Gale-Dragon: Epilogue time. :-)




*With the Separatist*

Ventress and Grievous have been pondering about what Dooku said about the mission to capture the Technopath was Ventress' mission, but Grievous was the one who received the mission. Was there a malfunction in the message? No, then it wouldn't have affected all three of the messages. Boy, was this an enigma.

A droid walked in and said "Count Dooku wants to see you two," then it walked away. The two looked at each other and went to see the Count.

"You wanted to see us Count Dooku?" Ventress asked Dooku, who was looking at a profile holo-thingy (1).

"I did, and I think we should cease capture of the Technopath," Dooku said looking at the file. Both Ventress and Grievous shouted "WHAT?! Why?"

Dooku didn't look up from the file and said "Apparently, the Technopath that the Republic has is not really all that bright. Take a look at his I.Q score," as he tossed the holo-file to the duo. They looked at the blue bordered file; it was a short I.Q file on Zonnarin Telvark. Both were surprised by the score: it was 57. The Technopath that defeated them had an I.Q of 57. This was way beyond humiliating. They couldn't believe it.

"If that Technopath has such a low I.Q, then there's no point in capturing him," Dooku said turning away from the two. Ventress and Grievous looked at each other, and then back at Dooku.

'That brat MUST have gotten lucky to have defeated us,' they thought looking at the file with the picture of the smiling blue Nautolan.


Some of the droids found the 'surprise' Telvark left on the half destroyed Republican cursor and started to walk in a straight line with green static around their heads and infecting any passing droid. As each newly infected droid, the line got bigger, until every single droid on the ship was infected. Now the droids were headed towards the control room where Dooku, Ventress, and Grievous were.

*The Republican Planet with Skywalker*

Skywalker was just baffled. He, some Jedi, and clones were looking at the same file that the Separatist were looking at just a moment ago.

"How in the world can Telvark have an I.Q of 57? When he single-handedly created a new system of travel, defeated Ventress and Grievous so easily, and found out that Heartless Killer Aphrodite was posing at Master Fisto. This just doesn't make sense," Skywalker stated. And everyone in the room agreed. As if on cue Fisto walked in the room and was messing up a Rubix cube. Fisto looks up from the jumbled cube to see, well what do you think.

"Don't believe that Zon-Zon has an I.Q of 57?" was all Fisto said as he continued to mix-up the cube's colors. Everyone nodded. Absolutely no one believed that Telvark had such a low I.Q. Fisto smiled and said "Good because he doesn't," Okay, now everyone was confused. Fisto walked to the screen and asked a clone to hold the cube and jumble it a bit. "Zon made a neat false file on top of his real file, just to throw people off," Fisto explained as he touched the 57 when he did 5 different numbers replaced the file; 56, 59, 78, 45, and 47. "Zon got creative when he made the passwords to his real file," Fisto said as he ordered the numbers from least to greatest. After a few seconds, the blue border turned dark green. Everyone blinked, but Fisto just rearranged the order from greatest to least. After a few seconds, the dark green border became light purple. Fisto arranged the numbers yet again, but this time it was 56, 45, 78, 59, and 47. The frame was now wooden brown. Fisto placed the numbers back in their original order, now the edging was black with white dots. This time Fisto made a smiley with the numbers the two lowest being the eyes and the remaining three numbers where the smile. "Zon-Zon figured that no one would get the last one without him telling them," Fisto explained. Somehow no one was really surprised by this. Now the numbers were replaced by an I.Q file with Zon's full name on it, basically the same format as before, only this time the I.Q score was waaaaaaay different.

"No way," said a lot of the people present in the room. The I.Q test score was now 250, a really big difference from the fake file.

"Yeah, Zon-Zon said the I.Q tests were boring and too easy, so he doodled on them," Fisto explained. The others looked at him weirdly. "They do make a cool picture when you put them together," Fisto finished with a smile.

"You telling us that Telvark flunked the I.Q tests because it was boring?" Windu just didn't understand how anyone could fail an important I.Q test and on purpose no less.

"It was probably his Autism, but I think it mainly the fact that most the questions on the I.Q tests were memory based, at least that's what Zon-Zon said," Fisto explained. A clone was about to ask a question, but Fisto seemed to have the answer to the unsaid question and said "One of the people who were testing Zon-Zon overheard him to tell me that, so they changed the tests into games, major differences between the two," Fisto explained. Again everyone wasn't that surprised, but then again this is Zon Telvark they're talking about.

Telvark floated into the room, with a big grin on his face. "My little surprise has been activated," Telvark said with the grin still on his face.

"You mean the one you left for the Separatist?" Skywalker asked. Telvark nodded, as he pulled up a screen of Ventress, Grievous, and Dooku chatting. "You hacked into the Separatist security system?" Skywalker asked looked at the smiling Technopath.

"No, I just left a mini-cam in the control room. Besides their security stinks," Telvark said with a smile. Well, can't say no one saw this coming.

"Exactly what is the Surprise?" Kenobi asked the smiling Technopath. He didn't reply as he happily expanded the screen, so everyone could see and typed something on the keyboard that sent the images to every open link to the other clones and Jedi.

Telvark just kept on smiling as he said "Show time,"

*Back with the Separatists*

The three villains were talking about the supposed communication error between the three. Dooku was having a hard time buying the whole story, no surprise there.

The doors suddenly opened up and the whole droid army walked in (wow, must be a HUGE control room). Dooku was odiously not thrilled, Ventress was surprised, and Grievous shouted at the droids to get out, which didn't work.

The droids formed an oval around the trio giving a very unpleasant atmosphere.

Suddenly they joined hands and sang "~Ring Around the Rosy Pocket Full of Posies~" and they were dancing around the baffled Separatist trio. "~Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall~" The droids continued to sing but was they got to the word 'Down' they all powered down, as well as fell down.

"What just happened?" Grievous asked Ventress, who shrugged in reply.

"Remind me to get the droids looked at," Dooku said still baffled by the Droids sudden dance craze.

*Back to our heroes*

Everyone was laughing, and by everyone, I mean EVERYONE in the Republic, at the nice little 'Ring around the Rosy' dance that the droids performed, who knew droids could dance. Now everyone knew what the 'surprise' was: a dancing virus, funny.

"Oh man, that's too funny," Skywalker said after wiping a tear from his eye. Soon everyone got a hold of themselves. Telvark had a big grin on his face. Fisto finished mixing up the Rubix cube.

"Here," Fisto handed the Rubix to Telvark, who happily started to look at it, and then Fisto added "Hopefully that'll keep you busy for a while,"

Telvark started to move the blocks. In under two minutes, all the same colors were back together, and Telvark finished with a 'done' and a smile. Fisto smiled and said "Or not,"

Now it was clear, Telvark did have an I.Q over 200, he wasn't stupid (he just acted like a kid), and he did have Autism. Everyone just guessed an Autistic Technopathic wiz and genius Zon is the best that he is, as himself.

~Epilogue End~

Gale-Dragon: Now the Story is done. Any questions, just ask :-)