Hi Guys!.. yeah.. im very truly sorry, if I haven't updated any of my stories. I had Author's block. But I'll continue writing anyway and besides…

I finally got a life!! Whooo!! Isn't that awesome??? –crowd cheers-... thank you, thank you!! –bowing-

Guys, im really in the mood! Not to mention in a very random state xD

PLEASEEEEEEEE RRRREEEEVVVIIIEEEWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hahaha, I totally enjoyed writing this chapter... read and find out why^-^… seriously, read and find out :D

Oh! And almost forgot Dawn would be coming in the later chapters, and I was wondering which would you like more… Ikarishipping or Penguinshipping?

I will decide based on the majority of the votes, so please tell me!!!. Because I want you guys to enjoy this story that's why I'm asking you guys your opinions

Ooops! Almost forgot…


But who doesn't curse? My mom says "Oh My Goodness!" all the time, and yes, I consider that a curse.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon or any of the characters, except the OC's and the plot, they're mine!!! Mine I tell you!!!!! MINE!!!

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-coughs-… excuse me… -blush-

On with the story… -coughs-

Title: Crazier

Chapter Eight: Crazier

"I really, really have to go now Drew" she said as she ran away, forgetting her notebook on the grass. She left Drew dumbfounded.

May's POV

I ran outside the park. But I stopped at the moment. 'God, I do need exercise' I thought, while panting heavily. Then I heard somebody shout my name. It was Drew of course.

"May wait up" He called. I turned around to face him.

"You... Forgot…. You're notebook..." Drew said between his panting. He extended his arm, where he held my red notebook. I took it quickly off his hands and smiled at him sweetly.

"Oh, um thank you Drew" I said, again smiling at him.

Normal POV

May took her notebook from Drew's hands, and gladly thanked him with a sweet smile plastered on her face. Then Drew's eyes became serious as he looked deeply into May's.

"May..." He started.

"I know we only met a few days ago..." Drew continued, as May just stared at him and trying to figure out where this was going.

"But I Love You May, and im ready to share my life to you" said Drew. May's eyes slightly widen, she's a bit taken back of what Drew just said.

Then Drew suddenly kneeled down in front of the brunette and took out a small box, revealing a golden ring with a diamond on top. That was when Mays mouth went wide open.

"May, will you... Marry me?" Drew proposed.

"Hot green haired boy say what!?" May exclaimed, not believing what she think she just heard. She was very shocked her mouth almost at the ground. Then suddenly out of nowhere, May's mother, Caroline, popped out along with her husband Norman.

"Hot me say what!" Drew exclaimed, he appeared to be shocked like me too.


"wah?" May exclaimed, not believing what she just had saw. Her parents popping out of thin air.




"Oh, my little baby's growing up" Caroline cooed as she hugged her daughter tightly.

Then suddenly Max appeared too.

"May's getting married, May's getting married, May's getting married" Max chanted teasingly.

While Norman was straightening things with Drew in a VERY strange way.

"blah blah ablablh ablah blahblabadiblah blah" Norman said.

"blah blah blah?" Drew nodded.

May was looking at them weirdly.

'What the heck are they talking about!?' May thought annoyed and at the same time horrified.

Am I Insane?

But May just stared at her family. How could they do that? Her family can appear and disappear out of thin air. Wow.

Could she do that too?

"So is it a yes?" Mom asked, with hopeful eyes.

May just turned her head to Drew with her mouth opened wide.

Then she gathered all her cool and calmed down.

"Oh, say yes dear!!... Say yes, then you two will make those three grandchildren I was hoping for… But, Ooooh, your father wouldn't like that yet, so I suggest you use protection, first" Caroline cooed again, and this time May manage to blush at what her mother stated.

But May's mouth and eyes went wide open again when her own mother mentioned that she wants them to make 'three grandchildren'.

She simply cannot believe that her mother wants that to happen to her in sixteen.

She wants her to have those grandchildren. May imagined her mother's scenario for a moment; she and Drew married, with three little green-haired children.

Is she Crazy! She wants me to do something with DREW!!!!

May was starting to freak now, she's not ready to get married yet, not to mention to have sex to a green haired guy she barely knows!. Come on, sixteen year old girls do not marry… well Normal sixteen year olds don't, but the point is, she isn't that ready! She's sixteen! One six!

Especially when her own mother is talking about how she and Drew would make three little chartreuse haired children! Normal moms should be scolding their children on "Not to Marry at Sixteen". But does her mommy-dear do that? No, her mother just keeps pushing her to marriage!

"Oh and soon I'm going to be a grandmother! Oh my, im not getting that old am I dear? May? May?" said Caroline as she stared at her misperceived daughter, she waved one hand.

