Chapter 1:

My Name is Mac Taylor

Jess placed her gun on the ledge of the station she was shooting at and clicked the button to switch targets. Her head was thumping but she needed to work through some of her frustrations. Frustrations, she was having with the case she's been working on, frustrations with the mountain of paperwork up on her desk that seemed to be growing instead of shrinking, frustrations with her life. Her mind drifted back in time to a week ago when he called her for a ride. He had kissed her and then said thanks, which had confused her to no end and caused her a few sleepless nights while she contemplated the meaning. She shook herself back to reality and got ready to shoot again. When it came over the speaker 'hold your fire,' Jess turned to see who had interrupted her, assuming it was Holly from the crime lab, with something on their case but a smile came to her face when she saw it was Flack. Jess lifted the ear defenders as he approached her cubicle "Hey," Flack said.

"What's up?" Jess said

"Oh nothing. Just taking a break from the Mac Taylor case and was looking for you," he replied

"Well here I am," Jess said

"I can see that," He stated, "Want to get a coffee at Tilley's?"

Jess thought for a second "Sure, I can use a caffeine fix while I'm waiting for Holly to call," She said

"Still got nothing on the Sheppard Case?" he asked as she removed the clip from the gun and started to put the things away.

She shook her head no, "I have no evidence but I know who killed Hallie Sheppard and her unborn child," she said

"The boyfriend," he replied

"It's always the boyfriend," Jess stated rolling her eyes

"Not always, sometimes it's the jealous wife," Flack said with a smug grin on his face


"No way," Jess said as she and Don strolled though central park.

Don took a bite of his ice cream "I'm telling you batman is way cooler then spider-man," he said laughing.

"Na-Uh," Jess said, "Spider-man had superhuman strength and reflexes, he could climb pretty much anything and he could shoot spider webs from his wrists. Batman doesn't even have super powers; he just rode around in the bat mobile with Robin"

Don smiled "Batman saved Gotham City all the time. He might not have had superpowers but he was a good detective," he said

"Spiderman would kick batman's butt," Jess said, "How did we get into this conversation anyways?"

"I'm not entirely sure," He admitted "but it is one of the more intriguing conversations I've had on a date"

Jess stopped in her tracks and her eyes widen with horror "Date?" she repeated the word, "Don, this is not a date"

"I knew that," Flack said blushing "we're just friends."

Jess shook her head "This is not a date because you didn't ask me out. Tilley's, we go there at least twice a week and we're both still on duty," She explained

"So hypothetically, if I had specifically asked you out on a date…what would your answer have been?" Don asked suddenly getting shy.

Jess smiled and flicked her long brown hair over her shoulder "I eat at Tilley's with you at least twice a week; I got out of bed at 1 in the morning to give you a ride. And I'm eating ice cream in the freezing cold…what do you think my hypothetical answer would be?" She said

Flack smiled, "I'm off Monday night and I believe you are too…want to do something?" he asked

"Maybe," Jess said smirking as they walked back to the station.  

A/N: Just a short start…should I continue?