Jim was sitting on the couch "Man, there's nothing do to do," he thought, staring into space.

"Jim!" Sarah called "I've got a surprise for you!"

"Uh oh," Thought Jim "I hope it's not another instrument,"

A month ago, Sarah had signed Jim up for piano lessons, here's what happened:

Jim had walked into the building, he looked around, it was a nice place, covered with posters of composers like Bach and Beethoven. There were also flowers everywhere.


Jim turned around and saw a bubbly young woman, dressed in a pink blouse and a violet skirt.

"I'm Jessica, I'll be your new piano teacher," she gushed, smiling at him.

Jim was too bored to notice that she was flirting with him so he just followed her into a bright pink room with hearts and fluffy stuff on the walls.

"Now," she said, sitting on a stool near a piano "Let's begin,"

Jim sat down and began hitting the keys.

A month later Jim still had no idea how to play the piano, Jessica did nothing but talk to him and flutter her eyes; she once cancelled a lesson to take him to the movies.

Finally Jim told her that he wasn't attracted to her and she did something unbelievable, she slammed him against the wall and kissed him, after that Jim had ran home and quit piano lessons.

Jim winced when he thought of that moment but Sarah's voice brought him back to reality.

"Aren't you exited?"

"About what?"

Sarah sighed "We're going to Calaway Park tomorrow with the Doppler's,"

Jim bolted off the couch "Calaway Park!?!?"

"Yes, now stop jumping up and down like a six year old," Sarah said before heading downstairs.


(The next day)


Groaning, Jim reached out to hit the alarm clock.


"Ah," Jim thought "That's better,"

"Jim, come on, do you want to go to Callaway or not!" came Sarah's voice from downstairs.

"Calaway Park!" thought Jim, climbing out of bed "I forgot about that,"

After Jim came down and had breakfast, they climbed into the van and headed for the Doppler's home.

(20 minutes later)

Jim sighed, they had been traveling forever and he was bored.

Jim looked to his left and saw Delbert sleeping...and drooling.

Jim reached into his pocket and pulled out a straw then he asked his mom "Can I have the bag of raisons?"

"Yes, just don't spill them," Sarah said while passing back a paper bag.

"What are you doing with those Mister Hawkins?" asked Amelia, turning around.

"Oh, nothing ma'am Jim replied putting on a "I'm so innocent" smile "Just eating them,"

Amelia frowned at that but turned around.

Jim quickly popped a raison into the straw, put it to his mouth and blew.

The raison shot out of the straw and bopped Delbert on the nose.

"Ow!" Came a little yell from Delbert.

Jim giggled and popped another raison into the straw.

"Mister Hawkins!"

Startled Jim turned and accidently blew on the straw.

The raison flew through the air and to Jim's horror it was snatched out of the air by Amelia.

"Mister Hawkins," said Amelia, grinning evilly "Since you like mischief a lot, your punishment is that I ... babysit you for the rest of the trip, how does that sound?"

Jim opened his mouth to protest but then closed it; he knew better then to argue with Amelia.

"Hey everyone here we are!" Sarah said as they parked.

Jim gazed at the roller coaster and other exiting rides "Maybe this won't be so bad," he thought.