May still had shocked and astonished face.

"May? May? May?" then suddenly Caroline's voice began to change and became Max's Voice.

* * *

"MAY!!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Max shouted loudly at his sleeping sister.

The brunette's eyes suddenly burst open. May got up into a sitting position and she rubbed her ears with her pinky finger.

May looked around her surroundings, she saw an ocean-blue wallpaper, her closet, all the picture frames, her computer and all her other stuff. She was in her room, so it was just a dream; all of those were only a dream. May sighed in relief.

'At least it was just a dream' she thought.

'But too bad about that kiss though' May frowned a bit as she remembered the kiss they had, which never really happened.

Stupid Dream.

May was disappointed a bit.

"Get Out of here!" May shouted for pay back of what her brother did. While Max just sticked his tongue out at his sister, then May just rolled her eyes.

May was getting up from bed, when she noticed her brother smirking. She lifts one eye brow up.

"What?" she asked Max.

"Who's Drew?" Max asked with a mischievous look.

May turned her head to Max.

Oh My God! If Max read her diary again, there will be a Max-cabob for dinner.

"Pardon me?"

"Who's Drew" Max repeated slowly and clearly. And he was still smirking at this point.

"Why should I tell you?" She glared at her brother.

"He's your boyfriend isn't he? Ooooh.. When dad hears about this, he'll so ground you… or maybe confiscate your new car"

"He is NOT my boyfriend! How do know him anyway? And if you read my diary, I will have no mercy!"

"What? No! I always read your diary at midnight and besides your saying Drew's name while you were asleep" he said that as if it were the most obvious thing in the freakin' universe.

May's eye and fists were twitching.

That little brat is reading her diary every midnight!

Note to self:

Hide my diary in the printer.

"Would you repeat that so I could kill you?" she said irritated.

"Hm? What should I repeat? The first or the second part?"

And then a nerve just popped at May's forehead.

"ARRRRRGGHHHHH!" Oh yeah, May was pissed.

"MOOOOOM! MAY'S TRYING TO KILL ME!" Max shouted while running out of the psycho sister's room.

* * *


"May, Honey… You didn't have to hit your brother, apologize to him" their overly sweet mother said.

"Yeah, May, apologize" Max teased.

She twitched.

That little brat.

"May, apologize to your brother" her father spoke then took a bite of his dinner.

"But, it's so unfair! He's reading my diary every night!"

"She's just saying that because she has a boyfriend, and she didn't tell you, dad" Max defended.

"I do not have a boyfriend!"

"A Boyfriend?" Norman narrowed his eyes at his daughter.

Caroline looked at her daughter and Max just smirked.

"He's lying!"

But May was ignored.

"Who is he Max?" Norman asked his son, his eyes we're still narrowed.

Oh! May will make sure that little smirking brat wouldn't see his next birthday.

"His name is Drew, and according to her diary he has gorgeous green eyes and green hair and nice six packs" Max answered.

Norman turned to his daughter.

"You, young lady, are breaking up with him…. and you're not allowed to date until you're thirty"


"Thirty-five then, That's final"

May groaned and slammed her head on the table.

She hates life.

Then she heard her brother snickering




She really hates life.

* * *

Meanwhile at Drew's Mansion

A chartreuse haired boy was sleeping on his with a remote in his right hand, TV turned on. He obviously fell asleep watching.

Drew's Dream

I got myself walking around to a familiar place, it was until I recognized this location; I was in the La Rouse Park. I saw a figure sitting behind a huge oak tree but it was vague, but it seemed to be girl.

I took few more steps to see more clearly, and I saw that she had umber colored hair.

The brunette shifted a little, slightly revealing her face. It took me a minute before I realized that it was her.

I walked towards her.

"Mind if I join you" I asked giving her a very rare comfortable smile.

At first, she looked as if she'd seen a monster. Then she recovered, but it took her time to say a word. She looked a bit tense and apprehensive. "uhh… sure" she finally spoke.

She stammered. I smirked slightly.

I sat beside her as close as possible, we barely have any space left between us.

We sat there peacefully admiring the gorgeous landscape in sight, the mountain rage, ever so slowly, covering the golden-orange sun. It was simply spectacular and breathtakingly wonderful, which was weird for me to get distracted so easily; I took a look at the body incredibly close to me.

It was silent but l felt her tense a bit when I shifted a bit and accidentally made our skin meet, and then I thought of starting a conversation.

"So why are you out tonight?" I asked.

It took her a brief moment to answer.

"I uhh... had to escape my mom from being in a conversation she read about in a magazine. And besides, I never did get a chance to tour around La Rouse since me and my family got here" she said.

