Disclaimer: I do not own JAG, Harmon Rabb, Sarah MacKenzie, et al. I've earned nothing but the pleasure of the writing, and the possibility of some nice feedback.


The Gift ~ Chapter One

1415 Zulu (0915 EST)
Dulles International Airport
Washington, D.C.

Mic hugged Mac as he readied to board the Quantas flight to Australia. "I'm going to miss you while I'm gone. Three months is a very long time." He looked at her with the glint in his eyes that she dreaded. "Are you sure you don't want to make it official."

"Mic, I told you…" Mac was also tired of this conversation. "We're just friends."

"If we're just friends, then why have we been seeing so much of each other lately?" he inquired.

Good question. Mac often wondered why she spent as much time with him as she did. She was lonely, pure and simple. But something held her back from taking the next step in their relationship. "Well, we had a lot of paperwork to tidy up before you left for Australia." It was true although not very convincing, even to herself.

He nodded. "But what about that night at the bistro downtown? You can't claim to have done any paperwork that night. Or what about roller-blading at the Mall? And we did go to that new film you wanted to see."

"Friends can do things together without it having to mean anything." Her internal clock told her that there were only seven minutes and twenty-five seconds before his flight left, and for that she was thankful.

"That's true."

She could tell Mic was frustrated. If he was looking to get some kind of commitment out of her, he could think again. Just because her relationship with Harm had cooled off considerably over the last couple of months didn't mean she was ready for someone else.

"If we're just friends then how come you're the one seeing me off on my journey?"

"Well, because..." The Admiral ordered me to. She wouldn't tell him that although it would effectively shut him up. "That's what friends do."

"Well, then, we must be very good friends," he replied with a cocky grin. He leaned down and kissed her. She stiffened and extricated herself from his embrace as tactfully as she could.

A voice finally announced that his flight was ready for boarding. As he gathered up his carry on bag, he hugged her once more. "Good bye, Sarah. I'll call you."

She felt like wiping her mouth with the back of her wrist, but waved instead as Mic boarded the aircraft.


The Fourth of July

0200 Zulu ( 2100 EST)
A blanket on the sand
Colonial Beach, Virginia

The sky was just about dark enough for the fireworks display to begin. Bud and Harriet were snuggled up together on the next blanket.

"I'm so excited, Bud. I've heard that they put on one of the best shows here." Harriet looked over at Harm and Mac. "Of course, nothing can compare to the fireworks at our house," she said with a whisper and a grin.

It took Bud a minute to realize what his wife was talking about. "Harriet!" he exclaimed, embarrassment coloring his voice.

"It's all right, Honey, they know we're still newlyweds." She giggled and placed a firm kiss on his lips.

Harm caught Mac's amused expression and rolled his eyes. They shared a grin that said, 'They're so cute together.' Just then, the first burst of color exploded in the sky, followed by the collective "ooh" of the spectators.

For the next forty-five minutes, Harm and Mac sat quietly side by side and watched the brilliant display of light. All around them the crowd continued to ooh and ah as well as clap and cheer.

Harm watched Mac watch the fireworks. She was content, relaxed. More relaxed than he'd seen her in a long time. He was glad she'd agreed to come. Glad he could share in her enjoyment of what he knew was one of her favorite holidays.

During the last barrage of fireworks, hidden speakers had begun playing the Star Spangled Banner. As the anthem wound to a close, people all around them started gathering up their belongings for the trek to their cars and the drive home.

"Why don't we wait a while for the crowd to thin out," suggested Bud.

"We shouldn't wait too long, Bud. We need to pick up little A.J. from the admiral's house," Harriet said as she continued to pack up the leftover food into the cooler.

"Are you guys ready?" Harriet looked over at Mac and Harm.

"Actually, I was thinking of staying for awhile longer. That is if the colonel doesn't object," said Harm. She'd been quiet since Brumby's departure a couple of weeks ago and he wondered if it had anything to do with the other man's absence. Since she seemed so content tonight, he hoped to make it last just a little longer. He looked over at her in anticipation of her response.

"That's fine, Harm," she said with a nod.

"Oh, okay then. We'll see you Monday." Harriet picked up the blanket and folded it while Bud grabbed the cooler. "Bye, Commander, Colonel."

