Chapter Eight: When a woman

She was done, she had enough with everything, she wanted her marriage back and she'd be damned if she didn't achieve that goal. First love or not she was his wife, the title alone was enough for her to overpower the enticing ways of his mistress and she would. The only question left was how? How is she going to get back the man who has no memory of her what so ever? She didn't know how, but for now she would just have to improvise, assert her self and not be put down again. She had to, not just for her self, not just for him, but for their child.

"I'm going to get him back!" She told her self with determination set in her blue orbs. With a hand over her flat stomach she felt even stronger than she was before. A knock on the door interrupted her silent revelries as she looked up and smiled at the figure walking towards her.

"Hello father, I didn't think you'd be back so soon!" She greeted as she patted her bedside. The older male looked at her through calculating golden orbs before sitting down and letting out a deep sigh.

"Kagome, Inuyasha told me everything. I want you to start eating and taking care of yourself. The pup inside of you is going to take a lot to raise and until Sesshomaru gets back his memories either Inuyasha or my self will have to stick around in order for the pup to not overpower you while he is inside your womb." Kagome turned her head to the side as she stared at the man with confusion.

"What do you mean father?" She questioned as pain shot through her abdomen, she gripped her stomach tightly before taking in a deep breath.

"Kagome, our family comes from a long line of inu yokai. The child inside of you is fully demon, how I don't know but as far as I can scent out he's full blooded. I can only guess that since Sesshomaru's demon blood flows stronger due to his mother and I being full silver inus that it would be a reason to consider." He explained as best as he could as Kagome fidgeted with the ring on her finger.

"So….you mean to tell me I'm having a FULL demon baby?" Kagome questioned in a low tone.

"I know this may seem hard for you but…"

"No, no, no I understand completely and I will love this child more than anything. I have accepted your family and Sesshomaru's true nature ever since I've met him. It just confuses me how I could have a full demon as a child, I always figured I would have a half demon like Inuyasha." Kagome stated as she looked up at her father in law. The older male smiled at her before standing up and straightening his collar. Kagome smiled back but soon began to scream as a horrible pain began to vibrate through her lithe body, it was as if someone or something was poking nails all over her as she gripped the sheets tighter and howled out her cries of agony.

"Shh, Kagome honey its okay!" Her father in law reassured her as he put a clawed hand over her abdomen and pushed, a warm pulsating glow surrounded her belly before slowly fading away making the pain disappear. Kagome's heart began to slow down and her body relaxed as the tall male patted her belly and wiped his brow.

"What the fuck happened? I heard Kagome screaming from the parking lot!" Inuyasha bellowed out as he rushed in with a panting Kikyo behind him.

"Calm down son, she's fine I will however need to speak with you outside in private." InuTaisho stated as he put hand on his son's shoulder and led him out the door. Kikyo waited for the door to close before rushing to Kagome's side and stroking her hair in a comforting manner.

"You okay Kags?" She questioned softly as she lay down beside her younger cousin.

"It hurt so much Kikyo; I didn't know what was happening. The pain blinded me I felt so weak I was so scared for the baby." Kagome whimpered before burying her face in to the older woman's chest and letting her tears fall freely.

"Be strong Kagome, we taught you better than to just give up. He isn't all you have to live for now, you have us you have your child and you have a whole bunch of other people around to help you get through this. Don't wreck yourself don't give them the satisfaction." She advised her before pulling her away and lifting her chin up. "You're stronger than this."

"I know, I guess I just needed a reminder." Kagome replied before pulling away and wiping the rest of her tears dry. "So when can I get out of here and move on with life?"

"The doctor said in two days, they still want to monitor you since you aren't gaining sufficient weight for them to deem healthy enough to carry a child." She replied before straightening her shirt and hopping off the hospital bed.

'Just two days my little one and we will begin to start life once again. I promise no more hurting you.' Kagome thought as she rubbed her stomach affectionately and closed her eyes. The sweet humming of her cousin's voice making her feel drowsier until she was finally back in to the land of dreams.

[Two days later]

Kagome packed the last of her things before zipping up the overnight bag and turning towards her awaiting sister. Sango looked up from the magazine she was reading and smiled brightly before setting it down on a table and putting an arm around Kagome.

"Ready to go mommy to be?" She questioned happily earning a nod from Kagome in return.

