Monger: -whistles in awe- Your studio rebuilt that fast?

Ria: -looking for the keys- Yyyep.

Monger: Whadja use? I might need to use that for when Doc gets his toybox privileges back.

Ria: If I told you that I'd have to kill you. -opens door-

Dr. C: Oh, em, gee! This is... I... wow!

Susan: Oh my gosh! Ria, this is amazing!

Ria: Huh? Oh, yeah, the automatic Halloween decorations.

The studio looked far taller than it did before, but even if someone tried to guess how tall it was, the ceiling was hidden by an enormous chandelier, like the one in Phantom of the Opera. Its dusty, flickering candles sent off an eerie light in all directions. The door creaked as everyone walked in, and slammed shut behind them. Everything looked like it hadn't been touched in ten years, with at least a centimetre of dust on it. Cobwebs hung loosely from every corner, flowing gently on the current of a small draft somewhere in the studio. Ria swatted at random spiders coming down from the ceiling, as she hated spiders. No one but Ria was sure if they were hearing things or not, but behind every door, trapdoor, and even the walls, the party could have sworn they heard whispering.

Bob: -staring around in awe- I wish I had a cobweb!

Link: Dude... Ria... this is awesome!

Gallaxhar: Have you ever considered a future in interior design?

Ria: Thanks, Link, and, I've considered it, but paranormal investigation is where I'm heading, thanks.

Monger: -coughs-

Ria: Don't worry, Gallaxhar's the only one I'd strap to a table to dissect.

Gallaxhar: Hey!

Ria: I'm being honest! Okay, hm... -cleans up floor in the main entrance hall- Geeze, this place looks like The Haunted Mansion, I love it! Okay, spin the bottle, General!

Monger: Yes, ma'am!

The bottle somehow spun by itself. Ria was the only one without a surprised look on her face.

Susan: Ria, how did you do that? This is all too cool!

Ria: It takes great skill and talent for this kind of technology. Lots of it.

Dr. C: You mean magnetic skills? The bottle's now tin, and I don't think it's chance it's my turn now.

Monger: Oh, who cares? Everybody likes magic tricks!

Dr. C: I suppose you're right, General. Truth.

Monger: This is from MvA-Fan4life

what's your highest score on DDR, or does the machine break from it being too high

Dr. C: Well, it did break down once--

Ria: Three times!

Dr. C: I said I was sorry!

Ria: That's my Wii you messed up, thanks!

Dr. C: I fixed it, didn't I?

Susan: Guys! Doc, finish your turn.

Dr. C: Thank you, Susan. Okay, I broke Ria's Wii three times, but my name is the only one ever on the high score list.

Ria: ...Do they have the high score list on DDR?

Dr. C: No, but they should. Then the rest of the world would know how badly I own them at DDR.

Ria: -dreamy sigh- Yes, you do. Moving on!

Dr. C: -flicks the top of the bottle- I guess you're not that bad of a fangirl.

Ria: Of course not, only I could pull off a feat as amazing as that.

Bob: Yeah, my turn!

Susan: Wait, is it pointing at me or Bob?

Ria: Both of you!

Susan: But it's a--

Ria: It's a magic bottle, yes, yes, I am amazing. Susan, Bob, truth or dare?

Susan: Truth.

Bob: Dare!

Ria: Okay, Susan, this is from ShakaRaka

If you don't mind me asking, what made you fall for Derek in the first place?

Susan: Hmm, at first I thought he was pretty good-looking, and he had a wonderful job, and I thought he was sincere about everything he said about us being a team. But after I saw that he was such a jerkface, that whole facade faded away.

Dr. C: Good riddance.

Ria: -tries not to say anything- M-moving on. Bob, this is from MvA-Fan4life, man, I love the stuff he sends in.

define 'onomotopea'

Bob: Is that Latin for "I gotta go pee"?

Ria: -bursts out laughing-

Dr. C: I... sure, Bob, it's Latin for "I need to pee".

Bob: Haha! I KNEW it! I'm so smart!

Link: -spins the bottle- Come on, I wanna go home, please, I've spent long enough in the studio, and I'm not gonna stay the night here with the decorations like this.

Ria: What's the matter, fish-frog? Ya scared?

Link: Of the decorations? No, more creeped out than scared. Of YOU, however, I am terrified. You'd probably try to murder me in my sleep or something.

