Eh I'm working on Broken Aftermath but I wrote this and wanted to submit it.

That girl has been a pain in my side for far too long! Argost thought bitterly as he walked through the halls of his mansion. The girl with no last name had been sneaking around his house for the past months. Freeing dangerous Cryptids, destroying the pale man's hard work and literally freaking the madman out, she left destruction in her wake with such ease it had the madman literally mad.

She wasn't normal, at all. From what he heard from the Saturdays was that she was suffering from insanity due to the traumatic experience of seeing her whole village massacred. But she was a different insane, she could think logically act it too, it seemed to Argost that she was acting this way simply because she could.

The girl herself was a supposed adopted Saturday yet she never stayed around the family long, preferring to sneak around Weird World and scare the living daylights out of the people who lived in the house including Argost, though he never would admit it.

It wasn't a playful scaring at times either, at one point in time she'd even asked -politely though- if she could snap the pale man's neck. Her voice didn't hold the usual giggle, it was cold. The man managed to grab her and throw her off, though she quickly disappeared from his sight a huge grin on her face, which only helped to freak him out more.

Many times he wondered if she was really human. Even if she was insane a normal person would never ac the way she often did, she had a split personality that activated when blood was present, she became oddly serious her eyes changing colors and she attacks with brutal force using what she calls in her more mild mind Shadow Art.

Argost yawned it was getting close to midnight and he was completely worn out, planning on how to get Kur had left him exhausted. As he walked past the soft glow of one of his many fireplaces something caught his eye. Not the fireplace itself but what was curled up in a tight ball feet away. The little girl was laying there completely asleep.

A scowl appeared on his face and he walked forward. He could chain her up and leave her in the dungeon to rot…or he could simply kill her as she slept. It was very tempting to kill her, just end it all, it wouldn't be hard for him he'd killed before after all. Suddenly the girl shifted ever so slightly and she let out a sort of evil giggle.

"Chalk Man…" The girl murmured. 'Chalk Man' was what she often called Argost when she'd often have once sided conversations with him, in which she just went on and on about something she'd remembered before her village 'disappeared.'

When she wasn't trying to scare him to death and just talked he actually didn't mind it to much. Munya didn't talk at all, and even Argost needed some sort of other person interaction even if it was just her talking. Though he scowled often while she spoke he actually enjoyed her telling him about her previous life. She knew of Cryptids he'd no idea existed and would talk about them in immense detail, which often made him stop his work to listen.

His yellow eyes narrowed at the girl, she'd made him this weak? This little insignificant child had managed to soften him up a bit? It made him scowl at his own weakness.

When she shivered-the fire not helping with the draft that was wafting in the room- the madman sighed, anger fading much to his surprise.

He walked out of the room for a moment before reentering a blanket draped over his right arm. Annoying as hell as she was she was the only company he had in this rather lonesome house that actually spoke. Draping it over her, the pale man stood and exited the room scowling at himself again, he continued his way to his room.

Well there you go Review if you want. ^-^