Title: Frozen.
Pairing: Multiple pairings will be seen throughout this story, CraigXTweek, ClydeXTweek, KyleXStan, [not a big fan of this pairing, but for you Style fans, I'll add in some..] CartmanXKyle, KennyXKyle, KennyXTweek.. and more. Possibly..
Rating: M. [For later chapters.]
Disclaimer: I don't own South Park. WISH I DID.. but sadly.. nope.
Author's Note: Hellooo everyonneeee. 8D I'm actually going to attempt at writing a multi chapter fanfic. This one is my first one, so it's probably going to suck. My writing style is horrible in my opinion. Lol. Uhm.. you don't like? Don't read. No flames please.. if you enjoy, enjoy! It will make me happy. Hopefully I can keep the strength and enthusiasm to continue this fanfiction. I think this one will be really short thoughs ince I'm trying something new... At times it will be halted suddenly because yes, as all writers, I DO run out of ideas.. and run out of the ability to write for a while, but I'll do the best I can for you South Park lovers.~ Much love~! 3
Without further ado, I bring you this crappy fic. 8D