"The sooner I get out of here the better!" Kagome stated as they walked out of the door arms linked together.

"Okay, the paperwork is done and the release forms are signed and bills paid for so no worries other than getting this package home." Ayame stated as she patted Kagome's stomach. Kagome let out a laugh before rubbing her belly and walking towards the elevator.

"I plan on spending the night in order to watch over you! We can have the usual, chick flicks, popcorn, snacks, and whatever you want since pregnant women tend to be crazy with the cravings." Sango stated as the ding of the elevator sounded off.

"I'm in on that!" Ayame stated as the doors slid open to reveal the last person they wanted to see. Sango narrowed her eyes at the female instantly before stepping in front of Kagome; Ayame grabbed Kagome's arm and stared Kagura down, hostility clear in her emerald orbs as she let out a menacing growl.

"Now, now no need for the warning pup I'm simply here to get a check up done. You see I've missed my period and I was just going to check if my dear Sesshomaru and I have finally made one of our own." The tall woman sneered as she pushed past an angry Sango.

"That's funny; the bastard wants to have another bastard. I thought he didn't want to stain his precious bloodline with such bacteria." Sango spit out as she turned towards the red eyed woman. "Than again what do you expect when it comes to a whore like you."

"Sango stop." Kagome whispered causing the three women to look down at her.

"But Kagome…" Sango began but stopped as her younger sister put a hand up.

"It's okay, let's just go and I don't need any more stress to befall upon my person. I am after all carrying a child inside of me and I want to provide a relaxing atmosphere not a tension filled one." Kagome stated before lifting her eyes up to meet Kagura's surprised ruby reds.

"You mean to tell me…." She began but stopped as she sniffed the air. Her eyes grew wider as she caught the scent of Sesshomaru inside the petite young woman.

"Yes, I'm having his child. It's one of the duties I have as his legitimate wife, to provide a family." Kagome stated calmly before shrugging Ayame's hand off and walking in to the elevator. "Let's go guys; I want to get this sleepover started."

"You got it mommy to be." Sango taunted before turning around and flipping her long ponytail in the unsuspecting woman's face. Ayame bumped in to her roughly before climbing in to the elevator and pressing the first floor button.

"Have a nice day Kagura; hope things work out for you." Sango stated with an eerily sweet smile as the doors closed. Kagura narrowed her eyes dangerously before huffing her annoyance and walking off.

"Wow Kagome I don't see how you can put up with a bitch like that." Sango started off as they began their journey down. Kagome just shrugged before turning her attention towards the door and stepping out just as it made a dinging noise, the petite young woman stepped out and slipped suddenly.

"Kagome!" Sango and Ayame chorused as they looked up in time to see her close her eyes tightly and wait for the impact of the cold tiled floors below.

"My apologies." A deep voice stated as he caught Kagome around the waist before she fell. A blush rushed to her face as she stared up at deep crimson orbs.

"No, I wasn't looking thank you though." Kagome replied as he helped her up on her feet.

"No problem, it's not everyday you catch a beautiful woman from falling." He stated as he flashed a small smile. Kagome returned it with one of her own as she continued to get lost in his blood red eyes.

"Kagomeeeee…." Sango called out in a sing song voice before tapping the shorter girl on the shoulder.

"Ohhh ohhh right I'm so sorry once again." Kagome stated as she finally let go of his arm, he let out a deep chuckle before unwrapping his arm around her waist and straightening up his black button down.

"No need to be sorry miss…."

"Kagome." She replied before putting a hand up to her cheek and feeling the warmth of her blood rushing up.

"Nice meeting you Kagome, I hope I see you around more often." He replied before taking her warm hand in his and placing a chaste kiss on the soft appendage. Kagome shivered at the chilliness surrounding the tall male mixed in with the effect of his kiss.

"You probably will, she works here as a nurse." Ayame butted in with a huge grin.

"Is that so, well I should make this my regular hospital than." He stated before brushing away a stray piece of his dark, reddish brown hair behind his ear.

"Mr. Kuran! Mr. Kuran! You forgot your briefcase in the car." A short young male called out as he waved an ebony case in the air. The tall male turned around and nodded his reply before reaching his arm out and clasping his slender fingers around the handle.

