Summary: Xe is the reincarnation of Xena, plagued by memories only Ares can quiet.

Disclaimer: I own nothing of XENA

Rating: M


Ares dropped on to his throne, draping one leg over the arm rest as he brooded. The leather of his pants creaked loudly in the silence of his temple. He had taken this seat many times when he contemplated how to win Xena, how in his twisted way, he wanted her to see that he loved her. Now all he could think about was Xe, and what she had to be going through. She had been tormented enough to last several life times. Ares called on his power, creating a gold bolt, he hurled it at the aged barren stone walls of his temple. A loud resounding boom echoed all around him, but he was deaf to it. He created another bolt and again he hurled it at the wall. Over and over he did this until he was panting in exhaustion. He slid from his throne and dropped to his knees on the cold black marble feeling every ounce of despair he had come to know since the loss of Xena. "Xe…." He uttered her name in reverent prayer. She, he knew now, was the most precious human in the entire world to him. He had to have her back. Then he felt a presence. Ares looked around, but saw no one. "Oh, Xe, where are you?"

Xena stood in the entrance of Ares temple watching the former War God on his knees. The sight would have inspired armies to riot, to turn to another God, but not Xena. She wanted to go to him, to pull him in her arm and give him false hope of the return of his heart that was no longer her. This black marble hall would have inspired fear and intimidation in most mortals. Xena always found this place to be a comfort, a reminder of what she had been. Ares had found her as a child, scared and alone huddling away from a thunder storm. Though her young life he had been there for her, bringing her to this temple, filling her head with promises of future glories in his name. He had promised her that she would be the greatest warlord in all of Greece. He promised that armies would tremble at the mention of her name. He had promised her the world on a platter. Xena had believed him, followed him, and nearly conquered the world for him. She took a step closer, making her presence known, "We'll get her back, Ares."

Ares rose from the floor, pushing aside his grief and despair, "Leave. This place is no longer open to you." He snarled turning to her, to the Xena he would have moved the entire underworld to have returned to him. She had the nerve to stand there, in clothes he had crafted for Xe, and she dared to promise him the return of the woman he loved. What a masochistic fool he was. "Just leave me be." Ares growled.

"Don't snap and snarl at the only person who is on your side." Xena's temper flared, anger lacing her words. Then she called back her rage knowing that he was hurting. "I'm going to help you, no matter what it takes." She promised closing the distance between them. When she was closer to him, Xena reached out, her intent was to put her hand on his shoulder, but he recoiled from her touch. That lanced right through her, slicing her heart in two. "Even if it means I'm no longer here."

Because his masochism just kept on rolling, Ares asked the one question he had been dying to ask Xena. "Did you ever love me?" He turned to her, letting her see the soul deep anguish in his eyes that was at the core of his being. "I need to know." This time, out of pain, he grabbed her upper arms and shook her lightly for emphasis. Xena had been his world. If he was to ever let her go then he needed to know if she had ever loved him.

"Ares, I…" Xena started to answer, but then she stopped. Would her answer cause him more pain or bring him closure? She wasn't sure which, but she had to answer him. At least she owed him that much. "I loved you with all that I was. I loved the way you took a frightened child and made her a force to be reckoned with razor sharp focus. I loved he purpose you gave me." Xena stopped to take a small breath. "But our love would have destroyed the world."

"But you did love me?" He asked. All Ares needed a yes or a no. That was it. As he looked at her, Ares tried to find some small trace of his Xe in the crystal blue depths of eyes that were exactly like Xena's. But he couldn't find her. This was truly Xena standing before him, fierce, determined, and strong willed.

"Yes." Xena answered with a sad smile. This time when she reached out to him, he didn't pull back. He let her touch him. Xena cupped his face feeling his beard tickle her palm. "I loved you from the first moment you promised me the world." She pulled him close so she could rest her forehead against his. "We'll get her back." It was a promise she intended to keep.

