Notes: I know that I promised that I'd have this out in June, but um, stuff happens and I got just a little distracted from this fandom and I wandered off into another. Somehow, I feel like a huge nerd being into it, but the fact that it's sort of gone a little more mainstream now makes me feel just a little better about the whole thing. Anyways, on with the story!
Words: 5 047 words
Disclaimer: The Twilight series is the property of Stephanie Meyer, who I am definitely not. Anything that isn't recognizable from the original series, though, is mine.

Chapter 1: Paper Airplanes

Summer vacation was looking more like a chore then anything. I'd already promised Carlisle a visit, and that was a planned week visit back to Vancouver. I'd be making the short plane ride alone, but Edward had promised that he'd drive me to the airport in Port Angeles so that I could make the connecting flight into Seattle and then the flight from there to Vancouver.

I could already feel the butterflies in my stomach.

Carlisle's reaction was what I was worried about, since I knew that my grandfather on his side had been a bit of a religious fanatic and had driven it into my father's head that being homosexual was a deadly sin that would get you sent to hell for. I hadn't spent very much time around him, mostly because he and Carlisle had been estranged for years, and hadn't spoken since Carlisle had been accepted into medical school. I just hoped that my father didn't agree too much with his father, or else I'd probably be thrown out.

Of course, the chucking me out into the streets wasn't something that I was too concerned about. Technically I was a legal adult, which meant that I had complete control over my life and that my father wasn't allowed to dictate how I was supposed to live. But then again, he couldn't really do that before seeing as he was hardly ever around. I don't get my social skills, or lack of them, from my mother.

Carlisle is, well, he's not a social butterfly. I think the divorce hit him harder, because it took him nearly eighteen years for him to get back on his feet and seeing if there was someone else out there for him. It's not that he's slow or unattractive, it's more that Carlisle just doesn't get out much; he's pretty much the definition of 'workaholic'.

Which was why I wasn't too nervous about the visit, because I didn't anticipate that he'd be home a lot to spend time with me.

"You'll be safe?" Edward asked just before I was about to go through security.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, "I'll be careful, don't worry."

He smiled and pulled me into his arms, "I can't help it, you haven't been out of my sight for the past several months for more then a day or two. I don't know if I'll survive these few days without you."

"Knowing you, you won't be able to hold out, so you'll wind up making your way to Vancouver anyway and stalking me down just to make sure that I haven't been killed in some freak accident."

"Very funny," Edward chuckled. "I've survived this long, I'm sure that I can make it through a few days. But..."

"Uh oh that doesn't sound good." I tried to wiggle away from him when he pinched my ass and frowned, which only made me grin bigger.

"Please do call me to tell me that you landed safely in Vancouver."

"Edward, it's not that long of a flight, I'll be fine. Who'd wanna crash a plane into Vancouver?" I rolled my eyes again. "I did offer you the choice of driving up to Vancouver with me, but you decided that it would be better for Carlisle if he had some time to prepare for meeting you and I agreed with that." I caught the look in his eyes and instantly changed my tune, "But if it means that much to you, then yes, I'll call the moment I'm safely in the airport terminal."

Edward smiled and pressed his lips quickly to mine before shooing me off towards security. I nearly missed what he said as he did so.

"You forgot to mention zombies."

.:-o-:. .:-o-:. .:-o-:.

The flight from Port Angeles to Seattle was just as dull as I remembered it, and the connecting flight to Vancouver was so uneventful that I wound up falling asleep. I don't normally sleep on planes when I'm by myself because I worry about the person sitting next to me, or I'm just too paranoid. Nonetheless, I made it safely to Vancouver all in one piece.

I hadn't bothered to pack anything other then what I could fit into my backpack, since a large majority of my stuff was still at Carlisle's. Alice had picked out my outfit for the trip, and had practically had to nearly blackmail me into packing another one of the outfits that she'd put together for me. It was buried at the bottom of my backpack where I hoped that Carlisle wouldn't notice it.

Like I promised Edward, the moment I got off the plane I took out the cell which had been my birthday present from Bella, and hit the speed dial for his own. The fact that Edward was the first number on my speed dial and not my father's or Esme's went to show just how important he was.


"Hey Edward." I could feel a smile on my lips, and my voice sounded almost like a lovesick girl's, I was ashamed to admit that. "I landed safely."

"I know, Alice was watching. Apparently she didn't appreciate my constant pacing very much because she got rather angry with me over it while she was trying to plan her romantic summer getaway with Bella."

