Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in this story; they belong to J.K. Rowling and Stephanie Meyer. Also, I don't make money for this; I do this solely for pleasure!
Rating: PG13 or a very soft R…
A/N: So, I have been tossing around the idea for this story for a while and finally decided to put it in written(well typed) word. I have fiddled around with Canon for both series to achieve my goals for this piece. By the way, Illyantia is pronounced: eel-ee-yun-tee-aa…if you were wondering. Reviews will be greatly appreciated! Enjoy!


My life has never and will never be what you would call normal. From the moment of my eleventh birthday, my life has been a continuous hurricane of adventure, scandal, danger, betrayal and death. My parents were taken from me before long shortly after my first birthday and in that moment I was marked for a future that I had no say in. I live in constant danger of death, my family and friends must always be on their guard for fear of attack because of me. The wizarding world chooses to revere me one day as their savior, the next I am nothing but a danger to the innocent lives I put at risk simply by being near them. The most evil and feared dark wizard the magical world has ever known has made it his personal goal to see to my death. I have seen more than enough death to last a lifetime; and I have felt the heartache and loneliness of the betrayal of those I thought loved me…

And of course, there is the prophesy; it was the trigger that started my life's downfall before I have even been born. The prophesy proclaims that I am the only one who can defeat him; it must be me to take the reins in a war that began years before I was even a gleam in my father's eye. Am I angry? Yes! Am I afraid? Bloody hell, yes! Am I determined? Yes! No matter what has been done to me in my life, no matter who I once called friend and now label as my enemy, I am only one to rid the world of this madness.

Until recently, this prophesy has been told me only in part; lies of omission and half-truths. These lies were told to keep me subservient to those who serve the greater good. My childhood was orchestrated to bend me into the perfect savior, the perfect little weapon; to be used and then cast aside once I had fulfilled me purpose. However, someone intervened; someone helped me find my ultimate purpose. This purpose was one that no one ever saw coming, least of all me.


Chapter 1: Who are you?

Harry's POV

It was a day like any other… or so I thought. I was out in the quidditch pitch practicing with the Gryffindor team; we were training for the upcoming first game of the year. Ron, the team's captain, was berating me for some made up offense and was, as usual, acting like a child.

For the first five years of our friendship, we were best mates. We told each other everything; we leaned on one another in our times of need. We were brothers, if not by blood, than by choice and nothing would tear us apart. However, at the end of our fifth year we found something that could rip us apart forever; the death of Ginevra Molly Weasley, his sister. The events of that night were at times like a dream or rather a nightmare…

I had been having dreams for months about a mysterious door and was determined to find out what it meant. When my final dream came it showed my godfather, Sirius Black, being tortured within the Department of Mysteries. With my friends in tow, we flew to the Ministry of Magic and once there we found ourselves in the Hall of Prophesies. One was labeled with my name, in the fight the orb was shattered sending out only a wisp of the prophesy, just enough to know it was important. That night the battle took the life of Ginny and severed my relationship with the Weasley family permanently.

Afterwards, I had not only lost a friend and a family I loved, the public and the Ministry tried to place the blame of Ginny's death at my feet. But, in the end, Dumbledore convinced those he needed to of my innocence. He made it a point of explaining the effort he had to go to, to save me. He, after much hearing me speak of the prophesy, told me that he had been the one to hear it. He explained the prophesy and my expected role to play in it. He spoke in that belying sweet grandfatherly voice, but the meaning behind it was clear. I was not to undermine the work he had put into me, I was there to achieve his goals of the greater good for wizard kind. That was when I began to see Dumbledore for what he really was; a manipulative old man who used me, at whatever the costs to my life, to win the war.

I had been cleared of Ginny's death, however the public saw what they chose to see and with the help of the Weasley's, they still slander me with causing her death. That summer was the worst of my life. I spent it locked away in my room at the Dursley's, reading the Daily Prophet each day as it cried out for me to be sent to Azkaban for life. My friendship with Hermione at first withheld the pressure from the Weasley's, but in the end it collapsed under the weight. My only relief was in the daily letters from Sirius and Remus, my godfathers. They kept me sane and voiced their support of me to anyone who would listen.

