Summary - There is a thin line between reality and what your subconscious tells you. Maggie's plan to remain neutral backfires when she finds herself abducted by a certain decepticon communications officer.

Linariel - This story hit me like rail road and I've been dying to write it. After seeing the new movie I just couldn't wait any longer. This is post 09 movie. I realize that we didn't see Maggie in the movie but she was in the first so she's a part of this universe still and I like her a lot. Plus just think of this Maggie is a hacker and Soundwave is a communication officer get the connection? Anyways forgive me if it's out of character but then again this is from the movie not from the other genre.

Disclaimer: I do not own any Transformers the credit for these remarkable characters goes to Hasbro and Michael Bay's team who produced the movie, and Dreamworks. I do however own all the characters that don't appear in any of the TF or any other show, movie, or book.


Chapter 1: In a Fix

By: Linariel

Maggie clenched her fists tighter as she shook. She tried to reach out for the latch but as soon as she did a jolt of pain ran through her entire arm she screamed finding herself pushed back from impact. The bars of her steel confines gave her a glimpse of the outside world. It was all metal which only made her sink deeper into despair.

When that large robot cat thing broke into her house Maggie thought she was a goner. What it did next surprised her instead of killing her it picked her up in its teeth by the back of her shirt like she was kitten. She found herself jangling about in its grasp as it ran towards a large car. She realized later it was taking her to its Master. Now she'd been left in this prison to await the fate of her existence to the large mechanical being.

All the sudden her musings were broken when a whooshing sound took place making her tense as she looked up to meet the red visor of her captor. The towering mech seemed to inspect her with mild interest. Before she could do anything his silver hand reached in for her and she yelped ducking it this way and that trying to hide behind what she could before she found his hands enclosing around her.

He brought her up to meet his face. She hit at his hands with all her strength trying to get free. But couldn't do it for long before he was shaking her so hard it made her dizzy and unable to concentrate.

"Cease. Escape futile. Maggie Madsen belongs to Soundwave now." Came the monotone voice of her captor he stroked her blond hair with the back of his index finger. She shivered at the mere touch from the cold metal.

Her soft brown eyes looked at him directly. "Why?" were the only words she could get out.

"Insect is a hacker. A human that can detect and trace Decepticon code. The answer to this problem the organic must be eradicated from the autobot ranks." His words were cold as his visor was on her.

She shivered hugging herself at his words. It was true she put herself in danger working with NEST to decipher the codes, frequencies, and language of the decepticons from symbols into letters. She'd even created a program that made the job simpler for those with less intellect. Maggie thought that being in the background on the sidelines would keep her out of the decepticons range but apparently it had not worked that way and now she was paying for it. Will's warning ran through her memory and she felt her heart sink at the bitter irony.

Soundwave went back to stroking her head which he seemed to find amusement in doing even though she tried to flinch away, the mech's grip made it impossible to move. Maggie still didn't understand why she wasn't dead yet. Didn't eradication mean to kill someone? But then again her captor seemed to have the strangest speech patterns she'd ever heard who knew what the decepticon was trying to say. She took a deep breath and decided took up the courage to speak what had been on her mind since Soundwave brought her here. "Why am I not dead yet?"

He seemed to contemplate what to say to her. It seemed like it took a while before her captor spoke. Through the entire time he remained emotionless it was plain he did not exhibit any emotions outwardly. "Megatron wanted NEST's Chief Hacker eliminated. An request was made to keep femme functional. My Leader Megatron approved request." His voice seemed to have tone of a real robot unlike other mechs she'd ran into but he was sentient that much was true from the way he handled things. "Femme was found to be exploitable."

Maggie cocked her head confused by this. "What possible use could I be?" After all she was no more then an insect to a big hulking mech like him. Didn't they want her whole race destroyed? Then again Megatron had told Sam he could live as his pet if he brought him the allspark. Did that mean these things found amusement in humans?

Soundwave did not respond directly to her but held her a little firmer in his grip as he turned towards an empty space and walked over. Maggie still was a jostled a bit as she clung to the hand. The mech finally stopped a light seemed to glow from his chest making her burying her head in his fingers worried it was some kind of weapon to use against her. "Ravage, Rumbleā€¦ release." He commanded. The red light shined brightly making her shield her eyes. Two beings came out of the portal emitting from his chest to stand before them. One she knew the one eyed robot cat and one that looked vaguely small robotic drone that looked familiar yet the red optics threw her off.