"Thank you Ai, I appreciate it." He stated in a calm tone before turning back towards Kagome and bowing slightly.

"I'll be seeing you Kagome." He stated coolly before walking in to the elevator and disappearing behind the doors, a cold rush of air followed after causing a shiver to run down her spine as she turned towards the dazed blond before her.

"Who is he?" Sango questioned out loud as she put a finger to her head and searched her brain for answers. He seemed so familiar to her yet so unknown.

"That was Kaname Kuran! On of the top entrepreneurs and business men of Japan and America, he's known worldwide by name but no one has ever gotten a chance to meet him personally. You guys are lucky and I'm lucky to even be able to be around him!" The young boy named Ai stated in an excited tone.

"Isn't he also a successful neurosurgeon? I read in an article that he graduated as valedictorian from Princeton and moved on to Harvard to study law. He's like all around type of guy!" Ayame squealed out as realization dawned on her. "Kagome you are so lucky!"

"I'm already blessed with this right here." Kagome replied as she rubbed her belly with love while managing a small laugh. "And whenever Sesshomaru regains his memory that will be even better."

Sango and Ayame looked at each other before shrugging their shoulders and leading Kagome out of the door.

"By Miss Kagome!" Ai called out before waving frantically. Kagome turned and smiled brightly before waving back and walking out the door. A sigh escaped her lips as she was escorted inside Sango's car and driven back to her empty home, completely unbeknownst to the seething pair of golden eyes.


He couldn't believe what he saw as he stepped through the hospital doors, he felt jealousy course through his veins as he watched the stoic male hold on to his wife. His pride was being ripped to shreds as he watched the blush form on her heart shaped face.

'How dare this imbecile touch what is mine?' He thought to himself as he narrowed his eyes at the way the male held on to her slim waist. His beast tore through its cages as he tried his best to restrain the rage building up inside of him.

'Why do I even care for this woman? I don't even remember a thing about her.' He thought once more as he watched them bid their farewells and separate as a young boy came running towards them with a briefcase in hand. He had enough as he walked back towards his car and waited for the woman he did love, he did remember, that his mind couldn't seem to forget but his heart, his heart told him differently as he placed his forehead on the steering wheel in front of him. So many unfulfilled spaces in his mind popped up every time he saw her and for some reason his heart lurched forward and his beast whimpered in side the recess of his mind for access to her, to feel her, to touch her, and odd enough as it may seem to him to love her with everything he had. A frustrated growl escaped his throat as he shot his head back up and glared at the hood of his car.

'Emotions are for weak amateurs. This Sesshomaru is nor weak nor an amateur.' He thought sourly before looking up as the sound of her melodious laughter filled the air. He leaned his ears more towards the windshield in order to hear her better.

"And whenever Sesshomaru regains his memory that will be even better." His heart clenched tightly around his chest as her words sunk in to his mind and heart. What was really happening to him? Were Kagura's words ringing true or were they just another one of her lies? He didn't know what to believe or what was happening as he turned the key and started the ignition.


She was glad to see the familiar surroundings of their two story blue house as Sango parked up in to one of the two driveways and got out.

"Home sweet home." Kagome murmured before opening the door and getting out in time to see a familiar silver Bentley pull up in to the next garage. Her breath hitched in her throat as she saw the familiar silver strands of hair flow in the wind before her breathing stopped completely as Sesshomaru stepped out.

"Well look what the cat dragged in." Sango stated before shaking her head with disgust and grabbing Kagome's stuff, Ayame became restless as she threw Sango the extra keys she had of Kagome's and followed. Kagome stood there awkwardly before turning towards the front door and walking towards it, her heart felt like it would burst inside her chest as she turned the knob.

"What are those nimrods doing here on my property?" He heard him growl out beside her ear causing her to let out a small 'eep' before turning around and facing his hard chest.

"They are my family, I can have them over at OUR home whether you like it or not." Kagome stated in a determined tone before opening the door and walking in. The regal male stood in front of the blue passageway for a few moments as he thought about how her mood fluctuated so quickly and the enticing scent radiating off of her. He shook the feeling off before entering his domain and growing agitated by the sounds of giggles and laughter.

"Next time you speak out of character towards this Sesshomaru you will regret it, wench." He gritted out as he stared her down and walked away.

