Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to "True Blood."

**This is a sequel to Lines of Which We Do Not Cross, so I'd read that first if I were you. Otherwise this will not make a whole ton of sense. J

Chapter One: Kiss Me I'm Human

It was the night of the concert. Layla's cell phone had not stopped ringing. But there was nothing she could do about it. The reception was terrible and there was that other problem; The fact she was trapped in a room with an angry vampire King and his minions.

She sat impatiently in the only clean chair that Batista and his men had not stained with blood and human remains. She felt as if she was going to be sick. She tried to focus her eyes straight ahead at the wall, and not around her. Batista was sitting in a chair across from her but to the left. He said nothing, but stared directly at her with a unreadable grin. Two of his vampires stood at both sides of her, just to let her know there was no means of escape. Standing at the door was Aiden. Aiden was a high school friend of Dameon's, that Dameon turned a few years after he was turned himself. He was also Layla's first semi-serious relationship. They were also each other's first, and to Layla's account, Aiden's only. Though that quickly changed after he became a vampire. She had only dated him before he'd been turned. After he became a vampire, he became a loyalist to her brother. Being Dameon's child, whatever feelings he had for Layla had been repressed and practically forgotten so Dameon could pursue her for himself. Layla sighed. She was a little sick of vampires…. Well, not all vampires.

"So…are we waiting for something in particular?" She looked at her watch. Nine Inch Nails had been performing for thirty minutes. She could hear "Survivalism" bleeding through the walls. She shook her head at the irony. Eric, Rob, Pam, NIN's Band manager and the CenturyTel people had all called or texted. The last text was from Pam. Layla looked down at it.

"S.O.S? Eric is oh so worried. Contact us somehow."

Layla tried to text back, but Batista gestured and the vampire to her right grabbed her phone from her and handed it to Batista.

"And who are you communicating with?" He checked the phone.

"Ah, the vampire Pam. Her master is worried about his little Layla." He gestured to the tall man standing at the door.

"Why don't we go find those two. Find the Sherriff's child first Andres."

"No." Layla demanded abruptly.


"You said I owed you a Sherriff. No one else, you'll deal with me."

"Is that so?"

"Look, I'm aware you have this vampire code, where vampires own humans. But I don't belong to anyone. So if there is something you want with me, you'll take it up with me."

Batista smiled, revealing his perfectly white teeth. "Very well, but I believe the Northman will state otherwise."

He gestured to the tall man. "Go ahead, fetch them." The vampire nodded and quickly slipped out of the room.

Batista folded shut Layla's phone and placed it in his lapel pocket.

Layla sighed. "At least you didn't break it."

Batista laughed as he strutted leisurely back and forth. "I am not rash in decision making. We might need it in the future."

"And what's going to happen in the future exactly?" She looked over towards Aiden who was fidgeting as he read a text of his own.

"Be patient lovely Layla. All will be made clear very soon."

"So your going to explain why you didn't help Eric and I when we went to Dameon's? And why you're in league with a vampire that shot at a sheriff in the Sheriff's own area?"

"Upon his arrival in Texas to be judged, Aiden told me a very interesting and thorough story. One that unlike yours and the Viking Sherriff's story, it has no holes or blank spots…I'm willing to bet his version is closer to the truth."

In a flash he was standing over her, within inches of her face.

"Angle your neck, I want to taste you." He glared in her eyes. Layla swallowed. She had one of two choices. She could let him bite her, or risk showing him she couldn't be glamoured.

She simply maintained her stare. "No." She spoke in a hushed voice.

Batista didn't blink but he shifted his eyes a bit. "Interesting." He looked over at Aiden.

"It is true she can also glamour?"

"No." Layla started.

"Yes." Aiden corrected. Layla turned to glare at him.

Batista reached towards her arm to pull her up, she quickly yanked it back.

"How playful you are…" Batista laughed baring his fangs. "Camden, come here."

One of his men walked beside him and faced Layla.

"Go ahead, give him a command."

Camden laughed and crossed his arms as he looked at her. "Go right ahead."

"I can't glamour a vampire."

"It would be wise to at least try." Batista suggested.