The Roberts headed toward the parking lot leaving Harm and Mac alone on the beach.

"So..." Harm bumped Mac's shoulder with his. "How have you been, Mac? I haven't seen you much lately."

"The Anderson case has been a pain. A lot of witnesses who didn't witness anything," she responded without answering the question. "How about you? Where's Renee?"

"Oh, I'm fine. Renee is in New York. We had a falling out." He studied her as she gazed out over the water. "We agreed to take a break for awhile."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Mac said quietly. "I was just beginning to like her."

"Oh, well...I still like her, too, but for now she's in New York and I'm here. I guess we'll see how things stand when she comes back."

They were alone now. The waves broke softly along the shore. The darkness surrounded them. The stars twinkled in the inky expanse above them.

"When will that be?" Mac raised her face to the sky, closed her eyes, and inhaled the moist air. "I just love the beach."

"Probably another couple weeks. Her best friend is getting married next week and Renee is her maid of honor."

"Seems to be a lot of that going on. First, Bud and Harriet got married. Now Mic is in Australia for his sister's wedding. Renee's best friend." Mac sighed. "Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get married."

"I'm sure Brumby would be willing to sacrifice himself for the cause." In fact, he was sure that Brumby was just waiting for the right opportunity, but Mac's words seemed to contradict his earlier assumption that she was pining away for the Australian. Surely, if their relationship were serious then she wouldn't be questioning her long-term marital state. "What's the word with you and him?"

She shrugged. "You could say we had a falling out as well. A difference of opinion." She slipped off her white sneakers and jumped up. "Come on, Harm, let's walk in the water." She held out her hand to him.

He couldn't see her face since there was little light. He grabbed her hand and she tugged him to a standing position. He slid his shoes off as well and they headed to the shore hand in hand. "It's been awhile."

"I've missed you, too, Harm."

They walked in silence. No words were needed. They were just good friends. Best friends, and getting back on track. At least, he hoped so.

"Maybe we should head back," Harm whispered after they had been walking for about twenty minutes. "It's getting late. We've got work tomorrow."

Mac nodded and they turned and retraced their steps back down the beach to where they began. Harm grabbed the blanket while Mac gathered up their shoes and they walked to the car.

Harm pulled up in front of Mac's apartment building and she put a soft hand on his arm. "Thanks, friend." She leaned over and placed a feather light kiss on his cheek. "I needed this." She unbuckled her seatbelt and was out of the car and up the front steps before he could say, "Anytime, Mac. Anytime." He waited for the light to come on in her living room, assuring him of her safe entrance, before heading home.

The next morning, when Mac stepped off the elevator, one hand held the ever-present briefcase while the other covered a huge yawn. She shook her head to clear the cobwebs. Four hours was just not enough sleep.

As she rounded the corner, Mac bumped into Harriet. "Oh, excuse me, Harriet. Are you all right?" she asked, concern showing in her face. "I'm so sorry."

"Just fine, Ma'am. It's okay." Harriet studied the colonel. "Did you have a good time last night, Ma'am?"

"Yes, I did. Thanks for inviting me." Mac tried to stifle yet another yawn. "Sorry, Harriet."

"Late night, Ma'am?" Her expression was hopeful.

"Just had trouble sleeping last night. The excitement of the fireworks and all."

Harm exited his office smothering a yawn of his own.

Harriet looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Whatever you say, Colonel." She turned and hurried away before Mac could make any protestations regarding Harriet's obvious train of thought.

As Harm stepped into her office, Mac noticed Harriet's curious interest. "So, what's up Flyboy?" She looked from Harriet to Harm with a smile.

"What's so amusing?" he asked her with a grin of his own.

"Harriet is out there speculating again. Make sure you make some appropriate remark as you leave." It had been an ongoing game for them the last three and a half weeks. Every time Harriet saw them together she got a hopeful gleam in her eye. And every time, they quenched it.

"Roger, that." He sat down in the chair in front of her desk and looked at her as she looked at him. "What are you doing tonight? I scored some tickets to the Oriole's game. Interested?"

"You know, I haven't been to a baseball game in ages," Mac replied. "I'd love to go. What time?"

"Game time is nineteen-oh-five. I'll pick you up around seventeen thirty." He stood up and opened the door. "I'll have that information for you first thing Monday morning, Colonel." He sauntered past Harriet's desk and gave her a friendly nod.