When I returned to Hogwarts for my sixth year, I found a school against me. Save a few who braved the masses to be my friend. It was in this year that Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood became two of my closest friends. They stood up to Ron, Hermione and anyone who continuously lashed out at me, making me truly grateful to have them as my friends. However through this, they became labeled the same as me, outcasts and found few who stayed friends with them in the face of the angry student population. It was also in this year where my school nemesis, Draco Malfoy, became my best mate. With his father's imprisonment in Azkaban, Voldemort chose Draco to kill Dumbledore and reclaim the honor to the Malfoy name. A few months into the school year, he decided to go to Dumbledore for help and changed sides. The truce we called then slowly changed into a friendship. One night he helped defend me against Ron and a couple of his cronies, who decided to teach me a lesson. At that moment, he became my brother and my best friend.

The three of them became something I depended on, a strength that held me up when I so wanted to fall. They gave me hope, when the world turned against me and I loved them for it. The loss of my two best friends left an ache within me, that at times threatened to over take me, but they were there. Always there.

Now, I stood surrounded by my teammates who didn't like me and I confess, I wasn't too fond of them either. They were busy heckling me for many things, taking pleasure in Ron's and tirade. So, as it happened, no one was paying attention as the first hex came flying out of the Forbidden Forest. The hex, a particularly nasty one that cut deep into the victims flesh, hit one of the chasers. He fell to the ground with a blood curdling scream, dark red blood sprayed from the gaping wounds on his chest. We all turned in horror as he quickly bled to death; a final scream ripping through the air, breaking the spell that held us frozen in shock. I turned and from the forest tree line I saw dozens of Death Eaters emerge as they began sending curses at us.

We all ran to nearby cover as I quickly produced a Patronus and sent a message to Dumbledore for aid. It seemed like we battled for hours, sending hexes and curses sailing through the air, as we fought for our lives. As we did so, Ron still found the time to blame me and accuse me of taking another child from his parents. Sometime later, probably not more than a few minutes, Order members began to appear. Dumbledore, Sirius, Remus, Draco, Shacklebolt, Moody and many others, fought alongside us. Then one of the Death Eaters found a way to sneak behind our cover and with an Avada Kedavra, the killing curse was sent to kill me.

The green light quickly traveled towards me, as if in slow motion, those around me watched on in horror as it came closer and closer, coming to end my life. My eyes opened wide in fear as I realized it was all about it end, I was leaving them all, taking with me their hope of a better future. Then a burst of silver surrounded me, protecting me from the curse that rebounded off of the shield and trekked back to the sender, the life in his eyes receding from them. I stood within the shield transfixed by it, knowing I had not created it and that it was nothing like I had ever seen before. Those around me were shielded as well, as it stood between us and the band of Death Eaters beyond. They stared at me in shock, trying to work out what exactly they were looking at. Dumbledore and Sirius walked closer to me, testing the shield, which sent a spark to the hand of anyone who touched it. They stepped back a bit and I tried to reach my hand through the shield, but it was like a solid wall, trapping me within it.

"Harry, did you create this?" Dumbledore asked with puzzled look on his aged face.

Shaking my head, I looked to Sirius and said "What happening?"

As I spoke, there was another flash of silver light and we all watched as an ethereally beautiful woman appeared within the shield. Her long white blonde hair swayed from a breeze that no one else felt. Her eyes, which were like strange swirling silver orbs, stared at me. She wore a long flowing gown of white that trailed well past her feet and lay spread on the grass below. The pale alabaster color of her skin seemed to nearly glow in the sunlight, shinning like beacon in the night.

