Disclaimer: I do not own D. Gray-Man.

A/N: Seriously, though...with that short hair, Lenalee looks like such a boy...it's kinda hot...*puts on serious, pondering face, Cromartie-style*

Oh...and these two have a 10-year age difference...I did not know that...

Title: Gothic Princess Love Hour

Genre: Romance/General

Rating: T

Pairing: Lenalee Lee X Miranda Lotto

Summary: As ironic as it may have sounded, Miranda knew that her time with Lenalee was painfully limited. She wanted to enjoy every last second she had with the younger girl. 20 random sentences of Miranda X Lenalee. Yuri, shoujo ai, lesbian, femmeslash. Please R & R!

1. Time

As ironic as it may have sounded, Miranda knew that her time with Lenalee was painfully limited.

2. Kiss

Miranda felt the blood rush to her pale cheeks as Lenalee's soft, warm lips pressed upon her skin; she had never expected the younger girl to be so daring as to make the first move.

3. Name

It took Miranda a rather long time before she finally knew how to exactly spell Lenalee's name.

4. Chocolate

Sweet yet bitter, heavenly yet sinful, seductive, sexy and delicious—all the aforementioned descriptions apply to both chocolates and Lenalee to her.

5. Pain

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry I can only hold back the pain for so long...I wish I could do something so you would never have to feel any pain ever again...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry..."

6. Comfort

Miranda had little to no experience in comforting one who was even more depressed than her, but she knew she had to try. She couldn't stand seeing her darling Lenalee cry any longer.

7. Age

Miranda was 26, and Lenalee was 16. It was the most agonizing two years they ever had to endure before it was considered legal for them to make love.

8. Market

As they walk hand in hand through the aisles of the market, Miranda silently prayed that this day would never end.

9. Hair

She ran her greasy hands through the younger girl's beautiful raven-black locks, wondering why she won't wake up. There's blood leaking down her temple, but she just ignores it and continues to wait.

10. Sorrow

After spending just an hour of conversation with Lenalee, Miranda came to realize that her sorrow was nothing compared to this poor girl's.

11. Near

Lenalee didn't feel completely safe unless Miranda was near.

12. Birthday

Miranda was the only one who did not need to bring a present to Lenalee's birthday party. Her "gift" was being saved for later...

13. Breath

Lenalee listened closely to her lover's soft, gentle breathing for a few minutes before drifting off to sleep alongside her.

14. Wedding

Upon seeing Miranda in a handsome black tuxedo on their wedding day, Lenalee began to wonder just how long it would take for her to rip it all off once they got back to the bedroom.

15. Smirk

When Lenalee came forth to Allen about her relationship with Miranda, the white-haired boy just smirked. "I kinda had a feeling you two were together..."

16. War

The war against the Akuma was slowly eating away at Lenalee's sanity, and it seemed that only Miranda noticed this.

17. Complete

The day just wasn't complete without a rowdy, inappropriately loud make-out session in the closet.

18. Sex

It certainly wasn't what Lenalee had originally expected, to be sure.

19. Tears

Every time she saw Lenalee cry, Miranda would just instinctively begin crying with her. It was a rather bad habit.

20. Gay

"Brother...I'm...I'm...I'm a lesbian,"

Komui was not seen again for the next few days. All he left in his absence was a note saying he needed to go buy a stool and some rope.