Mac saw Harriet's face fall. Much as she loved Harriet, she and Harm didn't need any speculation on the status of their relationship. It was comfortable again. They didn't need the pressure of everyone's expectations pushing them into something they weren't ready for.

"Hey, you want to come up for awhile?" Mac asked. "Maybe we can catch the replay of that out in the second inning. I'm still not convinced the runner was tagged."

"Sure, I'd like that." Harm was glad to see some of Mac's old spunk back. He went around and opened the door for her, giving her a tug out of the car. They walked up the stairs hand in hand, neither thinking much of it one way nor the other.

"Can I get you something to drink?" Mac asked waving toward the kitchen. "The news is over, but I'll bet ESPN will probably cover it."

"Water would be great, thanks." Harm flipped through the channels looking for the sports channel.

Mac came back a moment later with a tall glass if ice water. She set the glass down and then plopped onto the couch next to him.

"Here it is." He sat back and put his feet on the coffee table. They watched ESPN for a few minutes, but baseball had already been covered. Not that he minded. He just wanted to talk to her, see if she were really feeling better, if she was missing Brumby at all. He started flipping through the channels.

"Hey, isn't that 'A Few Good Men' starring Tom Cruise?" She tapped him on the shoulder. "He's my favorite flyboy—after you, of course."

"Of course," Harm replied dryly. Mac seemed content to just hang and watch the movie. If this is what she wanted from him, that was okay. Harm tried to concentrate on the movie. He'd seen it so often he could still recite the lines although it had been a while.

It turned out that Mac was the distraction. Her unique scent kept teasing his nose and her soft curves pressed against his side. Finally—thankfully—the movie was over. His jeans were beginning to feel just a bit snug. She sat up and looked at him with sleepy eyes and smiled. She didn't say anything with her lips but her eyes spoke volumes, asking him for something he wanted too.

He leaned toward her and brushed her lips with his. He watched her eyes flutter closed during his approach. She accepted his offering without any further demands. He pulled away slowly and she opened her eyes to look at him once more.

If they went as far as he wanted to go, their friendship would change. And right now, despite his desire, he wasn't so sure that was a good idea. He liked where they were.

He opened his mouth to warn her, but before he could utter a sound she placed her fingers on his lips and gently shook her head as a very quiet shhh escaped her mouth. Then she kissed him.

He felt the warmth of her exhalation on his lips and inhaled the sweet smell of her breath. He wrapped his arms around her and enjoyed the orangey smell of her hair. "Mac…" He was unsure of this. "Are you sure?"

In reply, she swirled her tongue in circles along his neck and jaw line until she found his mouth. She nibbled his lips then moistened them for him. For him, that was the point of no return and he reclaimed the lead in this age-old dance.

Mac whimpered in questioning protest as Harm stood up. He gathered her up into his arms and carried her into the bedroom and assured her that, at least for tonight, there was no one in the world but them.

He knew the moment she awoke even though her eyes remained closed. She smiled a relaxed, satisfied smile and Harm couldn't help but feel proud that he'd been the one to put that look on her face. "So, you're awake," he whispered close to her ear. She smiled again and nodded. "You are very beautiful and very luscious."

She laughed and opened her eyes, merriment making her brown eyes sparkle. "You make me sound like a dessert."

"Well, you sure were the best thing I've tasted in a very long time." His voice grew serious. It was time to address what had happened. Where did they go from here? "Mac..."

Her face lost its happy, relaxed look as she scooted up to sit against the headboard. "Don't say anything, Harm. I already know. This was wonderful. I needed this and you were there for me...again, as any best friend would be. Nothing will change. I'm not expecting it to, so don't worry so much. Just forget about it." She reached up and caressed his cheek and offered a small smile to reassure him.

"I don't think many best friends would go to these lengths." He smiled back at her and was surprised to find that her matter-of-fact attitude did reassure him. He just wasn't sure if he'd be able to forget about what happened between them. No sense dwelling on it, however. "I wonder what time it is." He looked at his wrist only to find his watched had come off sometime during the night.

"I'd say around oh-nine-thirty-five," Mac guessed reaching for his timepiece on the bedside table. "I'm hungry, Flyboy, how about something to eat?"