"Tell Alice I said hi and that I hope you didn't annoy her too much."

Edward chuckled, "I'll pass the message along."

"And speaking of romantic summer getaways..."

"Charlie and I have already been discussing the details," Edward began, there was the soft shuffling of papers over the phone. "And I think that it would be best if after your visit with Carlisle, you and I flew from Vancouver to Calgary, and from there take another flight to New York, then a flight to London. We'll spend a day or two there before we take another flight into Bucharest."

"I really hate long trips I hope you know, they make me irritable."

"Bella told me that you spent almost the entire trip to London sleeping, and you did the same on the way back if I recall correctly."

"Don't expect things like that to happen very often. I was tired, and I had an excuse to be tired. Having homicidal vampires intent on murdering me isn't something that I experience on an every day basis."

"I would argue that."

"Of course you would Edward, but I know better." Walking through the familiar doors into the main entrance area of the airport, near the exit doors, I could see Carlisle sitting in one of the generic fake leather chairs which were arranged into lounge-like areas. "Carlisle's here so I have to go, but I'll see you soon."

"Take care, I love you."

"Love you too."

The line clicked dead and I flipped the phone shut, sliding it back into my pocket and hoping that Carlisle really hadn't noticed because I didn't want to explain it to him. I hadn't exactly kept him very updated with my sporadic emails, I spent most of my time either with Edward or at the Swan house, and emailing Carlisle and Emmett was very low on my to-do list.

Mostly I just kept them out of the loop because I didn't want to say too much and accidentally let them in on things that they weren't supposed to know; like how vampires were real. Emmett already knew about my relationship with Edward, and I had begged him to keep it secret from my father, at least until I was ready to tell him not to expect grandkids from me.

"Jasper!" Carlisle smiled when he saw me approaching. He stood up almost immediately, and I noticed how his eyes looked me over.

I scuffed my foot against the ground and looked at my shoes, nervous, "Hey dad."

"You seem a lot happier then when I last saw you."

"Forks is growing on me," I replied as I followed him out and into the parkade. "It's not as dreary as I thought it was going to be, I feel a lot more accepted there."

Carlisle nodded, "That could be it, you never really did seem to fit in around here. So, Forks really isn't that bad then?"

"Nope, the people there are actually really nice. I've got a few friends, real friends."

Today must have been a good day, or Carlisle was just in a talkative mood, because he kept with the issue, "Really? Tell me about them."

"Um, okay." I was taken aback by Carlisle's attitude and eagerness to hear all about my life in Forks, but then I thought that it might have something to do with the fact that I hadn't really sent him a proper email since I'd gotten back from London.

"There's Angela, Angela Webber, and she's really nice. She's into anime too, so we've got a common interest there. But she's also not a very intrusive person, she doesn't feel like she has to fill every moment with chatter and she doesn't gossip either. All in all, she's a really great person." She's also the only one of my friends in Forks who's human.

"What about the others?"

Carlisle was already climbing into the front seat of his Audi, and I hastened getting into the passenger seat. Once I was inside and buckled in, I continued.

"Alice is a bit eccentric, I told you about Alice, right? Well anyway, she's a bit of a shopaholic and apparently has decided that her job is to revamp my entire wardrobe by the time I finish high school. But besides that, she's got a good heart."

"There was another one, I think you said that they were dating Alice?"

I nodded, wondering briefly how Carlisle would take this next bit of information, but shoving it aside for the moment. "That would be Bella. She's a bit like Angela, a private person. Her heart's in the right place and she's a really caring and quiet individual who loves reading. She and I have sort of started a little book club of our own for the summer."

Ears reddening a little, Carlisle focused on the road instead of on me, "That... I mean, she sounds like a very nice person... but isn't she a little... young to be deciding that she's, well..."

"Bella and Alice have been together for several years, dad, I doubt that they're going to change who they are now. And besides that, they're perfect for each other; I don't see any problem with that."

"Yes well..."

"You know where I stand on the whole same-sex issue, dad. Mom doesn't mind either, she thinks that love is love, no matter where it comes from."

"I can see that, but still... it just... it just doesn't sit too well with me."

At least I'd been sort of right about Carlisle's stance on the whole homosexual issue, his upbringing had a lot to do with it. I knew that Esme had been raised in a much more liberal and open environment, and she also was in love with another woman, so it made sense that she supported it. I'd even seen straight people whisper that Bella and Alice were perfect for each other.

Shaking his head, Carlisle got down to business, "Right, well anyway, from your emails I gathered that you're seeing someone."

