When Cornelia stepped out into the open courtyard, the pretty flowers and statues were gone. The entire field was now an giant bowl, like an arena. She walked out slowly, hoping that maybe there was just a time limit for these things, but it wasn't likely.

"How exciting!" Hay Lin appeared next to her. "Can you even imagine? I mean, this girl is supposed to be the best 'earth-bender' on this world! How are you going to do it? I'm positive that you'll win Corney!"

"Will you stop, this isn't a good thing, we should be finding a way home, not... dueling, or whatever," Cornelia responded a bit harsh.

Hay Lin crossed her arms, "Not like it matters, we'll be fine, one day isn't going to matter and besides, you have an ego the size of the infinite dimension, even if you refuse this, well, i don't think you really want to refuse."

Cornelia know Hay Lin was right. She wanted to prove to that snot nose brat that she is the Guardian of Earth for a reason. The idea of losing to some girl was irritating to her, but Cornelia was doubting her choice, it still seemed like a bad idea.

"Anyway, all of us are going to be up there," Hay Lin pointed upwards. Set into the large wall of this 'arena' there was a small platform, and sure enough everyone was sitting up there. Hay Lin flew up and winked at Cornelia before making her way up there. With a sign, she walked to the middle of the ring where Toph stood, hands on hips, dirty feet implanted firmly on the ground.

Toph faced her and Cornelia looked right into the pale green eyes. "You ready for a beating, princess?"

"Not really," Cornelia said bluntly.

"Well, forget about running, it's time you take you down!" Toph slammed her foot on the ground, making Cornelia trip.

"No fair! I wasn't even ready!"

"To bad princess," Toph snorted as her whole body moved in motion, her arm shot out while her foot dug into the ground. Cornelia was thrown about, smashed into a pillar of rock and berated with thousand of rocks. Dust covered the entire arena, so much that the spectators above couldn't see a thing.

Hay Lin visible cringed at the fight. "Don't you think Toph is getting a little overzealous, I mean, Cornelia isn't even fighting back,"

Sokka leaned forward. "Toph has an ego the size of the Great Divide, there is no stopping her until she is convinced she's better than Corney."

"I get that, Cornelia is the same way, but..." Hay Lin started, her voice drifted off, as if her mind was somewhere else.

Down on the floor, the dust cleared away quickly. Toph walked forward to the light haired body. "GET UP PRINCESS!" She yelled in a laugh. "Come on, are all guardians that weak?" Toph stomped her foot, sending Cornelia flying in the air.

"Fine! I'm done, you are the greatest earth-bender!" Cornelia raised her dirty hands. "I give up."

"Oh no you don't, this wasn't even a real fight! I'm guessing all people from your place must be weak, I bet you didn't even defeat those guys you told us about."

Cornelia was dropped from her height, "Shut your mouth,"

"Huh? What was that, princess? You must have one crappy leader to be this weak," Toph snorted in laughter.

Hay Lin stopped for a moment, grasping on to Aang's arm. "This isn't good, Toph's gone too far this time."

"But Toph doesn't mean it," Aang replied. "She's just making fun."

"It doesn't matter, Cornelia hates when people talk bad about Will, not only that," Hay Lin began to explain, when she watched Toph be picked up swiftly and thrown across the arena. "She hates being called weak, it may be a joke... but Cornelia doesn't see it that way..."

As Toph continued laughing, suddenly a figure burst up out of the dusk and push Toph to the ground. Cornelia stood high above her, something hungry was in her eye. "You wanna see something little girl?" Cornelia flew high up into the air and held her arms up, closed her eyes and waited. Toph panicked, she didn't know where this girl went, except up. Furiously, Toph bended earth all around her, flinging up into several directions. Giant size boulders flew at incredible speeds, only to be stopped like dead weight in the air. The entire arena was shadowed under the masks of dozens of rocks. Toph didn't look up, but she could feel how cool it was under the shadows.

"What is she doing?" Sokka asked. If his eyes could get any wider, they would. Everyone was breathless as they weighted.

"Oh no, somethings wrong," the words escaped Hay Lin's mouth.

Cornelia opened her eyes, and her figure dived down like lightning onto the arena floor. The entire collection of earth that was hanging in the air fell with her, and everything beneath Toph's feel erupted. Everything but the walls crumbled echoing in the ears of everyone in a wide radius. The quake stopped, only to be replaced by a screeching sound. Thousands of vines shot up from below, thousands of them covered the arena, stretching and clawing their way though every possibly space, deadly thorns tore up everything around them. One thick vine spun it's way above all the others, with a vibrant red blossom on top, it bloomed and shadowed the entire arena.

Everyone in the stands had their eyes glued to the flower that acted as a giant cloud, when they finally looked down, Toph was seen struggling to tear herself out of the vines. Cornelia's slim figure laid on the only spot of open ground, motionless.

"What was that..." Sokka asked. Hay Lin just jumped right out of the stand area and flew to her friend while Aang and Suki made their way to Toph, Suki took out her fan and began to cut away at the vines. Zuko jumped too, sliding down the wall and running to where Cornelia was.

"Cornelia? Can you hear me?" Hay Lin asked her friend. Zuko knelt beside her and sat Cornelia upright in his arms. He pushed the yellow hair out of her eyes. Her form shuttered for a bit before her eyes opened. She bolted upright and took a look around her.