He looked at the time while he put the watch on and shook his head. "How do you do that?"

"I told you before, I have great timing."


1700 Zulu (1200 EST)
Mac's Apartment

Mac lay in her bed contemplating the twists and turns of life. Normally, she didn't spend half the day in bed, but for some reason she just felt so totally drained. Since she didn't have anything else planned, she decided to let her body dictate the agenda for the day.

Her thoughts drifted to Australia and Mic. She didn't miss him. He had called a couple of times since he'd been gone. The first time she almost hung up on him. He was trying to be cute and lovey-dovey. She tried telling him to stop, but he was caught up in some fantasy world. Luckily, she wasn't home the second time he had called. That was three weeks ago—the night that Harm had taken her to the ball game.

She smiled, remembering the fun they'd had. And the passion they'd shared. It has been the most unbelievable experience with a man she'd ever had. And for that, she'd always be thankful.

But despite her big words, Mac realized that for her, there could never be anyone else. She did her best to live up to her own words that nothing would change. She had honestly believed those words that morning, but what she hadn't realized was that the invisible ties that bind had irrevocably bound her heart to Harm's. Forever. So, she sucked it up everyday and played her role as friend and partner to perfection.

So much so, that she almost believed it herself. Until she caught Harm looking at her now and again with an odd expression on his face. As if he couldn't quite believe it. But then he'd be acting like his normal self again. Except that he hadn't asked her out again.


1930 Zulu (1430 EST)
Dulles International Airport
Washington, D.C.

The three months since Mic left had flown by. She wasn't ready to deal with Mic and his possessiveness. And why she'd gotten stuck picking him up from the airport was beyond her.

"Hello Sarah," said Mic in that special tone he reserved just for her as he gave her a big hug amidst the crowd of travelers. "It sure is good to be back!"

She shuddered in distaste. "Hi," she replied somewhat uncomfortably. Mic took no notice that her hug was less than eager. "How was the wedding?"

"My sister was the most beautiful bride," replied Mic, a tanned, happy glow shone on his face. "It was good to be in her wedding."

He grabbed her hand and dragged her toward the baggage claim. As they waited for the suitcases to come sliding down the ramp, Mac wished she were anywhere else. A lot had happened in the time he'd been gone. And even though she had told him when he left that they were just friends, she knew he hadn't really believed her. He was sure that he'd be able to win her over eventually.

"So," exclaimed Mic, startling Mac. "What are our plans for the rest of the day? I notice you're not in uniform. I assume that means you're off for the day."

"You don't miss a thing, do you?" She tried a little humor in order to lighten her own mood, but failed miserably, although Mic didn't notice. Harm always noticed. "How about something to eat? I missed lunch today."

"Sounds great. How about Chinese? I have to say I missed that almost as much as I missed you. They just don't know how to cook Chinese food Down Under." Mic guffawed and pulled Mac close as they walked to her car.

"Isn't there a place just around the corner from your apartment?" Mac asked, exiting the Beltway. "We could pick it up and take it back to your place." She groaned inwardly as soon as the words left her mouth. What the heck was she thinking?

"Sounds good. Maybe we can pick up where we left off." He looked at her in that way she dreaded. Three months ago she was already on the fence about their relationship. Now, there was no way she could even consider anything more than friendship. She'd just have to tell him.

"Well, now. That was delicious." Mic smacked his lips and sat back into the sofa and glanced in her direction.

She was also leaning back, but man did she feel awful. Her head hurt and stomach churned.

"Are you alright, luv? You look terrible." He scooted across the space that separated them and placed a hand on her forehead. "You're burning up. Let me take you to hospital."

"No," she exclaimed and sat up. The abrupt action made her dizzy and nauseated all at the same time. "I'm going to be sick."

Mic helped her to her feet and escorted her to the bathroom.

"Can I get you anything?" Mic called through the closed door. "Are you sure you don't want to go to hospital?"

Despite the pounding head and roiling stomach, she was thankful. "No, I'm fine. I could use a glass of water and a washcloth, though."

A soft knock preceded the slowly opening door and the requested items were proffered.

"Thanks. I probably just have a touch of the flu."

"The flu? Since when does the flu cause people to throw up?" Mic's concern, as well as his disappointment, was written all over his face.

