
Summary: Kagome Higurashi is a princess in feudal Japan. When she turns eight teen, her parents set out to find her a prince to marry. But no one knows that the beloved princess has her eye on a lonely peasant boy from outside of her kingdom.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Rumiko Takahashi does. The only thing about this story that I own is the plot. If I owned Inuyasha, it would still be running in America and I would flip out and cry, but you don't see me doing that.

Note: For now, every character in the story is human. But there are still demons in feudal Japan.

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"Lady Kagome? It's time for you to wake! You've got a big day today." one of the servants called from the door. Kagome groaned in irritation. She had not gotten good sleep last night because her parents kept her up giving her the talk of birds and bees. She already knew pretty much everything there is to know about sex. But they were preparing her for what she would be going through for the next couple months.

It was Princess Kagome's eighteenth birthday today, and she was officially a woman—besides getting her period. When a village girl turned eighteen, she and her family were to chose the right man for her to marry and have kids. But it was a bit different for Kagome, being the princess. She and her parents had to write letters to other ruling families announcing that she was ready to be married. If the other family had a son that was older than seventeen, the family would reply and the ruling families would arrange a date for the young prince and princess to meet. If the prince accepted her, they'd arrange a wedding.

But the princess had no say in whether or not she wanted to marry him, which was why Kagome found the wedding process unfair.

Kagome always wondered why her father chose to marry her mother, but then again, they were just the same. Kagome loved both of her parents dearly, but they were truly cruel people. They always sentenced the innocent to death, or to spend the rest of their lives locked up. Their was always some knew wacky law to be added, and anyone who didn't follow the laws were slayed. There were many cruel punishments to come up with.

"Give me a minute," Kagome grumbled sleepily. She sat up slowly yawning and cracked her knuckles. She was also happy about turning eighteen because she with her being a woman, she would be queen soon, and she was old enough to make laws. She could prohibit cruel punishments, and make her kingdom a happier place. At least four people were executed every week.

She slowly slid her door open and smiled at her favorite servant. Sango was Kagome's personal maid and also a dear friend to Kagome. They grew up together. Sango used to live in high class families as well, but her parents were killed in a war against demons. Only Sango and her kid brother, Kohaku, who was also a servant, survived. They were considered lower class now, because all of there money was gone. But Kagome's family was generous enough to offer them hospitality, if they served for them. Sango had been serving Kagome since they were nine years old.

With demon attacks increasing by the month, Kagome and her friends and other villagers—mainly men—were trained to defend them self. Kagome was trained by a master archer named Kaede, who also served the village as a doctor. Sango and Kohaku were trained to fight with and without weapons. Kagome's younger brother was only twelve. So he was a year too young to fight.

"Good morning." Kagome said, rubbing her eyes and yawning again.

"Good morning." Sango smiled. "Your mother and father are having breakfast right now. Toast and tea. Would you like me to pick out your outfit and help you change?"

"I appreciate the help, but no thanks. I'm just gonna eat." she pushed her bangs out of her eyes. Sango's eyes softened. She hated being a nag to Kagome as much as Kagome hated to hear it.

"But you would make your mother angry if you don't dress for meals."

"I know." Kagome smiled. "But I'm going to be pre-queen today and I can start making some rules of my own. Why should I put on a big, fancy gown if I'm just going to get bread crumbs all over it?" Sango only smiled. Kagome smiled back and started to walk away.

"Oh, Kagome?"

She turned. "Yes?"

Sango smiled widely. "Happy Birthday."

"Thank you." Kagome said and headed downstairs.

From the time she was able to walk (which was a year old) until she could talk, (which was two and a half) she'd been trying to memorize her castle. It was massive. There were at least eleven bed chambers. Three restrooms, a basement, a courtroom, two ballrooms, a large dinning room, a throne room and a dungeon which was next door to the basement. And maybe even some more rooms that Kagome had never been in.

Surely enough, her family was in the dinning room relaxing in their morning dresses. They all looked up at her entrance and told her happy birthday. Sango was right, Kagome's mother eyed her like an alien through the whole breakfast session.

"Thanks for the toast." Kagome kissed Kohaku on the cheek. "It was good."

"I didn't make it, but your welcome. And Happy Birthday." Kohaku smiled, bowed and walked away.

"So, Kagome," Karori, Kagome's mother said, "your father and I were talking last night about the first family for you to write to. The Onigumo family's son is available and your father and I have met him before. Two years ago during the summer. Naraku is a nice boy."