The government analyst despite her circumstances looked on with fascination. The transformers were just full of surprises. Yet this didn't explain why he needed her. Rough metal met her scalp again and she flinched at his touch. Though he didn't pet her for very long before he held her out to the cat thing, Maggie's eyes widened struggling against his grip, as the beast who could only be Ravage smirked at her with a light growl. She could guess what the thing wanted to say 'We meet again insect.' Yes that sounded accurate.

The three seemed to converse together in their own language because before she knew it Ravage had her shirt between his teeth adding another hole she didn't need. And the one called Rumble strode off in the direction of large dresser of drawers. He crawled right inside it. Her soft brown eyes widened not liking where this was going she looked between Soundwave and Ravage trying to get some shred of the meaning of what they were doing but she couldn't make anything out from the blank expression and the smirk. Then all at once the drone emerged with a human sized tool box he set it on the ground nearby.

What happened next was not at all what Maggie expected. Soundwave bent backwards aiming directly for the metal surface. Ravage scrambled out of the way with her. Her captor soon laid on open ground. His digits went to his head and with care he removed his helmet revealing to her eyes a mess of wiring, she could see sparks dancing about it, and pink liquid seeping out. Before she knew it she was being dragged towards his head. She flinched as she neared it. Rumble strode up besides her with the toolbox, and Ravage released his grip on her shirt then sat down next to her. Rumble held out the metal compartment. Maggie accepted the box rather awkwardly it was still large, she looked from one drone to another still confused beyond words, what was she supposed to do with this?

Her captor answered the question for her. "Fix Soundwave!" he boomed in the same commanding tone he used on the two drones.

Ravage nudged her towards the open plating. Her eyes widened. She'd repaired computers in the past even hacked into many. But low and behold her robotic captor wanted Maggie to fix him. She shook her head. There was no way she'd betray the autobots by helping their enemy. With another decepticon out there Sam had no chance at a normal life, and NEST would be overwhelmed with attacks. Maggie summarized she was probably one of the only humans alive that understood the complex binary code of decepticons. No doubt was in her mind that was why he wanted her.

"Rumble retrieve the training band." Soundwave droned after not receiving any response from his human.

A snicker came from the drone as he slithered over to her. Before Maggie could do anything a silver metal brace was forced around her throat it instantly clamped into place. She tugged at it for a moment it wasn't too tight but it was berating to be wearing a collar. Like she was some pet? 'Why is it called a trainingā€¦' she was cut off in mid thought as a surge of energy zapped at her making her scream out in pain. Before it let off, she noticed the left circle on her her captor's wing light up when she was zapped. He was doing this to her. Laying on the ground for a moment panting she pulled herself back up to face the mech.

Soundwave spoke at this moment. "Fleshling obey or you will be punished. Does Maggie understand?"

Shakily she nodded and opened the box to retrieve the tools she needed. Maggie neared the static electricity. Taking out the pliers she found the source of interference and worked carefully to place the wiring in the correct order. When her hands clasped the wires she yelped in pain, tears coming to her eyes from the shock. But it did nothing more. Her mind soon got the better of her and instinct took over reason as she traversed through the mess. It appeared like he'd been hit by some kind of explosive. If left unattended it would result hay wire circuit that could make him malfunction if left unattended. Pink liquid seeped onto her skin making her hiss in pain withdrawing her hand till she was shocked again. Then she retured to work. Finally after what seemed hours she was able to make the necessary repairs.

Wiping the sweat from her brow she sat back exhausted. "Alright then, I'm done." She croaked and Ravage retrieved her.

The Mech placed the helmet back on and got to his feet. His eyes beamed out light to produce a hologram which showed the inner workings of his insides, he seemed to carefully check everything till he nodded in approval. "Repairs sufficient." He picked her up despite her protesting and held her to his chest stroking her blond hair. "Maggie's usefulness is 83 percent. Soundwave will keep her."

Once Soundwave deposited her inside the cage she quickly noticed a stack of human essentials from food to hygiene everything she needed to survive was in it. Maggie despaired at this. That could only mean he'd planned all along to keep her. She suspected Soundwave assumptions rarely were wrong.

A/N: I know what your thinking another story? Well this mind just wouldn't back down. I wanted to do a fiction on Maggie and Soundwave just slowly played into the mix there will be others but it will center around the communications specialist and the NEST analyst. Chapters will vary in size btw.

Now the question will go should be a one shot or a story hmm it all depends on how many reviews I get. I got two stories in the works so this one is a trial and go.

Hope you enjoy!

Review please so Ratchet doesn't come after me with his hatchet!