The last chapter! I hope you enjoy it! And if I left some stuff on air, don't remind me! I already know. And thank you to Meeeee X, Paperback28, A-Lady, emiz. 12, PixieStick87, Fake Empire, and 4everHoldYourPeace for your reviews. I am inspired by my reviewers!

Auralee twirled in front of the mirror. The beautiful smoky blue dress clung to the slight curves on her body and was sleeveless, exposing her beautifully dark shoulders. She'd decided to wear her hair down, as a symbol of her freedom.

"Come on, Rose!" Auralee called. From the curtains covering the large closet emerged Rose herself. She'd slipped on the ivy dress that they'd bought at Valerie Thomas' and done up all the ribbons by herself (which took almost 15 minutes.) Her long auburn curls were put up in a bun that her mother had shown her when she was a bit younger, but kept a few strands loose to make her look more seductive. She'd chosen no shoes, showing off her shiny black toenails.

"Oh, Rose, you look gorgeous!" Auralee cooed. She began to straighten out the flowing dress, which refused to do so, and just got more fluttery.

"I look like a wall of ivy," she groaned. The truth was, however, was that she loved it in more ways than words could describe, but to get out of going to the wedding, saying this might help.

Seeing the man she allegedly loved, (although her feelings weren't completely confirmed, yet,) was probably going to be the most painful thing in the world. But not going and perhaps not doing anything to stop it was much worse.

"Let's just get this over with," Rose mumbled. Auralee rolled her eyes and grabbed her friend's hand, (which had matching nail polish as her toes.) They began to walk out of the house, passing all of their pets, including Quincical, who was licking Peony's tail. When they reached the door, they grabbed their purses – Auralee had an azure silk clutch, while Rose's was large, soft, and jade – and Rose noticed something on the floor near the piles of shoes.


While Auralee's back was turned, she stuck her hand out so he could climb up her. He gladly did, winding himself up her arm, then around her shoulders, so each half of himself was on each arm. When her daughter turned back, she nearly screamed.

"Rose, you can't bring a snake to a wedding!" she cried. Rose merely shrugged and moved to the door.

"I can and I will," was all she replied. Auralee groaned a bit in anger, but dropped the subject and left in silence.

The backyard of the Malfoy's looked immaculate. There were monochromatic blues everywhere, including balloons, streamers, and a long walkway for guests. There were sparkling gold figures dancing around, most likely the bride and grooms ancestors. Everything looked beautiful.

But Scorpius didn't feel beautiful.

He and his wife-to-be were in their bedroom. He was watching Patricia go over everything over and over again and smoothing out the ruffles in her dress. He himself wasn't wearing his dress robes, but only a pair of dark jeans and a tight dark gray fitted tee, outlining his toned chest. He wanted to say something to her, but didn't know how to.

"……your father and mother are in the backyard, welcoming guests," she continued. Her hands were now slightly stretching her face to see if she could make herself look any younger. "And mine are talking with your grandmother. And……"

She stopped talking when she saw her fiancé's face. He looked troubled to her.

"What's wrong, Scor?" she asked.

He sighed deeply. As he did, a thought came into his mind. He knew how to tell her his message.

"Patricia, did you know that there's been a break-in at Gringotts?" he asked. She shook her neat bun of brown hair. "Well, they said they broke into vault 2561. That's my vault." He noticed her stiffen, making her beautiful slender back arch a bit.

"Really?" she asked coldly.

"Yeah, there's no money left for us." He sighed heavily, adding effect to the entire thing. "So, I guess we'll live off –"

"Scor, maybe we're rushing into this marriage," she cut in. He nodded a bit before smirking widely and the look of surprise on her pristine face was almost comical.

"Got ya," was all he said, before she gasped deeply. "You don't love me. You love my money. You love the fact that I'm rich and that I can get you whatever you want whenever you want."

"I love you, Scor!" she cried. "I do! I love you and your money! Please!" When he didn't reply, she said, "Well, if we aren't to be married, do you know anyone single who'd be into it?"

