A/N: so here i am again with another story xD heh heh.. yeah.. i just wanted to let everyone know that i won't be coming up with a sequel to scapegoat.. TT^TT

i know.. it's sad XD.. riiiigght.. haha.. well.. this story isn't grimmXulqui either o.o.. lè gasp... well.. this is actually a fanfiction with Kurogane and Fay from Tsubasa Reservior Chronicles as the pairing XD.. so... ENJOY!!!

At the end of the rainbow

"Kuro-pu? When you look at a rainbow what do you see?" Fay stared at the bright blue sky with his hands behind his back, which was facing Kurogane.

Hearing his name called out, the ninja turned his attention towards the blonde then to the clouds as a bright band of colors stretched in a gentle arc across the sky.

He shrugged staring upwards with a bored expression.

"There's nothing to see. It's just the bending of light, nothing more, and nothing less."

Fay remained quiet, Kurogane took notice of this and couldn't help but feel that the mage was striving towards a much deeper explanation.

"Listen up! If you've got something to say then say it!"


"What do you see when you look at a rainbow?" Kurogane kept his eyes on Fay, watching for any sign that would suggest what he truly had in mind.

Suddenly the blonde turned around, a smile gracing his delicate features, this deeply troubled Kurogane somehow.

"All in good time Kuro-min, all in good time..."

There was no doubt about it, Kurogane was positive that there was something wrong with Fay, though he refrained from pressing matters any further.

..::X-=-X::.. ..::X-=-X::..

And then suddenly, without warning, the dream ended as Kurogane lied on the bed staring up at the ceiling.

Why would he have such a dream?

He groaned in an irritated tone as he turned on his side.

His crimson eyes scanned the empty and unkempt space beside him.

The sheets were nearly falling off the bed and there was the imprint of a head still on the pillow.

Kurogane pulled it over slowly and inhaled its sweet scent softly, the sweet scent of Fay's golden locks.

He opened his eyes and scrunched his brows together.

He could have sworn the mage had been here the night before.

He'd had the privilege to watch the blonde fall asleep as his chest rose and fell gently.

He had seen the slender man curl up beside him and clutch the covers, but where was he now?

Just as the brunette stood up to look around the room for Fay, he spotted something on the bedside table that wasn't there the night before.

It was a purple pebble.

How strange, it looked oddly familiar as well.

Beside the pebble there was a note written on a sheet of purple stationary.

Kurogane unfolded the paper and read the note's contents.

"Kurogane, I asked you yesterday what you saw when you looked at a rainbow.

You answer was a scientific one.

Indeed as light refracts it does tend to create a rainbow when reflected through a prism, but that's not exactly the answer I was looking for.

You then questioned me what I saw in a rainbow.

Do you still want to know?

I see seven distinctive colors, seven different memories.

I'll start with the color violet.

In your hand you hold a uniquely colored pebble.

Just as you unintentionally stumbled across this object, you and I together came across this curious stone as we walked along a dirt road.

Do you remember?

I stepped on it and slipped.

If you turn the rock over you'll find scratch marks on its surface where it rubbed against the other rocks beneath it."

Kurogane turned the rock over in his palm and sure enough there were little scratches on it otherwise smooth surface.

He continued to stare at the rock carefully as he indeed began recalling the way he and Fay had come across this strange stone.

..::X-=-X::.. ..::X-=-X::..

It was a blistering hot day as Kurogane walked along a dirt path carrying the blonde mage on his back.

Fay, who had been raised in a land of intense cold, simply could not bear the extreme heat.

He mumbled softly into the man's black hair and began wiggling around.

Kurogane stopped and gave an agitated sigh.

"Stop moving around."

"I told you to put me down. I wanna walk, Kuro-tan."

The ninja rolled his eyes and released the blonde's thighs as the slender man landed nimbly on his feet.

He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand and began to walk slowly with a slight wobble in his step.

Kurogane kept a close eye on the dizzy blonde and managed to catch him before he hit the ground.

Fay blinked up at the ninja for a few moments until he shifted his gaze to the floor.

He moved out of the ninja's grasp and knelt down as he picked up a medium sized rock with scratch marks on its surface.

"What a curious little pebble…"

It was strange indeed, a violet colored rock.

..::X-=-X::.. ..::X-=-X::..

Kurogane gave a soft grunt, which was, in his own special way, a chuckle of sorts, as he smirked gently and returned his attention to the paper in his hands.

"To me, the color violet represents all the strange and wonderful discoveries you and I have made.

Well that's one color down and six more to go.

I know you're probably wondering where I've gone off to, but to find out you'll have to follow the rainbow until you reach the end.

Think of it as a scavenger hunt of sorts.

At the end of every little note I leave for you there will be an image.

You yourself will have to decipher the meaning of it.

Hopefully then if you have figured out the clue then it will lead you to the next color in the rainbow and then possibly, my whereabouts.

Here's hoping you have loads of fun,


..::X-=-X::.. ..::X-=-X::..

As Kurogane reached the end of the little note, he instinctively turned it over, only to find a beautiful drawing of a field of grass, drawn so intricately and specifically.

As he looked over the drawing, admiring it, he noticed a deep blue flower drawn in the center.

Something about the flower was oddly familiar to the ninja.

He stood there, deep in thought, for a few moments more as he finally recalled what made this flower so recognizable.

..::X-=-X::.. ..::X-=-X::..

"Kuro-tan looks so pretty!"

"Here, take it. It looks better on you."A/N: woot!! so there's the end of chapter one.. i hope it was good.. so.. anyways.. i came up with this story last week while i was in the car with my mom.. there was this pretty rainbow in the sky, but for some really weird reason the color red stood out.. heh heh.. why do i mention the color red? heh heh.. you'll have to read to find out xD..

i promise to try and make it bearable TT^TT ..

reviews are needed and appreciated.. message me... msn me.. or whatever.. ya know.. heh heh.. well.. see ya until the next chapter.. which will be up almost immediately xD