AN: I'm working on this story alongside "Unknown Family." This however, is not connected to it in any way. It's totally separate. Sorry everyone. This idea was lingering in my head for over a month and it would have killed me if I didn't finish it. This is my first time making a one-shot. I decided to make it a series of one-shots because many more ideas came into my mind. This one-shot serves as an introduction to their family lives.

Note: This fic is predominately about Shiro and Saber's kids. For those of you who are confused about who marries who, here are the pairings.

Shiro X Saber

Rin X Archer (FYI: Rin doesn't change her last name and I'm sure you know why)

Sakura X Issei (She apparently gets over Shiro at some point and falls for him)

Standard Disclaimer: I do not own Fate/Stay Night. Please enjoy and review

When she doesn't know...

"10 minutes to go..." I thought to myself as I looked at my watch.

It was a typical day at school. Yet today was day that I dreaded the most. Today was the only day when we had history class... for two whole periods. To make matters worse, our teacher wasn't just your ordinary teacher, she was the kind that blabbered from start to finish until you felt like killing yourself. Practically nobody paid attention, most of the kids were either sleeping or staring out the window. I was one of those. Suddenly, I heard a familiar noise, oh no. The dreaded noise of a ruler hitting the desk, hard.

"Avalon! How many times have I told you to pay attention in class!" She screamed in her high, shrill, crow like voice.

"But I was paying attention Miss!" I lied.

"Well then, what was I discussing until now?" She asked.

Uh oh. Now I'm gonna get it.

"Umm... something about... a war?"

"Yes... be more specific!" She snapped.

"Umm... err... I forget..." I gave up.

"Miki! Can you please tell us what we've been discussing?" She called out to my best friend sitting across from me. She had blue eyes and long black hair that came up to her waist which she tied up in a ponytail.

"You were telling us about the fifth Holy Grail War. Which was, in this case, very different from the others. Because during this war, the grail was purged, in other words, purified. Seemingly putting an end to the other grail wars forever. During this war, two servants happened to fall in love with their masters and using the purged grail, returned to earth to stay with them. Their children are simply known by magi as Children of Fate. Is that it, Miss?"

"Very good Miki! Now THAT'S how a student in my class should behave! This is the third time you were slacking in my class, Avalon. Tisk Tisk, and for such an important topic! Your mother will hear about this, young lady!"

Ooooh. I'm dead. Mom's gonna kill me, and she's the scariest thing in the universe when she's angry...

"DRRRRIIINNNNGGG!!" The bell rang. Phew! I was saved!

"Now you will be getting a test on this next week! I expect you all to be prepared!" She said, glaring at me.

After that horrible history class, we went to the cafeteria to have lunch. Miki, Sakura, and I were all sitting in one table. We took out our lunches and started to eat.

Let me explain, my name's Avalon Emiya. I'm 14 years old and I'm in the 8th grade. However, I don't attend your average school. Oh no, our school is special. It simply goes by the name, IMA. In other words, International Academy for Magi. It's a school where kids who are mages or whatever go to. We don't just learn the stuff ordinary kids learn. We also learn about magic and magical history and most importantly, the Holy Grail War. I don't understand why they're teaching us this stuff because it's all over and it won't happen again. Me and my 11 year old brother have been attending this school since we were in kindergarten.

"I can't believe you were slacking off in class AGAIN!" Miki groaned, "And to make matters worse, she's gonna call your MOM!! I'll attend your funeral, don't worry!"

That's Miki Tohsaka for you. The number one student in our grade. Figures, because her mom was number one in her class when she was young. Not only her, her brother who's in 12th grade is also number one, and he's smarter than two Mikis put together. Even though she can be a total nerd, Miki's one of my closest friends.

"Don't worry Avalon, maybe your mom will go easy on you." Sakura said in a weak attempt to make me feel better.

She's Sakura Ryuudo. Named after her mom. She had long purple hair that was braided and came up to her shoulders. She's another one of my close friends. Her Dad isn't even a magus, but her mom is and THAT'S why she got to go to this school even though she's not very good in magic.

"Oh no. You DON'T know my Mom. She's SCARY! She's already angry at me over my last test results. I mean, come on! What's so bad about an 85%?"

"You got an 85? It was so easy! I mean come on, even Hajime got 100!" Miki yelled, reffering to one of the biggest idiots in our class, who was even dumber than me.

"Well, still. Don't see why they're giving us a test on the fifth grail war. I mean come on? How is it important to us? It's over and done with. It's not like our parents were one of those masters or servants..." I sighed.

Suddenly, Miki and Sakura gave me a strange look, like I was stupid and I didn't know anything. They looked so shocked. I was starting to wonder...

"What? What did I say?"

"You mean... You didn't know?" Miki asked me incredulously.

"Didn't know what?" I asked stupidly.

"Avalon, how did your mom and dad first meet?" Sakura asked.

