Only You: Her Mistakes Were Few

Chapter One: International Boo-Boo

Her fingers flew over the keyboard. It was almost an art form, he pondered as he watched her. Her forehead crinkled in concentration as she searched. She sighed suddenly, and threw her head back trying to relieve the tension in her neck.

"What's up baby girl?" he asked, leaning against the doorframe.

She opened her eyes and looked at him. He appeared upside down, and she would have giggled if it weren't so damn important for her to get this information to Reid.

"I don't know, hot stuff," she said, watching him. "I mean, I've searched for this guy under every variation I could think of. He just does not want to be found." She went back to looking at the computer screen. "I feel like this is a dead end," she mumbled.

Derek walked forward and leant on her chair. "Variations? What do you mean?"

"He says his name is Charlie Devon. There is no record here of any Charlie Devon. Devon Charlie, Charles Devon. Charlie Brown. Nada, nothing, zip."

"Did you check international?"

"Did I check international?" Garcia repeated. "Of course I checked international, one of the first things I do is check internation—huh?"


Garcia didn't answer. She stared at her screen. Shaking her head, she typed furiously, all the while muttering "impossible. Couldn't have, not stupid. International?" Finally she stopped typing and her face went white. "Crap."

"Baby girl?"

"I can't believe I forgot to check the international records."

"So he's listed?" Derek said flipping open his phone, already dialling Reid's number.

"Yeah, he's listed under Charles Devon, Australian citizen, came to America under an Australian passport two weeks ago. I'm sending the information to Hotch right now." She sat back staring unbelieving at the screen. "I can't believe I did that."

Morgan smiled sympathetically. "Baby girl, you can't be perfect all the time."

"But I am the Oracle of All Information and Beauty! How could I not check that?" Her voice sounded close to tears. She heard a rough sigh and felt her chair move - he spun her chair around so that she was facing him, and lifted one finger towards her as he spoke into his phone.

"Reid? Yeah, Garcia found him. Charles Devon. Look for an Australian accent. Yep, right. I'll tell her. Yes, it's been sent to Hotch. Kay." He flipped his phone shut. "Reid says thanks."

Garcia frowned. "Could've been faster if I hadn't been so stupid."

"Baby girl," Morgan looked at her sharply. "You're not stupid." He leant forward so that he was leaning on her armrests. She tried to look away but he held her chin, forcing her eyes upward. They were dark, and damn sexy. "Hell, I make mistakes all the time. Doesn't stop me from being the hot thing that I am. I can name times when I didn't make the right decision, or I wasn't quick enough in noticing something about an unsub, but I can't beat myself up about it. My job is hard enough. Baby girl, making one mistake doesn't make you stupid. It makes you human."

Garcia blushed slightly. Morgan's eyes had become darker and he was breathing hard. "Passionate much?"

"Only about you."

She laughed nervously. "Oh what? So, I'm not a goddess anymore?"

"Hell yeah, you are girl!" He looked her up and down slowly. "Don't you forget it." He smiled his devilish smile, and left her office.

She turned back to her babies, a small smile lingering on her face.

Shutting down her babies, Garcia stretched. It was the end of a long, exhausting day. They were no where near catching the unsub and the lead they had spent most of the day chasing had lead them close to the middle of no where. Hotch had explained to Garcia that there was no point in staying in the office, and to go home. They were all just going to go to bed and hope that something would turn up overnight.

Garcia turned off the light and locked the door behind her. Making her way toward the elevators, she looked toward the bullpen. There sat Morgan at his desk, his hands on his head staring at a map of Texas. He looked tense.

He didn't like being away from the action, but with his mother sick, he needed to be able to drop everything and fly to Chicago at a moment's notice. Couldn't be that guy, when you're in the middle of Texas looking for a unsub who likes to electrocute women.

He felt useless. Tame. Bored.

And Garcia had noticed. "Hey Hot Stuff," she called out.

Morgan looked up.

"You going home?" she asked. Her hair fell in ringlets around her face, and she looked slightly worried.

Morgan shook his head. "I'm not going to be able to rest."

Garcia frowned. She looked at the elevator and made a decision. "Come home with me." Morgan raised an eyebrow. "Well, if you're not going to be able to rest?" she said suggestively, smiling widely.

Morgan threw his head back and laughed. Garcia giggled slightly. She dropped her bag and walked to Morgan's desk. "Come my Chocolate Adonis. You can be brooding and mysterious later. Now I just want you to be sexy and fun." She smoothed his brow with her hand and then pinched his cheek lightly. "Come on, Hot Stuff. You know you want to."

Morgan smiled. "Only for you."

She laughed excitedly. "Get a move on then!"

Once inside her apartment, Morgan couldn't help but laugh. Nothing had changed.

"Baby Girl," he said looking at her purple walls and shiny objects, "You ever gonna redecorate this place?"

Garcia rolled her eyes. "Hey, this place is perfect just the way it is. " She looked around. "Well, except maybe the kitchen….So wanna order Chinese?"

Morgan looked inside the kitchen. It wasn't bad so much as it was a storage area for old computer parts and the like. "You know, a kitchen is for eating in."

Garcia shrugged. "Heard of Lean Cuisine?"

Morgan frowned at her. "You eat nothing but microwave dinners?"

She backed away slowly. "I eat tonnes of other stuff. You know, coffee, Chinese food, pizza, other people's home cooked meals…………Stop looking at me like I have a problem."

Morgan put his hands up in surrender. "Chinese is fine. But one of these days, you're going to have to attack that kitchen. "

Garcia shrugged, grabbing her wallet and looking around for the menu. "Only if you help me!"

"You're going to rope me into redecorating? Baby Girl, my mother can't even make me do that for her."

"Your mother also can't convince you to settle down and give her grandbabies."

Morgan frowned. "Low blow, Goddess. Low."

Garcia pitched the phone to him. "You call, I need to have a shower. I smell." She made her way to the bathroom as Morgan began dialling shaking his head. "Oi, can you order San Choy Bow?" she asked poking her head out of the bathroom smiling hopefully.

Morgan nodded and heard the door close. "Only for you," he muttered, trying not to listen to the water turn on only a door away.