I don't own Harry Potter

James took the book and smiled when he read the title. Harry's first class.

"Um he's only a year and a half I don't think he's old enough for school yet even if he is half of Even's." Sirius joked well everyone else just rolled their eyes at him.

The next few weeks went by smoothly Minerva hated leaving Harry alone,

"She was the same way with James." Albus remembered.

"Yes that is true I spent many days in the class room as a child."

"Seriously how the Hell weren't you ever detected!" Lily was so perplexed how the wizarding world could be so in the dark about James Potter's parentage when they didn't really do anything to cover it up.

"Wow Even's did you just swear." Sirius looked at her wide eyed.

"Shut it Black." She growled causing the animagius to shrink back.

"Dude that girls scary." He side whispered to his best friend. "Good luck with that." Lily narrowed her eyes at him causing him to shrink back more.

"While Um I'm just going to keep reading." James looked nervously between his girlfriend and best friend.

Usually with Poppy for the day so she could teach,

"She's really your best friend isn't she." Lily was in awe of the friendship between the two women it reminded her of her friendship with Alice Waters.

"Yes Lily I am." She smiled.

but she didn't know how she could take care of a baby and still teach class then one day near the end of January she decided she would just take him to class with her.

"You notice how she just decides to take him with her, she doesn't ask permission or anything, James teases.

"Oh on the perks of being married to the boss." She replied.

"Oh James you got told." Sirius snickered.

"Ok boys enough, James keep reading." Sirius keep reading." Remus instructed.

She packed up Harry's Diaper bag and kissed Albus goodbye on her way out the door.

"Dear where are you taking Harry?" He asked.

"Dad why do you even bother asking."

"James I'm really not sure after this many years."

"He is going to class with me today I only have older students today and I with teach them how transform things into baby care products."

"Well at least she figures out a logical reason for him to be there." Remus pointed out smirking.

"Unlike james and I felt like Jelly Donuts so I'm on the opposite end of the castle then the kitchens potter of here." Lily teased.

"Seriously pick on someone else for a minute." He sulked.

"Ok" said Albus he was Well aware that she had just came up with that explanation of why she was taking Harry to class with her on the spur of the moment but he let it pass.

"Yeah because she has you wrapped around her little finger." James laughed.

"Hey James I 'd shut up if I were you I seem to remember that Lily has you wrapped just as firmly around her finger." Remus reminded him. James just scowled.

When Minerva made it to her classroom she found all the seventh year Gryffindor's and Ravenclaws sitting in their seats.

As she walked to the front of the class all the students eyes widened they knew that there transfiguration Professor was Harry Potters Grandmother how wouldn't after that article and they were aware that he had been living in the castle but no student was ever privileged enough to see the precious grandson of the Headmaster.

"Thanks for keeping him protected," Lily whispered stopping Sirus's quip short on his tongue Minerva just smiled softly at the other girl.

"Students today we will be learning how to transfigure baby care items you are all in seventh year and as we all know most witches and wizards get married young."

"Yes and it seems that you and James will fallow in that path," Sirius joked.

She said it in her best stern teacher's voice but the affect was ruined by a giggling Harry reaching up and pulling the glasses off her nose.

"Give me an S give me a P give me an."

"Sirius what the hell are you doing." Remus asked.

"I was going to spell spoiled."

"My child isn't spoiled." Lily threw a pillow at his head.

Minerva spent the next hour teaching her students how to transfigure things into changing table cribs bottles and anything else she could think of. She watched as Harry was passed from student to student giggling while trying to pull the girls Hair and tug on the boys ties she realized that Harry needed more of this interaction with other people she decided she would have each teacher take Harry to class once a month so He could interact with the students and she know just the person to take Harry next week, she knew for a fact that Severus was teaching his students a contraceptive potion and maybe realizing how much trouble Harry could get into would make them more motivated to brew the potion right.

"My poor child mother what in the world are you thinking allowing him anywhere near him." James was outraged.

"James read." Lily snapped fire in her emerald green eyes.

When she had put Harry Down for the night she went into Severus's office "Severus"

"Yes" asked the snide potions professor.

"You will be watching Harry next week as you teach your students how to make the contraceptive potions she quickly left the room and a sputtering Snape behind.

"Well that is funny wish I could have seen his face." The boys were laughing so hard they could barely stop.

That night when Albus heard what Minerva had been up to he couldn't stop laughing for an hour.

"Like father like son." Lily quipped looking over at James who was still laughing on the floor.

"May I read?" Albus held out his hand for the book which his son handed to him and he turned to the next page.

A/N thanks for the reviews sorry for the long wait please review but don't flame.