
Chapter 5: Hell Follows

Dean raised the barrel of his Browning 1911 pistol up to his eye level. The grip on his trigger shaking fearfully. He glared angrily at his target who looked terrified to see such a weapon. He couldn't care less about the look on her face, he was sick and tired of these nightmares. Disgusted from the remembering of his sins and the horrors that he had inflicted on others. A cold reminder of how easily he broke under the influence of hell, of how far he had fallen. Even now he could hear the whispers of the Saico Faangurl in his ear, Bela's voice, he tried everything he could to forget to no avail.

She was in the corner, her hands raised in a sign of nonaggression, shivering. "Please…" stuttered Beatrice, her arms raised in defense, her back pressed firmly against the wall. "Agent Murdock, why are you doing this?"

Dean said nothing, it was taking all of his willpower to ignore the voices in his head. The voices swam throughout his

"Kill her,"

"Can you resist her?"

"Take her, you know you want her."

"She's no Bela."

"Blood and sex…"

"Hell follows soon…."

He tightened the grip on his pistol.

"Don't play dumb bitch." Snarled Dean. "I know what you are. I just can't figure out how you're doing what you do. Doesn't matter anyways, it ends here."

"What are you talking about?" sobbed Beatrice, the brown curls of her hair with each cry. "Please just let me go, I won't tell any one about this. I promise."

"Enough." Growled Dean grabbing her by the wrist and pressing the gun to her chin, "Enough of the crap…" His voice suddenly sounded like music to him, his vision slowly became blurry. What was happening to him? Legs failed him causing him to buckle down to his knees. His breath suddenly became ragged and labored.

Beatrice walked up to him and smiled. Her face calm and serene The tears in her eyes dried as they narrowed into an arrogantly devious gaze. "You're right." She said. The fear in her voice had evaporated the moment Dean fell to his knees. Her tone suddenly became more sensual and seductive. "Time to drop the games. You know who I am, what I am." Her hair was beginning to change from a straight brown to a more wild and wavy crimson color. Her skin went from a pale tone of milky white to a darker shade of caramel. Blue eyes became green eyes. Her entire presence exuded a fine air of elegance and beauty, even from the way she stood and talked."Wanna know something about us Saico Faangurls?" she purred sensually as she cupped Dean's chin. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen before in his life. "We're never satisfied. We love and love and love until our mate dies from exhaustion. Then we find another to love again. We're so…lonely."

"Bite me." Growled Dean through tightly gritted teeth trying to pull himself away from her, his hand slowly reaching for his knife. Silver, dipped in holy water, hopefully it'll be enough to exterminate her. He slashed at her, a futile effort, she caught his arm and flung him across the room.

Beatrice frowned before she seemingly glided over to him. "Ooh resistance." She teased pulling Dean closer to him. Her breath, hot and musky "You're the first one." Her voice was like music slowly drowning him. Her scent like nothing he had ever smelled before. Intoxicating all of his senses. "What's wrong? Is it my appearance. Dean blinked, and suddenly she was Bela once again. The same amber colored hair, the same green eyes, everything. "Or do you prefer me like this?" even her voice changed. "Do you prefer a women who makes you feel stupid? A women who surpasses you in every conceivable way?" Her hair suddenly blazed out into a fiery red, a burst of sunlight in this place of hell. Her skin turned pale, the color of milk, her body thin and wispy. Anna Milton, the angel. "Or do you prefer a piece of the sacred fruit. Does it help you think that you're worthy of redemption?" Dean felt sick to his stomach. "After everything you've done?"

She changed again, this time tan skin, full lips, a thin yet well toned body and long flowing chocolate brown hair. Lisa Braden. "Or do you prefer a slice of the normalcy. A life of peace that you'll never have." She whispered. "A family. Someone to love? Isn't that why you pulled your brother away from his life? You couldn't stand the fact that he was normal, that he was happy without you, could you? You knew that you were perfectly capable of finding your father on your own. You just couldn't handle the fact that he was happy, that he had somebody while you had nothing. You hated how he was fulfilled while you were still this empty shell of a man."

