AUTHOR'S NOTES: Hello everyone! I've decided that at the end of every fanfic I write, I will have a wrap party where the characters and I discuss what went on and review the, well, reviews that the story received. Any misconceptions any readers may have had will also be cleared up (or at least I'll try to do that). Okay, here we go!

NOTE: All "Wrap Parties" will be written in script form.

ebony-ivory-me: Yayz! What a great story!

Kyou: What the hell are you talking about?! That was a horrible story!

ebony-ivory-me: Well, maybe for you; but all the readers loved it, right? *crickets chirping* *face falls*

Yuki: I'd like to file a complaint.

Hatsuharu: Yes, so would I.

ebony-ivory-me: What do you two want?

Yuki: I believe I was too OOC. There's absolutely no chance I would ever be even remotely friendly to the stupid Cat.

Kyou: Yeah! And- hey! Don't you call me stupid, you damn rat!

Yuki & Kyou: *fighting*

ebony-ivory-me: Oh dear. Well, while they handle that, why don't you tell me what's bothering you, Haru?

Hatsuharu: You gave me too much dialogue. I didn't like that.

ebony-ivory-me: ...Sorry? Here, have a cupcake. *hands Haru a cupcake* Just don't turn black, okay?

Hatsuharu: *mumbles* Chocolate. *munches on cupcake*

ebony-ivory-me: Okay, now, does anyone else have a beef with me?

Shigure: Excuse the pun, but I have a bone to pick with you. *smirks*

ebony-ivory-me: *sarcastic* Oh, you're so hilarious.

Shigure: I'm upset because you made me too mean! I would never yell at my lovely little housewife. *huggles Tohru*

Tohru: Wah?!

Kyou: *jumps out of his fight with Yuki* What'd you call her?! *pushes Tohru away and grabs Shigure by his shirt front*

Shigure: Nothing, nothing... *whispers: the little kitten is so possessive*

Kyou: I heard that! Stop... twisting my words around!

ebony-ivory-me: *sighs* So much violence in the world...

Akito: *taps ebony's shoulder*

ebony-ivory-me: Huh-? Holy crap! Akito! Uh, wh-what can I do for you? *nervous*

Akito: I don't appreciate you instigating so much gender confusion concerning myself.

ebony-ivory-me: Ah, that. Well, um, I think maybe you should take that up with the original manga-ka of Fruits Basket and the producers and
director of the Fruits Basket anime.

Akito: Humph. *walks away mumbling* ...ugliest girl I've ever seen...

ebony-ivory-me: So mean...

Yuki: *crawls out from the corner he hid in when Akito came* Here, we've wasted enough time already. *hands ebony a paper with reviews on it*

ebony-ivory-me: Yes, thank you! Alrighty, then! Let's start with... my very first reveiw and then work our way down the list!

Yuki: There's not much else way to do it, smart one.

ebony-ivory-me: Leave me alone! I am your current authoress, so be respectful.

Yuki: Like you deserve any of my respect.

ebony-ivory-me: Just be quiet so I can read and reply to the reviews!

Yuki: *looks with attitude* ...

ebony-ivory-me: Thank you. Now, Princess of the Hawks said "I enjoyed this! Though I always spell Kyo without the 'u', but hey, everyone has different tastes, eh? ^_^ I noticed that you still had a semicolon where you should have had a comma, but other than that, I liked it! No spelling errors that I picked up or anything...yes, I'm a huge spelling and grammar nut. ^_^" Hope that ya update soon! You have me hooked! ^_^ Which is a good thing, 'cause it's been a while since I was hooked on a fanfic. ^_^

Shigure: That's so sweet! Even though you utterly failed to beat the bullshit meter on this fic, she was still very polite and gave you a nice review.

ebony-ivory-me: *seething* Shut... up... now...

Shigure: You're the boss! n.n

ebony-ivory-me: *waves to Kai-sempai cheerfully* Well, Princess, I'm truly am glad to have someone nitpicking at my spelling and grammar. I tend to do it to other people, and they find it very annoying.

Kyou: Everything about you is annoying.

ebony-ivory-me: What's with all you FruBa characters?! Why are you all being so mean to me? TT~TT

Yuki: *points to a holiday-marked spot on a calender* It's "Flame Your Authoress Day".

ebony-ivory-me: Of course it is. -_- Next review: whitetiger97 said "wow ...tis a cool does the cutting come in?"

Kyou: Does everyone enjoy reading about me hurting myself so much?

ebony-ivory-me: They won't admit it, but a lot of people do, actually. Now, as any of my loyal fans know, the cutting came in quite soon. About the middle of the second chapter. I hope all the readers were satisfied.

