Just wanted to point out that the girl, Chris, is not an OC. She's from another show I had been watching at the time, Daa Daa Daa also known as UFO baby. Don't worry, she's not important. Won't be around long :p so just stick with me through the annoyingness that is a character you don't know :O

Through the crowded streets, walked a black haired girl. She wore the uniform of a small, local high school. A black jacket and a short royal blue skirt. The jacket covered what was underneath, so it didn't really matter what the shirt was like. Her black socks barely reached above her knees, going quite nicely with her brown loafers.

The girl let out a sigh and let her eyes close. She immediately opened them again though when she bumped into someone "Oh sorry." She lazily said to the man. The adult ignored her and continued walking.

"Rin, you should pay more attention to where you're going." came girly voice from behind. The girl, Rin, continued walking, acting as if she hadn't heard anything. The one behind her roughly grabbed her shoulder, and forced her to turn around.

"Answer me when I speak to you." The pink haired girl demanded.

"Sorry Chris, but I have nothing to say to you." Chris scrunched up her face, and swiftly slapped Rin. Rin didn't seem fazed. People were starting to stop and stare, so Chris stomped away.

Rin soon continued walking. She was on her way home from school, when she had run into Chris, a girl from her class. Chris could be nice… to anyone but Rin. She would often hit Rin, trying to get a response from the girl. Maybe if Rin talked more, Chris wouldn't be so mean, but Rin didn't really care. She was used to the abuse. Her parents had dies when she was young, and for quite some time she stayed with her uncle. That man had caused her bruises, broken bones, split lips, you name it, he did it. It wasn't just him though. His friends would come over every Tuesday for poker night, and after they were all angry from losing to her uncle, they would pound on her. As terrible that was, she was happy. She was happy because the men had never sexually abused her.

Rin was in a better place now. After her uncle had been arrested for being caught at a drug deal, she was put in foster care. Now, she shared a room with four other girls, and lived with three more boys. The parents were nice. They made sure all the children bathed and ate regularly.

Even with so many people in one house, Rin couldn't help but to feel alone. She didn't consider those people her family… she couldn't. It just didn't feel right. Nothing did. Her whole life felt like a lie. The only time she truly felt at home was in her dreams. She would dream of a far away land. There were always two men. The tall man would save her no matter what, and the smaller one would babysit her when the other man was not around. Sadly though, she never could quite piece together what they looked like.

Rin had now been walking for a while, just thinking. She felt her foot hit something, and an annoying noise erupted from the ground. She looked down and noticed she had kicked a can. Then the girl took a chance to look around at her surroundings. It was no place she was familiar with. There were a few clubs lining the streets, and a forest near by, but besides that, the place was empty. She continued walking, now quite nervous and alert. A smart person would have turned around and ran back the way they came, but Rin wasn't thinking clearly. She held her school bag right below her head, as of she was trying to hide her face and become invisible.

Suddenly, a loud clatter caught her attention, and caused her to jump. She whipped her head from side to side, trying to find where the sound came from. Rin hated showing fear, thinking it would only burden others, but there was no one with her to be burdened. A movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. It looked like someone walking to the forest. Not even realizing it, Rin began walking toward the moving figure.

'What am I doing?' she thought. 'That could be some creepy pervert or a murderer or something.' Despite her fear, Rin continued walking. She couldn't stop. It didn't take long before she was at the entrance of the forest. She peered around a tree to see into the forest, but saw nothing but trees. "Must have been my imagination." She reasoned with herself.

"What are you doing her girl?" came a nasty and rude voice. Rin spun around and pressed her back against the tree. In front of her was a small, ugly man.

"I-uh, I, well, umm." Rin stammered.

"Be gone. This is not a place a weak girl like you should be." The man said.

"Sorry!" Rin nearly screamed as she dropped her bag and bowed. "I-I didn't mean to intrude! I thought I saw somebody come in here."

"You may stand up. You should leave now. And for future references, it's rude to follow people." The man said. Once Rin had straightened up, he gave her a quick look over with his eyes, before walking around her and the tree into the forest.

"Ahh, hold on a second." Rin called, running after the man once she was able to think straight again.

"What is it girl? I thought I told you to leave."

"Well uh, the thing is, you said it's rude to follow people, so does that mean there really was someone here?" Rin asked. The man opened his mouth to tell her to go home, but another male's voice came first.

"Jaken, what is taking you so long?" Rin looked up curiously to see a gorgeous man walk out from behind a tree. Nearly a minute later, Rin noticed that this man had been starring back at her. She immediately looked away.

"Oh I'm so sorry my Lord. I saw her standing at the forest's entrance, but she refused to leave." The smaller man said, fear clear in his voice. He was bent over, kissing the ground.

"I did not refuse! Never once did I say I would not go home!" Rin shouted at the small man.

"Go home." The beautiful man said, surprising Rin. "Jaken did you get dinner?" he asked. The mini-man stood up and shook uncontrollably from fear.

"I apologize my Lord. I used the last of the money on breakfast this morning. I won't be getting anymore until Friday." Jaken said, looking down. Hearing the growl like noise thought, he looked up at his lord.

"You two haven't eaten anything since this morning?" Rin screamed, shocked. She reached into the nearly invisible pocket of her skirt and pulled out everything she had. She sorted through it quickly, putting the extra hair tie and gum wrapper back in her pocket. "Uh, here! It's not a lot, but it's all I've got on me at the moment." Rin said as she held her hand out to the taller man. He simply turned away from her and began walking further into the forest.

"I thought I told you to go home." He spoke as he continued walking. Rin blinked, and turned to Jaken.

"Here, please buy what you can with it and share with him." Jaken let out a sigh and accepted the money.

"I will not thank you girl."

"That's alright. I'll bring something by tomorrow morning for you two! There is only the two of you right?" Rin asked as she began walking away backwards. Jaken hesitated, but nodded his head.

"Alright! Leave it to me then!" She shouted, and began running back the way she had come. Rin didn't know why there was a huge grin on her face, nor why she felt so comfortable with the two strangers. What she did know though, was that she couldn't wait until tomorrow morning.

So what do ya think?

I know it's kinda short, but I felt that was a nice place to end it

Don't worry, tomorrow will be out soon