Xe didn't know where she was. Thunder rumbled all around her so loud that she had to cover her ears to muffle some of the sound but it was no use. Everything was so loud. She sank down to her knees and started to cry. It was then that she realized that she couldn't hear herself. Xe screamed, but to no avail. She looked around to find she was in Ares temple. Standing, she calmed herself and turned a full circle until she saw Ares standing with her, with Xena. He was so close to her and she to him. Xe tried to scream that she was here, but they could hear her. She had to watch them comforting each other. Out of sick curiosity, she moved closer to them Xe moved closer to try and hear what they were saying when she heard her voice, or Xena's voice for that matter, promise to get Xe back. Why would she do that? She had a body. Why would Xena give it up?

Ares wanted to believe Xena, he really did. She was more honorable than he could ever claim to be. "Why would you do that?" He asked. "Why would you give up this chance to live again?" Ares tried not to sound in pain, tried not showing his despair. Except Xena was Xena. She had a way of seeing all of him and never turned him away when they were alone. If there was ever one being in the world he could have been a man for it would have been Xena.

"Because you love her more than you ever loved me." Xena answered. "I didn't need you like she does. Xe makes you the good man I knew you wanted to try and be for me, but all I ever inspired was the fearsome God of War who wanted the world and his Heir." She said gently. "I always loved the God of War, but Xe loves the man behind the power." Gently she brushed back his long hair from his face and kissed his forehead. "She's lucky to have to have you."

Ares smiled lightly at Xena then but backed away when he felt he was being watched. Turning, he saw no one, only to realize that Shade's couldn't be seen by normal human eyes. He called on his power, letting it fill him, letting it enhance his vision to see things that human's couldn't. Even though war still fueled his powers, and there were plenty happening in the world, he still had his limits. This time when he surveyed his temple he saw the Shade form of Xe. She looked to be in pain. "Xe!" Ares shouted. She tried to call out to him in return but Shade's had no voice. All thoughts of Xena fell from his mind as he walked to Xe. He wanted to reach out to her, to hold her, but his hands would pass right though her. "I'm working on getting you back baby." He told her. "Just hold on." Then the full extent of his God powers gave out and he couldn't see her anymore. Ares fell to his knees.

Xena set her eyes to the same spot Ares had been talking to and saw her present incarnation looking down at her God of War. There was nothing but pain in Xe's eyes. As he continued to stare, her descendant, for lack of a better word, looked at her in return. Xena nodded as she placed a hand on Ares shoulder. Then she whispered, "I'll help to get you back." Xe went to stretch her arm out, and then stopped, knowing that she wouldn't be able to touch anything or anyone.

Ares leaned against Xena's thigh for a moment before getting up and pulling his anger around him like a cloak, "This is all your medaling blonde friends fault." He growled. "I plan to see her pay for this." Ares started to make his way to the entrance of his temple when Xena stopped him. "Xena, don't…" Her hand was like a vice around his left wrist.

"Hurting Gabrielle isn't gonna bring Xe back." Xena reasoned keeping a firm grip on his wrist. She knew what was going through his mind right now; violence. It was what he was good at, all he knew. Xena did the one thing she knew she could do. She kissed Ares while maneuvering him back to his throne. At first he fought her, leaving her to push him roughly until he was finally sitting on his throne.

Ares huffed out a laugh, shaking his head, "I know what you did there," He smirked at her and settled on his throne, one leg slung over the armrest. There was enough room for Xena to sit next to him should she choose. Then sadness took him again as the gravity of this situation chased away the sudden fire Xena had breathed to life inside of him.

Xena took a seat next to Ares on his throne that at one time would have been hers, "What's the matter?" he asked resting her hand on his chest right in the gap of his leather vest that matched the corset she was wearing. "Can I ask why you made Gabrielle and immortal Goddess?" She had been wondering that ever since being put into Xe's body.

"I thought I could hold on to some small piece of you through Gabrielle's writing if she was immortal, but…" Ares leaned his head back, is long hair falling away from his face, "She was too consumed with her grief. That blonde couldn't even manage to tell Eve you were dead." Emotion choked him to the point his eyes filled with tears. Xena was the only one he would ever be this human with. "I had to look your child in the eyes and tell her you were gone."