Kyou: I sure as hell wasn't.

ebony-ivory-me: But you weren't a reader. Next review! CrimsonButterfly94 said "I like it. I want to see what Kyou does personally, so keep writing."

Yuki: Yet another lying, but polite, reviewer.

ebony-ivory-me: Alright. I'm getting really sick of your mouth. Holiday or not, if you haven't anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

Yuki: *rolls eyes*

ebony-ivory-me: *glares* I hope Kyou's actions were interesting enough for you, and the rest of the readers, Crimson. Thank you for reviewing! Next, Ebony Dagger said "I really don't like the sound of Kyo being nervous and blood and all that. Cutting is a bit scary and I'm just praying he doesn't pass out and then Tohru finds him. She'd probably go and collapse or something. Oh well, please update."

Kyou: I like this person.

ebony-ivory-me: Yes, she gave a very well rounded critique. Thank you, Ebony-chan. As for passing out, I'm just curious how relieved you were when Kyou never did. However, I'd like to know what you thought of the ending where Tohru stops him from fighting Yuki, cuddles him, and later when she's keeping watch over Kyou in his room. Drop another review here, please, if you don't mind.

Kyou: And call me. *winks*

Shigure: Kyou-kun is a sex-fiend!

Kyou: Shut up, you! *attacks Shigure*

ebony-ivory-me: Moving on, to "Stronger Blood"'s fifth review. For chapter 2, whitetiger97 said "studying...heh, liar. thanks for making it so soon though!when you said soon, i didnt think you meant literally. cutting...people look upon it so negatively.-sigh- its not that people do it for a well...cant wait for the next chapter!!"

Shigure: *recovers* Yes, I agree. Kyou-kun is a liar; and a very bad one at that.

Kyou: *emitting grumpiness particles into the air*

ebony-ivory-me: Thank you for reviewing multiple times, Tiger! It makes me feel good when my readers/reviewers appreciate my work this much. On to the next review, now. -x-Bashli-x- said "Oh poor Kyou. I hope the others catch on quickly before he can damage himself too badly. I like the extra information that you have included in the authors note at the bottom, it's very interesting! Keep up the good work, and I can't wait for more!"

Shigure: That's what she said.

Kyou: You're the real pervert here.

Shigure: I cannot deny anything I am, and neither can Aya-chan. We both have so much to teach the little kitten!

Kyou: You two don't know anything I want to learn... and stop calling me that, dammit!

ebony-ivory-me: ANYWAYS!! Thank you, Bashli, for your review. I like to see eager readers.

Kyou: And thanks for actually caring; because, apparently, no one else does.

ebony-ivory-me: And with that, I banish thee to the emo corner until further notice. *waves hand dramatically*

Kyou: Bitch. *is flung through the air by an invisible force*

ebony-ivory-me: I am what I am. Next review! Back again for the second chapter, Princess of the Hawks said "Uhm, when you bleed, you make the same blood again, don't you? ~shakes head~ I don't think Kyo did his math on that one. When you bleed, your body makes the same blood. It's impossible to makes stronger blood unless you...tweaked it somehow...hmm...Now you have me thinking, which is a good thing! Been a while since I actually thought about what a character was going to do in a fanfic. ^_^ All in all, this was a good chapter! I noticed a minor spelling error...I think it was "though" and I think it should have been "thought". Other than that, like I said, it was a good chapter! ^_^

Hatsuharu: *with chocolate cupcake crumbs all over his face* She just exposed the complete bullshittiness of this fic.

ebony-ivory-me: And thank you, Hatsuharu, for creating a new word to insult me with. -_-

Hatsuharu: Whatever.

Yuki: She probably didn't have to think about it too hard. That idiot Cat is easy to predict.

Kyou: *from across the room in the emo corner* Damn Rat! I can still hear you! *shakes fist angrily*

ebony-ivory-me: *trying desperately to ignore all of them and get on with the reviews* After that, Kumiko-loves-Furuba said "I like the story so far. You write well. Please continue... I want to know what happens to Kyo next..."

Yuki: Yet another polite liar.

ebony-ivory-me: Yuki!!! That's it! I'm sending you to... him.

Yuki: No, you don't mean...?

ebony-ivory-me: Mm-hmm. *nods head*

Yuki: Oh, God. No, please! Anyone but HIM!

ebony-ivory-me: *in a sing-songy voice* Oh, Aya-chan...!

Yuki: How could you?!

Ayame: Darling little brother! Absolutely nothing could keep me away from you- not even the fact that I didn't even appear in this fanfiction! *glomps Yuki* I've a wonderful day planned out for us- we're going to spend the entire day at my shop! Won't you just love that?