Dean felt his throat sink into his stomach as he realized just how true her words are. He had hated this life that he had been forced into, hated the killings, the endless violence, the pain, everything. But most of all, he hated the fact that it never ended, there was always another battle to be fought, another scumbag who made him lose his faith in humanity, another idiot who had invoked the wrong demon at the wrong time, another douchebag who pissed off the wrong ghost, another monster killing good innocent people. None of it mattered.

"What do I want? I want what you want. The reason for my entire existence is to serve you." Chuckled Beatrix, a soft slender finger drew circles on his chest. "I can be whatever you want." She whispered softly, her breath was sweet and cool, burning his skin cold with each word. "Just tell me what you want."

"Peace…" he breathed through his teeth, the knife clanked loudly as it dropped to the ground.


Beatrice smiled as she shifted back to her human skin. A soft change, one that he had barely noticed.

"Come…" she whispered holding out her hand. "I can give you everything you want. Everything you've been waiting for."

With shivering hands Dean took it. Black shadows overtook him.

The Impala was a magnificent machine, it ran smoother than the majority of the modern cars during the few times and much faster than any foreign car that Sam had ever driven or stolen. Right now even the Impala's impressive speed did not seem fast enough to the younger Winchester. Dean was possessed by the Saico Faangurl, and Sam had no idea how to help "Things will work out." Sam told himself as he steadily increased his foot's pressure on the gas pedal and sped up. It was the only thing he could tell himself. Sam prayed to whatever deity would listen that Ruby had a plan because he sure as hell didn't. Bobby had mentioned a few things about the Saico Faangurl which Sam thought would come in handy.

"The Saico Faangurl is obsessive, it learns everything there is to know about its victim, sucks their soul out then moves onto the next person. It bonds to its victim by implanting a fraction of its soul into their If you want to kill it, you have to break its bond with its victim first. You kill it before then and everyone that's bonded to it dies along with the Saico Faangurl." Claimed Bobby.

His cellphone rang in his pocket

"Ruby where are you?"

"Outside, let's just say that I'm prepping for the worst."

"Please tell me you have a plan."

"I figured we'd just try winging it first." Her voice was half joking

He stepped harder on the gas, praying that he wasn't too late.

Ruby didn't like the fact that she had to do this spell, truth be told she wasn't even sure that this spell and the incantation that went with it would even work. She wished that she hadn't lent the Winchesters her demon-killing knife. She quickly added the owl talon into the dark oak bowl that she had been using to make the Hex bag. She crushed the talon into a fine powder with a grinder before pouring the fine powder into a dark leather hex bag and sealed it tightly. Taking a breath to calm herself she wrapped a thin leather cord around the top of the bag. "A grenade." She muttered half amused at the thought. One good throw and the ingredients would spill all over the Saico Faangurl weakening her enough for the incantation to send the bitch back to whatever hell hole she had dragged herself out of. One of the benefits of being a rogue demon and a former witch, a large knowledge of information of the occult.

A finger brushed a stray lock of chocolate brown hair out of her right eye. Even after six months she had yet to get used to being 4 inches shorter than her previous meat suit. She had liked the blonde vessel, it was a pretty one, no doubt previously inhabited by it really was a shame that that bitch Lilith had stolen it from her. But this body would do, it was this body that proved to Sam, how serious she was about killing Lilith. This body that had slayed so many of her lackies, and this body that had become one with his. She wasn't ready for this. Too much was swimming in her mind. Castiel's talk with her had thrown her off. Absent mindedly she fingered the necklace around her neck, a gold cross. A demon from hell wearing a cross. Even the Lord himself would laugh at the sad irony of that situation.

No, not a demon. Something else.

She was something else, neither human nor demon but something new entirely.

But definitely not an angel.

"A light, what the hell is that even supposed to mean?" she muttered to herself. Lost in her own thoughts. Too many thoughts, not enough action.


She turned to face Sam, quickly putting on her mask of cocky confidence and smart-ass remarks. "Ready to go help your dumbass brother?"

He nodded, his green eyes a mix of readiness and uneasiness. It didn't matter to him that she had insulted Dean, the fact that she was here to help was more than he could possibly ask for.

They found her in her office, sipping a cup of coffee. The room bore a sickly yellow glow in it, electrical devices flickered on and off throughout the room. Her eyes held within them the tiniest hint of arrogance, the type of arrogance only found in a person expecting absolute victory. "Hello Detective Murdoch….or should I say…Sam Winchester." Beatrice said with a devious smile rising from her desk. "And Ruby, I'm surprised that you've managed to elude Lilith's assasins for so long…"

"What do you want?" growled Sam.

