"Where is it, Ed?" James scratches the back of his neck, obviously nervous, and I stop short, with the box in my hand. "What?" he says, and gives me a look like he's going to punch me. I suppose I deserve it, 'cause I'm two seconds from laughing at him.

"Nothing, chief." I shake my head as I reply and toss him the small velvet box that he catches like it's an egg..

"Fuck you," he growls as he gingerly pries the lid open. The look on his face kills my laughter. I know this look. I've seen it in the mirror, every time I realize how lucky I am to have Bella. Poor guy, he's a goner.

"Will it be okay?" I ask.

He just nods and closes the box. I know that this is awkward for him. I was the only person he could trust to do this, because I love her, but Bella can't keep a secret. I must have visited over twenty-five different jewelry stores and texted him a million pictures of rings, until we finally found the right now. James has great taste in jewelry, very understated.

"So, when are you going to...?" I pause as I hear Bella's voice, though I don't make out what she's saying.

"What, Honey?" I yell through the door.

"Are you guys done?"

I can tell by the tone of her voice that we've run out of time. Not that she knows exactly what we're doing. I just asked her to distract Vic, while James and I had a talk. She got a worried look, and I just shrugged off her concern. I have to admit, I kind of love making her nervous. I feel a tightness in my chest as the reality of their leaving begins to settle in.

I turn back to James. The box has disappeared, but he looks a little pale. He starts to walk towards the door and I stop him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Breathe," I say as he looks at me. I meet his gaze as I grip his shoulder. "She loves you, James."

I don't know why I said it. I mean, who the hell am I? However, he seems to relax. I let my hand drop away as I open the door. He stops in the doorway and glances back at me. He looks like he's going to say something, but he just shakes his head and walks out. Some things are better left unsaid, especially when it comes to James and me.

We join the girls at the front door and all walk down the driveway to Vic's beat-up Jeep that's packed to bursting with all of their belongings.

"Call when you get there, otherwise I'm going to worry," Bella croaks as she clings to Vic and tries to stifles her tears. James is rolling his eyes and I'm just shaking my head. "Shut it, you!" She runs at James and knocks a grunt out of him. He smiles and kisses the top of her head, as Vic wraps me in her thin arms and gives me a warm kiss on my cheek. She pulls back from me as Bella steps back from James and we all just stand there for a minute.

"Fuck it," James huffs as he strides towards me. I do my best to not make any embarrassing sounds as he pulls me into a crushing hug. "Catch ya later, Sweet cheeks," he adds with a chuckle, then releases me. I take a much needed gulp of air, only to have him wrap a hand around the back of my head and pull me close to kiss my forehead.

"Sorry James, you had your chance." I laugh and slap his hand away. He whoops with laughter and gives me a push as Vic walks up to take his arm.

"You guys better come down soon to visit," Vic says as she looks at me and I nod.

She and I have a little secret of our own. Bella finally allowed me to officially propose to her two weeks ago, but she wouldn't commit to a date. I know it has more to do with her fear of the planning and Alice's pressuring for a formal church affair, than anything else.. Vic came up with the plan, because she's got a mind like a four star general when it comes to strategy. She suggested that Bella and I visit them in Vegas after they've had a month to get settled. I just have to figure out how to get her into a chapel before she realizes what's going on. Vic suggested copious amounts of alcohol, but I'd prefer for Bella not to puke on me at our wedding. I might make the sacrifice, if only to make sure that it's finally done.

"Yes!" Bella bounces as she says it. She doesn't have a clue. I smirk at Vic and she just smiles back. I spot James catching our exchange and he just raises an eyebrow, but says nothing. As Bella babbles about how excited she is to see Vegas and visit them, the three of us wear matching smirks.

"We've got to go, love you guys." Vic laughs and waves as James pulls her to the Jeep. Bella slides my arm over her shoulders as we watch them pull away. Then she starts to giggle and I look down at her.

"What's so funny?" She beams up at me, flashing me a coy smile. "Bella," I pull a little warning in my voice, and her smile widens.

"Okay, but you have to swear to not say anything. Though I guess it won't matter once they get there-" She's chuckling as she talks and I cut her off.

"Bella!" I tighten my arm around her and she laughs.

"She's pregnant," she says it so fast it takes me a minute to catch up, and then I can't stop laughing. Bella laughs too, but I see the sparkle of tears in her eyes, too. She's worried and happy for James.

Even I know that family means the world to him. I'm struck with the thought that I've become so intimately involved with his life, as he has with mine. It's strange, I guess somewhere over the last year we became friends, maybe even family.

Bella told me a while ago that it happened that night we were all together. She says that he didn't stay because of her, he stayed because I asked him for help and James never turns his back on family.

Author's note:

I couldn't resist letting you know what happened with these crazy kids. Oh yeah, before you ask. I am writing a sequel.