It was again a normal after game party and we started drinking.
"You are looking for trouble B. Davis" Nathan's voice whispered into my ear.
"Well well, coming from you Scott" I turned around and grabbed the cup he was holding for me.
In the past few weeks, I and Nathan figured out, that we were somehow alike and it was fun to know that he and I were searching for trouble on every party till now. The captain of the basketball team meets cheer captain.
"You want to bet a little, cheery girl?" he grinned and I followed his stare.
"Your brother, really?" I laughed at this suggestion. Nathan was always making me pick up tougher guys, the ones that were hard to get, but his brother was obviously just a hate thing.
"You want me to hurt him?" I smirked in my husky voice and Nate leaned closer and whispered "why not?"
"Alright, alright. But if I do you this favor than you need to get together with the tutor and only her tonight" his smile faded as he focused on the red haired girl standing across the room. She wore a pink shirt and a jeans jacket with normal fitted jeans. Not his type at all.
"Oh come on" he moaned and I giggled.
"That's a deal Brooke, but you need to let him down so badly" his smirk was across his face again and his face was almost touching my shoulder. I breathed out, nodded and I took a big sip before I stood up.
"Watch me work" I said before I made my way through the crowd to face the blonde Scott.
"You are the guy of the day" I said in a matter of fact voice as I leaned over.
"Well thank you" the guy answered without any affection. Which was new for me but I decided to play along.
"So how does it feel?" I started over again.
"What?" Lucas wondered and from the corner of my eyes I could see Nathan's big smirk as he noticed my failure. Maybe the older Scott was hard to get, but was he worth the trouble?
"Well you had that moment. The moment when everything changed" I whispered and put my hand on his tight.
"Well…"he said in a shaking voice and I knew that I could make him fall for me. And now that I really took a better look at him, he wasn't that bad for Nathan's choice. The blonde Scott had beautiful eyes and awesome muscles.
As I saw that Brooke started to giggle with Lucas I knew that it was my turn to get the bet. I walked over to the girl Brooke picked and smiled at her.
"You need a drink?" I asked politely.
"No thanks" she said turned around and was about to leave. This was not how it was supposed to go.
"Wait, did I offend you or something?" I wondered even though I didn't care about her, I cared about my bet.
"Me? No. Lucas? Maybe!" she shortly made her point and I noticed Brooke's eyes on me. She knew this.
"Actually I just wanted to ask you to tutor me" I said in a matter of fact voice and she turned around with a smile. Somehow I knew I was winning her over.
"You have to be kidding me" she laughed and added "not in a million years"
I was watching her leave and couldn't find out how she could turn me down.
"Wait girly girl" I said as I followed her.
"You really need a tutor because you don't understand the easiest word known to men NO" she said and I looked vulnerable.
"I will fail the year Haley, I will have to leave the team" I whispered.
"Well big deal, you still will be fine" she said but now in a shacking voice.
"Fine, I think you are right F is for fine after all" I said and put my last history test out.
She held her breath for a moment and I was thankful that I once in my life failed in a test. It was the test I had to write after a men night with Tim and I decided that it would hurt my head more to concentrate than it would hurt my grades if I get a F.
"Alright, 7 o'clock tomorrow on the dock" she said and a big smirk escaped my lips.
"No do not look like that now, I have rules" she added.
"Rules?" I asked and leaned closer. She put her hand on my chest just to push me away.
"Yeah rules! First: you and I are not friends and never will be. Second: if you are late even once this arrangement is over"
"That are a lot of rules don't you think?" I interrupted her.
"Third: You leave Lucas alone" she said as if I never butted in "You in or is it too hard?"
"I am in" I said and watched Brooke standing and laughing with Lucas.
I don't need to do anything to make his life turn into hell, Brooke will do her part and once he finds out his best friend is tutoring me it will do the rest.
"So handsome, you have any girl?" I asked the blonde beside me and he watched me carefully.
"No" he shortly answered and I knew that one of these days he will be mine.
We spend the rest of the night talking about books and music that he liked. And somehow I thought it was cute to just sit there and talk. But after a while he decided to leave and as Haley was depending on him for a ride, I and Nathan were left behind.
"How did it go?" Nathan asked and leaned closer to me so that just inches were between his and my body.
"Good" I smiled at him. The tension that was surrounding us was like air we breathed it was always there but we never gave in. People always thought we could be a couple, but we never thought of it I guess.
"And you?" I whispered in his ear and felt him shiver under my words.
"Well she will tutor me I guess" he smirked and then I turned around to face him.
"Nice job" I smiled and he moved even closer to me.
"Thank you"
I grabbed a cup and walked to the couch to sit down. I was laughing as he followed.
"What happened?" he was wondering as he sat down beside me. Nathan and mine friendship was something people talked about. They expected us to become a couple or at least a hook up. Especially they were waiting for gossip, because I would betray my best friend Peyton who broke up with him.
"Well all these people watch us Nathan and I think they have a dirty fantasy" I pointed out and he looked around. I knew that they talked behind my back and I knew they were taking mental notes.
"So they have" Nathan grinned at me and I leaned closer. Nathan never cared about gossip or what people said about him, he had his team and this was enough and after all with every game he proofed that Tree Hill High needed him and that he was the best after all the shit he came up with.
"We are way too alike Nathan Scott" I simply said and stood up "thanks for another party" I said and left for my car.
"See you tomorrow, Brookie" he smiled at me and I winked.
As Brooke left I decided to cut it short as well. After all I had a tutoring session tomorrow and I couldn't be late. I liked the easiness of my friendship with Brooke. The tension that was between us was part of the fun, but she also was someone I could talk to no matter what and have fun with. Actually I was really glad to have met her. Maybe she was the reason that my whole relationship with Peyton wasn't just well what it was: hot air.
She and I liked to play these games and until now no one got hurt, but today's game was so promising that I didn't care if Lucas got hurt, actually I was aiming it.
He went too far as he joined the Ravens. Our plans to scare him away didn't work yet, but maybe this little bet will do the trick.