"Oh, Ares, I never…" Xena started to say, but sorrow closed her lips as memories of the daughter she never had the chance to raise bombarded her mind. "How badly did my daughter take the new?" A million reactions flashed through her mind. Eve had been like her, a warrior in search of redemption set on a path of peace and non violence. In need of physical contact, Xena leaned into Ares and tucked her head up under his chin. His arms came around her to hold her tight.

"Eve blamed me for your death," Ares tried to fight them back, tried to keep a tear from falling, but he failed. "She accused me of punishing you. She raged at me that I could have stopped you from falling in battle. During her anger fueled rant I could see Livia bleeding through. Still she screamed at me that I could have saved you." He closed his eyes. "Maybe I could have had I known." At the time he had been cause trouble, bringing to Kingdoms to the brink of war that would have been more fuel for his already full powers. When his Xena had fallen in battle, the loss had been keenly felt inside of him. "It took your little blonde a year to call to me, to tell me you were gone." His words were angry now, as he was with Gabrielle to this day.

Xena sat up and cupped his face in her hands, "You couldn't have prevented my death Ares," She absolved him of his guilt, or tried to at least. "Not even Gabrielle knew I was going to face my end. I slipped away in the middle of the night, no word, no note of explanation. In my mind, I wanted to spare anyone following me into death, let alone see your face one last time." Xena had tears in her eyes, "I know that I was wrong in how I went about things, but you couldn't have saved me."

Ares looked at her then, "I could have said good-bye to you." That was the one thing nagging at him through these long 2,000 years; not being able to say good-bye. She was his shining pride, his proud warrior, his heir, and now she was going to be gone again. It didn't trouble him as much this time. When Xena left, Xe would come back. She was his heart where Xena was his power. Ares knew now that he needed his heart more.

"Then say good-bye to me now." Xena smiled sadly. She didn't want to go away gain, but hopefully this time her soul would rest eternal in Elysium, finding peace in the fields where she would be reunited with her mother, her brothers, and Marcus. "Say good-bye to me as if I'm going to wage a war in your name and you're wishing your champion well being." Xena smirked at him, arched her eyebrow, and waited for him to make up his mind. Ares, still holding her, came impossibly close until they were breathing the same air. Then is lip came to hers, soft at first, but then he devoured her, kissing her like he used to. This kiss was tinged with finality. This was his good-bye.

Ares pulled back, breathing hard, and rested his forehead to Xena's, "Good-bye Xena," He whispered angling his head to kiss her one last time. "I was better for knowing you." Because of Xena he knew now how he could love someone without possessing them. Xe didn't need possession, she needed compassion and understanding. Xena made that possible for him now.

"I was better for knowing you too," Xena replied feeling heat spread through her palms. Looking down she saw symbols appear and she knew that she could pull Xe back into her body. "I told you I would get her back," She whispered getting up from the throne and went back to where she saw Xe standing, looking confused. "It's time for you to live your life with Ares. Be his heart."

Gabrielle stepped inside the black marble temple that belonged to Ares to see him sitting on his throne in a heated kiss with Xena. She was shocked to see them falling back into the pattern they had when Xena had been alive. Then Xena stood, her hands glowing, and a look of contentment on her face. "No!" Gabrielle screamed running over to Xena. "Don't leave."

Xena turned to her best friend in life, "I have to." She said gently. "But you can honor me by helping Xe reconcile my past with her future." Stepping in close to the woman who had kept her on the straight and narrow, Xena pleaded, "Help her!"

"No!" Gabrielle denied. "She is not you!" She raged. "You belong here, with me." Gabrielle threw her arms around Xena trying to hold onto her to keep her from leaving. "I need you here."

Xena rested her cheek atop Gabrielle's head, "Oh, you'll be fine without me. You were before." Gabrielle pulled back from her and Xena smiled, "Know that I love you, and I'll always be with you." She backed away from what used to be an innocent bard, turned warrior that was Gabrielle. It was now or never and Xena felt that she was losing her conviction to leave this world. Xena faced Xe holding her hands up as she tried to drown out Gabrielle sobs and protests that she shouldn't be doing this. "Xe, take my hands." The symbols in her palm glowed white hot.

