Crouching Tiger
Summary-[Set in G-Rev] She was banished at the age of seven and vowed never to return. Eight years later she finds herself returning to the home she once turned her back on. She has a mission to carry out and won't let anyone get in her way if she can help it. But life has a funny way of getting involved and steering even the strongest and focused of sorts off track. OC
Rating: T for few scenes of violence and swear words
Chapter One
"Dammit! That is so fucking stupid!" I cursed as I ripped the piece of paper that was in my hands to shreds. It was about the next Beyblade Tournament. I had been planning on entering by myself but that dream was squashed. There were two things stopping me: 1) The only way I could enter was if I was with a team and 2) the team had to be the team of the district I grew up in.
And I would rather die than to blade with them again. "What'm I going to do now?"
"I suggest pay for that blade part unless you just want to leave now," the person behind the counter said in an exasperated voice. I huffed as I placed my money on the counter and took the blade part from him. Checking it over once more I quickly left the store, taking extra care to step on the scraps that littered the floor.
"This can't be happening! I don't want to go back to that silly team!" I muttered, kicking a rock down the street. I pulled my beyblade out of my pocket and stared at it. The sun made the metallic blue blade sparkle. I smiled as I felt a familiar tingling feeling spread through my finger tips. I've had my beyblade forever and my Bitbeast, Dricen, has been with me for as long as I could remember. We've been through a lot and I would never give him up for anything. "But I want to blade. What do you think I should do, Drice'?"
I closed my eyes and squeezed the blade. A chill swept through me and I let out a small sigh at his answer. I opened my eyes again, put him in my pocket, and continued down the street. Once I made it to my hotel room I managed to get a concierge to help me book a flight to leave the next morning.
"I just know that I'm going to regret this," I muttered as I climbed into bed and turned off of the light. The shrill alarm clock woke me up the next morning. My heart beat hard against my chest and i had to take a few breaths to calm myself down at the sudden noise. I slammed my fist on it and started to get ready to leave. Once I checked out of the hotel I took a taxi to the airport. The whole ride there I sat in the backseat gently running my thumb over the chip where my bitbeast resided, practicing meditation techniques that I learned when I was young. They were good for my flying anxiety, despite how many times I've flown in my life. As I always say if we were meant to fly we'd have wings. After I paid the taxi driver I entered the airport and got my ticket. Sitting for a while near the gate I watched a Beyblade News Report on TV. Although it wasn't really interesting I kept my attention on it as Mr. Dickenson was being interviewed about the new tournament that was being held.
Finally, I heard my flight being called and I gave my ticket to the lady at the door and walked along the long tunnel to the plane. After I found my seat I sat down and looked around at the other occupants: men in business suits, mothers with children, even a group of people in some school uniform. One of the little kids in the uniform looked in my direction and smiled. I gave a little smile in return.
"This is exciting!" He gushed. "My first time on an airplane! I'm a little nervous though. But I have my class with me!"
"That's nice, kid," I replied.
"Is this your first time flying?"
"No." I got comfortable in my seat and buckled myself in. "I'm no stranger to planes."
A few more people came aboard as we sat there, waiting. The kid across the aisle from me began to bounce in his seat from anticipation as he talked excitedly to the others. I kept my hands on my lap and slumped a little more in my seat, trying to get comfortable while thinking about how long the flight was. It made me wish I had brought something to entertain myself with. A man dressed in a business suit appeared by my side and he cleared his throat.
"Sorry," I mumbled and unbuckled myself, letting my feet up so he could pass me. He lifted his briefcase and set it inside the overhead compartment. He placed his hand on his stomach to smooth his tie and shuffled past me to sit in his seat. I buckled myself once more and got comfortable again, stretching my legs out as far as possible.
"Kids," the man next to me mumbled under his breath in a different language. My lips curled up in the corners. It wasn't one I heard in a while but I could speak it and understand it perfectly.
"Adults," I mocked him, switching to that language as well.
His eyes widened and his cheeks turned red before he dug his face into his magazine. My chuckles were drowned out by the sound of the airplane's engines starting up. Leaning forward, I looked out the window and noticed that we had pulled away from the gate.
Well. No turning back now.
The next thing I knew I was being woken up by the jolting of the plane's wheels hitting the ground.. Instantly I grabbed onto my beyblade to check if it was still there and let out a small sigh of relief. The shiny surface seemed to wink back at me as I turned Dricen and it caught the sunlight. Briefly pressing my thumb against the bitchip i replaced the blade into my pocket. I gathered my belongings and waited for the seat belt sign to turn off and for the plane to stop moving. Sighing I drummed my fingers against the armrest as the congested aisles slowly dwindled, the other passengers shuffling forward to get off the plane themselves. After a few more moments I jumped out of my seat and began climbing over the others in front of me, thanking anyone up there that could hear me for granting me with a small frame. Squeezing past the others jammed at the entry way I managed to get out and find my back in a few short minutes.
