TITLE: His wife

Disclaimer: I don't own shaman king.

Nightglider: Hi people hope at least some of you missed me or at least remembered me. I forced myself back to writing or now though I'm still stuck in the laziness fever. Hopefully I'll get over it once I publish it. So this is another series of one shots and this time I would TRY not to let my mood take control o me but you know, can't promise anything. I hope you enjoy this one. Next one-shot will be up eventually. Reviews encourage me to write though (hint hint). Anyways I shall stop my blabbing now and leave you to enjoy the fic not that most of you even read this (I know I seldom do) BUT STILL ENJOY!

Oh and the credit goes off to Smart angel for making me feel guilty about not writing any fic in a long while, and remembering me. That was so sweet. Well anyways its because of her that you're reading this fic now. So here's to Smart Angel, hope you'll enjoy this hun. Cheers!


"Yoh, are you done yet?"

"Almost" Yoh Asakura sighed, not bothering to glance back as he picked up the last sheet of cloth from the basket, "Do you need anything?"

There was a pause before he was finally answered.

"No. I want to go for a walk."

He took his time clipping the sheet to the wire before training his eyes on his fiancee.

"Do you want me to come?"

She looked at him impassively. Her fingers twitched and stiffened on the palm of her hand. Yoh chose not to comment.

"Yes." she finally answered tonelessly.

Yoh turned back to his basket, picturing her re-entering the inn almost half consciously. It was for that reason why he was surprised to find her still standing in the same position when he turned back to face the house, basket in hand.

"Whats wrong?" It was a stupid reason, and Yoh acknowledged that fact even before speaking it out loud. It wasn't like they always took a walk whenever either of them felt bothered about something, but Yoh knew Kyouyama Anna would always use subtle indications that something was troubling her. Her pride seldom allowed her to admit it in words, so Yoh had gotten used to sensing the slightest of pauses or sagging of her shoulders to determine when she needed him. It was never pleasant waiting for her to tell him, which was always in a round about manner. Sometimes he was even forced to ask her straight out, praying all the while for her to be composed enough to answer. Sometimes she would, sometimes she'd pretend he didn't say anything at all and sometimes she would frown warningly in which Yoh would have to remind her she was human, no matter what she was expected of. If anyone had known of the last resort Yoh would execute, he would have already be termed as the bravest man alive. But then if anyone did knew they would probably be roasted alive before they could term the young Asakura that. So it was perhaps a good thing no one did.

Anna didn't reply but Yoh continued to wait in silence. She finally showed some response by lowering her eyelids as her stance lost its stiffness, "Leave the basket, I'll wait for you outside."

Before Yoh could reply, she was already heading towards the gate. Feeling he was left with no other choice, he places the basket by his feet before unrolling his sleeve from his elbow.

The walk as usual was silent. But the route the itako choose was different from their usual ones. Yoh managed not to question until they reached a park filled with loving couples and laughing kids running about. He turned to her, mouth already open to question what were they doing there when he realized she was already a few paces ahead of him. Yoh blinked before quickening his pace to catch up to his fiancee. Why did she choose this place? Anna hated crowd.

They found a nice spot under a small weeping willow. Sunlight streamed down its canopy in large gold patches on the soft green grass. A few wild lowers were scattered at the rim of its trunk, shying away from the grass.

Taking a seat, Anna leaned against the trunk before closing her eyes. Yoh couldn't help but smile at the serene atmosphere as he took a seat beside his fiancee, lying down on the cool grass and heaving a sigh of content. This was a nice change.

Neither said another word for a long time. But that was common for both. Words didn't had any value to either unless absolutely necessary. Or perhaps the fact really was both accepted the other too much to say much of anything.

The laughter and chatter from the happy family seemed to merge in a murmur as Yoh stared up at the clouds. They seem to flow in an almost hypnotic manner. Merging with each other to form something new, while still staying serene and in peace all the while.

Too immersed in the transformation of the white fluff in the sky, Yoh didn't notice Anna turning her face to him, watching him with the same look he had studying the sky, until about a minute later.

"You've been doing all your chores without much complaint these days." It wasn't a question, so Yoh wasn't sure what to say to that.

"Does that bother you?" He tried to joke, still keeping his eyes intact on the sky.

"No," she replied after a small pause, "But your pink haired friend is giving me a headache about it."

This statement was of course absurd, so Yoh didn't bother stifling a chuckle at that. Tamao giving Anna a headache?

"Its not funny." Anna said shortly as if reading his mind, "As your wife its your duty to spare me the inconvenience of bearing a headache by not worrying your friend too much."

Yoh smiled, still not turning to her, "How is doing all my chores without complaint worrying her?"

"How am I to know how the mind of that woman works." Anna replied shortly, turning back to face the running children before her.

They both were silent for a while before Anna decided to add, "She must find it uncharacteristic I guess."

"You guess." Yoh repeated, closing his eyes.

Anna closed her own before letting out a small sigh, "Yoh."


