the clear yet. He had to get her to Poppy.

With a grunt Severus forced his rebelling body to stand. It felt as if he was made out of lead. Slowly Severus reached down and hoisted the unconscious body back into his arms. Looking down Severus could see that the girl had been crying. Severus smirked as he pushed back the girl's wild curls from her face. Hermione Granger had been found.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading. I will be sure to get chapter 1 up soon. Please review!!