Waking Up in Vegas

Niley Au Fic

A short Multishot

Miley wasn't sure of many things... In fact, in that moment as the blinding sight of sunlight woke her up that early morning, she wanted nothing more than to crawl into a hole and allow her throbbing headache to cease. But in the matter of seconds she knew three things were true. One: She had not a single recollection of the night before. Two: She woke up in a hotel room that was positively not hers. and Three: The platinum band around her finger was definitely not on their the night before. She could guaranteed it.

Waking Up in Vegas
The Prologue

The throbbing pain in her head was unbearable, shuffling her weight onto her side, her eyes squinted open as the direct ray of sunlight shone through the window. Blinking away the sleep from her tired eyes, she let out a groan as the pounding sound of her temple pushed her over the edge. Slowly sitting up taking in her surrounding of the unfamiliar room, she wasn't sure was more shocking. The fact that she had no recollection of the previous night or the fact that she found herself in a hotel room that was definitely not hers.

And just went she thought that the morning could have not gotten any better, her eyes darted down to the new piece of jewelry adorning her ring finger. A simple platinum band wrapped around her slender finger, with a large bauble diamond that shimmered against the sunlight.

And then she heard it.

The loud groan of a man's voice. Swiveling her head to her right her eyes landed onto the bundle of moving covers settled beside her.

Brown curl peek out from underneath the cover before it was whipped violently off his body as he darted out of her bed, rushing over to the bathroom where she could hear the sound of him emptying the content of his stomach into the porcelain bowl.

Still shocked in the aftermath of sighting her obvious husband bare behind.

I guess that's what she gets, for waking up in Vegas.

A/N: I know I have a million stories left unfinished, but I couldn't help myself. A shorter multific for my amazing and loyal readers. :) Reviews would really make my day!