The bright sun made me close my eyes for a few moments as soon as I stepped out of the airport. I brought my hands up to shield my eyes to blink them open enough. Once I regained my eyesight I walked briskly away from the crowds. The noise was starting to hurt my ears. After a few moments I slowed down to a walk as I let the cool breeze blow around my jet black hair. A smile came onto my face as feelings of familiarity hit me like a rushing river. The neon lights, the frantic pace, the sound of beyblades in mid-fight...
"C'mon! I want to beybattle now!"
"Will you blade against me?"
"Your promised me a beybattle!"
I shook the voices of my past out of my head and continued walking down the dirt path. For a while the only sound that reached my ears was the soft babbling of the river moving past rocks and my shoes scuffing against the ground. Thankfully I made it to the dock right before the only boat left. I told the man directions to where I wanted to go and sat back, lazily looking into the crystal blue water. The bright water that seemed to match my eyes. I wouldn't put it past my parents to have named me after it. I took off my black fingerless glove from my right hand and let it drag in the water. Chuckling I watching as the fish darting away from my hand. I pulled my hand back and closed my eyes, enjoying the sun on my face. This is the only time you'll get peace so you might as well enjoy it.
Not enough time had gone by after that thought moved through my mind when the boat driver said "Excuse me, miss" as he tapped my foot, causing me to wake up. "We're here."
"Thanks," I grumbled, stretching and yawning. I got out of the boat and stretched again, looking around before I started down the familiar. Man, how long has it been since I walked on this very dirt? Not long enough if I were to have my way. Soon I was engulfed in the woods, but I wasn't afraid of getting lost. I, unfortunately, knew where I was going.
I stopped and looked around with narrowed eyes. It was way too quiet; even these woods were constantly filled with noise. But nothing was moving. And then the distinct sound of gears spinning reached my ears. I jumped back as something landed where my feet was a couple of seconds ago. A black beyblade was spinning on the ground. I smirked as I quickly attached my blade to my launcher and shouted, "Let it rip!" Dricen immediately went on the attack; I had faith in him so I didn't have to watch the battle. I slowly scanned the trees around me for the person who attacked. "COWARD!" I shouted. "SHOW YOURSELF!"
"Didn't expect to see you back, Traitor," a growl responded as a boy walked forward. I clenched my teeth and fists once I recognized him. The cat-like eyes, the snarl, the lion-like nose... Those features were hard to forget.
"Lee!" I hissed as he smirked at me. "Where do you get off by launching your beyblade at me?"
"You aren't allowed here!" Lee Wong growled, ignoring my question. "You've been banned! Get out of here!"
"You won't even let me explain? Same ol' Lee; doesn't listen to what anyone says," I responded with a mocking sigh, looking down at the battling beyblades. My eyes widened as a red, a purple, and a pink beyblade joined the black one and they started pushing Dricen back. "Four against one, eh? Still can't battle without the help of your friends?"
I could see that he was getting frustrated. I remember now he gets frustrated too easily. Once that sentence left my mouth the owners of the other beyblades came out: Mariah Wong, Gary Tan, and Kevin Cheng.
"You!" Mariah hissed as she pointed a finger in my direction. I shrugged my shoulders at her. "You shouldn't be here! You've been banned!"
"Get out of here now!" Kevin added as he glared at me. Now that one hurt. But that's alright. If that was the game they wanted to play, two could play it.
"Why don't you try and make me?" I demanded, crossing my arms.
"With pleasure!" Mariah responded. "Galux, Cat Bites attack!"
"Galeon, Spiral Lightning!"
"Galmon, Illusion Confusion!"
"Galzzy, use Bear Stomp!"
"Ooh, I'm so scared!" I muttered as I rolled my eyes. "Let's go Dricen, Mecca Claw Attack!"
I watched as the blades spun closer together, waiting for Dricen to defeat them all. A gasp tore from my throat when a storm gray beyblade knocked all of ours out at once. Frustrated, I growled as I held out my hand so Dricen could smack into my palm. That blade only belonged to one person. I should have known it wouldn't take too long before he came into the picture as well.
"Ray," Mariah said softly as he walked out of the bushes. He took one look around before he rested his fierce golden eyes on me. It made my heart skip a beat. I swallowed but held his gaze as he walked over to me. Hopefully he didn't notice my shaking hands. Damn him.