"That's right, I am dating now." It was just a lot more then dating; Edward and I had already committed to each other that we were going to be together for a lot longer then just the short span of a human life. I had his diamond heart to prove it.

"What is she like? Is she a good student? Is she decent? I hope that she's well-dressed and behaved, I won't have you seeing anyone who isn't up to the standards."

Mentally, I rolled my eyes remembering all of the heavy duty standards that Carlisle had told me he'd put on anyone I ever dated. Those rules had only come into effect when I'd turned sixteen, an age that Carlisle had deemed appropriate for dating. Only thing was, he'd never had to apply them until now. I sighed instead, carefully weighing out my answer.

"No tattoos and no piercings," I recited carefully. "An honors student who doesn't dress like they've gone through a wood shredder."

"I hope that you have some sort of photographic proof of all of this."

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, "I've got one better, they're flying out to meet you in three days. But I have some photos to show you too."

This news seemed to surprise Carlisle, "I actually get to meet this girl?"

Maybe it was better that I break the news to Carlisle now rather then wait until we actually got back to the apartment. I'd rather not have to explain it to him when he saw the pictures that Alice had taken, since some of them were a little, well, a little too revealing. If I told him now, he'd have some time to absorb it all, and would hopefully be in a better mood when we got to the apartment.

"Yes, you actually get to meet him."

"... HIM?"

I felt my cheeks warm up, and I made sure that I was looking out the window when I responded, "You heard me right, dad. I said him."

"But – I – what – how?!"

Wondering how to talk my way out of this, I decided to stick as close to the truth as I could without revealing too much. "I'm not sure if I'm even gay, dad, it's just... I've never felt like this for anyone, much less any other guy. It's just... Edward's perfect, that's the only way I can describe him without it sounding too cheesy."

"... how do you know he's not just taking advantage of you?"

That ticked me off. "Edward wouldn't do that. He could have anyone he wanted, believe me, and he practically has the world at his fingers. But he chose me, dad, he loves me, and I know that for a fact."

"We'll see about that. I want to see these photos of him, and I want to hear more about his family and history first."

At least he was keeping an open mind, that was more then I could have asked for, considering the circumstances. I nodded.

"I brought the pictures for a reason, I didn't think that you'd let me off the hook easily without knowing what you were getting into. Alice took the pictures for me and then she insisted on turning it into an arts project, you can see the finished product when we get home."

"It can't be that bad."

"When Alice is involved, you learn to expect big things," I muttered.

.:-o-:. .:-o-:. .:-o-:.

When we arrived at the condo, Carlisle lead the way in despite the fact that I could get there perfectly fine on my own. It wasn't until he'd actually opened the door and walked in that I realized that someone else was there.

"Carlisle! You're back!" The voice was female, a little too breathy and high, but otherwise it was a pleasant voice.

The woman who it belonged to wasn't too hard on the eyes either. She was around 5'5 or 5'6, and looked to be in her early to mid-thirties, with straightened brown hair which fell to her chin. Other then that, she was pretty without being breath-taking. I thought that she looked very at home as she hugged Carlisle in welcome and placed a simple chaste kiss on his lips.

"Hello to you too, Bree."

Once the two of them were finished, Bree looked over to me. I resisted the urge to cross my arms and glare at her as she gave me a once over, and instead smiled sheepishly; my acting skills had improved during my time in Forks.

"Um, hello," I greeted. "You must be Bree Coldwell, I'm Jasper." I held my hand out to her, smiling politely and hoping that she didn't already not like me. I was starting to worry that I maybe shouldn't have come back, even if it was just for a short visit.

"Yes, Carlisle's told me quite a bit about you." She took my hand in hers and gave it a firm shake. I didn't think she was that bad, but I could tell that she was a bit apprehensive still about me. Well, she wouldn't have to put up with me for very long, and it wasn't like I still lived with Carlisle, so she couldn't complain about that either. "You live with your mother, right?"

"Yeah, I'm living with my mom, Esme, down in Forks until I've finished high school."

"And what are you planning to do once you've graduated? Are you going to follow in your father's footsteps and become a doctor?"

Remember to be polite, remember to be polite. I kept repeating that to myself so that I wouldn't do something stupid. "I'm not exactly sure yet, I haven't applied anywhere and I'm still thinking about what I'd like to do, but I'm thinking of maybe getting into teaching or history."

Bree nodded, and didn't say much else before she disappeared into the kitchen to start preparing dinner, leaving me alone with Carlisle in the small, but nicely furnished, living room.

