Chapter 1
First Glance

AN: NEW STORY!! I'll be switching off between this and Emmett Buys A Puppy- write one of Isle Esme, one of Emmett Buys A Puppy, etc. For this story, I will start off in the present, then flashback to the future, and then end each chapter in the present.

I don't own Twilight or Carlisle or Esme.
Carlisle POV

I was sitting on the couch, my arm around my beautiful wife. My granddaughter came running down the stairs and sat in the chair directly facing us.

"Hello, Renesmee. What can we do for you?" I asked.

"Can you tell me about how you guys met? I know your own personal stories, but not how you two met and fell in love." I felt a smile spread across my face, and I looked to see an identical smile across Esme's face.

"It started in 1911…"


Columbus, Ohio


I walked into my office and the hospital. I had seen some new faces as I walked through the emergency room, but no one seemed to have too bad of injuries. One couple was bickering, the girl seeming quite annoyed. I picked up the file on my wood desk, and opened up to the list of scheduled appointments. There weren't many today- some usual patients in for stitches to be removed- but one name stuck out.

Esme Platt.

I had never heard of her before, or treated her. I have heard of the Platt family, but not of any further details about them. She was my first appointment of the day, so I walked out to the emergency room to retrieve her.

"Esme Platt?" I called out. I saw the girl that was bickering look sharply up. She was in a wheelchair with her leg propped up. She started wheeling herself over, but the young man she was arguing with tried to push it over.

"Charles, stop." She said frustrated. He ignored her and wheeled her over to me.

"Hello Esme Platt, I'm Doctor Cullen. Please follow me into my office." I turned around and led her into my office. I led her into the appointment part of the room, and helped her onto the table. I propped her leg up- which was clearly broken. "So how did this happen?" I asked. She was about to answer, but Charles spoke first.

"She fell out of a tree. I tried to catch her, but I was off just enough for her to fall."

"Stop acting like the hero Charles. Just leave." She said. She glared at him as he came closer.

"Esme- no. I'm staying in here with you." He said. I could tell by his voice, he was the controlling type. I had never heard anyone talk to a lady in that way.

"Just leave, Charles." She said. I could tell she was very annoyed, so I decided to step in.

"Actually, I don't like guests in my appointments. I will have to ask you to step out." I said. He glared at me, but stepped out closing the door behind him.

"Thank you." She breathed in relief. I smiled at her as I gathered my supplies. "It's just that- he can be so annoying sometimes. Actually, all the time."

"I know it's not in a doctor's place to intrude, but does it go farther than that? When you were out in the waiting room-you seemed quite upset." She sighed and looked up as I was examining her leg. My hand skimmed across her leg, and there was a shock. It seemed like there was a connection, a spark. Esme glanced up at me and stared into my eyes. She quickly looked away.

"My parents are so old-fashioned. They believe every proper woman should adhere to all traditions. And in my case, one of those traditions would be an arranged marriage."

"You don't want an arranged marriage?" I asked-I knew by her tone that she did not. Who would? Having all your choices taken away; not having the opportunity to find true love- something I had yet to find.

"No. My parents are planning on forcing me into marrying Charles. They think that he is the perfect gentleman. He is just so overprotective, and never treats me with any respect."

"That is awful. Every lady should be treated as one."

"That's what bothers me. I don't want to be spoiled or drooled over; I just want him to treat me as his equal. He acts like I'm so much below him-like I serve no purpose in society."

"Everyone serves a purpose in society." I told her. She smiled at me. Her eyes were filled with love and compassion. "Esme, how old are you?" I asked. She seemed on the younger side, but had a maturity to her voice.

"I'm sixteen. My parents are planning on us marrying when I'm around twenty-five." She sighed. I finished treating her leg, and helped her stand onto the floor. I opened the closet at the far end of the room and pulled out a pair of wooden crutches. I handed them to her, and she slipped them under her arms.

"Esme, I hope this turns out well for you. Everybody deserves the chance to find true love." I told her. She smiled yet again, and held out her. I shook it, and once again, there was the spark. Unlike last time, she didn't look away quickly, and when she did, I heard her quiet sigh. She dropped her hand.

"Thank you, Doctor Cullen." She said. I held the door open for her as she exited. I walked out with her. As soon as she came into view, Charles hopped up, followed by who I assumed was Mr. and Mrs. Platt.

"I'm fine." She told Charles sharply, holding up her hand before he could touch her. Her parents came over to me.

"Hello, I am Doctor Cullen." I said holding out my hand. They shook it briefly, pulling it back quickly.

"Hello, we are her parents." The man said voice deep. "Is she all right?" He asked.

"Yes, she is fine. Her leg is fractured, though. She will need to rest it for six weeks, walking on the crutches. After six weeks, she can come back and we will see if it has repaired. You can arrange your follow-up appointment with Elizabeth." I motioned to Elizabeth sitting behind the desk. She nodded at me, as I started back towards my office. I paused once to glance back at Esme. She was looking towards me, and when our eyes met, she smiled.

As I was driving home, I couldn't stop thinking about her. Esme. I didn't know why- this had never happened with a patient before. Stop it, Carlisle. She is sixteen. I blocked my thoughts as I turned down the driveway, knowing Edward would be here. And although my brain was running through plenty of distractions that night, Esme was always in the back of my mind.


Forks, Washington


"So you first met when you were sixteen?" Nessie asked Esme. Esme smiled and nodded. "But then how did you fall in love?"

Please review!!! Esme's POV next chapter!