"What're you doing back here?" He asked. His voice was calm but there was a certain sound of anger behind it. "You've been banned."
Again with the banning! Sheesh, is that the only word they know? "Even you had to have heard about the new tournament all the way out here," I responded in a steady tone. "The rules are you have to fight with the team from your district. If that weren't the case I would've entered by myself. But, I want to be in the tournament, so I had to come back here."
Ray stayed quiet as he studied me, probably trying to see if I was telling the truth. It was a strange circumstance, I'll admit. I wasn't around to even train with this team and suddenly I wanted to be on it? Frankly, I wouldn't believe myself either.
And then Mariah was the one to break the silence Mariah, "Ray, you know that she's not allowed here anymore. We have to kick her out. That's what the Elder said."
"No Mariah," he said in a firm tone as he looked back at her. "She's telling the truth. She wouldn't have come here for any other reason." He turned back to me and added, "We'll see what the Elder has to say about this." He looked at me and lifted his chin. "Come."
I nodded slightly as I picked up my dropped backpack and followed him. I could hear Mariah arguing with Lee and Kevin. The smirk just wouldn't stay off of my face as I heard Mariah whine about something. I followed him into the White Tiger Village and suddenly felt as if every eye in the world was trained on me. Keeping my head down I stared hard at the ground and tried to focus on my footsteps but that was hard when my ears could pick up every harsh whisper tossed around.
"What's she doing back?"
"Why's she here?"
"We are not safe!"
"We can not trust her."
My fingers began to hurt from how much I clenched and unclenched them. I just wanted to shout 'I never did anything! Stop blaming me!' but there was no point. I knew them. Once they had a thought in their heads, or a belief, it stuck. No matter what. Sighing, I followed Ray into a hut where an old man was sitting with his back to us, candles were on either side of him and he had the air of someone meditating.
"Elder, I have come with someone who has returned because of a tournament. It is the same tournament that I have returned for," Ray said as he stood behind the Elder.
The Elder slowly stood and turned around to face me. Ray bowed and shot me a look out of the corner of his eye. I hesitated but quickly bowed my greeting.
"Ray," The Elder said in a soft voice. "The only way she can battle is if she is on a team that's from her district." The Elder turned and looked at me. I remained silent as he said in the same soft voice, "Crystal…you have been banished from these lands, yet you come back for the tournament."
"Yes Elder," I responded with a nod. "I didn't want to come back, you see, but I love 'blading too much to stop battling just because I have to fight with my district team. I know I have been banished, but I have to battle or all of my training and hard work would have gone to waste."
"I see," the Elder said as he slowly rubbed his chin. It took a while for him to answer. I even thought that he had fallen asleep until he spoke again. "What would you do to be able to battle on the team?"
"Anything," I responded.
"Elder?" Ray questioned, I could hear confusion in his voice.
He storked his beard and nodded his head. "I will give you once chance," he finally replied. I blinked at him. Did I hear him correctly? "You are allowed to stay here but only if you do your share of the work. That means getting fire wood, cooking, sewing and any other work that you will be asked to do. If you step out of line once then you will be banned once more. No exceptions"
"That's fair," I said with a nod.
"Ray?" The Elder asked as he looked over at him.
"Sir?" Ray questioned.
"She is now a part of the White Tiger X team," The Elder told him. "As Captain, you're in charge of her. If she does anything to bring shame on this village"—I made a scoffed and rolled my eyes—"or she breaks any rule you come and tell me right away."
"Yes sir," Ray responded. I shot him a glare but, if he caught it, he didn't do anything to acknowledge it.
"Crystal, step forward please," The Elder said as he turned to me again. I could feel the muscles in my face contort my looks to reflect the confusion in my mind. I did as he said and stepped forward. "Please show your beyblade." I clutched Dricen hard in my fist as I slowly brought him out and held him in my palm. "Raymond, step forward and take out your beyblade please." Ray also did as he was told and held out his beyblade. The bit chip on my blade glowed light blue while Ray's glowed green. The light disappeared a second later as a shadow of a smile came to the Elder's face. "That is all. You two may leave now."
"Yes sir," Ray and I responded in unison as we bowed and left the hut. I had taken only a few steps when I felt a hand wrap around my upper arm. With a small yank I was tugged back. Whirling around and glaring at Ray I snatched my arm back. I could still feel his fingers digging into my skin.
"Listen, just because the Elder has given you a form of trust doesn't mean that I trust you," Ray said fiercely as he gave me an intimidating look. "You have to earn my trust. And the others. You may be on the team...but that doesn't mean you're one of us again."
"I wouldn't have it any other way, Kon," I responded as I met his gaze with an intimidating look of my own.