Layla pursed her lips and looked towards Camden.


Batista shook his head. "Fine…I'll just have to persuade you."

Andres returned and swiftly escorted Pam into the room.

Pam seemed her usual happy and sarcastic self. She walked in with her head slightly down. She smiled generously when she saw Layla.

"Just in time." Batista slightly nodded in approval to Andres.

"I'm sure Eric wouldn't be too happy, me taking his child and his human. But he has left me no choice." He looked over to Pam.

"Where is your Master?"

"Instead of me telling you where my master is, I volunteer to take his place." Pam spoke diligently.

He shook his head. "Loyalty is a fine quality, but a dangerous one in a vampire."

He turned towards Layla. "Show me what you can do, or I'll take her too."

"Oh Please…All due respect you don't have the proper authority to do that." Pam announced as she winked at Layla.

Layla looked to Pam. Who seemed only to be mildly concerned at the situation. But she just figured that's how she always was. Layla turned to Batista's man. Pam was an innocent in this situation. If there was a way to get her out of this, she would.

"Camden, was it?"

"It is."

"Camden…." She tried to think of a command. "Cut your wrist with that plastic knife."

The vampire nodded and looked over to the food table. He grabbed a black plastic knife and attempted to slice open his wrist. Though it was dull and he could barely break the skin. But his attempt never ceased. He just continued moving the knife up and down.

The other vampires in the room stared in awe at the sight. All except Aiden and Pam, who had witnessed Layla's power before.

"It's not working…" Camden spoke monotonously as he stared up at her.

"Then bite your wrist." Layla suggested.

Camden did so. Blood began trickling off his arm down to the floor. He dropped the plastic knife and stood still in his position.

"Enough of this." Batista demanded. Layla broke her stare and relaxed back in the chair.

Camden snapped out of it. He shook his head and stared down at his arm. He quickly grabbed a napkin from the table and wiped off the excess blood. The wound quickly healed. Though he stared at it in confusion.

He looked up at Layla in disbelief. "Impossible, what did you do to me?"

"You are fine." Batista spoke dismissively as he smiled. "Impressive." He grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him.

"Go fetch the Viking." He spoke while not removing his hand or eyes from Layla.

Camden nodded but quickly paused. "Andres couldn't find him…Where should I look?"

Batista shifted his eyes quickly to Camden then back to Layla.

"You're right. We'll just let him come to us."

"How are we going to do that?"

Batista smiled and without warning struck Layla across the cheek with the back of his hand.

The force was remarkably stronger than Layla could have anticipated. She held her head turned and winced in pain.

Batista lowered his knees and rested himself on the floor. He placed his hands tenderly on Layla's legs. "So sorry about that my dear…but we have to speed things up. Your Master will sense your distress and be here shortly." He stood up and began pacing once more around the room.

Layla bit her lip to alleviate the stinging pain on her cheek. Pam placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

She had moved to Layla's side protectively. Though she couldn't take all of them, the fact that someone was on her team brought comfort to Layla.

"I'm sorry you were dragged into this."

Pam shrugged as she sat on the armrest of the chair. "I am loyal to Eric. So this is my mess just as much as yours and his. And I've grown rather fond of your presence."

Layla nodded. She really didn't know what to say. But she didn't have to say anything. Eric soon flung the door open. His force was so hard, the metal door banged on the wall. Eric placed his arm on it to prevent it from swinging back towards him.

His face was set and he bared his fangs as he looked around to all his adversaries in the room.

Part of Layla set fire with excitement. Hoping it was just Eric's blood that was so excited. Either way, she couldn't help but shiver with thrill.

Eric glanced briefly over at Pam and Layla. He may have gestured the slightest nod to Pam, as if to approve that she was where she should be.

"Sherriff." Batista nodded. "I'm glad you could join us in such a rapid pace."

Eric stood upright, still baring his fangs. "What is the meaning of this? My claim has been injured."

Batista ignored his accusation. "I know now she is your claim. I know this for sure because there is an awful lot of your blood coursing through her. Is this true?"

"We've exchanged blood."

"So that tells me she was severely wounded, and in need of your blood?"