A teasing smile escaped me.

"Let me get this straight" I stared at her mockingly.

She groaned.

I tried to hide my huge smug, which was very unavoidable, from her.

"You've been living here in La Rouse for almost two weeks now, and you haven't checked out the city yet?" I said deceivingly but I could feel my smirk wanting to break through my lips.

"y-you don't have to rub it in" she stuttered.

I felt like laughing. Her face was so ridiculous, completely priceless.

"I'm not, tell you what… since im a gentleman" I noticed that she rolled her eyes.

I smirked.

"I'll show you my favorite places here in La Rouse, what do you say?" I asked as she looked at me nervously.

"Sure, When?" she said but a minute passed by before she answered.

"Saturday, let's say… seven-ish?"

"Sure, I'd love that" she says smiling; though I have to give her credit she is quite… appealing? Yeah, that's right appealing.

Is she blushing? I thought. She was so obvious.

She likes me.

Playing around wouldn't hurt. I smirked.

"Cool, Then it's a date" I smirk, because her face is almost darker than a tomato.

Way too fun.

Silence took over again.

I noticed her head twisted a bit her eyes traveling my toned body. Damn, she's checking me out! I looked at her at the corner of my eye, she didn't even notice me looking at her because she's too busy staring at my perfect toned, 6 pack, abs that was ripping through my black fitted shirt.

Her face turned scarlet again.

I furrowed my brows a bit. Is she turning into a fangirl too?

Why am I disappointed?

"Drew?" I hear her say my name.

"Yea?" I answered looking straight into her aqua-blue sapphire eyes. In a fact that I really want to look away. I can't; it was like I was drowning in some kind of whirl pool. Stupid eyes.

Then all went swirly and blackish.

The next thing I saw beside me was a red notebook.

"What's this?" I said aloud when my fingers touched the mysterious notebook. I picked up the note pad or notebook, or whatever…

And I suddenly stood up "what the fuck!"

My feet started to run and there I saw the brunette again. "Wha?"

I was fucking exhausted! "May wait up" I called her, and I realized that she was staring at me questioningly.

And I also realized that MY BODY HAS ITS OWN FREAKIN' MIND! Well, technically it has… but you get the point!

"You... Forgot…. You're notebook..." I unwilling said.

Oh so it's May's notebook…, I think im crazy, talking-to-someone-else-against-your-will crazy!.

"May…" I said.

Did I mention that I can't shut my mouth?

"I know we only met a few days ago… But I love you, May…. And im ready to share my life with you" What the Hell!

"But I Love You May, and im ready to share my life to you" HOLD UP! WHAT AM I SAYING!

I kneeled.

Holy Crap! Damn it Drew! Get up! GET UP!

"May, will you..." I paused.

Oh! For the love of… Don't say it!

"Marry me?"

Fuck my life. Fan girls are exempted.

"Hot green haired boy say what!" she shrieked.

Why did she shout like that? Oh right, I proposed to her…

"Hot me say what!" I shouted too, and this time it was me.

Oh sure! Now, I can control my body!

And when I thought things couldn't get worse I was yanked by some blue haired man talking like a what? Martian? Martian language?

"Blah, blah, blabadi-blah blah."

"Dude, what are you saying?"


Very Weird.

"blah blah blah" he said again.

"blah blah blah?" I repeated, looking at him.

* * *

I woke up. And thank god for that.

"Heh, so it was just a dream?"

It was already quarter to eight in the evening.

I shook my head and went to my bathroom to wash my face.

I just can't wait until my suspension is over.

I smirked.

The brunette…. May, I have to admit, somehow, magically… appealed me. It may sound crazy coming from me, but yes, I finally admit it, I like her. Crazy right?

And just imagining a whole school year with her…

"This'll get crazier and crazier"

I mean, why not? I, Andrew Hayden, Is thinking about a girl for one… two weeks now? And by that, I mean non-stop. Why is it crazy? Because I never get one girl stuck in every corner of my mind, and if ever, she's either stalking me or a project partner for well… a project. But never, does a single female cross my mind more than a day. And then this one girl walks in my mind and somehow can't find the way out, and it's very annoying! And what the hell! I even admitted earlier that I like her! And it only took me this time to deny it!

Did it get crazier?

Definitely Crazier.

* * *

Yay! I updated! Aren't you guys happy??

I want to thank my reviewers of my story! Though, I really want to thank those anonymous ppl who reviewed, you touched my heart! Guys make an account so I can thank you more with lots and lots of love! But really, thank you!

Anyway, keep up those reviews! Check my story "Tonight" I've uploaded chapter three! I'm so happy!



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