A Moments Grace

There are those moments in life when you have that one chance to change your life, be it a new job, moving to a new state; doesn't matter, what does is do you have the courage to take that chance?

If you are like me you are probably perusing through these stories in the hopes of finding a good story to read, maybe you're a writer yourself or have the hopes of being one someday, or perhaps its just a hobby. Like you I try to get on-line whenever I can, its a way to get away I suppose from the daily stress and aggravation of life.
Time slips away so fast and it seems like we get so caught up in our lives,the daily grind of it that sometimes just getting through each day we miss things, I know I'm guilty of it myself, so I guess that's what makes what happened even more incredible. And so here is my story.

I had just gotten off work, being up since 4am I was more then ready to get home. My job at a warehouse store meant very early morning hours. And of course on a farm there was an endless amount of chores . I needed to stop by the feed store and pick up more grain, but before that I had to get more gas,since I had driven in on nearly fumes that morning. Unlocking my truck my back ached as I sat down, before I even had a chance to turn the key in the ignition my cell phone started ringing. Sighing I flipped it open.

"Hello " I answered rubbing my face tiredly.

"Hi honey, could you do me a favor and drop by here and pick up your brothers laundry for me?" my moms tired voice asked on the other end.

"Sure mom, I'm just now getting out of here, I'll be over in a little bit, I gotta stop by the feed store first". I answered starting up my poor aging truck.

Thanking me mom hung up the phone as I backed out of the parking lot and drove to the nearest gas station before I started my errands.

It was nearly 4:30 by the time I pulled into my long driveway, my brother Randy of course was waiting impatiently for me when I got home, why he couldn't have gotten his laundry himself was beyond me.

"Its about damn time, you know I'm gonna be late for work now don't you? Dammit Heather what the hell took you so long"

"Sorry, I had to go get horse feed and get gas, freaking traffic was horrible, next time just get it yourself than!" I yelled back slamming the bathroom door behind me.

It had been nearly a year since my older brother (the mooch) had moved back here, since losing yet another job and still going to college for, well let's see was it 5 or 6 years now? Who knew, seriously can we say life time student?. His days mostly consisted of laying around the house watching tv or sleeping, I don't think there was any chance of him leaving anytime soon. My parents had'nt really wanted him to move back, it took them years to get him to finally move out in the first place. But they really could'nt let him wind up on the streets either. So thats how wonder idiot came to live here with me .

My mom and I used to ride together all the time plus we split the farm duties equally, but since she had been diagnosed with breast cancer last year, all that had changed.
After the surgery they had immediately begun radiation and chemo, but thankfully all the treatments seemed to have worked. She still got tired really easily, but at least she was doing much better.

Changing into my barn clothes I patted my Irish setters Rufus and Phoebe on the head as I headed out to the barn, they of course were too busy snoozing on the couch to bother getting up and joining me, whoever said Irish setters were extremely active dogs should have met these two. Heading to the barn I began my evening chores almost in auto mode, I would be glad when I could finally crash for the evening, maybe I'd check my email and see if there were any new stories on the fiction site.

After bringing the kids in I threw them all a few flakes of hay, dumped and then refilled their water buckets before heading to the grain bin.

"Hey there, where's your ferocious guard dogs at?" asked my friend Kevin. I actually hadn't even heard him pull in, of course I had the radio blaring too.

"Knowing them still up at the house snoring" I replied dumping a scoop of grain in a bin while balancing the other full scoopers in my arms.

"How's your mom doing?" he asked as he sat down on a bale of hay.

"She's fine, a little tired today but not bad, I think she's napping now" I replied making my way down the hallway.

"I heard from Brandon today" Kevin replied quietly waiting for me to respond.

"Yeah" I said really not wanting to talk about this right now.

When I had stopped to get my brothers laundry my little brother Brandon had called me, he was excited over the news of a new job he had just been offered in Idaho. He was going to be working at one of the state parks there.
I was happy for my brother, seriously I was, but with everything over the past few years it had really been rough. It was mainly left up to me now to take care of things on the farm, my dad basically had nothing to with the farm, the horses to him were a total waste of time and money. To say that we had never really gotten along well would have been a huge understatement.

Since Brandon had moved back since his last job in Arizona, he had been helping me out at the farm, I paid him a fairly decent wage knowing how tight things were with him only available to find part-time work around here. And now that he was moving I was really at a loss, I was happy for him really, I knew how much this meant to him, but still I was going to miss him. He was my little brother after all, and we had always been really close, even now being older we would still bicker back and forth and make fun of one another just as we did when were younger.

"He sure is excited over this move to Idaho, says I'm gonna hafta come out there and go fishing with him sometime" Kevin continues as he stands outside now of one of the stalls stroking one of the mares on the neck.

"I know, I think he's already started packing" I reply with a small laugh while refilling the feed scoops.

"When does this new job start again" he asks now following me down aisle.

"Around the first of July I think" now dropping the off the feed scoops and picking up my pitchfork I start on the stalls.

"Mmm, thats just a few weeks away" Kevin muses stopping to pet one of the barn cats.

"Yeah, it is ". I reply, really what else was there to say?, there wasn't anything I could do. Maybe I could hire someone to help me out around here I wondered as I moved quickly from stall to stall.

Deciding to change the subject Kevin nearly got a fork full of manure when he popped his head around the corner of the stall, "So, have you seen the trailers for the second Transformers movie? ahhhh watch it will you!!".

Nearly dropping the fork, I glared at him for a moment "No, I haven't and watch what you're doing next time!".

Finishing up the last of the stalls I turned the barn lights off before heading up to the house, I couldn't wait to take a shower and change into my pj's. Walking out into the cooling night air the stars where already making their appearance for the evening. The crunching of the gravel underneath foot,and the croaking of the frogs in the pond were the only sounds we heard as we walked in comfortable silence.

"Well you know I'll help you out all I can, you know that right?" Kevin asked turning his head slightly.

Sighing I shook my head before whacking him on the shoulder. " I know that you big lug. And I know you've also got your own hands full working for your dad too so there."

"Hey" he yelled rubbing at his shoulder mock glaring at me.

"Your such a girl." I smirked back at him.

We bid each other goodnight as I let the screen door bang shut behind me. Rummaging around the cabinets produced the ever healthy and life sustaining fruity pebbles for my supper. Flopping down on the couch as I munched away on another spoonful of its sugary blessedness I kicked my shoes off as I leaned back against the back of the couch. Noticing that the dogs woke only to smell me and then move away to a more hospitable location for their naps I decided that maybe just a shower and bed would be a good idea.

I have no idea why I am starting a third story when I've got two I'm working on already, but you know what happens when you allow your mind to wander at work and then an idea is born and it simply won't go away? Well this is the result. Please let me know what you think. Constructive criticism welcomed. No flames please.

Oh and as always I owning nothing but my own made up characters.