"Why I ought to neuter that bastard!" Sango growled out as she grabbed the huge butcher knife she was using to cut fruits with and took a step forward only to be stopped by a pair of arms encircling her around the waist and Ayame standing in front of her.

"No Sango please he's not himself you know that." Kagome vouched for him.

"Just let it go Sango do it for Kagome!" Ayame stated as she carefully took the sharp weapon away from the enraged woman.

"Fine fine fine!" She finally breathed out before turning around and hugging Kagome. "I know you have a backbone kid, don't let him step all over you, especially since you are you know what."

"I promise." Kagome replied as they pulled away. She crossed her heart for emphasis causing the tall woman in front of her to break out in to a small smile.

"Let's get this fun night started, can't let ONE ICE PRICK ruin all the fun can we?" Sango stated loudly earning silence in return.

"Guys…." Kagome warned in a low tone before picking up one of the honey dew melons and popping it in her mouth. Sango huffed her reply before turning towards the doorway and narrowing her eyes as she saw a glimpse of silver walk past the door.

"Where are you going?" Kagome called out before following after him, Sango and Ayame glanced at each other knowingly before shaking their heads.

"I asked you a question, you should answer me! I have a right to know where you're going." Kagome stated as he continued to grab his coat and stare her down menacingly.

"You have a right? Where in your pathetic mind do you have a right, we are bound by a piece of paper, one that can be ripped to pieces in an instant." He growled out as he proceeded towards the door. Kagome pushed back the tears she was holding as she grabbed the phone he was currently staring at and scrolled through the text messages.

"Your going to see her aren't you?" She yelled out before throwing the phone at him and pushing him out the door, she had enough of it and she was going to fight back now. She was going to fight for her marriage and the man she loved. She wasn't going to be the weak little girl anymore that sat in the corner and cried, no, she was his wife and for the love of everything she was going to fight for that right.

"How dare you insolent bitch!" Sesshomaru roared as he punched the wall beside her. Kagome's knees buckled beside her as she stared up in to his pink tinted golden orbs. His face was twisted in to unimaginable rage as he breathed heavily.

"I'm your wife! Can't you accept that I'm your WIFE! You're Mine! You're MINE!" Kagome yelled out as she slapped him across the face. Sango and Ayame were too surprised to move as they watched the scene unfold before them. "Why can't you love me again?"

Sesshomaru stood quietly as he stared down at her electric blue eyes. He didn't know what to say at the moment, he didn't know what to do.

"You're blinding yourself to the fact that we're married, that you have a commitment to me." Kagome continued as she looked up at him fiercely.

"I don't love you. I don't even remember you!" Sesshomaru bit out as he bent down to pick his shattered device. Kagome bit her lip before drawing her hand back and slapping him across the face once more.

"You are NOT going anywhere, remember this you will not leave this house without me, wherever you go you will take me whether you like it or not!" Kagome bit out calmly before pointing her index finger in to his chest.

"You're really suffocating me aren't you? Well do well to remember this; I do what I want whenever I please. This Sesshomaru is under no one's control especially some human bitch. Keep up with your restraining ways and I will leave you for good, you're blessed that I have put up with your foolishness for this long." He uttered out after a long pregnant silence. Kagome couldn't choke back her tears anymore as they slowly ran down her flushed cheeks.

"Sesshomaru…." She cried out as he turned to walk out the door, she latched her self on to his arm and clung to him before being pushed away. She slid down towards the floor and cried once more as she let her weak side take over once again. Sango and Ayame couldn't say anything to her as they walked over and sat beside her, letting their presence be her refuge as she cried to her heart's content.

Memories of their relationship, togetherness, and the love that bloomed poured inside Kagome's mind like a tsunami as she continued to let her tears express her emotions. She clung her hands to her chest as it continued to twist in unimaginable ways; the pain she was currently feeling couldn't be any worse as she replayed his words over and over inside her mind. She didn't know where she could find the strength any more if he left her for good. A luminous cloud began to hover over head as rain fell down on the rooftops. It was as if nature and the God's above were crying with the broken woman, but like the saying goes the rain will was away the pains of yesterday and a new beginning will rise. Kagome only hoped that her sunshine would peak out soon.

[End Chapter]

A/N: I know I took a while to update this and I apologize for that. I just seriously have a lot going on right now. Reviews would be nice, please.