"What do I want, I wan-"

Sam's gun was already drawn, three bullets right into her chest, just as his father had taught him when he was young. Let the bitch run her mouth, let her give him the perfect chance to shoot her. "Ouch." She said clutching her chest. Soft wisps of smoke rose from the points of impacts. "That stung…but it'll take more than a lot more than iron bullets and rock salt to hurt me little boy." Suddenly she was upon him, her hand tightly gripping his neck. Choking the very life out of him. "I liked that blouse." Her grip tightened.

"Ruby…" coughed Sam, his lungs burned for air, his throat ached for release and air as he struggled to break her hold on his neck. "RUBY!"

The hex bag burst upon impact with Beatrice spilling the powders all over her body. She dropped Sam in surprise. Screams of agony suddenly filled the air as the effects of the hex bag began to take in. Her skin bubbled with heat, steam rose from her pores as she burned, her eyes cried crimson tears of blood. Ruby's eyes glowed black with demonic power as she concentrated. "Saico Faangurl, uoy deen ot teg a efil. Pots gnitirw os ynam hsals scif." She murmured her arm outstretched. Beatrice fell to the ground howling with agony. "Saico Faangurl, uoy deen ot teg a efil. Pots gnitirw os ynam hsals scif."

Beatrix screamed a high pitch wail of agonizing pain. Her body's appearance shifting from appearance to appearance. Lisa Braden, Anna, Bela, Madison, Jessica, other women that Sam didn't recognize.

" Saico Faangurl, uoy deen ot teg a efil. Pots gnitirw os ynam hsals scif."

The lights in the room were starting to return, less flickering. The scent of sulfur was suddenly displaced by the smell of burning flesh filled Sam's nostrils, a disgustingly putrid scent.

"Saico Faangurl, uoy deen ot teg a efil. Pots gnitirw os ynam hsals scif."

Beatrice began to thrash about in pain, her limbs bent and contoured in directions that limbs should not be bent in.

"Saico Faangurl, uoy deen ot teg a efil. Pots gnitirw os yna-"


Ruby crumbled to the floor in pain. Almost instantaneously Beatrice recovered, her skin transforming from a bubbled burnt red to a more refined rose red color Sam quickly turned his head towards Ruby's direction Standing above Ruby's fallen body was Dean, his hands tightly gripped a fire extinguisher. His eyes bore the tiniest hint of obsession and rage. He turned to Sam, a devious smile on his face.

"Dean…" Said Sam, reaching for his gun. He quickly scanned the room for Beatrice. She was already healing up, bullet softly falling to the floor as her wounds healed. The exorcism attempt had failed. "C'mon man. This isn't you. She's controlling you Dean, fight it! "

Dean was silent before he hurled the fire extinguisher at him. Sam quickly rolled out of the way before the extinguisher smashed into the wooden wall sending splinters flying everywhere. BAM! A bullet narrowly missed him by three inches, burrowing itself into the drywall with ease. BAM! BAM! Glass from the window above Sam rained down upon hum, showering him with shallow cuts and scrapes. The situation had suddenly gotten out of hand. He needed to do something quick before Dean ended up accidentally killing him. Or vice versa.

Bobby's words suddenly echoed through his head.

"It bonds to its victim by implanting a fraction of its soul into their If you want to kill it, you have to break its bond with its victim first."

Break bond? Was that like exorcising a demon? No, he had sworn never to use those powers again…But this was Dean. His Brother.

He had to risk it.

He closed his eyes and focused. Pulled towards the darkness from within him, the twisted, hated essence that had been given to him by that Yellowed-Eyed son of a bitch. He gathered the essence towards the calm center of his soul, struggling to keep it from consuming him. It was always like this, always fighting to keep that putrid blackness from devouring him from the inside whenever he called upon its power. It came not in a trickle but in a torrent of overwhelming power, he had drawn this much of the darkness within him twice. Once when he had exorcised Samhain from the body of that dead science teacher, once when he attempted to send Alastair back to hell.

Then he drew more.

He focused the wild power into a single ball, compressed it into a controllable form, a ball of controlled chaos, of controlled destruction. And with a single breath he unleashed such power from within him.