Xe wasn't sure if she if she should, but she cast her gaze to Ares on is throne, sorrow coloring his gaze. She reached out to Xena and laced her fingers with the Warrior Princess surprised that she could touch Xena. "What do I do now?" Xe asked having a voice now, but only for Xena to hear. Then, heat started to spread from her palm, through her wrists, up her arms, and all over her body. Xe felt a tugging sensation pulling her towards her body.

Ares pushed up from his throne going to Xena as a bright white light surrounded her. A blue swirling mist formed and a loud thunder stroke split the room. When the light faded, Xe's body was lying on the floor, black hair spread out, her right hand stretched out, and her left hand rested on her abdomen. Ares went to her, went to his knees next to her, and pulled her into his arms. "Xe…" he brushed her bangs back from her forehead. "Wake up baby," Ares kissed her brow. He was trying to ignore the sudden appearance of Hercules, Aphrodite, Morrigan, and few still surviving minor Gods in his temple.

Xe felt sensations returning to her, she was back in her body, and she was in Ares arms. His warmth bled into her pulling her into the waking world. She moaned trying to sit up, but Ares on held her closer, "Am I back?" Xe would have thought her throat would have been raw from the screaming, the shrieking she had done. She looked around the room, at the faces gathered. The only happy that she was back was Ares. Calling on some inner strength she hadn't possessed before, Xe stood up with help from Ares, and she faced down all the others gathered. The fear she had been plagued with was now gone. Her constant nagging insanity just slipped away. Xe now had this razor sharp focus inside of her, a way to combat the madness she had endured most of her life.

Hercules stared at Xe seeing the light fade from her. "Xe?" he asked stepping around from behind Gabrielle. The bard was trying so hard to keep her eyes from spilling the tears that filled her eyes. Comfortingly, he placed his hand on her shoulder. "It'll be ok." Hercules muttered.

Ares ignored his half brother, turned God, and focused his attention on Xe. "Hey, what's going on?" He came to her, set his hands to her arms, and rubbed them up and down her skin. She turned to him and placed her hands on his chest with a smile on her lips. That smile was familiar. It had a hint of Xena through it. Looking at her now, it seemed to Ares that Xe was now blended with Xena. She seemed more at ease as well. He could see confidence in her gaze. "Hi." Ares smiled.

Xe smiled, "Hi." She replied in a whisper. Her hands drifted up from his chest to cup his face, small nails scratching his beard lightly. Ares rubbed his chin against her left palm. "It's nice to be back in my body." Xe chuckled and then gasped when Ares jerked her against him. His power swirled around them and when she opened her eyes, they were in their bedroom. Ares had said to her that he would only make love to her when she was in love with him, and not the memory Xena held of him. "I love you." Xe breathed out mere seconds before Ares brought his lip down to hers. He devoured her lips making her moan and arch into him. His hands slid down her waist, over her hips, and down further to the backs of her thighs.

Ares growled against Xe's lips, tasting her, devouring her moans her pleasure. He lifted her against him, urged her to wrap her legs around him. Using the memory of his personal bedroom, Ares walked about the bed, walking away from the bed. When she was in the throes of ecstasy he wanted her to see the view from the balcony to drive home the fact she was home with him. He turned once more and perched on the wide marble banister. Ares wanted Xe to be the one to have the leverage. Pulling back, Ares drew in a ragged gasp of air. "This is what I want, do you?" He asked.

Xe tangled her fingers in his long curly black hair smiling at him. "Yes," She breathed out, barely having any voice. "I want to know the love of a God." Xe angled her head and this time she kissed him passionately. His hands didn't remain idle. They went from her thighs to the laces at her back to remove the corset that matched his vest. She tried to focus on kissing him, on driving him insane, but she was the one losing her mind. Then the warm leather fell from her torso and his hot hands were on her back. Xe gasped into Ares mouth. This time, it was her turn. Raising up on her knees on the wide banister, Xe unhooked the metal clips so she could pull the vest away from his torso. She couldn't get it off of him as Ares angled his head, his mouth closing over her left nipple. "Oh gods…" Xe moaned tangling her fingers in Ares hair holding him to her.