The TV was on low volume, and Carlisle and I were sitting on opposite ends of the couch. Bree had been the buffer zone between us until she'd left, and now the awkward silence from the car was back. So maybe I'd been a bit too hopeful in how Carlisle would take the news earlier. Though, I thought, he hadn't said anything about it nor had he tried to steer the conversation back towards that topic. I guessed that he was waiting for me to make the first move.

My bag was sitting beside my knees and leaning against the arm of the couch, easily within reach. I knew that I couldn't put this off for much longer, so I reached down and unzipped it, breaking the silence as I started digging through my bag to find the scrapbook that Alice had taken so much time to put together.

"What are you looking for?" Carlisle's voice sounded closer then before.

When I sat back up, scrapbook on my lap, I found that Carlisle was now sitting in the middle of the couch, leaning towards me. "I was just getting this, do you want to see those photos now?"

"Yes, let's see this 'Edward' character. What about his family? I hope that he comes from a nice family."

"His parents died when he was little, he's actually adopted," I told Carlisle. "And he also has three other adoptive siblings."

"Who adopted him?"

"Doctor Charlie Swan and his sister, Renée."

Carlisle nodded. I wasn't sure if he recognized the name, but seeing as Charlie had quite a reputation in Forks as being a world-class surgeon, I wouldn't be surprised. The field of surgeons who were that talented was small. I was pretty sure there was a picture in the scrapbook somewhere of Charlie, and I was pretty sure he was cooking something for my dinner when I'd stayed over one night. He was a surprisingly good cook.

Opening the book, the first page was mostly pictures of me that Alice had sneakily taken at various times of the day. There were a few of me shortly after I'd woken up in the morning, and I looked like a disaster, and there was even one of me when I'd fallen asleep on the couch one evening.

Carlisle said nothing on the collection of photos, because it was the next page which really mattered.

Flipping the page, there were a collection of pictures of the Swan family, along with Angela. The first one was of Angela and I. I had my arm around her shoulders and we were leaning our heads together so that we were both in the frame, and we were grinning to beat all hell.

The next one was of Alice and Bella, the former had her arms thrown around Bella's neck. Bella was giving Alice a piggyback with a small smile on her face, while Alice looked like the cat who'd eaten the canary. But then again, Alice always looked like that. Bella, on the other hand, was always the much more subdued one, more mature and soft-spoken. Though, she was heard when she wanted to be.

Rosalie had refused, as I'd expected, to let any pictures of herself go into the scrapbook, so there were none of her. But her husband, Riley, had absolutely no problems with that; and his enthusiasm for the project was almost equal to Alice's, and he'd taken to stalking Edward in order to get the 'best and most true' photos of him. Luckily, Edward's ability to read minds helped him avoid any sticky situations, unlike me.

"This Doctor Swan has some very lovely kids," Carlisle commented when I pointed out all of the separate vampires in the pictures and identified them. "Does their behaviour match their appearances, though?"

"Yeah, I mean, Riley graduated this year and he's gotten into Dartmouth for next year," I replied. "And both Alice and Bella are honors students, like Edward."

"Uh huh..."

I flipped the page, showing several pictures of Edward. One of them was after the food fight that Alice had instigated in my kitchen the weekend after my birthday party. Well, that had certainly been one way to get rid of all that cake.

Since Bella and I were the only ones who Edward couldn't read, we'd ambushed him with our smushed pieces of cake, and had smeared them all over his face and his hair. The picture was one that I hadn't been sure of when Alice had put it in, but I thought that it was amusing and had let her leave it in. Most of the rejected pictures were awaiting Alice's artistic touch for a different scrapbook. Alice was trying her best to document my last, really, year as a human so that I had a lot to look back on and reflect.

Carlisle raised an eyebrow at the cake picture, "Do I want to know?"

"Um, too much cake. Alice's idea."

"Ah," Carlisle nodded his head in an understanding gesture. I noticed that his eyes took in all of the pictures of Edward, and several of the ones with me in them too. His face wrinkled up in contemplation in some places, but for the most part it remained a smooth mask.

Looking at each of the pictures gave me a chance to reflect and think about everything. Unconsciously, I touched the inside of my wrist, remembering the promise that Edward had made to me only a few short weeks before. He'd promised me not only an eternity to spend with him, but also that he'd be the one who would, in the end, turn me. Bella had explained it to me, so I understood it a little more.