"She was fatigued in battle."

"The battle that claimed the lives of a Texas Sherriff and all his nest?"

"Yes." Eric stated simply. His gallant rage seemed slightly more subdued.

Batista looked over to Layla. "She has caused a great deal of trouble for that particular area. It was wise of Maddox to hand her over. However, that did not stop her from killing her brother, one of my Sherriff's."

"And a horrible Sherriff at that. He didn't follow your law or your command." Layla started. "I did you a favor."

"Layla, you are Eric's now?"

She rolled her eyes. "For all intensive purposes…yes."

Eric grinned slightly. He seemed comforted that she was still acting like herself.

Batista smirked. "You are entirely too obstinate for a human. Let your Master speak for you like he did before."

"Let's just cut the charade. You told me that I owed you a Sherriff. Not Eric."

"Was he not with you in your battle in Dameon's San Antonio house?"

Layla was silent.

"I was." Eric spoke up. "I went to Dameon's to peacefully discuss matters. I asked him to respect my claim to Layla. I brought her with me to display to Dameon she would be safe in my care."

"So why is there nothing left of my Sherriff and his men?"

"I was ambushed. He and his men attacked me and attempted to feed from my claim. So I overpowered him and staked him."

"You killed another vampire for your claim?"

"No." He stated simply. "I killed in defense of myself. He and his men would have killed me as they did Maddox, Dameon's maker."

"You saw this?"

Eric nodded. "They executed him in my presence."

Batista was silent for a moment. He looked back and forth amongst his men.

"And what of Dameon's men? You killed them all?"

Eric shook his head. "After I staked Dameon, they fled."

"All of them?"

"All but one. I fed from one because he had stabbed me in the side. The rest of them all fled."

"You swear this true?"

Eric nodded.

Batista smiled. Layla studied this. His smile's seemed peculiar and misplaced.

"I apologize for the trouble. But I had no choice but to defend myself and my claim."

"Of course….there's just one problem."

Eric stood silent. He had a nameless expression on his face.

"You both claim to of staked Dameon. One of you is lying to protect the other."

Or both of us…Layla thought. It was actually Tyler Gaines, a Sherriff from Alabama who had ultimately staked Dameon. But there was no need to drag him into this.

"He is." Layla started.

"Layla…" Eric chided. Layla ignored this.

"I killed Dameon. Everything else Eric said was true verbatim. But I was the one who staked Dameon. And as I said, I did you a favor. He did no good as your Sherriff, he was reckless and weak. You'll do better to find someone else."

Batista laughed. "You have not been listening. That's why I'm here." He looked towards Eric then back to Layla.

"Despite the fact that Layla has been so much a disturbance, I still respect you Sherriff." He signaled towards Eric.

"I know a good ally when I see one. It would be rash to not give you a chance at redemption."

"You are very gracious." Eric folded his arms in front of him. "What did you have in mind?"

Batista unveiled a new smile. But Layla immediately recognized this one as smug satisfaction. He was pleased with this idea he was about to unwrap.

"You're human, she is distinctive. She can't be glamoured. She can glamour people, and not just humans but vampires. I want to use her skills."

Layla rolled her eyes….Of course he did. Vampires were all about using others for their own personal gain.

"I should have seen this coming." She sighed.

"You killed my Sherriff. So you will accompany me to find a new one."

"What?" She asked sarcastically.

"I have several candidates back in Austin. You will glamour them to see if they are forthright with me so I can make the most suitable choice."

"And when will all this take place?"

"You will travel to Austin tomorrow."

"You can't do that. I have a job. I can't just up and leave like this just because you think I owe you, which I don't."

Instead of looking angry, Batista carried an amused grin on his face. He walked towards Layla slowly.

"Layla…" Eric approached her side. "The King has been very gracious."

"You are so young." Batista felt the skin of her cheek with his fingers. "I admire your uncompromising spirit. And there is more to be discovered, of this I am almost certain. So for that I admire you, but you speak out of line and carry too much pride for a human. Just for fun though, I will give you a choice…" Batista announced.

"Either you can accompany me to Texas, or I kill your Master's child Pam. But not before feeding from you, rendering you powerless and leaving you to die you out of spite." For the first time, his expression turned placid.