"He looked like a demon in the face," Souta, Kagome's brother whispered. Kagome giggled under her breath and turned to her mother.

"Relax, Mom. It's my birthday today. Let's not get all serious about husbands today, okay? I just want to relax and party for today. We can write letters tomorrow."

"Kagome, getting married is serious." Akira, Kagome's father, stated. "Partying isn't everything. At least brainstorm ideas on what to tell the Onigumo family."

"I'll verbally brainstorm. I don't feel like writing right now." Kagome swished her tea around in her cup. Her parents glared at her and Souta laughed quietly at his sister's ability to sass her parents without showing discomfort from their glares. She took everthing in so cooly, which was why everyone in the village loved her so much. She was a free spirited, happy-go-lucky person. And not to mention how beautiful she was.

Any prince would be very lucky to have her. Kagome's beauty was part of the reason why so many people loved her. She had dark eyes and long raven hair and a very pretty face. No one could really describe her body because she's usually wrapped in thick kimonos. The only people who've recently seen her nude in her feminine form were herself, her mother and Sango. Anyone caught peeping on her while she changed or bathed would be executed. It was one of the laws her parents made.

"Well let's hear it." Karori said, sounding angry.

"Hello, Onigumo's. Kagome, here. I'm not really interested in your son because I don't know him. Therefore, have fun searching for a new bride, because girls this hot with this much class don't come easily." she stated. Souta fell off his chair, still laughing. "Then I'll sign my name at the bottom, but I'll dot the I's in Higurashi with broken hearts."

"Kagome, you must take this seriously. No man will want to marry and irresponsible wench." Akira spat.

"How dare you call me a wench? I am very responsible. It's just that I'm finally voicing my opinions, now that I'm old enough to. I don't like the way this country is being ran, and I don't like your attitude, Father. My plans for this town are going to change. Laws will be taken down. There's more cruelty than freedom."

"Name one law your mother and I have made that you would consider cruel."

"Executing people for stealing. Why not just lock them up for a couple weeks? Locking people up for the rest of there lives and then leaving their bodies there when they die. You can lock them up for about a year and have a funeral for them when they do die. Chopping off the hands of small children when they disobey the laws. I'll bet they'd rather be spanked by their own parents instead of being abused by the people they look up to!"

"They only asked for one, but that's a hefty list. And good reasonning." Souta said quietly.

"Mind your business, Souta." Akira said curtly.

"Don't talk to my brother that way." Kagome snapped in a lower voice.

"People deserve those punishments, dear. It's what keep others from doing bad things. They know they'll be tortured." Karori said quietly.

"They don't deserve it. The sooner you realize that, the sooner we can get this strict ruling issue back on track, homie."

"Our strict ruling isn't the issue. You getting married is." Akira yelled. He was even more strict about the whole wedding process than Karori was.

"Well, when I meet Naraku, I'll write the letter. I'm not going to arrange a wedding with a man I've never met."

"What is with you today? You act like this isn't a big deal."

"Today is my birthday. My party day. I'm have a party tonight and all villagers are invited to come to it. I'm going to have my first glass of wine and dance and have fun. Tomorrow, when I wake up with a skull bashing hangover, I'll be pissed enough to actually lift a finger and write my letter." she said sarcastically.

"You wench." Akria seethed, gripping the table clothe.

"I'm gonna get dressed and go out on the town. Don't bother me. My birthday only just started and I'm already pissed off." she stood and started to leave the room. "Oh yeah! I'm allowed to say bad words now. I want to say my first curse word in front of my parents." She cleared her throat. "Bitch." she said and ran off laughing hysterically. Of course it wasn't her first curse word. Her and Souta used foul language behind their parent's backs since Souta knew how to talk.

* * *

"Kagome, you looked stunning!" Sango laughed as Kagome whirled for her in her new birthday kimono. It was yellow with sparkling orange stars on it. The hems were orange as well. It was a rather small kimono that hugged her body. The sleeves weren't as wide as the one in her other thousand kimonos. And it was almost up to her knees. Her hair was in a fancy chignon with her bangs swooping down the left side of her forehead and tucked behind her ear.

"Thank you." she bowed politely.

"Absolutely gorgeous." she whistled. Kagome giggled.

"I can't wait to show it off. Sango, will you come with me? We can dress you up to. You don't think I'd let you miss my party, do you? It's no party without you and Kohaku."