The desire to turn me himself was a base need, and it would tie us together on a deeper level then any human ritual could. Vampires were, as I understood, extremely possessive creatures. If they perceived something belonged to them, then they wouldn't let it go very easily, and were very protective of whatever it was. In my case, it was Edward's near constant hovering over me and his willingness to die to protect me.

His lust for my blood was perfectly natural for him.

Every human has a different smell, and each scent has a different appeal to a vampire. But only a vampire's mate can elicit the same near uncontrollable blood lust in a vampire. I'd noticed that it was more prevalent when Edward was thirsty, when his control was more strained and difficult to maintain.

"He's, well, he's very good looking," Carlisle finally concluded, breaking me out of my thoughts. "But I'm going to hold out on my final judgement until I actually meet him."

I smiled at him, "You don't have to worry, I know that you'll like him."

"Dinner's ready you two!"

.:-o-:. .:-o-:. .:-o-:.

I wound up going to bed earlier then I normally would've, mostly to get away from Carlisle and Bree as they settled down on the couch to watch a romantic comedy. Even though both of them said that it was fine if I stayed and watched with them, I felt that it would be awkward and Bree really didn't want me there. So, instead I told them that I was tried from my flight and that I'd just go relax in my room.

They left me alone after that.

Once I was safely in my room, I dropped my bag at the end of my bed and went over to my computer on the desk; it wasn't as nice as the one I had in Forks, but it was still a good computer. Booting it up, the first thing I did when it was finished was open my internet and head straight for my email inbox.

I wasn't expecting anything from Edward, but there was an email from Emmett.

'I'm so pissed that I missed your birthday! Though, I hear that it was still a load of fun! I can't imagine Ed of all people covered in cake! Please tell me you got a picture of that, cause I definitely wanna see it! I know it's a lot to ask, but do ya think it would be too much for ya to come back and visit me before school starts up again? Let me know please!

'Anyway, send uncle Carlisle my best, and I hope your trip was good! Emmett.'

While I hadn't bothered to keep up with Carlisle, it was much more difficult to ignore Emmett's emails for any length of time. If I didn't send him a response within a day, he'd start spamming my inbox full of messages telling me to get back to him as soon as possible. And if those didn't work, then the first thing that he'd do was phone me and instead hold the conversation that he would have normally had in emails on the phone.

Apparently, his girlfriend of two weeks had dumped him. Again. Which meant that he was dumping all of the baggage resulting from it on me. It explained why he was so anxious to have me visit, so he drag me to all the parties and movies and such that he'd normally go to with her.

Emmett never did have the best luck with women or men, for that matter.

'Yeah, don't worry about it. I didn't have a huge party or anything, just a few of my friends in Forks came, along with Edward. As for Edward being covered in cake... yes, Alice definitely snapped a picture of that. It's in the scrapbook she made for me to show Carlisle.

'I have no idea how Carlisle's taking finding out that his son is, well, I guess gay. He's not giving me much to go on, but I think that he's impressed with Edward. I'm just waiting on the actual meeting between the two of them before I make any real calls on how he'll take it. I'll make sure that I get back to you on it, though.

'Will do, Jasper.'

Sighing, I entertained myself just a little by flipping through the updates on OneManga for some of my favorite series' before I flicked off the computer and went through the motions of getting ready for bed. I hadn't lied when I'd said that I was tired, besides it was on the late side.

Carlisle and Bree had finished the first movie, and had started in on a second one. So I went into the bathroom as quietly as possible, took my shower, got into my pajamas, brushed my hair and teeth, then went back to my room and headed to bed.

I only had to last through a few more days until Edward was there, and then I could stop worrying over Carlisle's reaction.

.:-o-:. .:-o-:. .:-o-:.

There's the first chapter of my new fic. For my rewrite of New Moon, I'm hoping that all of you will like it as much as you liked Poison. I'm still surprised by how much positive and encouraging feedback that I've gotten on that fic, and I hope that I'll continue to receive such support in the future. The next chapter may be a little slow in coming because I want to finish chapters three and four before I post it due to the fact that the second chapter ends with a really horrible cliff-hanger, and I'd hate to leave you guys with such a thing. It just wouldn't feel right.

Good news is that my Jakeward fic, before the night turns into dawn, will be finished within the next month at least. This is good because it gives me one less fic to worry over completing. I am a little sad to see it go, though, but I realize that writing a lot of depressing things isn't very good for me, and that fic has gained the nick-name of 'the emo-fic' among my friends. But anyways, enough about that.

Please leave me a review telling me what you think, and if you have any ideas or suggestions then I'd be glad to hear them too!