"So have you reached a decision?"

"I will accompany her. She is my girl...she is mine." Eric spoke decidedly.

"Very well." He tilted his head slightly. "What do you say lovely Layla?"

She simply nodded. Knowing full well that she had no choice. Whatever pride she had, it needed to be set aside. She couldn't let Pam suffer because of her.

"Very good." He spoke through his muffled Spanish accent. He lightly planted a kiss on Layla's cheek, then one on Pam's hand.

"Now we are all great friends." He winked as he gestured for his men to follow.

"I will have Camden give you the details." He spoke quickly towards Eric, who respectfully nodded.

Aiden was the last one to exit. He gave Layla a sinister grin. Layla glared at him with betrayal.

Batista took notice and reentered.

"Aiden." He motioned for him to exit then looked back towards Eric apologetically.

"Do not worry Northman, I assure you Layla's ex will be no nuisance for you."

He nodded confidently as she shut the door behind him. Leaving Eric, Pam, and Layla alone. Along with the mess of the murdered Security Guards.

Eric's eyes immediately shifted towards Layla.

"Aiden…He was your lover?"

Layla pressed together her lips.. As if that was the most important matter they should be discussing.

Pam giggled lightly as she crossed her arms. Slowly pacing off to the side of the room.

"We dated."

"When was this?"

"When he was still human. About eight years ago, briefly."

"I am the only vampire you have ever been with?"

"Um, yes."

Eric nodded. He seemed relieved by her answer as he examined her bruised cheek. It was healing rather quickly with his blood in her.

"He struck you. It brought on moderate pain. I should have found you in more time."

"There's nothing you could have done." Layla quickly shot her eyes to Pam.

"Pam, is Rob…"

"He's fine." Pam walked over to the pair. "He greeted the band and handled all their needs like a good puppy."

Layla nodded. She hated to put that all on Rob. Especially when she was leaving again so soon. She'd have to give him even more responsibility.

She hated being cornered like this. She was sick of vampire's rules and laws. She had just got free from Dameon for good, but his death only brought more trouble. Vampires used humans at their leisure. To them humans were just pawns. Layla sighed. Not that she was the most redeemable of characters. She'd used people, and she was guilty she'd even manipulated people in many ways to get what she wanted…especially in her business. Maybe she wasn't any better than the vampires. Layla sighed. All she wanted to do was go home. Now she had to finish running a concert and explain why she had disappeared. And to top it all off, she had to find a way to explain or take care of the dead bodies of security guards. She shook her head.

Eric could notice her distress.

"Batista will have sent men to clean this up." He spoke softly.

Layla could feel her head spinning. She'd seen too many dead bodies. It was as if she was noticing and accepting their presence for the first time. She had just witnessed a battle at Dameon's, But these were different than the vampires. These were human. These were men with families. Men who had most likely lead respectable jobs and lives up until this evening. If it weren't for her, they wouldn't have died. Layla jumped up from the chair and ran out into the hallway.

She placed her hand on the wall to lean against it and closed her eyes as she slightly bent over. Being out of the room seemed to help her equilibrium. But she felt her legs were going to buckle beneath her. She took slow deep breaths. Eric and Pam entered the hallway behind her.

Layla leaned her back against the was and slid down until she was sitting on the floor. She rested her forehead in her palms.

Eric sat down beside her.

"She's in shock?" Pam questioned as she watched Layla with curious eyes.

"What an effing mess." Layla spoke as she shook her head. "Those poor men."

"You mourn for them?" Eric asked, sounding a little surprised.

"Yes, they were innocent people."

Eric shook his head. "No one is innocent."

"They were innocents in this situation. They died simply because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's unfair."

Eric nodded.

"Perhaps, but better them than us."

"You think? What makes us so deserving?"

"Are you always this philosophical?" Pam asked sarcastically.

Layla laughed. It was an absurd time to laugh. But she was exhausted from the tension that had built up in that room.

Eric glared at Pam disapprovingly.

"I'll go get your arrangements for travel." She walked off slowly, shaking her head as she left.