"Whats wrong?" There was a trace of command in her voice.


Silence...and then


"Ow..." Yoh whimpered before turning to give his fiancee what he hoped was a wounded look, "what was that-" Immediately, his words died on his tongue.

"Asakura Yoh..." she growled, hair flaring out behind her in flames,

Yoh gulped, but before he could say another word, her claws had his throat in its sharp grasp.

"Ack..! Ann-"

"Are you willing to tell me now?"

Yoh winced slightly before looking up at her, smiling lightly, "Isn't this more inconvenient?"

Anna's eyes narrowed further but she loosened her grip. Yoh noticed she didn't pull away but decided not to comment.

"I'll talk to her," Yoh promised, tucking a strand of gold behind her ear unconsciously.

The glare was still intact, but the spark had softened in her eyes, "And you wont talk to me?"

Yoh didn't reply as he looked at his fiancee almost impassively. This seemed to irate the itako more.

"I'm your wife Asakura." she growled, digging her nails in his shoulder, "Its your duty to see to my rights..!"

Perhaps they both didn't realize Anna had spoken out loud. Perhaps it was the position they both were in, or perhaps the old ladies sitting on a bench near them, oblivious to both, were far too fascinated and nosy for their own good.

"Oh my..."

And it was exactly that moment when they let out that exclamation that what Anna had just said finally registered in his mind.

Yoh felt his face burst to flames as he looked at Anna in horror. He was supposed to fulfill his husband duties to her NOW?!

Anna blinked at Yoh's reaction (having been seething with anger too much to notice her position, words and the old women's gasp) before realization dawned on her and her skin took the same shade as Yoh's.


Tamao Tamamura jumped letting go of the pile of dishes she had just finished washing as the Itako's scream penetrated through the kitchen.

"M-Mistress Anna...?" the poor girl whimpered, looking about as if in the next second something in the kitchen would explode.

Anna had her face buried in her hands as she sat beside a badly wounded, yet sheepish Yoh in a new spot. Yoh kept smiling apologetically at the strangers passing by as Anna continued to curse and threaten Yoh under her breath, not even bothering to glare again.

After her outburst, it had been left up to Yoh to drag the two of them away from the extremely awkward and embarrassing spotlight. She was sure people were still craning their necks to look at them. This was all Yoh's fault.

Yoh on the other hand was having a pretty hard time trying to stifle his laugh. After things had settled down (though he still suspected the old ladies were still trying to look over at them) the humor in the situation wasn't hard to not acknowledge. Besides his fiancee rarely, if never, got embarrassed. So that was a surprising treat.

"Shall we go home?" Yoh asked, trying to not sound too cheerful.

Anna didn't reply, stubbornly intact in her position.

Yoh decided to try cheer her up, "Come on, it wasn't that bad."

Anna still didn't reply.

Yoh smiled sheepishly and scratched his forehead, "Ok, so it was bad...pretty horrible, but people will forget you know. Its not like they know us. We don't even come here all that much."

"Its not the people that are giving me a headache." Anna murmured, running her palms across her eyes tiredly before leaning back.

Yoh blinked and tilted his face, "Whats wrong then?"

Anna scowled, still not looking at him, "Funny you're asking that now."

Yoh blinked clueless, "Huh?"

Anna turned to him, glaring, "I'm your wife Yoh. At least I will be."

Yoh continued to stare at her, not understanding where she was going with that.


"Its my right to know whats bothering you."


Yoh gave Anna a long look, before smiling slightly, "Is that all?"

For some reason, Anna's heart throbbed at that. She took her gaze away, choosing to stare intently at her knees. After some time, she heard a faint tired sigh from her side. Before she could will herself to look, something warm covered her hands. Her eyes widened slighly as she finally turned her gaze back to her fiancee, who had shifted over, resting his head on her lap.

Yoh still had her hand as he looked up intently at his fiancee, before giving her palm a gentle squeeze.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was being selfish." He admitted tiredly, "Can I tell you when its easier?"

Anna lowered her eyelids but nodded. Yoh smiled in gratitude before closing his eyes tiredly.

After a while, he was surprised to feel cool slender fingers running the length of his hair. He opened his eyes questioningly to his fiancee. But the itako's face was impassive.

"You're not supposed to be alone Yoh." she said simply.

This time Yoh didn't felt it hard to smile. He laced his fingers with her's, not bothering to say another word.

Anna continued to brush her hand through his hair until Yoh fell asleep. Sometimes you don't need words to express there is a problem. Sometimes you don't even need to know what the problem is. Anna knew whenever Yoh would feel ready to tell her whatever was wrong, she wouldn't be surprised. And she wouldn't be able to take away the pressure completely. But for now, being like this was enough.

It's like catching lightening
The chances of of finding, someone like you
It's one in a million
The chances of feeling the way we do
And with every step together
We just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance? (Can I have this dance?)
Can I have this dance?

Nightglider: So...? Was that a good come back present? Please don't forget to leave a review and tell me about it. Until next time, See ya people!