Ares swirled his tongue around her pert left nipple, while alternating the use of his teeth to tease her into a higher state of passion. Xe ground down on him, feeling how hard he was for her though the leather of his pants. This time it was his turn to growl in lust. He pulled back from her ample mound to finally let her remove the vest and toss it to the marble floor. Xe ran her nails down his chest, over his hardening nipples, and drew another moan from him. His hands went to her flat abdomen and up to cup her breasts. "You will know the love of a God for eternity." Ares growled sensually angling his head to reclaim her lips. This time he used his power to remove the rest of their clothing. He took a moment to marvel at the sight of her, the pale perfect flesh. She was unmarred by war, the battles, and wounds.

Xe placed her hands on Ares shoulders to keep balance. Her heart beat faster with the feel of his hands slowly sliding down her hips and then to the inside of her thighs. She took her right hand from his shoulder and wrapped around his left wrist. Then, he guided her hand to her heated, dripping center. He caught on to her guidance, taking it from there. Ares drew his index finger through her nether lips, pushing inside her. Xe moaned at the feel of his index finger filling her. She moved her hips. Ares started to move his hand, slipping his finger in and out of her faster. Xe gripped his wrist, guiding him to add a subtle twist that wrenched another moan from between her lips. Ares drew his index finger, with Xe moaning in protest, and then in pleasure when Ares thrust his index finger in as well as his middle finger.

Ares took his pleasure in giving it to Xe. Her cheeks flushed, her lids fluttered closed, and her moans echoed all around him finally being carried away on the slight breeze that whispered around them. Her hips undulated in time with his thrusts, each one hardening him, bringing his hunger for her to a boiling point. Too much more of this and he would take her on the floor. Xe threw her head back, panting with exertion. He could tell she was close to the edge of ecstasy. She took his hand from between her legs, for a moment he was confused, but then her hand closed around him with a few generous strokes. Ares let his eyes roll back into his head and then growled when he felt her wet snug grip envelope him as she sank down on to his hard member. He gripped her hips holding her in place. "Stay still a moment." Ares moaned placing a kiss to her heart. "I want this moment branded into my skin."

Xe breathed in and out as she locked her gaze with Ares. She wanted to move, to feel the friction building between her thighs with him buried so deep inside of her. Because he asked her, Xe stayed as still as she could. "Don't make me wait too much longer." At her whispered plea, Ares guided her hips, had her moving in a slow torturous circle. Heat filled her, spiraling out to encompass her whole body. She took over, knowing the rhythm, and adding a little grip of her inner muscles. Ares dropped his hands from her hips and griped the banister so he could lean back. This move had him piercing her deeper. Xe cried out planting her hands on his taught abdomen as she moved faster and faster over him.

Ares roared in pleasure from the snug grip Xe had on him, the way she moved over him and the feeling of her nails biting into the muscles of his stomach. Then he sat back up, wrapping his arms around her waist so he could take her down to the polished marble floor. He held her so her shoulders touched the floor changing the angle of his penetration, allowing him to delve deeper and deeper into her. He thrust into her making her scream. Then, she did something he hadn't expected. Xe managed to find the leverage to flip them so he was on his back and he was riding him hard to completion. He felt the first stirrings of release.

Xe moved faster and faster bringing them to the edge. Ares moved them again; she was once more under him with him surging in and out between her thighs. She cradled him letting him finish it. He claimed her lips, sinking his teeth into her lower lip passionately. Xe shouted out her release wrapping her arms around his shoulders. "Oh, my gods!" She cried out tightening her knees on his sides. Ares was still moving inside of her. Once more. Again and again. Then, he thrust into her hard rearing back and roaring out his release. He rested against her, his hands planted on the floor by her sides, but she could feel them shaking. "I love you." Xe muttered through her orgasmic exhaustion.