"What happened to this place?" She asked, looking at Hay Lin.

"Don't you remember anything?" A confused look crossed her face.

Zuko shifted on his knees. "You're duel with Toph..."

Cornelia stood up, a bit woozy and sighed. "I don't rember anything after Toph battered me with rocks." Her gaze drifted to Hay Lin. "I did this?"

Hay Lin nodded her head. "What is happening to us? Because, you know that feeling you had earlier, I have it too..."

"I demand a rematch!" A voice cried out. Toph came stomping though before Aang stopped her.

"No rematches. Toph, this girl isn't an earthbender, just leave it alone." Aang's voice seemed to understand. "Listen, something is wrong with this. We need to get you guys home."

"Finally something I can agree with," a familiar voice was heard. yellow smoke poured from the sky and molded itself into a faint figure. It was Will.

"Oh my god, Will!" Hay Lin gasped. Cornelia smiled too, hopeful for some answers. Everyone gathered around Will's figure.

"Is this a spirit?" Aang asked.

"No, this is our leader, she is back on our world," Cornelia explained. "Will, what's going on?"

"Listen, i don't have much time, It took forever to get this form though," She spoke, everyone could tell that her voice seemed distant. "You guys need to come home. This world has no connection to Candracar and your Aurameres are transfering, soon you won't be able to come back. It's urgent you get back soon."

"Yeah, easier said than done. How can we get back if we don't even know how we got there?" Cornelia asked the form.

"It's all about energy buildup of a quintessential level. Build up enough and a portal will appear. We are working as fast as we can."

"Great, the what?" Hay Lin began to think. "What's going to happen next?"

"You guys just need to be careful. Using your powers attracts the Aurameres. I think you may have three days left if you keep power to a low." Will's yellow hand tried to reach for her friends, just is dissipated before them. "Crap, I'm losing you guys. I'll try and work hard, but be extremely careful. Everyone there is in danger... because of-"

"Be careful for what?" Hay Lin tried to ask. A piercing scream from Will shattered her form and she was gone. No trace of her was left, even the yellow smoke was gone. There was no question about it. Everyone knew the same thing. They were in trouble, and they didn't even know why.


Katara sat on the fountain, listening to it gurgle in a peaceful fashion. She was stressed. Aang was paying more and more attention to this girl. She understood it when he said that he thought Hay Lin was an airbender. Now, he confessed that the Cornelia girl wasn't an earthbender, so that meant that Hay Lin wasn't an airbender. Katara calmed herself. Soon those girls would be gone, and she wouldn't have to worry.

Her ears perked at the sound of the door opening. She told Sokka she didn't want to be bothered. "Sokka, I said I didn't want to talk right now-" She opened her eyes to confront the boy, but she found the pale face of Mai infront of her instead. "Can I help you?"

Mai took her hands out of her sleeves. "I understand that you have been feeling stressed lately. Because of Aang and this Hay Lin girl."

"Your point?"

"The fact is," Mai started. "i've been feeling the same way, about the light haired girl and Zuko, and I have a plan..."


A lone solider walked the lines of the prison. The truth was, Kip hated this job. This empty wing held one prisoner, and one only. He was stationed here now, maybe if he kept quiet enough, the prisoner wouldn't hear him.

"Come here, guard, please?" A voice echoed. Kip swollowed and followed the voice. When he reached the bars, he couldn't help but look into the colest auburn eyes he had ever seen. The prisoner's lips formed into a frown. "Don't you want to keep me company? It get's awfully lonely over here, all alone."

"Yes, I suppose it does," Kip answered, gulping down a knot in his throat.

"Turn on the light, please?" the prisoner asked. Kip lit the lanterns around the bars of the cell. "You look so afraid, why?"

Kip stuttered. "I... just have never seen your face before..."

The prisoner chuckled. Kip got a good look at the figure of this prisoner. Long, unkept dark hair was laying on the ground, so long, the prisoner hadn't had a haircut in a few years. He noticed, though, pure white hairs streaked the lengths of the hair.

"Tell me, guard. What is my name? Who am I?"

Kip was confused, but answered the question. "You are our previous Fire Lord, Lady Azula."

"Azula..." a hand reached and picked up a lock of white hair. "interesting name for this body, I like it." Another laugh came out, darker this time.

"Excuse me?" Kip asked, before he finished, hands shot out and gripped his throat. Sharp nails dun into his bluing skin. Kip'slifeless body slumped on the floor and the lock on the cage snapped open by an unforseen force. Azula came out and looked around.

"This cell... this body, everything here is so much easier..." Azula walked forward to a mirror hanging on a wall and inspected the face. "This body, so powerful, but the mind was so weak... If all of them are like this... conquering this world will be a snap..." Azula's left iris faded to a black. "And the transformation is coming quiet nicely..." A small laugh escaped from Azula's lips. "If only Cedric were here too... he would have liked this world."

Azula's body broke a wall with a small touch, reavealing the sun of the afternoon, and desolate fields of an island. She lept out, and walked away from the prison.

AN: Do you know how hard it was to write this chapter? UGH! I'm done with it though, didn't know where to end it, but i hope i didn't butcher the story for you today. Keep in touch, I'll be quick with the next one. REVIEW please, i wanna know what you think!