"Good idea." Eric suggested as he redirected his attention to Layla.

"I never can get out of Texas. Something always takes me back." She laughed.

"I'll be with you."

Layla nodded. "You don't have to go."

"I wouldn't let you go if I weren't."

"Whatever." Layla shook her head as she patted Eric on the knee. "I need to go check to see how everything is going."

"Can you stand up?"

"Yeah." Layla slowly rose up and they began to walk down the hall.

She felt exhausted, shaky, and nauseous. But the concert was halfway over and she'd at least have to tell Rob she was leaving.


Rob practically ran to her from backstage.

"Thank God." He mouthed. He was going to hug her, but Eric glared warningly behind her. Rob halted his motion.

"We need to talk." Layla tried to yell above the music.

Rob nodded as he followed her to the lobby.

Eric stood impatiently as Layla pulled some kind of story out of her head about having to visit her grandmother because she was in a skiing accident that left her practically paraplegic. Eric grinned and shook his head. It was so absurd that no one would question it. Rob seemed to feel the same way, this time he did give her a hug. Layla smiled and wrote down something on a piece of paper for Rob and they parted.

"I'm going home now. I don't think I can make it the rest of the night." She announced as she grabbed a water from the concession.

"I'll walk you to your car."

Layla accepted as they made their way through the crowd to the parking lot.

"So when are we going?"

"Tomorrow evening we will drive to Austin."

"Yippee. So, is this your life? Favors and loans to each other? Do all vampires just have a shaky truce with each other? No firm laws, anyone can be bought?"

"When you put it that way, it makes us sound much less glamorous ." He grinned as he opened the door to her Jeep.

Layla shrugged. "Sounds like a day at the office."

He smiled as he rested his hands on her hips. "I do apologize however, I didn't realize Aiden would be a loose end. Then again, I didn't realize how he felt about you."

"He doesn't even remember our relationship."

"Of course he does. Hell hath no fury than a vampire scorned."

"Isn't that supposed to be 'woman scorned.'?"

"Is it?" He looked off into the dark parking lot as Layla climbed into her seat.

"Well…" She started. "This should be fun."

"Get some rest. And I'll pick you up tomorrow. And be careful." He added as he placed his lips on hers.

Layla reciprocated, but quickly pulled away and started her Jeep.

Eric smiled seductively. Just as Layla was about the shut the door, Eric caught it.

"My heroism tonight, did it impress you?"

Layla laughed. "Oh yeah, super sexy."

Eric nodded. "Yes, it was." He quickly strode off, all too pleased with himself. And that was the last conscious image Layla could remember.


Layla's eyes slowly opened. She looked around. She was laying in a bed on her right side on top of the comforter. Thank God. She was still fully clothed in her jeans and green tank top she wore under her concert shirt. Her boots were still on as well. Her eyes shifted cautiously below her. The comforter was a deep purple. It felt as if it were some silk or satin imitation. She slowly sat up. The room was large. The cement floors were died a dark green with jagged tan lines to give the illusion of cracked marble. She quickly slung her feet down to the floor.

She was wrong. The floor was actual marble. She looked around the room. It was windowless. Though there was an adjoining bathroom. Layla sighed. For the life of her she couldn't remember where she was and how she'd got there. She placed her hand on the comforter.

It was real satin. Then it suddenly hit her.

Deep purple, the color of royalty. It all came back and hit her like a ton of bricks.

The night of the concert, she was visited by none other than Cabeza de Vaca. Who yes, was still alive present day. Well, sort of. He now called himself Batista, the powerful and charismatic vampire King of Texas.

The last thing she remembered was getting in her Jeep in the parking lot. But that was last night. Layla looked at her watch. It was two o' clock in the afternoon.

She stretched as she made her way to the bathroom. She figured she might as well take a quick shower.

Upon getting out, she towel dried and combed her long hair the best she could and redressed. She started towards the door. She frowned when she realized it was locked. Damn Vampires.

Layla went back to the bathroom. She searched the cabinets for something, anything to unlock the door. She finally found a hammer. She looked at the wooden door and shrugged. It would just have to do. There was no way in hell she was staying put.