Thank you for reading this far! Please enjoy the final chapter, though it's more of an epilogue, and doesn't have the main characters in it. There are slight spoilers. But only a bit.

"So it worked?" Yuki asked, entering the student council room quietly and gracefully.

"I think so." Machi replied, finishing her lunch.

"Good. If this doesn't work, I don't know what we'll do!" He said, voice full of irony and drama. Upon hearing this, Machi laughed. This wasn't the way Yuki was normally; he was just like that for her. "Hey, Machi, I've just noticed…" He paused, and waked up to her, sitting on the table in front of her, where he lunch once was. "We're all alone…" He teased her, gently lifting some of her hair.

"Err…" She blushed, and tried to push him away.

But he was used to it. "Machi… You don't want me?" He teased, knowing how to manipulate her.

"Nuh… No, that's not it… It's just…" She squirmed in her seat.

Yuki loved watching her like this, she was so adorable. "It's… What?" He whispered in her ear, closing the gap between them slightly.

"Well… Y'know… Its embarrassing Yuki…"

"But you're calling me by my first name, we're so close now…"

"I know… Sorry…" She blushed harder, feeling the blood rush to her face, even more than before, feeling terrible.

Yuki laughed slightly and let her hair drop, picking her chin up instead. "I'm sorry, Machi. I can't help teasing you."

Machi blushed, and realized her took her in again! "Yuki!" She pushed him slightly, and giggled, even though she didn't want to.

Yuki smiled; pleased she was talking to him. "Machi, let's go somewhere at the weekend, okay?"

"Okay." She mumbled back, annoyed she didn't show how pleased she was. "Yuki, I-"

"Kimi's back! 3" Kimi burst into the room, bag slinging wildly, skirt swishing in her thighs. This time Machi pushed her chair way back from the table, almost flying off it in the process.

Yuki sighed, he was so close!

"Oh, is Kimi interrupting?" She asked, sitting down next to Machi anyway. "Kimi couldn't finish her lunch… But Kimi is so hungry! After all, helping two lost stars is so hard!" She smiled, opened her lunch box.

"Err, Kimi-san, 'two lost stars'?" Yuki asked.

"Well, found now!" She beamed, then put her food into her mouth.

"Again, what are you talking about?" Yuki asked again, getting slightly annoyed. Of course he had an idea, but he had to be sure. It was Kimi he was talking to, after all.

"Oh, Yun-Yun is so silly, right Machi-chan?" Machi just blushed, silently. "Hee hee, you're so cute!" Kimi laughed. "Well, Kimi did her part! Naohito and Kakeru should be on the roof, eating… Food or something else!" She laughed wildly, laughing because no one else was.

"So, everything went fine?" Yuki pressed on. "They seemed happy when you left them?"

"Honestly, Yun-Yun, would Kimi really let two people so suited for each other not end up together? Kimi takes the matter of love very seriously!" She stood up and saluted.

Again, Yuki sighed. How did he end up working with such people? "Good. I don't think I could stand to be around them… Not with all the…" Yuki searched for the right words, ones that wouldn't embarrass Machi.

"Kimi thinks you mean the sexual tension!" She giggled.

Machi felt a bit sick. That was her half brother, after all.

"We're such a great team!" Kimi continued. "Kimi was glad to help! And yaoi is awesome, right Machi?" She elbowed Machi -, which, with the combination of all the embarrassment and the talk of yaoi – made her fall to the floor.

"Oh, Machi-chan!" Kimi cried, jumping up to help. "Don't look Yun-Yun! You might see her panties!" To which Machi groaned.

"Yuki-san?" A gentle voice came from the door.

Yuki sighed a sigh of relief "Tohru-san. What are you going here?" He asked, jumping away from poor Machi, while Kimi was trying to pull her skirt down 'so no one could see her panties' even though her skirt was long enough so no one could.

"Well I… Oh, erm, is she okay?" Tohru pointed to Machi and Kimi.

"They'll be fine. When Kimi gets something into her mind, it's best not to stop her. Anyway, back to the question in hand, what's up?" He smiled, trying to distract her.

"Well… Err… Oh, yeah!" She remembered, her mind thankfully off the scene behind Yuki. "I wanted to know if you would be back in time for dinner? I'm sorry, but I wasn't sure. Sorry for disturbing you!" She bowed.

Tohru was so cute. Not as cute as Machi, but she was Yuki's mother figure. "Yes I will, thank you for checking, Tohru-san." He patted her head and she giggled.

"See you soon!" She waved, and bowed. "Goodbye, other council members-san!"

Yuki watched her walk away, over to Kyo. He then turned around. "Oh, good, you're up!" He smiled at Machi and Kimi, but Machi turned away.

"Oh! Kimi has just remembered!" Kimi pointed her right hand to the roof. "Kimi has to go somewhere! Kimi thought this would be over before…" She didn't finish, and grabbed her bag. "Byeee!" She grinned as she ran out the room.

"Well," Yuki scratched the back of his head, "we're alone again Machi." He smiled and walked over to her.

"Well…" She took a few steps back, getting closer to the table behind her. "wouldn't you rather be wi… with her?"

"Who?" Yuki asked, confused.

"Well… the way you smiled… I just thought, you don't smile like that at me…"

Yuki's brain suddenly clicked. "Oh, you mean Tohru-san!"

Machi frowned. "You're even smiling thinking about her!" She whined slightly, cursing herself for sounding so weak.

"Machi, are you jealous?" He smiled.

"Stop joking." She quipped back, in an un-friendly voice.

"Oh, sorry…" Yuki looked down, and then stepped closer. "She's one of my closest friends, you know that. And I… I smile at you in a different way. My smile at you is a… is a…" Yuki blushed.

"Go on." Machi looked up at him and stepped forward, so they were an arm's reach away from each other.

"It's full of love." He looked at her, and grabbed her hand and pulled her closer.

Machi just blushed. "Machi." He whispered, and pulled her in for a kiss.

Machi fell into his arms, felt all her worries evaporate away and kissed back. She loved the way he made her feel. And he loved her.

Hey, I can't help but have angst and romance! But, hey, I gave you two different romances! Or, at least, I hope I did.

Oh God, though, writing one of Kimi's lines took me five tries! That was a nightmare! I do love Machi with a passion.

Yes, I've finished my first fic! I thought I should. I hope you like this last bit. For reading this, have a cookie! ^_^