Appearently not feeling good and watching 'The Mummy Returns' for comfort result in a particularly... I dunno, good? one-shot. Anyway, this is set while Alex is making his escape. I figured that Imhotep would know that the bracelet would protect him and was just making sure nothing happened.

Disclaimer: Imhotep, Anck-su-Namun/Meela, Alex and the guards belong to Stephen Summers and company.


Heshash. The boy.

The train came to a stop and Imhotep rolled the door open. The guards ontop of the train were firing at Alex, who was dodging left to right, trying to avoid the bullets.

Panic briefly flooded Imhotep's mind. Panic that the boy would be killed, that the way would be lost because of these fools efforts to stop him. The knowledge that the bracelet would protect the boy was the only thing that calmed his panic.

And besides, this was Nefertiri's son. She had been the one to order his curse, but she had also been his friend at one time.

Imhotep lifted the guards, banged them together and slammed them into the legs of the statues.

As much trouble as he might be, he was still just a boy and they still needed him. So alive, and unharmed, he would stay.

Imhotep turned back to Meela/Anck-su-Namun and smiled at her, putting his arm around her and waving it at the sight before them.

