FASH: ... I can't even remember the last time I've written that someone was flabbergasted, specifically...

Disclaimer: I'm just a fan(girl).

F is for: Flabbergast.


Hiruma startled people all the time. Whether it was his looks, his blackmailing, his trickery or what-have-you, everywhere he went people would stare at him in confounded shock.

It happened so often, and Hiruma obviously enjoyed it so much, that one might start to think that it was the blonde's hobby.

And if you knew Hiruma well enough, like Musashi did, you already knew it was his hobby.

But Musashi was used to his antics and never reacted more violently than raising an eyebrow in silent question before moving on.

The lack of reaction was probably what drove Hiruma to try so hard to get a rise out of him.

"Kekeke. I'll astonish you yet, fucking old man."

"If you say so." Musashi answered back indifferently, unsure what Hiruma was plotting, but certain he could, as usual, handle whatever the blonde threw his way without looking too surprised.

Or at least that's what he thought, until Hiruma roughly pulled him down by the collar of his shirt and forcefully sealed their lips together.

Musashi would be fibbing if he said he had expect that, and he'd be an outright liar if he said that the kiss had left him nothing short of flabbergasted.

Hiruma pulled away and cackled at his expression for several seconds before invading Musashi's personal space once again.

But this time, recovered from the shock, Musashi kissed back.