Beatrix's eyes widened when she realized what Sam was trying to do. "NO!" she screeched diving for Sam. Dean screamed in pain as the blast hit him, as if they were two connected puppets, Beatrix flew into the wall, crumbling own in pain. Dean clutched his chest as he felt the force emanating from his brother burn its way into his very soul. Tearing at something within him. NO! Her love was being torn from him. He struggled to hold onto it, hold onto the peace that he craved.


Sam increased the intensity, grabbed hold more of the blackness within him, feeling sicker and sicker as he struggled to maintain his control over the power, maintain the ball, maintain the control. The ball of darkness within him was starting to distort, lose its shape, its control. "Dammit Dean…." Growled Sam, he could feel his blood boiling within him. He had never felt like this before, the pain almost breaking his control over the power and still he drew even more of the blackness from within him.

"AGGH!" screamed Sam as he let loose with one final massive burst of his power, desperately trying to keep his mind off of the pain that was surging throughout his body. The blackness felt like it was trying to rip him apart from the inside out. Fire burned through his veins, lava filled his lungs, he was burning.




Dean suddenly felt it, like his heart and soul had been ripped from his chest. Like a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Like the awakening from a dream. Clarity. Awareness. Then he saw her. Her back was turned to him, silently standing in distant field of massive golden sunflowers. A brilliant radiance shone down upon her from the heavens giving her a golden aura. Bright amber hair danced alongside the breeze, her emerald eyes shone brilliantly as she turned to face him, a soft smile decorated her delicate

features. Bela. Beautiful.

"Dean. Have you forgiven yourself yet?" She asked softly, her voice was music. Melodic, like the rumble he heard every time he started the Impala, like the soulful strum of a guitar. Classic rock, not that new age douchey My Chemical Romance and Justin Bieber crap. "I've already forgiven you. There is still much that you need to do…"

She faded back into white, was it Heaven? Or was it somewhere else?

Dean awoke to the sound of screaming.

"SAM! SAM!" screamed a female voice. He looked to see Ruby squatting by Sam, desperately trying to keep his entire body from thrashing. He immediately ran over."What's going on?" he asked in a frantic voice. Sam's eyes were black weeping tears of blood, veins along the side of his head had grown to the size of pencils threatened to burst without warning. "What the hell is going on with him?"

"I don't know!" exclaimed Ruby her voice cracked with fear and worry. "There's never been someone like Sam before. So NO ONE has experienced this before!"

Ruby's eyes widened when she noticed Dean reaching for his gun. She didn't have time to reach for her knife when Dean let loose with three shots which whizzed past her ear and into the chest of Beatrix causing her to stumble back in surprise. Ruby turned around in shock. "Take care of him." Growled Dean getting up. "I have some unfinished business to deal with."

Dean let loose with three more bullets, three more holes in her chest, along with his three and Sam's three, that had made nine. Nothing. "Dean…WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME?" she screamed angrily, windows and lights shattering with the sheer force of her scream. "LOVE ME DEAN LIKE I LOVE YOU!" she screamed blowing Dean through a wall into the next room with blast of telekinesis sending him crashing into a large file cabinet.

"Bitch, you are out of your damn mind. Get it into that thick head of yours, I don't love you and get a life you whiny, overbearing, needy skank." Growled Dean, he reached behind him and felt around for his hunting knife. Beatrix screeched angrily before she dived towards Dean, her beautiful features suddenly becoming distorted. Her rows of even teeth suddenly became long curved as if she had spent months filing them into sharp points, her flawless skin became cracked like stone, her lush hair, suddenly became shaggy and beast like.

"LOVE ME!" screamed Beatrix

Dean stabbed downward into her neck, the blade of the knife sheathing itself up to the hilt into her neck. She howled in pain as she dropped to the ground. Dean scrambled to get up before delivering a powerful kick to her face sending her flying. His eyes quickly traveled to a massive red box nailed to the wall. In Case of Fire. An elbow to the glass panel shattered the casing that protected the massive red fire axe that it stored. Beatrix had just managed to pull the knife out of her neck when she noticed Dean charging at her with the axe. Her eyes widened in shock when she saw the axe swing. Her eyes remained that way, wide and terrified, when the axe blade smashed itself into her neck, burying it's way through her neck. Her mouth opened in a silent final scream of terror as the axe slashed through skin, through muscle, through tendon, cleaving it's way through bone before finally exiting on the other side of her neck.