"Well, they both went to the same high school and were good friends. Dad was from here and Mom was a transfer student from England. Soon they found out that they both happened to be magi. Years later they fell in love and got married." I replied, quoting exactly what my dad had told me.

"Avalon...? Is that seriously what your parents told you?" Miki asked.

"Yea. That's what Dad said."

"What about your mom?"

"Mom didn't bother." I replied.

"I... can't... BELIEVE IT!"

"What?" I asked.

"At least MY parents told me I'd understand when I'm older and they actually told me but YOUR parents downright LIED to you! They LIED! They lied and they intended to keep on lying for the rest of their lives!"

"Woah! Miki! Stop getting emotional!" I said as I tried to make my friend calm down, "What do you mean by that? You're saying that Mom was involved in the fifth grail war?"

"Just... Forget it, ok. Ask your mom. She'll tell you." She left the lunch table in a huff, and that was when the bell rang.

The rest of the school day went on as usual. Yet what Miki said kept on bothering me. Even Sakura refused to look me in the eye. I didn't know what was up with them, whatever it was, I was gonna listen to Miki and ask Mom about what's going on here.

"Hey, Sis!" I heard a voice from behind me,

"Hi Taka." I said dryly, "How did the test go?"

"Guess what? I got 100! In your face! Mom's gonna be real angry with you!" He gloated as he pushed his test paper in my face.

God that little pest...

That's my super annoying brother, Taka. He was kind of short for his age and had red hair and brown eyes, the spitting image of Dad. Unlike me, who came home with constant 85's and 90's (Mom's particular that we should get 100%. No more, no less.), Taka was the one who scored full marks on his tests. All the more reason to hate him and all the more reason for my parents to go, "Look at Taka! Why can't you get his grades?" Just for that, I want to strangle him sometimes.

On the way home, I was still thinking about what Miki had said. Why would Mom and Dad lie to us? What would they have been hiding? And for fourteen years I had absolutely no idea. I tried to forget about it and act casual as Taka and I came home.

"We're home Mom!" I yelled.

I placed my bags in my room and went to the dining table. Taka was already there and Dad was teaching Mom how to make something. Apparently, Mom can't cook to save her life and whatever she learned was from Dad.

"No! Not Miso! It said to add soy sauce!" Dad corrected her.

"Oh. Right."

"Giving Mom cooking lessons again?" Taka asked.

"Well, she's getting there, but not quite." Dad replied with a smile.

Dad repairs hardware and other electronic goods. A good career choice seeing as he's good in reinforcement spells and that's apparently all he can do. People say when they get something repaired, it's immediate and efficient and only I know why.

"Shiro, this recipe is so complex, couldn't we make something simpler?" Mom asked.

"Come on, try harder. I'll help you so that you don't burn anything." Dad replied.

"Shiro!" Mom snapped. Yet Dad didn't take offense, in fact, he laughed.

Mom's well... Mom. People say Mom and I look exactly alike, and by that I mean EXACTLY. We're practically clones. Same blonde hair, same blue eyes, same... everything. I can't count how many times people have said we look like sisters. Not only that, my Mom and I are really close and I tell her practically everything. From school, to homework, to boys, you name it. Sometimes however, she doesn't understand alot of stuff that I tell her. Wonder what things were like when she was a kid... Ugh. Mothers...

After what seemed like an eternity, dinner was ready. Majority of it was made by Dad. Whatever Mom made tasted kind of weird and stale. Oh well. At least it's not burned like the countless other dinners she made.

"Avalon, we got a call from school." Mom said, blunt and to the point.

"I know! I know! I'm not paying attention in class. Well, our teacher is just so boring! You can't blame me!"

"It doesn't matter! Your education is what's important! I don't want to hear this again! You understand?" Mom yelled.

"Yes, Mom." If I tried to talk back, she yelled even more, and that makes her scary.

While eating dinner, what Miki said came back to me. I couldn't think of any alternative except to ask,

"Hey Dad, remember when you told me about how you and Mom first met?"

"Yes... why are you bringing that up now?"

"That's not how you first met, isn't it?" I asked.

Everyone at the table was silent and shocked. Most of all, Mom.

"What makes you say that?" Mom asked.

"Because in class, the teacher discussed the 5th grail war and Miki said that you guys lied to me and Taka about all this. Dad, were you... by any chance, one of THOSE servants?"

"Wait... Miki as in... Miki Tohsaka?" Dad asked. Apparently, Miki's parents and my parents were good friends.

"Yup. That's her."

Mom and Dad were silent for a while, eventually Mom got the courage to speak up,

"Avalon, I'm sure you know that while in high school your father used to call me Saber for a great deal of time, do you know why?" she asked.

"Because... because... wait... Dad used to call you Saber? So that means that..."

"That's right."

"Mom?! YOU? A... servant? So that means Dad summoned you?" Taka asked.

"Yes." Mom replied.