"I'm okay, really. Maybe it was something I ate." She felt a little better, but still drained. "I thought that Kung Pow chicken tasted a little funny." She wiped her face and neck and took a tentative sip of the water. "I should go home and make it an early night. I've got a lot of paperwork to wade through this week." Mac was relieved that she wouldn't have to deal with his stubbornness today. "Let me drive you. You still look a bit flushed." Mic looked around for his car keys.

"No. I'm fine really. I can drive myself. It's only a ten minute drive." She walked over and gave him a hug and soft kiss on the lips. It was goodbye although he didn't realize it yet. She hid her relief. "Welcome home. I'm sorry things didn't go the way you'd hoped." He really was a good guy, no matter what Harm thought or said. He just wasn't the guy for her.

"As long as you're okay. We can get together this weekend." He waggled his eyebrows at her. "Come on, luv, I'll walk you to your car. Make sure you call me when you get home so I don't worry. Are you sure you don't want me drive you home?"

"I'll call when I get home. You should relax and turn in early, as well, to try to keep jetlag from getting the best of you." Mic grabbed her as she got in the car and pulled her into a great bear hug.

"Oh, Sarah. I missed you so much. You can't know. Being in Kallie's wedding really made me think about my life." Mac tried to extricate herself from Mic's embrace. He looked into her eyes. "I love you Sarah MacKenzie."

Oh, no. Now what? "Mic... I really need to get home. We can talk about this over the weekend, okay?"

He nodded and reluctantly let her go. "Bye." Disappointed that she hadn't returned his declaration of love. But that would never happen.

As Mac drove, she contemplated how she was going to tell Mic that she didn't love him—no—couldn't love him—ever.


1400 Zulu (0900 EST)
Falls Church, Virginia

Harm stopped talking when he heard the familiar sound of a woman's heels clicking along the tile.

A moment later, Mac tapped on the admiral's semi-open door and stuck her head in. "Good morning, Sir. You needed to see me?" She glanced in Harm's direction and nodded.

"Morning, Colonel. Have a seat. Commander Brumby get back as planned?"

"Yes, Sir, yesterday afternoon. I had leave remember?"

"Right. So how was the reunion?" he asked, perusing the file in his hand. He missed the look of distaste that flashed across her face. But Harm didn't. He wondered what it meant.

"Well, Sir, I developed a mild case of food poisoning and a touch of the flu." She didn't sound too upset about it. In fact, Harm thought she sounded happy about it.

"What a shame," replied the admiral, sarcasm coloring his voice. Harm's brow rose. The admiral wasn't as oblivious as he'd thought. Admiral Chegwidden glanced at each of them in turn over the top of his glasses. "Well, now that you're both here, let's get started."

"Yes, Sir. What's up?" Harm studied her. If her reunion with the Aussie hadn't happened and she was okay with that, did that mean their one night had affected her more than she let on? He'd been surprised at her seeming ability to forget their night together. She never mentioned it and hadn't gotten all emotional about it like a lot of women would have—no matter what they might have said. She had just carried on like the professional Marine she was.

He treasured the memory. It had affected him. So much so that Renee had detected the difference in him at once. She asked if something happened. And then she asked if it had been Mac. He didn't lie. She'd accepted it with grace and said goodbye.

"Commander, you with us?"

"Of course, Sir." Harm shifted his gaze to his commanding officer.

"You two will be taking a little trip this weekend to Georgia. It seems that the base commander's second in command has been spending a little too much time with the base commander's daughter. The base commander's daughter is only seventeen." Chegwidden looked from one to the other "Will that be a problem for either of you?"

"No, Sir," they replied.

He nodded once. "Good. Your flight leaves ten hundred hours on Friday. Dismissed."

"Yes, Sir."

"Aye, Aye, Sir."

They spoke in tandem once again and stood at attention for a moment before turning and exiting the admiral's office.

Harm followed Mac to her office and leaned in the doorway as she took her seat. "So I take it lover boy made it back from Down Under in one piece," he said casually.

"Yes, if it's any of your business." She looked up at him, trying to read him.

"It became my business about two months ago." He returned her gaze.

"We agreed to forget about that," she said.

A flash of something flickered in her eyes. Was it regret or was it something else?