Her head dropped to the ground with a nearly soundless thud, followed by her body, no blood squirted out of the stump that had once housed the insane head of a Saico Faangurl, another sign of her soulless existence. Her eyes glazed over with the emptiness of death."You were right, Sam." Muttered Dean as he collapsed to the floor in exhaustion. "We could always cut off her head."

Ruby watched helplessly Sam howled in pain, thrashing violently as the convulsions got worse and worse. "Stay calm." She muttered, there had to be something she could do. It was the demon blood, no doubt about it, burning its way through Sam. He would either die or turn into something else completely. That was when Castiel's words echoed through the panicked recesses of her mind: "Your soul carries a light amongst the dark void that formed from your time stayed in hell. This light, whatever it may be, has prevented the total corruption of your soul. Yet the darkness means that that you aren't human either. You are something completely different."

The words lingered as Ruby debated the gamble, demon blood, not demon blood, something else's. It was worth the risk.

Sam was worth the risk.

"Don't hate me for this Sam." She mumbled under her breath as she pulled a knife from her boot. Sam's eyes widened in shock. Cursing under her breath as she cut across her hand. Sam let out a scream of pain, plenty of time for Ruby to force the wound on her hand across his mouth, blood spilling into his mouth like water being poured from a bottle. Choking on the blood as it flooded into him, visions filled his mind's eye. A life, not his own, lived. It washed over him, a life lived, one of mistakes, sadness, happiness, anger, despair and hope, a life all lived by someone else. Vivid visions of horses, cottages, peasants, nobles knights and ancient times lost within the streams of time, through her eyes.


Her memories all mixing with his forming a brilliant coalescent stream of knowledge. Of wisdom. Her memories were his memories. Her joy became his joy. Her sorrow became his sorrow.

Her past became his past.

Sam gasped and choked as the blazing pain within him slowly subsided, cracks and cricks in his body popped back into place as his bones somehow repaired themselves, sinews, muscles and tendons all regenerated, pain disappeared. The ball of raging darkness within him disappeared, changing into something else completely. Was it Light? Had his body been healed?

"Ruby." Sa choked out in between rapid shallow breaths of air. "What the hell just happened?"

Ruby shook her head, what could she possibly tell him. Explain that she wasn't exactly a demon nor human, and she gambled his life on him drinking her blood? What was there for her to do?

She ran.

The beer tasted like piss. Piss poor beer in a piss poor town after a piss poor night. Yet it was the only booze he was able to find, so Dean continued to down it. The voices were gone. Thank God. But the memories of hell and guilt still remained. He hated remembering. That crazy bitch had done more damage than she could have possibly imagined. At the very least, he was now free of her influence and the nightmares that she had inflicted upon her. The memories of being possessed were hazy, was this how it was like when Sam got possessed? No matter. He knew that he was still seeing Ruby behind his back. He still didn't trust her, but for now he could accept her as an ally. After all, she did help save his life. So for now he would accept her as whatever the hell she was.

He took another swig of his beer. Truth be told, he hated drinking. He hated drinking to bury his problems even more, but right now he was lost without the liquor. He sat atop of the Impala debating on whether or not he should call him out. Screw it.

"CAS!" yelled Dean.

The sound of fluttering wings filled the air for only the briefest second.

"Hello Dean."

Dean turned to find Castiel standing along the side of the Impala. As always he wore the wrinkled suit and tan trenchcoat of his vessel. The vessel's face was unshaven and hard, an expression devoid of any emotion. Of any humanity.

"Want a beer?" asked Dean holding up the sixpack of beer he had gotten at the corner store.

Castiel gave him an even harder look than usual.

"Just kidding."

"Why have you called me here, Dean." asked Castiel, his monotone voice bore within it the slightest hint of impatience.

"I need a favor." Said Dean, "There's a women, Bela. I want you to pull her out of hell."

Castiel shook his head. "You know I can't do that Dean."

"And why not?" snarled Dean angrily hurling the bottle of beer at Cas, it disintegrated into nothingness before it even reached him. "You did it for me!"