"Yea, but a master would only fall for his servant if he was ignorant, innocent, or stupid. Dad is NOT like that." I remarked.

"Actually those three words describe your father perfectly, at least they did when he was in high school. Shiro, tell them."

Then Dad told me the whole story. When he was seven years old, he lost his parents and his house due to a fire that occured during the fourth grail war. He was adopted by his foster father Kiritsugu Emiya. After this, he aspired to become a hero of justice and save everyone. When he was seventeen, he had accidentally witnessed a battle between two servants, getting him killed. Yet he was saved by none other than Rin Tohsaka, Miki's mom.

When the servant, Lancer, came back for him, he ended up summoning Mom, or Saber, by chance. To top it all off, he had fallen in love with her at first sight, and even risked his life to save her. Mom however didn't seem to feel that way about him, or maybe she did, and was just trying to cover it up. Maybe it was because Sakura's mom had a major crush on Dad at the time.d During the course of the war, Mom taught Dad how to swordfight which was how he managed to get around for a while. Rin Tohsaka also taught him a thing or two even though they were enemies. Her servant, Archer, also happened to show him that he had the power to project weapons which was the source of his magical power. Also, Rin fell for Archer but he died, typical. As if that wasn't crazy enough, Mom happened to be King Arthur in her previous life.

If Mom was trying to cover up her feelings for Dad, that changed when he had to transfer a magic circut to her (My guess is that that was just a fancy way of saying that they "did it"). Soon Dad found out that Mom would vanish after they got the grail so they went on a very awkward date and Dad confessed his love for her that night. He even kissed her after a little skirmish with Gilglamesh, who was in love with Mom at the time even though he kept trying to kill her. They found out in due course that the grail was cursed, so Mom decided to love Dad even though they couldn't be together.

They won the grail and then destroyed it, Mom vanished. Dad was in a depression for about three years after that. During that time, Mom found out that she didn't destroy the grail, she purged it. So both her and Archer made a wish that they would be with the person they loved. Then Mom came back, they dated for a while, they married, then had us. Turned out I was named after that utopia that Mom was in and where all servants were sent to after the war.

I was shocked and appalled that they would keep the most important secret from their very own children...

"MOM! How could you? How could you lie to us about this?! Why didn't you tell us before?" I screamed, tears rolling down my face.

"Avalon... I'm so sorry. It's just that... your father, wanted..."

"What did he want? Me to live a lie?"

"I wanted some normality in your life. I didn't want you growing up with all this master servant nonsense. I didn't want you to turn out like Rin Tohsaka. Who was bitter and cynical because she grew up knowing about this. I'm sorry to say, even Miki is catching on. I wanted you guys to enjoy life without feeling obligated to obtain the grail, I didn't want you to feel like how your mother felt."

"I'm not like Miki! I'm totally different! And what do you mean by nonsense? This war is how you met Mom! Besides, it's over! None of this stuff is gonna happen again!"

"Avalon, listen, who said that it's all over? The grail may be purged, but who knows? Another one might appear. It's been 20 years since the last grail war. This might happen again..." Dad said, somewhat pensive.

"Speak not of it, lest it might come true." Mom remarked.

"Well... that explains why Mom's always so formal." Taka mused.

"And why she still doesn't know what RPG's are." I added.

"And why she's a bad cook." Taka added, again.

"And why she used to read to us the King Arthur stories when we were little."

"And why she's good with a sword."

"And why she's-"

"OK! We get it!" Mom burst out, but she was clearly amused.

"Wow. I just learned a very important lesson from all this. If ever there's a sixth grail war, I'm not gonna be so stupid and fall in love with MY servant! I don't think any of the servants are cute anyway!" Taka boasted.

"For once, I agree with you. I mean, who'd fall for a guy with red eyes and long blue hair and a terrible dress sense who goes around carrying a spear all day? And what's up with his noble phantasm? Gae Bulg? Oh please..." I added, reffering to Lancer who was apparently, loveless, "Or even worse..."

"What could be worse than that?" Taka asked.

"An insane archer with a magical gate who wants to marry you and kill you at the same time!"

Mom and Dad started laughing loudly for about half an hour. The way when you say something stupid or innocent and adults find it funny or see something perverted in it. It took real long, but they managed to get a hold of themselves.

"How can you two be so sure? I thought you said that it was all over?" Dad asked

"Well, it is, but just hypothetically." I replied.

"Well we'll just have to wait and see." Mom said.

"You're acting like it's gonna actually happen." Taka remarked.

"Maybe, maybe not." Mom replied.

"Well, if it ever does happen, we'll be ready, won't we?" I asked Taka.


"And I'm sure you will be." Mom said with a smile.


I know this idea was really stupid, but I actually thought that Shiro and Saber would marry and have children before episode 24 burst my bubble. Anyways, I hope you liked it! I'll get back on track with "Unknown family" soon. As long as I still have summer holidays.