
So I went to the library today to try and find Wuthering Heights… Which I direly need to read in about 4 days. I couldn't find it at my local library, and I thought to myself, why go home empty handed? I ended up leaving with 'The Mammoth Book of Zombie Comics', and for some reason while reading it I wanted to do this.

Just a heads up, chapters for this won't be long – About 500 too 1000 words, not including the Author Notes. It's cause I want to write these when I can't think of anything for Aide Memoire or Je M'en Fous. Thus, I want to keep them nice and short so, you know, they're easy to manage.

Oh yeah, pfft. They're not adults in this :c Duh.

Right, on with it.

"Did you see that? Head shot!!"

"Yes, I'm not blind! Do you have to shout Head shot every time a z--- Boom, Headshot!"

And with that, the two downed six M&Ms, each. They counted them out, of course – They had to be precise for this game. It was three per headcount. Blue if it was done by a shotgun, red if it was done by a handgun, green a magnum, yellow machinegun, and brown for anything else.

That was just how Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine were on these types of nights.

It was surprising for many students that the Valenfield duo were less than enthusiastic about joining the larger social get-togethers that took place in the holidays. It may have been because they never considered that being referred to as 'Valenfield' pissed the two off. Its name origins were originally used to name pairings, after all.

The solitude was considerably comfortable for the two. Chris' parents had taken Claire out the country for the first half of the holidays, leaving their fifteen-year-old son to entertain himself with the house. They had enough trust in him not to organize one of those over dramatic parties – After all, Chris knew all too well he'd get an arse kicking if he did something like that.

For the past few days, the young thirteen-year-old Valentine that sat behind him had been his preferred company. And what do two surprisingly close friends, of opposite genders, spend their time doing in a house, all alone? They have s…cary movie nights, of course. That, and blow all of their money on M&Ms to play a watered down drinking game.

The two were very fond of this genre. And most of all, the Zombie Movie subgenre. Stocked on the table along with the several bowls of M&Ms were various DVDs – All sorted into groups by categories. Dawn of the Dead, Vampires Vs. Zombies, Pet Semetary, Night of the Living Dead, Evil Dead and House of the Dead were just a few of the inhabitants of that pile.

Of course there were vampire and serial killer piles, too, but neither had near as many DVDs stacked up.


The two downed some more brown M&Ms, wondering to themselves how efficient a crossbow would really be against the undead. Both jumped when a crack of thunder echoed exceptionally loudly outside, causing them both to point and laugh at each other for their reactions. They should have known thunder and lightning would be coming with such a heavy downpour going on outside.

With all of the curtains drawn, all of the doors locked, and the fridge stocked, they were happily cut off from the rest of the world.

But as some people know, being left with sugar, a TV, zombie movies, your own imagination and a friend who can be just as eccentric as you , isn't always the best formula for stormy nights.

Jill had just slapped Chris' hand as he went to make a grab for the M&Ms when a loud thud came from the floor above them. Both froze, listening carefully. Two more thumps followed, but then nothing.

"… You heard that too, didn't you?" Chris asked, looking at Jill. She nodded slowly, before sitting on her knees and turning to look over the back of the couch, towards the stairs.

"… What do you reckon it was?" She asked quietly, just able to be heard over the noise of the movie.

"… Only one way to find out, right?"