"Of course I'll go!" Sango beamed. "Will you let me wear one of your fashion kimonos?"

"Which one?"

"The pink one. It's my favorite and it's beautiful on you."

"Then it'll be beautiful on you too." Kagome beamed. Sango laughed and played with the ties of the kimono. Kagome helped her put it on.

"And you say I'm stunning." Kagome shook her head. "You look better in it than I do."

Sango rolled her eyes. "Stop lying."

"I'm not lying. You ready?"

"Yeah. Let's go."

They headed to the dinning room to announce that they were leaving. They were excused and they left through the front gates. Kagome brought a small bag of invitations. As she handed them to children and families, they all thanked her and wished her a happy birthday. The town was usually in a good mood when Kagome strolled through. They all promised to attend her party.

When Kagome and Sango returned to the castle, Kagome got in the shower—or bath, which was in a giant bucket since they didn't have plumbing—and changed into a green kimono. It was tradition for a girl to wear green for a celebration. It was the color of life, and her life was getting more complex now. Commitment was suddenly such and ugly word to Kagome.

Her party was held in her back yard, which was the garden. There were decorations and torches set up to provide light for the whole area. A band played on a small platform. Many people were showing up already and Kagome still wasn't quite ready. Her mother and Sango helped her change. She wore green eye shadow to match her outfit. Her mother brushed her hair for her, since she insisted on wearing it down for her party. She wanted to be casual in some form.

When she went outside, everyone greeted her with a loud "Happy birthday." She danced with children and men from the village and had a good time. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to her while she blew out her cake candles. Not everyone was able to have a slice since the cake wasn't big enough so Kagome gave her piece to a little girl named Rin.

It was then that Kagome saw something moving in the crowd of people. A man, but a man she never saw. And since she would be queen someday, she had to know every name and every face of her people. But this was a face she never saw. She watched as the man made his way through the crowd and hopped the fence.

* * *

"Kagome, did you enjoy your party?" Sango asked as she pulled the kimono off Kagome's shoulders. Kagome shivered as the draft from the room reached her naked shoulders and sent shivers down her spine.

"Yes. It was one of the best nights of my life." Kagome smiled and stepped into her tub... bucket thing. Sango grabbed a sponge and rung it out over Kagome's head. She thought about the man she saw making his way through the crowd. She hadn't taken her eyes off im until he disappeared over the fence. She wondered to herself if anyone else saw that. Surely they would've notified Akira and Karori or one of the guards.

Kagome knew she had never seen that man before. She knew the faces of everyone in the village. But what was strange was that the man had done no harm to anyone in the party. He was simply passing through, meaning the party was just a shortcut.

"Hey, Sango, did you see that man?"

"What man?"

"Umm..." she decided to drop it. Sango mustn't have seen him. She would've told Kagome. "That guy who ate four slices of cake."

"I didn't know someone ate that much cake. He was lucky he got away with it."

"Yeah." Kagome had let it drop. Of course he got away with it, because no one ate more than one slice of cake. Not even Akira. Then again, he wasn't much of a cake person. But how strange of a complete stranger to get away with simply passing through the party. There were guards everywhere. Kagome hadn't gotten a good look at his face, but she saw that he had very long black hair. And that stuck out, because Kagome and Sango were the only people in the whole village with hair going down their backs. But Sango's hair was always tied in a low ponytail.

A complete stranger had come through a party. He could've been dangerous, but he was only passing through, and didn't get caught. That was all Kagome could think about now. But there was something else the clouded her mind even more than anything else had.

She was the only person that noticed.

New Story. You guys probably hate me for getting this up instead of Patients is a Virtue, but I really wanted to get this up today. It's weird how I published this story on my birthday and in the chapter, it's Kagome's 18th birthday. It's my fifteenth birthday, just like Kagome's in the first Inuyasha episode! What if I got sucked into the shed in my backyard or some crazy shit?! O_o; LOL.

I'll get up Patients is a Virtue tomorrow or the day after. I have a fucking dentist appointment. I'm not sure if I'm putting lemon in this story, but I rated it M, just in case. I couldn't get it up today because I was so excited about my new story. Feel free to call me a bitch for not updating it. By the way, I'm switching my rating for Titanic from M to T because there wasn't a lemon in it. :P

I'm soooo hyper right now after cake and candy bars. Hope you enjoy the story! :D