"So we did. Well..." He straightened. "I guess I'll try to get my desk cleaned up before Friday. See ya, Mac."

"See ya." Her voice barely reached his ears as he disappeared into his own office and shut the door.


1545 Zulu (1045 EST)
Military transport en route to
Marine Corps Logistics Base, Albany, GA

Being a passenger on a plane wasn't as much fun as being the pilot, but if Harm had to travel, he'd choose flight any day of the week. He made himself as comfortable as possible as their flight progressed roughly toward Georgia. He looked over at Mac who was attempting to make some notes regarding their impending investigation.

She, on the other hand, was not a great fan of flying. At least they weren't pulling any Gs. Still, she looked paler than usual.

"So, how'd it go Tuesday? I guess you were happy to see Brumby."

"Of course, I was happy to see Mic. We're friends after all." She kept her eyes on the case file, but he could hear the insincerity in her voice. "But I think he was a bit disappointed with my welcome."


She started to look a bit green.

"Well, I ended up with a touch of the flu. Or food poisoning. Maybe, it was both." She smiled wanly and put her hand to her stomach. "Harm, I don't feel so good all of a sudden."

"Why do I get the feeling that you're not as disappointed as I'm sure Mic must have been?" He glanced out the window for a moment at the darkening sky pondering his feelings towards her feelings toward Brumby. He looked back at Mac in time to see her take advantage of an airsickness bag.

"Are you okay? Let me help you to the head." He ushered her down the aisle to the small compartment. Luckily, it wasn't too far from their seats as Mac continued to empty her stomach. "Do you need anything?" She shook her head and disappeared inside the cramped space. Harm went back to his seat.

As he sat there waiting for her to return, his lawyer's mind started buzzing. Some things just didn't add up. He extended his analysis to include the last few days.

The object of his musings finally emerged from the head and sat back down next to him with a somewhat embarrassed look on her face. "Sorry about that. Must be this turbulence," Mac said as she re-clasped her seatbelt. "If you don't mind, I think I'll just close my eyes for a while."

"Turbulence..." Harm continued to think about Mac. "Right."

"Mac. Mac, wake up." Harm gently shook Mac's shoulder to rouse her from her nap. Another piece to the puzzle: Mac never took naps. "The plane will be landing in twenty minutes." His eyes traveled over her beautiful face and took in the mussed up hair and groggy eyes. Her uniform jacket was slightly askew. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled sleepily at him, reminding him of the morning after. His gut tightened.

"I guess I was more tired than I thought." She sat up straight and smoothed her jacket. "I'll just go freshen up a bit before we land." Mac was gone for only a few minutes and returned looking like a regulation Marine once again.

"Mac, can we talk?"

"What's on your mind, Harm?"

"Well, there are a few inconsistencies I'd like to ask you about." He wasn't sure where to begin.

She nodded and held his gaze.

"Well, first of all, I could swear you were relieved to be on an assignment this weekend." He tapped his pen on his knee.

"So?" Mac continued to look at him, realizing that the jig was up. "Your point being?"

"My point is that you've been separated from your boyfriend for three months and you get sick on the day of his return, probably postponing any kind of happy reunion until the weekend—this weekend."

"I told you we had a falling out." She kept looking steadily at him. "Besides, a person can't help it if they get sick."

"That's my second point. You're not just a person—you're a Marine. A Marine who never gets sick, yet, you claim to have had a small bout of food poisoning. You've eaten insects, Mac. You've got a cast iron stomach. I know it would take a lot for you to get food poisoning. Not to mention, airsickness. In all the times we've flown together, yeah sure, you didn't really enjoy it, but you never ever tossed your cookies like you did today."

"You've got me there, Harm. What can I say? Keep going, this is very interesting." She smiled at him.

"Well, that little snooze you just took. We work long hours, Mac. Your body is used to a high level of activity and you're able to go days without sleep if you have to."

She was pretty proud of her track record and glad that Harm had noticed. She smiled again, disarming him for a moment. "You're right, again, Harm. And your conclusion, Counselor?"

"That's just it. I haven't got one."

"Well, let me ask you this: What could affect any woman in any way no matter who she was?" She waited and watched as his mind systematically chose and then discarded answers. She knew the exact moment that he realized...

~ To be continued...