Scorpius rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.

The only thing on his mind at the moment was finding Rose and talking to her. It felt right, though he hadn't the foggiest idea why. But he was going to find her.

He had to find her.

"What on earth are you wearing, Weasley?"

Tanya Tamblyn was staring at Rose incredulously, her eyes as wide as Galleons. Her silver hair was in wild curls, but the front was flattened, so there was a great puffball of unmanageable locks in the back. A dark blue cardigan and matching skirt clung to her stout body and azure pumps made the entire thing more prissy than ever.

"A dress," Rose stated simply.

"Where are your shoes?" Tanya asked in a disgusted tone.

"Not on my feet," Rose replied.

Tanya groaned angrily, but stopped when she saw what was curled around the redhead's shoulders. She stuck a French manicured index finger out towards Drake.

"Do you realize that there is a reptile on you, Weasley?" she asked nervously. Her voice quaked and withdrew her finger when the large boa constrictor shot it's tongue out then back in.

"His name's Drake, lady," Rose replied a bit heatedly.

"Oh, it's disgusting!" Tanya shrieked a little before hurriedly turning around and beginning to scurry off.

Rose started to walk around, enjoying the cool grass against her bare feet. Drake turned his head every few moments to look at all the people, who recoiled at the sight, then looked away.

The inside of the Scorpius' house, she soon found out, was pristinely clean. It was a bit frightening when she thought about her own home, in all it's untidy glory. She moved upstairs silently, thanks to her lack of footwear, to run right into a tall, blonde someone.

"Excuse –" He cut short when he saw who it was he was talking to and his mouth turned to an 'O'. "I've been looking for you."

"Why?" she asked, looking anywhere but his face. "So you can rub in the fact that you're getting married to your 'one-true-love?'" Her tone was sardonically icy and she wanted to hurt him like he was hurting her by getting married.

"Not exactly."

Rose rolled her eyes at him and they landed on his. Grey met brown and her arctic glare melted slightly.

"Rose, will you listen to me for 3 minutes?" he asked. His desperate tone caught her off guard and she turned her head to the right a bit, seeing if he was just pretending like usual. But she couldn't find even a glimmer of cockiness on his pale, pointed face, so she gave up and nodded.

Gently, yet firmly, he took her small hand and pulled her up the few stairs until they were in a guest bedroom. She took a seat on the deep lavender armchair while he sat on the bed a few feet away. It was obvious by her expression that being near her was unwanted.

"I broke it off with Patricia," he blurted. The frosty look shooting from her eyes at his own were suddenly not cold, but warm and happy. She didn't show it in her face, however, apparently not wanting to show that her insides were suddenly doing the conga.

"Why?" she asked. There was no noticeable tone in her voice; it sounded as just an innocent question.

"You were right." This lifted her spirits even more, and her face broke into a triumphant smile. "She only likes me for my money. So, I broke it off."

"Well, it took you long enough," she said. Her face had changed considerably, but a slight smile was playing on her plump, red lips.

"I know," he replied. The teasing smile was now spread widely across her facial expressions.

"So what're you going to do now?" she asked.

"This," he replied. And in one, swift movement, she was in his arms, his lips clamped to hers. Tongues flew in every direction in their mouths and it was definitely one of the most passionate kisses known to mankind.

After what felt like several days, their lips reluctantly departed. Rose was gasping a bit, and once it subsided, she said, "What're you going to tell the guests?"

"Patricia will break the news," he replied.

When she noticed a slight glint in his eye, she said rather fiercely, "Don't expect me to take over this wedding!"

He laughed slightly. "You won't have to. Don't worry."

"And you know what they say."


"Opposites attract."

I know, such a cliche ending! ;) Anyway, I'm already done the first chapter (or rather, Prologue) of my new story 'Attack of the Raging Teenage Hormones.' Not just about Rose and Scorpius, btw. Hope you liked this chapter and will enjoy my next one just as much!
