Disclaimer: If i were Stephanie Meyer i would own Twilight. But i'm Rachel, so i don't.

Okayy... this is my first fan fic so bear with me while i figure out what to do. I'm really nerveous but heres the first chapter... hope you like it :)

"Emmett, are you coming or not? Edward and Alice are waiting for us. It's already nine o'clock!" I yelled up the stairs at my brother.

"I'm coming, i'm coming... gosh Bella." Emmett said trudging down the stairs.

"Emmett could you go any slower?" I asked impatiently.

"Actually i probably could." He said he said nodding his head.

"Emmett its a figure of speech." I said rolling my eyes.

"A figure of what?" He asked confused.

"A figure of speech." I said slowly. I couldn't believe Emmett was a Junior in high school. It seemed impossible, he acted like a second grader. I was a sophmore and i was smarter than him, sometimes i even tutored him.

"Oh." He said uninterested.

We got in the car and started driving to Edward's house.

"Bella?" Emmett asked without taking his eyes off the road.

"Yeah?" I asked quietly. It was very rare that Emmett would be quiet so i was going to savor the moment.

"Do you like Edward?" He asked, getting straight to the point.

"Duh. He's my best friend." I said like it was obvious. I knew what Emmett really ment but i sure wasn't going to tell him.

"No i mean, do you like him more than a friend?" He asked, like i already didn't know.

"Uhh. No." I said quickly, probably giving me away. Emmett turned his head to look at me with a questioning look on his face.

"Emmett keep your eyes on the road!" I yelled, hitting him on the arm.

"Oww Bella! Was that really nessecary?" Emmett asked, his eyebrows knitting together.

"Yes! Emmett you missed the turn to their house! Thats what happens when you don't keep your eyes on the road." I said grinning.

"Whatever." Emmett said making a illegal U turn.

"You know, our dad's a police officer Emmett. Shouldn't you obey the traffic laws?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Only when he's around." Emmett said laughing.

We got to Edward's house a few minutes later due to Emmetts maniac driving.

"Hey Bella!!!" Alice yelled as we pulled in the driveway.

"Hey Alice." I said giving her a hug.

"Well obviously you don't care about me Alice." Emmett complained.

"Of course i do Emmett." Alice said walking to the other side of the car and giving him a hug.

"Aww, thanks Alice." Emmett said grinning.

"Where's Edward?" I asked curiously.

"Right here." A velvety voice said behind me. I'd liked Edward since seventh grade. I just didn't have the nerve to tell him. I knew it was pretty pitiful but i didn't want to ruin our friendship.

"Hey." I said smiling.

"Hey." He said opening his arms for a hug.

I gladly accepted and after a few seconds Emmett coughed.

"Emmett you hugged Alice." I said raising my eyebrows.

"So? Thats different." Emmett argued.

"Whatever." I said pushing him. Of course he didn't budge. He was huge, if he wasn't my brother i would be terrified of him. But he was just a giant teddy bear.

We walked into their house and sat down on the couch. Edward and i had a couch and Alice and Emmett had a couch.

"So... What are we gonna' do?" Emmett asked impatiently.

"Umm... I don't know... We were bored so we asked you to come over. We were hoping that you guys would have a good idea." Alice said smiling sheepishly.

"Well, why don't we watch a movie..." I said shrugging.

"What movie should we watch?" Edward asked finally contributing to the conversation.

"We should watch a horror movie!" Emmett almost yelled.

"NO!" I screamed, he knew i hated horror movies with a passion.

"Come on Bella! Please?!?!" Alice asked using her puppy dog eyes.

"Alice. Don't do this to me." I pleaded.

"Please Bella? For me?" Alice asked, her bottom lip quivering.

"Ugh! Fine!" I said throwing my hands in the air.

"Yay! Which one are we gonna' watch?" Alice said bouncing in the seat.

"Nothing too scary!" I said raising my eyebrows.

"Lets watch... Silent Hill!" Emmett screamed.

"Whats that?" I asked cautiously.

"You'll just have to see." Emmett sang smiling.

I sighed and settled further into the couch. Alice put the movie in and skipped back to her seat.

"I can't believe i'm doing this. I'm gonna have nightmares for a month." I said nervously.

"Its okay Bella. This movie isn't that scary." Edward said smiling.

"Yeah. That's really reassuring." I said sarcasticly.

Throught the movie i was basicly welded to Edwards side. I was terrified and everyone knew it. When the movie was over i let out a big sigh of relief.

"You okay?" Edward asked grinning.

"Oh, just peachy." I said with a fake smile.

"It wasn't that bad." Edward said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah. To you." I said puting emphasis on 'you'.

"Do you want to watch another movie?" He asked smiling.

"As long as its not a horror movie." I said sternly.

"How about... Pirates of the Carribbean?" Alice asked, her face lighting up.

"Perfect!" I said quickly.

Alice put the movie in and sat down. A few minutes later i was asleep, i didn't realize how much that horror movie tired me out.

Okay, so what do you think? Good? Bad? I would love to know what you think, so please review. It'll make me happy :)