"Hello, Harry." She said her voice a soft caress to my shattered nerves and her captivating smile a balm to my war weary soul. She made me feel content and at peaceful, secure in her presence. I couldn't explain it, but I trusted her, something telling me she was here to help me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am Illyantia, I am the Guardian of Lost Souls. Yours called out to me just before you were to die." She gave a reassuring smile and continued. "You have lost your way; this is not how your life was to end. You have not yet fulfilled all you need to do before you die and I am here to set you back on the true path."

Those that stood beyond the shield watched on in suspicion and wonder, all hearing the words she spoke.

"And how, may I ask, are you going to set him back on the true path?" Dumbledore questioned in a quiet, but commanding voice, staring at the woman who endangered all he had done for the greater good.

Illyantia turned from me and looked at Dumbledore with barely suppressed fury. "Do not speak to me in such a way Wizard! I am Illyantia, the Guardian of Lost Souls and Keeper of the Light. I command the four elements and have seen and done more than you could ever possibly imagine. I know who you are and what you have done!"

I stood as my jaw fell to the ground below me, never had I seen anyone speak to Dumbledore in such a way. He command respect and attention, leaving fear and dread for those who were his enemies. But, this woman, was fearsome and magnificent in her glory.

"What do you mean?" I questioned a sneaking suspicion this was about me

"I speak of the prophesy, little one." Illyantia explained. "He did not give you the entire telling of it, he told you ask much as he thought was necessary and nothing more. The seer who foretold this prophesy was with him when she did so and since that night years ago, he has manipulated all around him to get the results he needed… at great cost to your life and the entire magical world."

"Do you know the entire Prophesy?" Sirius asked gruffly, a threatening scowl thrown towards Dumbledore.

She nodded and closed her eyes, a voice not of her own, came forth a spoke.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies ... And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not ... And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives ... The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies.

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches … He shall be taken in by the dead, delivered from a life of pain … And he will find his soul's mate, seven times his power will increase … And they that walk of the living dead have travelled for one hundred years, they return to land of Quileute … And he shall be marked by one of their own, but he will not turn … The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches."

There was a huge part of the prophesy that Dumbledore left out and I don't exactly know what it all meant, but obviously its significant. I glared at the man who was my mentor for so long, betrayal coursing through every atom in my body. My soul's mate? Finding my soul's mate would increase my power seven times and he neglected to tell me!

"You lying, manipulative bastard! What have you done?!" Yelled Sirius in rage.

Sirius started towards Dumbledore, but was stopped by an arm wrapping around his waist from behind. Remus , who had an equally furious expression on his face, held him close. "We need to find out how we fix this, Sirius… Calm down, it will be alright."

I looked at my godfathers as they tried to hold back the anger over Dumbledore's mistreatment of me; it was clear as day on their faces they would like nothing better than to tear him limb from limb. Turning to Illyantia, I asked, "How do I fix this?"

She gave me a sad smile and said, "I cannot take you back to the time your true path and the one you travel on now diverged, but I can take you to where the paths will merge and right the wrong that has been done."

I frowned, knowing once again my life way about to change. I hoped it was for the better; after all I was going to find my soul's mate, it couldn't be that bad, right? I nodded and then turned to my godfathers and said, "I love you, please stay safe…"

They nodded at me, tears in their eyes as they held one another close. I loved them so much and now someone else they loved was going to be taken from them again.

I saw Draco standing a little further back and caught his eye, "Train for what's coming and prepare Neville and Luna too. Stay together, and protect each other, I love you guys!"

Draco nodded, he eyes showing rarely seen emotion in the normally stoic face. Looking around and saw the faces of my friends, family and those who fell in between enemy and acquaintances. I didn't know if it was the last time I would see any of them, but I remembered their faces as if for the last time. Turning back to Illyantia, I nodded.

"Do not worry, he will be safe. He will not be found until he is ready to face what needs to be done." She said to those around us and then turning to me she held out her hand for me to take a hold of. "You need not fear what is coming; he needs you as much as you need him!"

Nodded as I took her hand and said, "Okay, are we… wait… what?! HIM?!"

She smirked as a chuckled escaped her lips and then in a flash we were gone.