Yuki: I HATE the Snake! Noooo...!! *is dragged away by Ayame*

Hatsuharu: *looks at her strangely*

ebony-ivory-me: What? Who did you think I was threatening him with, Akito? Give me some credit, Haru. I'm not that cruel.

Hatsuharu: I guess it's just you and me, then.

ebony-ivory-me: At least for now, anyways. Now, time to review the the ninth review "Stronger Blood" received. Chaseha-Wing said "oh no... does his plan include a pointy, sharp, and shiny object which can be used to cut vegetables and human flesh? if so then I believe he has finally lost it.

Hatsuharu: Funny.

ebony-ivory-me: Yes, I agree. This person has got to be my favorite reviewer yet. The witty reviews left by Chaseha amused me to no end. Thanks!

Hatsuharu: There's three more of Chaseha-Wing's.

ebony-ivory-me: I'll read 'em, then! Chaseha-Wing said "... I highly doubt that any one will believe his excuse...and Yuki's pretty observant so he'll probably notice the change in Kyou-kun's diet...won't that make things awkward ^^"

Hatsuharu: Why did you make Yuki so stupid in this one? *just barely starting to turn black*

ebony-ivory-me: Yuki wasn't stupid in this one, I was just... lazy. Yeah, let's go with that. Next, Chaseha-Wing said "o noes that's sad... but what Kyou really needs is not being a part of the zodiac, but acknowledgment. I think thats all he truly needs, in my opinion. Especially from Yuki-kun. This is turning out awesome, though I truly hope that Kyou gets some help. He doesn't need any psychological help, he just needs acknowledgment... time to go to the one that understands him the most. *goes searching for Shishou*"

Shishou: And I showed up, alright!

ebony-ivory-me: Oh, hello Kazuma!

Haru: Hey, Shishou.

Shishou: *waves*

ebony-ivory-me: Now let's check the next review. Chaseha-Wing said "awesome job, it was a good ending. I'll keep an eye out for the sequel. Though it looks like temporary insanity is what happened, but he looks fine now... I wonder if the girls will come over to surprise him. it does sound likely, ne ^^. Good work."

Kyou: *from the emo corner* Let me out, already!

ebony-ivory-me: Fine, fine... but then tell us what you think of this review.

Kyou: *free* That's better. Hmm... well, I don't really feel like getting visited by any giggly, goofy, loud, annoying girls. Look at all I went through!

ebony-ivory-me: You're just a grumpy-puss. I'd think it'd be great for you to have "visiting hours". *snickers*

Kyou: -_- Why you... Just read the next review!

ebony-ivory-me: Gladly. Now, Princess of the Hawks came back to say "Sorry I didn't review the last chapter. ^^; I was kinda busy doing some stuff and then some things happened...yeah. Though I am here now, reviewing the last chapter! Well, your anonymous reviews are disabled. You'd probably get more reviews if you enabled them. ^^; I only know that because I wasn't signed in (I'm using my mom's computer, which has slow, slow internet) and it said you had anon reviews disabled. ^^; Anyway, woot YukixKyo hints! He he he. Now I shall reply to your PM! Or try to! ^_^

Shishou: It's a good thing you've fixed that disabled anonymous problem since then.

Kyou: Shishou, you're here! *barely manages to restrain himself from hugging Kazuma*

Shishou: *smiles at Kyou* What's this "yukiXkyou" business I've been hearing about, eh? *raises one eyebrow, amused*

Kyou: Sh-shishou! That's... I can explain! It's not my fault! *incredibly embarrassed*

Shishou: *laughs*

Kyou: Shishou! Don't laugh at me!

Shishou: *chuckle* I'm sorry, Kyou. *smiles and ruffles his hair*

Hatsuharu: Next review.

ebony-ivory-me: I couldn't have said better myself, Haru! This one is special because it's the most recent review I've received to date! So, without ado, I'd like to thank Loopy Lini Cakes for saying "Ah! It's absolutely wonderful! I loved it! You said you were going to make a sequel, right? I can't wait! See you at school!

Shigure: She sounds like quite a nice young lady. Say, ebony-chan, mind if I come to school with you one day? As a guest speaker about my profession?

ebony-ivory-me: Hm, well, since I don't know of anyone that wants to be a porn author or get molested... no.

Shigure: But-

ebony-ivory-me: I said "no," !

Shigure: Aww...

ebony-ivory-me: Well, that's it for now! Like I said before, stay tuned for the sequel! Which I should start posting soon.

Hatsuharu: Which is code for "in a decade or two".

ebony-ivory-me: *glares but doesn't reply because it might be true*





