A/N: Hey guys! I'm back! I'm really sorry but updates WILL be coming fewer and fewer, like every weekend since school has started. I vacationed on and off for the past 4 weeks so I couldn't update much then either. I'm sorry! Now, Chapter 12 of GallagherGirls 4!!!

I slowly fingered the opening of the diary. Since we were in the van though, I couldn't read it but my gut told me that we were getting closer to Blackthorne. 6 minutes and 34 seconds later, the van stopped and Mr. Solom threw the door wide open.

Bex dashed out of the door, gulping in the fresh air. I couldn't blame her. It was so stale in the back of the van, where we sat. Zach followed closely behind her, giving me a look as if to see if I was alright or as if he were...analyzing me. I stared back at him and he glanced away.

"I don't know if I can trust you," I said on the short path to the door. "You were still part of this Circle of Cavan."

"So was your mother," Mr. Solomon said simply. "She enjoyed the activities. See? It's the next entry in her diary." He pointed to it and I stopped. I had been dying to read the next entry anyway...

The Circle of Cavan is fun! Joseph (Joe is insisting we call him that now) was right to join. Even though I still feel pretty bad about going behind my sisterhood's back, it's kind of exciting. We're always testing ourselves to go to the next level. If I become a great spy, I partly have the Circle of Cavan to thank for that. Besides, our mini-Circle of Cavan isn't really against the Sisterhood at all... but a few of them, the seniors especially, are thinking about joining the real Circle of Cavan. I'm not sure if I'll do that... me and Jonas are doing fine and now, I'm in tenth and he's in eleventh. During ninth, I had a dark period with him when he was dating some other girl named Tanya but he eventually dumped her and came slinking back to me, like I knew he would. Ugh, and to see Tanya's face each time she sees us holding hands or making out, it's all worth it.

xoxo The-soon-to-be-greatest-spy

What? I glanced at Mr. Solomon. "She sounds...like a teenager," I said slowly.

"Teenagers tend to do that," he replied with a twinkle in his eyes.

"You wanted to be called Joseph?" I asked him to stop the fear from slamming into me.

"Yeah, I wanted to sound older and be older..." he stopped for a moment and then sighed. "That's why I joined the Circle of Cavan in the first place. But being there just made me want to prove myself more. To the seniors. The leaders. Everyone, including your mother. Especially your mother.

"Mr. Solomon," I pondered, "isn't it weird for you to be telling me this? That you had a secret crush on my mom and everything. I mean...really?"

"That is true," he said after a moment's hesitation. "Well, c'mon let's go."


I know that wasn't a long chapter but it was something. And it had a journal entry! I hadn't done that in a long time! Anyways, I will probably post on Friday or Saturday. Please don't get mad at me but today was the first day of school (yesterday was Orientation) and they've already given me some homework! So please bear with me and don't take me of your favorites or your story alerts. That's all!!!