This is my first Superjail! fanfic. I don't own it.

Thunder rolled lightly as a young woman stared out at the open sea. She'd been adrift on a boat for a few days now, all in an effort to clear her head. She was lost in thought, but was soon dragged back to reality when a warm, furry cat rubbed against her. He was white with black markings on his feet, right eye, and covering his ears and the top of his head, earning him the name Blackbeard. All of a sudden, the cat hissed and the woman turned around to see a man in a white shirt and blue jeans crawl out from the hull below. When he saw her he snarled and tossed a knife at her, stabbing her in the leg. She gasped and fell, temporarily stunned.

The man tried steering the boat, but as the storm intensified, he found himself completely at the control of the sea, or was it something else? Suddenly, metal arms grabbed the man and the woman, who grabbed onto Blackbeard as the boat was ripped to shreds. She became very frightened when she realized that they were flying. She'd always been afraid of heights.

"Oh no, happy place, happy place, happy place!"

Meanwhile, at Superjail...

The Warden sat at his desk, doing paperwork, when suddenly Jailbot crashed through the ceiling with, who else, Jacknife as well as someone the Warden had never seen before. She was barely conscious, but became very alert when Jailbot dropped her to put Jacknife in his usual cell. The Warden looked directly at her and she screamed. He mimicked it, and she screamed back. This went on for a few minutes before Jared and Alice ran in.

"What in the world is going on in here?!" Jared yelled. Alice was ready for a fight in case an inmate had miraculously gotten loose.

"Oh Jailbot picked up this delightful thing and we were... Well, I don't really know what we were doing but it sure was fun," the Warden said. When he looked over, the woman was running and ran smack into a window, sliding down it rather comically.

"What's her problem?" The Warden asked.

I know this probably sucked, but please go easy. In other words, no flames!