"You're different." Replied Castiel as he walked over to the Impala, even his movements seemed inhuman. "Heaven has need for you."

"And what about her? She was given a shitty situation, child molestor dad and an abusive mother. She was tempted by a demon for a better life. What choice did she have? What could she have done? What makes me so special? What made me worth saving?"

"The Lord never gives us more than we can handle." Said Castiel as he placed a hand upon Dean's back, "Everything that you need to succeed has already been given to you. He wants you to be strong enough to rise above any and all hardships that he may give you."

Dean looked over, tears in his eyes.

"Forgive yourself." Said Castiel, his tone was sympathetic. Sympathy from an angel, the irony was almost enough to make him laugh. "Live for both her and yourself, you're no good to anyone when you pity yourself."

Another flutter of wings, almost as quiet as a soft breeze and he was gone.


"Okay! Okay! I'm coming." Cried Ruby in an annoyed tone of voice. She opened the door of her motel to find Sam. Suddenly she wished that she wore more than a pair of baby blue short shorts and a white tank top. Weird. She normally didn't care much for modesty. "Hi."

"Hi." A brief period of silence that seemed to stretch onto forever. "Can we talk?"

Ruby looked away before she nodded, biting her lower lip nervously as she did so.

"So…I have memories in my head that don't belong to me."

Ruby's eyes widened.

"I'm not sure what exactly happened last night." Began Sam, "I do know that I never want to use those powers again after what happened."

"Sam listen…." She started before she hesitated, how could she explain what she herself did not understand?

"I feel different. Like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest. Like the darkness that's been eating away at me has been dispersed…changed into something else."

"Sam, you were drying and I did what I thought needed to be done to save you." Said Ruby, "Whatever's happened to you…I'm sorry."

Sam let out a deep breath. "It's fine…Dean says thank you for saving his life."

"Dean said thank you?" asked Ruby raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms.

Sam let out a chuckle. "Well, he said that we did good work…which is about as good as it gets with him." He looked at her and wondered just how she really looked. The body that she was inhabiting wasn't exactly her's to begin with, a coma victim that she had chosen to possess in order to interact with the human world. But nonetheless, he found her brown hair and green eyes to be aesthetically pleasing to his eyes. "Yeah, but Dean still doesn't trust you."


"Yeah, Ruby?"

"Fuck what your brother thinks of me." She said before leaping into his arms and kissing him deeply. Her arms quickly wrapping themselves behind his neck, her legs around his waist as she deepened the kiss catching Sam by surprise. Sam reciprocated as he carried her into the motel room and closed the door behind them.

Dean could wait.

The sound of fluttering wings was the only thing that alerted Castiel to his companion's presence.

"He feels guilt." Declared Castiel, meeting on a rooftop was his companion's idea.

"He should. He has much to make up for." Replied his companion, her voice female.

"Guilt is easy, redemption is much more difficult."

Castiel nodded. "Trying to achieve redemption, you of all people should know that better than anyone."

A soft chuckle.

"You know what you have to do, you know why we brought you back." Castiel said turning to face his companion. "Bela."

The body wasn't hers, nor did it even come close to resembling her former appearance. Rather than voluptuous and beautiful, this vessel was plump and plain looking, a step down from what Bela was used to. But nonetheless, she made do."Yes, yes, you angels and your tasks for us poor mortals."

"Not many of Heaven's forces know that I pulled you out of hell that day. But we need you if we are to stop Lilith." Said Castiel, "Are you satisfied with Dean Winchester's guilt?"

"Guilt is easy, redemption is harder." She reiterated.

"You were the one who communicated with Dean during his confrontation with the Saico Faangurl weren't you? You placed those visions in his head after he was freed from her influence"

Bela nodded. "He needed a little….encouraging."

"Just find the Colt." Said Castiel.

"And then will I get my real wings? Rather than these training wheels you slapped onto me" asked Bela.

Castiel glared. "When you deserve them."

The flutter of wings was the only sound Castiel heard as Bela disappeared.

"Hell follows soon…" he whispered as he stared off into the distance. The sun was just beginning to set upon the horizon.

Night was coming.

A/N: I apologize for the massive amount of time it took for me to complete this chapter on account of my graduating college and now working. I hope you liked it. Also I apologize to any My Chemical Romance fans that I may have offended.

Read and Review.