Ria: Hehe.

Gallaxhar: My turn!

Monger: I feel somewhat left out.

Susan: Aw, it's okay, Monger. Hey, Ria, you should make entire episodes dedicated to each character!

Ria: That... sounds like fun! Truth or dare, squid?

Gallaxhar: -gives up- Truth.

Ria: Okie doke. This is from Ded-nvr-lvng-vmpr

What would you do if you had to live in the Bananasuit for the rest of your life?

Gallaxhar: Die. Moving on. -spins the bottle- What? My turn again? Rrgh. Truth.

Ria: Wimp. This is from--

Gallaxhar: If you call any of us that one more time, I swear I'll--

Ria: Well, sor-ry if no one besides Bob and me are picking dares, sheesh. This is from ShakaRaka, and this one's hilarious.

Why does your computer have such a sultry voice? Are you just THAT lonely or what?

Gallaxhar: What?!

Ria: Hey, I thought somethin' was goin' on there, too, I mean... really... with that voice, she could work as a pho--


Ria: Shutting up.

Dr. C: -chuckling- Well, Gallaxhar?

Gallaxhar: All the ships on my planet were programmed with that voice, okay?

Link: Suuure, suuuuure.

Gallaxhar: Okay, I admit, I miss being around people, but can you really blame me?

Susan: Uh, yeah, you kinda sorta destroyed your own planet.

Gallaxhar: Oh, that brings back good memories. -smiles, wipes away a tear- Okay, who goes now?

Ria: Let's give Monger a turn, then one more bottle-spin after that, then I have a surprise for you all.


Ria: Yep! For Halloween. -smiles cutely-

Monger: Okay, Ria?

Ria: Hmm?

Monger: Never smile like that again.

Dr. C: It's not right.

Gallaxhar: It's not.

Susan: I thought it was okay. It's not something I'm used to, but-

Insecto: I almost wet myself!

Ria: Woah... I almost forgot you were here... I'm sorry, Insecto!

Link: Just don't smile like that while we're around, kay? What'll it be, General?

Monger: Hmm, I'll take another dare.

Ria: Go General Monger!

Monger: Thank you, thank you.

Link: This is from Ded-nvr-lvng-vmpr

jump off Insecto's head without a parachute.

Monger: Okay, whatever.

After several hours of trying and failing to get Monger all the way to the top of Insecto's head...

Monger: Woooo! Finally!

Dr. C: Indeed. Alright, I can calculate the perfect time for Insecto to reach his wing forward to catch you after yo--


Dr. C: Or not.

Insecto: -slides wing forward, giving Monger a safe landing-

Monger: That should be a ride at Disneyland or something!

Link: Can I take a dare right now?

Ria: Sure! Volunteers are always wanted! This is from MvA-Alstars

Throw Ria into a pool of ice water.

Ria: You better use a chicken.

Link: I'm not scared of someone who'll soon be freezing their butt off.

Ria: I run cold, that won't do anything to me!

Dr. C: Really, she does, her hands are always abnormally cold.

Link: It'll still be fun. -grabs Ria, holds a pressure point on her neck-

Ria: Ow! Ow! Not fair!

Dr. C: Hang on, let me figure out how to work her little remote here...

Ria: Don't you dare!

Gallaxhar: Somehow I know this will be greatly amusing.

Dr. C: -chuckling- We'd like to thank you all for staying with us, even though the gaps between updates are bigger than the Grand Canyon. We hope today's episode was just as awesome as the previous ones, and have a Happy Halloween!

Everyone: Happy Halloween!

Link: -throws Ria into the pool that appeared out of FanFic convenience-

Ria: -resurfaces, gasps for breath- O-oh wow... I d-d-d-didn't know just how c-c-c-c-cold it was gonna b-be! F-fine! N-no treat fo-for you-guys!

Susan: Too late, I already found it. -tilts the chandelier up at the top, thousands of pounds of candy fall from it- Here, readers! -throws some candy- That's for you.


T_T Happy frickin' Halloween. Do you guys hate me that much? I'm too amazing to be hated! Well, next chapter is gonna be entirely Monger's chapter, so send in WHATEVER! Questions, comments, magic spells to make him do whatever, dares, or even banana peels for him to slip on! That's an extra Halloween treat for ya! -winks-