Boohoo!! I tried to draw it out for as long as I could, but I guess this day had to come. My story's finally complete. *wipes a tear!!* My baby

Please, please be gracious enough to review. Else, I'll feel I wrote in vain. And I sincerely hope that you enjoyed my version of Edward's thoughts.

Oh, before I forget, I LOVE YOU ALL!! Everyone who has reviewed so far - Thank you sooooo much!! You guys are seriously amazing. A big bear hug!! XOXOXOXOXO!!! :D

"I like old-fashioned things," she muttered declining my offer, and then, finally, she cautiously lifted the lid.

She stared at the ring for a long time, unwittingly magnifying my anxiety. Then finally, she lightly stroked it. Yes! my mind exulted.

"It's so pretty," she whispered as if caught in a daze.

"Do you like it?" I prodded, already knowing her answer.

She tried to shrug it off. "It's beautiful. What's not to like?" Ha! I always knew she was a bad actress. I chortled softly.

"See if it fits."

Automatically, she fisted her hands, terrified.

I kept forgetting that I had to be patient with her. Springing my mother's ring on her and then asking her to put it on should have been inexcusable, but within me and growing exponentially powerful every second, was a very foreign, very deliciously warming new emotion that swept over everything else.

"Bella," I whispered. "I'm not going to solder it to your finger." At least, I'll try my best not to. "Just try it on so I can see if it needs to be sized. Then you can take it right off."

"Fine," she muttered, giving in with poor grace and attempted to reach for the ring. But I wasn't having any of it. Plus, I did not even know if I would ever get such an opportunity again. So beating her to the punch, I lifted the ring from the box, softly clasped her left hand and slid the opal very carefully on her third finger. Then bringing her hand out, I gazed at the gems shimmering and glowing along with her skin.

That's when I finally allowed myself to drown in the deluge of the torrential euphoria that completely held me prisoner. Everything was right. Everything was perfect. My rudderless ship had finally found an anchor. And I owed it all to the radiant beauty of the angel in my arms whose pure grace I still had difficulty comprehending. She chose me. She loved me. I repeated the life giving mantra over and over. The intensity of my love and joy was begging to burst forth and I had to remind myself that Bella probably wasn't even comfortable wearing the ring to begin with.

"A perfect fit." I said cautiously, trying to sound as nonchalant as was possible. "That's nice — saves me a trip to the jeweler's."

Bella of course, looked up at once. Apparently, I wasn't such a great actor either. She narrowed her eyes and demanded, "You like that, don't you?" I could barely contain myself and staring at her adorable pout was definitely not helping matters. But obstinately, I held on.

"Sure," I shrugged "It looks very nice on you."

She continued to gaze into my eyes looking for the right answer. Staring into her deep brown orbs left me utterly powerless. I was dazzled into confession. My entire being burst open, saturating the air with sheer bliss. Bella's eyes went wide and her breath caught, only amplifying my triumph. I cupped her face with both my hands and kissed her till she was gasping for breath. I wasn't in much better shape myself. I softly kissed her earlobe and then admitted exactly how much I liked it. I think our kiss had already given her a fair idea. She was still a little breathless as she agreed with me. And then to add to this most perfect of all days, I had to ask, "Do you mind if I do something?" as I unconsciously held her closer still.

"Anything you want." she promised.

Reigning in the very erratic thumping of my non-existent heart, I got up, ignored her protests and then reaching for her hand, gently drew her off the bed as well.

In all my seriousness, I tried desperately to convey to her how important this was for me. "Now, I want to do this right. Please, please, keep in mind that you've already agreed to this, and don't ruin it for me." I quietly begged.

"Oh, no," she whispered as I went down on my knees.

"Be nice," I implored.

She took a deep breath to steady herself and finally looked at me.

"Isabella Swan?" I gazed up into the face I held most beloved. The world had come to a standstill. All that mattered was my angel, my love, whose eyes were flowing with wonder and love and a fierce intensity that matched my own. "I promise to love you forever — every single day of forever. Will you marry me?"

For one agonizing second, she remained silent and then very softly uttered the single most beautiful word in this world "Yes."